Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Red Flame Sirius

“Slap ~!”

Tianma was so angry that the horn on top of his head snorted, and a few seconds later a lightning strike like a snake!

I was stunned and couldn’t resist, so I had to suffer!

Suddenly, the whole body is chaotic! A burst of numbness all over the body!

“Roar ~!”

When the master was attacked, Wolf 001 suddenly had his hair upright, and with a roar, he sprayed the flame and rushed up. The sharp claws of fire slammed on Tianma ’s head, and Tianma was suddenly smothered. Suddenly, almost standing unsteady.

The current on my body disappeared immediately. Looking at the blood bar, I was shocked. I was killed by just one electric shock, and more than a third of my blood was replaced by ordinary players. I am afraid that even A knight who is full of blood will also be instantly killed!

“Slap ~!”

A lightning attack raged out again. The target of this attack was Little Wolf 001. It could not avoid the other party ’s attack. The flaming body immediately wrapped a layer of blue light, and suddenly lost its shape, fierce. Fell to the ground, but 001 still stood up stubbornly, although the front paws were almost burnt out by electricity!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I once again used the beast tamer skills!

Unsurprisingly, the beast tamer skills failed again!

This time, Tianma became even more angry. As a beast, the majesty was provoked. He immediately raised his head and hissed to Tian, ​​and then rushed up like a wind!

“Boom ~!”

Little Wolf 001 collided with Tianma to produce a dull sound. Little Wolf ’s body was not as big as anybody, so he was hit and flew out, rolling continuously in the grass for a long time before stopping.


I called, and the little wolf groaned and stood up from the grass, very embarrassed!

Seeing that the little wolf has lost its ability to fight again in a short period of time, I ca n’t control much anymore. I just drew my sword and rushed up. Even if I ca n’t catch Tianma as a mount, I must kill it at least! Spirit beasts of this level are extremely rare and will never be left to the Vietnamese, which is not my usual style.

“Oh ~!”

The flying feather sword swept out and cut directly on Tianma ’s neck. Tianma was obviously careless. The figure cut by my sword was out of balance and fell down on the tree next to it. I chased it up and then In the last sword, the light of the combo flashed indirectly on Tianma’s neck, and Tianma suffered a certain amount of trauma. Its original clear eyes also became more and more violent!

“Slap ~!”

When I raised my sword again, I was greeted by Tianma ’s merciless electric shock. This kind of lightning magic defense can spread in general. Those electric currents spread along the ground of my armor to the ground and into the lake. There were also a lot of splashes in the crackling, and the big head fish jumped out of the water, and then lay straight on the water.

This time Thunderbolt Magic hit my blood below half again. I panicked and immediately rushed up to freeze! Tianma also seems to feel the power of this trick, and he hastily retreated, but it is too late, and the skill effect of the frozen cut quickly starts to condense on Tianma.

“Boom ~!”

What surprised me was that Tianma launched another attack on me immediately before being frozen, and instead trampled on the front hoof. The shiny hoof slammed on my chest and I was kicked. Go out, a dull pain in the chest!

At this time, Little Wolf 001 has already rushed out, and continues to be majestic, the forefoot with fire slammed on Tianma’s body, and then the sharp teeth broke into the ice and bit directly on Tianma’s neck!

In a flash, I was stunned, and the wolf’s body began to change! It can be seen that the energy of Tianma is constantly moving along 001’s teeth towards it, 001’s body starts to swell, and the hair is all upright!

Tianma wailed, blood was being quickly sucked away by a wolf!

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: Your pet wolf 001 bloodthirsty skills are fully enabled!

“Ding ~!”

System Tip: Your pet wolf 001 has drawn the blood of Tianma, and its grade has been improved!

“Ding ~!”

System Tip: Your pet wolf 001 has officially evolved into a low-level beast: Red Flame Sirius!


I was so shocked that the little wolf actually evolved into a beast!

At this point, the little wolf has sucked up the blood of the other party, belched, and then turned to invite me for help!

I was so surprised that the wolf ’s body was not much worse than that of Tianma, but at this time, a lot of changes had taken place, his eyes were sharp, his fur was smooth, and there was more of a king ’s momentum!

I immediately smiled: “Hah, 001 you are so strong Wang Ba Qi!”

Suddenly, 001 ran to me with a wagging tail, and became like a dog again.

I glanced and found that Tianma, who was sucking a lot of blood, was dying and lying on the ground motionless.

The opportunity is coming!

I immediately repeated the beast training skills on it, and the 40 times I had planned were not enough at all. Until ten minutes later, when I performed about two hundred of these beast training skills, I finally got the system Alert ringtone ——

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: Beast training succeeded! Target Tianma has become your contract mount beast!


In an instant, there is a mount icon in my pet bar, which is a beautiful Tianma avatar!

I am so happy that I immediately opened the icon and read the attributes of Tianma ——

【Tianma】 (Shen beast)

[Riding Attributes] (for knight class, requires player level 120, professional riding skill 120, taming chance 0.1%)

Moving speed: +250%

Attack speed: +50%

Spin power: 10% reduction

Upper limit of qi and blood: +100%

Strength: +500

Defense: +2500

Additional: After canceling the mount mode, the effect disappears, and the mount has a cooling time of 120 seconds

Addition: Tianma is one of the only remaining spirit beasts on the mainland. It can assist the master to fight under the mount state and can attack the designated target by itself


“! Lao Tzu finally has a mount!”

Excited cheers came from the quiet forest.

So, I ordered the skill to mount the horse, but Tianma did n’t move. When I saw it, the system prompted: Your mount has lost too much blood and is temporarily unable to ride. Please help him replenish his blood as soon as possible!

It turned out that it was anemia! My level has gained the experience of Tianma because of the taming success, and I have upgraded to 120. There is no problem with the level.

I looked at the creator of the next generation, Little Wolf 001, and it looked at me with a wagging tail, like a dog minion.

Now the wolf is already a low-level beast Red Flame Sirius, a pretty NB exists, Sirius! That’s because of the blessings of Tianma, otherwise, the wolf does not know when it can evolve into a Sirius. I have only heard of pets have a certain chance of comprehending new skills when they are upgraded, but the chance is very very low. It is said that it is roughly equal to the chance of winning ten thousand lottery tickets. At the moment of the pet’s upgrade, there is also a certain chance that the grade will be improved, but this chance is even lower. I heard that only one player in Hubei has so far upgraded the pet grade because of the upgrade of the level, but it is a pity Yes, his pet is just a green-grade dirt dog.

I do n’t know what the attributes of the little wolf look like now. I then open the property bar of the little wolf ——

【Little Wolf 001】 (Red Flame Sirius-Elementary Divine Beast)

Level: 112

Attack: 5500-7500

Defense: 4500

Qi and blood: 150000

Qi blood recovery speed: +500%

Attack speed: +250%

Moving speed: +450

Passive skills: [Tear Attack], [Crack Attack], [Stomp], [Fatal Strike]

Active skills: none


It ’s quite powerful. Now the Wolf 001 has the same attack power as me, and it also has many passive skills. Each skill is a dream skill of a melee unit. With these four skills, there is no doubt , Little Wolf 001 has become a super killer of Master and Priest. If we take the current attributes of Little Wolf 001 in the game where the winner is king, I am afraid we only need to stand by and watch the performance of 001.

I squatted down, looked at Tianma ’s wound, and was studying abroad at the park. Several tooth marks of 001 were still on it. Tianma is already my pet at this time, and his big eyes show a grievance expression.

I thought about it. I took out a 2400 blood bottle from the package and put it on Tianma ’s wound. Surprisingly, those drugs were quickly absorbed by Tianma ’s wound, but Tianma ’s wound did not improve significantly. , So I continued to pour the blood bottle up.

Poured seven or eight bottles in a row, and finally saw Tianma’s blood bar rise a little!

I started to think about it. If I fill up all its blood and qi, I really do n’t know if the blood medicine in my package is enough, but it is not good if it is not replenished. The blood fills up, otherwise, who knows what the consequences will be, to weigh, a package of potion tops tens of thousands of dollars, compared with the value of Tianma, it is a world of difference!

Tianma ’s riding attributes are so sturdy, increasing movement speed by 250% and attack speed by 50%. The most important thing is that it also added 500 strength and 2500 defense. The defense value is almost ten thousand, this is a beautiful legend!

So, I gave Tianma a potion, one bottle after another.

In a blink of an eye, half a day has passed. I looked at the actual time is noon, almost all the potion in the package was used up. At this time, Tianma’s blood strips were finally filled by me.

Finally, a “ding ~” sound —

System prompt: Your horse pet Tianma is back to normal!


Tianma jumped up and snorted happily, and then arched my shoulder with his head.

I ca n’t help but chuckle and say, “It ’s great, I have to give you a new name! If you are so white, call it Xiaobai!”

As a result, when I was writing my pet ’s name, I was prompted that the name was already used by someone. There was no way. I had to follow the trend and changed it to Xiaobai 001, and Xiaolang 001 could be regarded as a pair of brothers!

Put the Tianma into the pet space, and then I previewed it. The Feiyu sword flew up and down to draw out a brand new summoning magic circle. When the magic circle burst on the ground, a high light, Tianma turned out , Extremely powerful!

I jumped onto the horseback, Tianma snorted, demonstratively sizzled all the small animals around, and at the same time, the light of the knight glowed under the feet of Tianma!

I said to Tianma: “Xiaobai, move forward, forward! Little wolf, keep up!”

Tianma raised his front hooves happily, and suddenly leaped like a wind! This 350% speed is really not covered! I only feel that the whole person jumped out with the horseback, and Tianma is also worthy of the name. Although it still has to touch the ground, the landing point is very small. Every time it is like flying in the air, the speed is extremely fast!

Behind, Little Wolf 001 shoots out like a fireball. It has no burden and moves faster than Tianma!

So, in the ancient forest, a player and two mythical beasts are majestic!

The small animals in the forest have been subjected to the majestic Oppression of this mythical beast. One by one, if the cicadas dare not speak loudly, even a few forest tigers are afraid to shrink and walk.

For a time, I was so contented that I could n’t help taking a few screenshots of the game.

Looking west, I said to Tianma: “Xiao Bai, go right! Go in the direction of Sister Shan!”

In fact, I do n’t know where Murong Shanshan is. When Tianma took a few steps, I also felt hungry, so I went offline and checked the Murong Shanshan location on the forum. Let her go.

After taking off the helmet, when she took off her helmet, she found that the room was filled with fragrance. She turned her face and saw that Xin Yu was putting a plate of dishes on the table. When she saw me offline, she said with a smile: “I just checked your coordinates and found that it was still in Vietnam. It was relatively early to go online in the morning. How did you find Shanshan’s track?”

I shook my head, Murong Shanshan was in a haunt, how could I find it so easily.

At this time, Lu Xuehan also came in from the outside, and I laughed and said, “Wait a minute, show you what I have gained in the morning!”

“Well, what’s the harvest?” Lu Xuehan looked surprised.

I smiled, turned on the monitor, and found the screenshots of the game I took before going offline from the database. I saw a jungle, I was riding a magnificent Pegasus, and Wolf 001 also evolved For Sirius, head and shoulders running around like a guard around Tianma.

“Wow! Lin Fan, you finally got the mount?” Xin Yu said in surprise.

I nodded: “Well, I got lost on the way to find Shanshan. I didn’t find Shanshan, but I found this place, and I met this Tianma. It’s a god-level spirit beast. Also, in battle. , Little Wolf 001 has also been upgraded, and has been upgraded twice in rank, and now it is also a beginner god! “

Xin Yu said: “No wonder the look of the little wolf is different! Lin Fan, how does it feel to ride on the horse?”

“It’s very windy!” I said.

Xin Yu looked envious, and I said, “When I return to Silvermoon City, take you out for a ride. With the three of us, we should be able to ride together ~”

“Um, eat first, or wait until you come back from Vietnam!”

I looked at Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu, and suddenly said: “Sister Lin is gone, only a few of us are left. In the future, we must live a good life … I plan to live for a while, even if Shanshan didn’t find it, I ’m going to Australia again to get Sister Lin back! “

Xin Yu nodded and said with a smile: “Well, if you go in person, I believe Sister Lin will come back. She, she just feels sorry for me and Xue Han, so she will leave. What is the matter, everyone is together For so long, she likes you, do you really think I can’t see it? I just don’t say it. “

I could n’t help laughing: “Really? You do n’t just say it? It seems that every time when Sister Lin tells me a little whisper, you ca n’t wait to throw her downstairs!”

Xin Yu quibble: “That’s different, I’m afraid she made mistakes ~”

“But it’s a pity that the mistake was still made.” Xin Yu said painfully.

Lu Xuehan smiled lightly: “It’s a beautiful mistake ~”

Xin Yu immediately looked at me: “Maybe Lin Fan said it was a beautiful mistake! Well, that night, Xue Han and Sister Lin were both superb beauties, Lin Fan, what do you think? “

I shook my head and stared at her and said, “Nonsense, after drinking your medicine that day, I didn’t know anything. How did I remember what happened at night, only knowing that I slept with Xue Han and Sister Lin in the morning Alright! “

Xin Yu smiled badly and said, “So, haven’t you been addicted yet, do you want it, tonight, Xue Han and I will accompany you and repeat it again?”

Xin Yu was dressed thinly, and on one side of her body, I saw a piece of white skin and the tempting choppy waves. On the side, Lu Xuehan immediately blushed and whispered: “Xin Yu, you one Come with Lin Fan, I will not be with you … “

Xin Yu smiled slightly: “Hum, I ’m not that stupid. You look at Lin Fan, he did n’t find Shan Shan back, he felt guilty in his heart, and you thought he would be with other women. Go to bed? “

I hurriedly shook my head: “What does Xin Yu say, you are different from others.”

Although I said that in my mouth, in fact, I already recognized Xin Yu ’s words. I always feel that Murong Shanshan is in the distance, but I am here to accompany the other two MMs to kiss me and me. This is always not very good. Forbear, come back to Murong Shanshan, if you are together, you will not be so guilty.


After eating, I went to the forum.

There is a mirror station of Chinese characters next to the forum in Vietnam. I clicked in and searched for the trace of Murong Shanshan.

Suddenly found that their screenshots in the game have already been uploaded by them, and Vietnamese players have also discovered my true identity. Looking at the first place in the ranking list against Chinese characters, they suddenly found this player ’s If the name is displayed in traditional Chinese, it is the first translation!

So the players in Vietnam understood that not only did Murong Shanshan come, but even Lin Fan, who was also known as the myth of Yueheng with Murong Shanshan, appeared and slaughtered several towns overnight!

Looked for a long time ~ ~ found that the players in Vietnam, like me, could not grasp the direction of Murong Shanshan. From early morning to noon, Murong Shanshan did not appear, nor did I know whether to go off the line to rest.

I checked it, but I still could n’t find it. I just turned off the webpage and suddenly found a person with a forum ID called “Little Murong”. She posted a threat on the subject and wanted to wash the Vietnamese master at 1 pm The city departs from the city!


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