Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing

I looked at the phone and it was a call from Xinyu, so I answered and heard Xinyu’s voice over there. She said, “Lin Fan, today the technical department wants to count the auction next week. Items, the dozen or so obsidian suits we hit, whether or not to participate in the company ’s auction, they will be represented by them and charge 15% of the profits. “

I thought about it and said, “Then join us! Join the statistics, and there are two pieces of orange equipment, which are counted together. Anyway, it is to generate revenue for the company. When I go online tomorrow, I will submit it to the guild management. “

“Well, okay ~ By the way, how are you in Shanghai, what are you doing now?”

I glanced at the Murong Shanshan next to me and found that she was looking at me innocently, so she said: “I am ready to eat, I will definitely go back tonight, but you do n’t have to wait for me, if you did n’t sleep when I went back, Let ’s have a midnight snack ~ “

Xin Yu readily agreed: “Okay!”

Then hung up, then Coco looked at me and Murong Shanshan, and said nothing.

After seeing the cold scene, Piaoyao smiled and said, “I just called Lin Fan, should it be a beauty? Haha, I didn’t expect you to have this hand, Murong Shanshan beauty knows, won’t you be angry?”

Damn, this **** is clearly provoking, and Murong Shanshan did n’t speak, staring blankly at the chopsticks on the table, as if thinking of something.

Ali also saw the inadequacies and said to Piaoyao: “What do you do with other people’s affairs? Let’s talk about something else!”

Piaoyao laughed, and then talked about the things in his company, what a big list borrowed nearly a million things, and said that the architecture he made was exquisite, and there was no BUG or so after repeated testing. He boasted himself as a first-class programmer.

Coco suddenly said: “Wow, Brother Piaoyao is so powerful. It stands to reason that you, who are famous, should have been invited by Microsoft?”

Gone away for a while, suffocating and not speaking.

I shook the small hand of Murong Shanshan under the table and asked, “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” Murong Shanshan shook her head. Obviously, she must have heard what she said just now, but she didn’t express her opinion.

Seeing me hesitating, Murong Shanshan smiled slightly and said, “Do n’t think too much about it. I do n’t know how many times I think about it. How can I change my original intention in one or two sentences from others? I But it ’s not those girls who can conquer thoughtfulness with three or two sweet words ~ “

I chuckled, Murong Shanshan‘s hands were a little cool, which reminded me of the ID “small hands are cold”. Generally speaking, the people who use this ID are male masters!

At this time, Ali said to Piaoyao: “Brother, how many levels have you risen today? Please catch up with me, I do n’t want to upgrade myself to wait for you ~”

Piaoyao said flatteringly: “Li’er, I’m already at level 74, and I will be able to catch up with you soon. Don’t worry, I have asked a 93-level friend to help upgrade, he is so fierce, follow him Mixed experience must be fast! “

The conversation between them reminds me of the lustful Korean sticks. If you replace that brother with a nest, it will be more vivid.

Murong Shanshan also asked me: “Lin Fan, do you know? Recently, there are many top players in China. I think that in the competition where the winner is king, they will be our most direct opponents, so the best During this time I got some information about them, I do n’t want to be blocked in the country ~ ”

I nodded and said: “Okay, I will start to investigate this matter when I go back. It happens that the guys who have just come under our technical department like to hang out on the game forum. This kind of thing is most appropriate for them. ! “

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly and said, “Well, that’s it. Now, I know that there are two top-level masters, one of which is called” Tang Song Yuan Ming Qing “, is an elf thief, it is said that the god-level dagger demon The blow is in his hands, um, this person is in the city of life, in a guild as a squad leader, that guild also wants to participate in the winner as the king, it is estimated that there is no chance to pull him into the group. Another person , Is an orc warrior in Shuijian City, has a low-level artifact-level axe, and his body is equipped with orange or more. It is the best player that the hot pot guy devotes to build. If you encounter their combination, you must be more careful! “

I was slightly surprised, saying: “Shan Shan your information is very well in place!”

Murong Shanshan said with a chuckle: “That’s natural. There are organizations in our guild that gather intelligence. They are generally young and frivolous. However, these days the winner is the king’s game, so I will manage this myself. The intelligence gathering department. “

At this time, Piaoyao suddenly inserted a sentence: “Do the people you are talking about have god-level equipment? I rely on it. This equipment is far away. The best equipment I have now is only purple armor. That’s it! “

I raised my eyebrows: “It doesn’t matter, wait for your level to be high, just buy orange or spirit level equipment, anyway, you have money ~”

Piaoyao was surprised: “Do n’t be kidding, a high-level weapon equipment has a price of at least one million. I ca n’t spend two or three years to buy a piece of equipment?”

I chuckled, if I let him know that I have a few pieces of magical equipment waiting to be sold, I do n’t know what he would think. Probably, the attitude of Yizhiqi will greatly converge!

But I did n’t say that it ’s better to be outside, it ’s better to be low-key, like the kind of clamoring everywhere, “Do you know who my godfather is? Do you know who my uncle is?” Such people mostly want to Was photographed.

Murong Shanshan also said: “Anyway, there are more high-level players now. In these two days, there will be a large number of senior players accepting the four-turn mission. There is no doubt that they will all be our strong opponents. A famous combination, such as the super combination of the Paradise Lost family, the combination of the power hot pot, and the teams there in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, Uncle Blood Red will naturally not be willing to fall behind, and there are more hidden masters, they are all unknown factors. . “

I took a sip of tea and could n’t help saying: “So, it ’s better for us to be together, so that we can secure the right to appear!”

“Well, I think so too!” Murong Shanshan nodded with a smile.

I chatted intimately with Murong Shanshan, but Yaoya looked a little uncomfortable. He could not help frowning and said to the waiter next to the door: “Miss, why have n’t our dishes come yet? What are you doing?”

When the waiter saw someone scream, he immediately said, “I will be here soon, please wait!”

At this time, a waiter passed the dish in front of the door and entered the next room. Piaoya immediately said unpleasantly: “The people over there are later than us. Why should they serve the food first, what do you mean?”

Speaking, Piaoyao stood up and walked to the door, with a vicious look, except that his long and gentle manner could not scare others.

I and Murong Shanshan smiled at each other and were waiting for a good show.

“Slap ~!”

Our door was kicked open, and a ramming sound came out: “Damn, who’s squirming here? Lao Tzu ordered green onion and tofu, how could it offend you if you burn it fast!”

I did n’t look back. From the reflection of the window, I could see three big men standing in front of the door of our private room. The original flying and sloppy flutter was immediately stunned, but how could he be seedless in front of Ali? He grinned: “What’s the matter? What’s the matter with two words, what’s the problem with you?”

“Damn it, I don’t know what it is!”

Only hearing a soft sound, Piaoyao took a punch in his chest. He stumbled backwards, and Murong Shanshan hid behind me with a scream of unscrupulous exclamation.

I got up busy, catching Piaoyao in one hand, and hurried forward in the other hand. I only felt a tingling sensation. My arm collided with the other ’s fist fiercely. I still suffered some losses. My body shook backwards. Murong Shanshan immediately reached out to help Siege.

The attacker was equally uncomfortable. He rubbed his fists and said, “Eh ~” he said, “Fuck, this kid’s fist is very hard! Damn, dare to come forward and beat you together!”

After he finished his fist, he rushed up again. How could I wait for someone else to attack silly after eating a loss, so Fei ’s right fist strikes strongly, and at the same time his left arm moves away from the opponent. Fist!

“Boom ~!”

A punch hit the opponent’s chest with a punch, he snorted and hit the wall with surprise.

“The second child, stop! I think, today we met acquaintances!”

Someone shouted at the back, then walked in and separated the crowd, with a scar on his face and a mustache.

I ca n’t help but be surprised: “Ah ?! Really?”

“Haha, really Lin Fan! Brother Lin Fan!”

Mustache patted my shoulder and laughed: “Why are you here, haven’t you always been in Suzhou? How do you think of running to Shanghai? By the way, I didn’t expect to meet you here today. Yes, let’s go to the best internet cafe downstairs, how about it? “

“Whatever you want!” I laughed.

Murong Shanshan pulled my arm and asked, “Lin Fan, who is this?”

I have n’t had time to speak, but I watched Murong Shanshan froze and froze for a long time before sighing: “God, is this Murong Shanshan? Even you are here? Haha, I ’m Lin Fan ’s friend, one More than a year ago, we came together to participate in the qualifiers, but the club is in Suzhou, our club is in Shanghai, I did n’t expect, now I will meet Lin Fan here! The second son, you are not saying that you have always worshipped the tough fight Is it right? *, Your kid was just connected with his short soldiers just now, we will find an opportunity to go downstairs, and then compete with each other, it is rare to encounter this kind of peak-level master! “

I smiled slightly, but Murong Shanshan said: “Lin Fan hasn’t touched WAR3 in a year, and you guys are also embarrassed to fight with him? Isn’t that abusing him?”

For a moment, I couldn’t help laughing: “Murong Shanshan Is this … Are you protecting Lin Fan?”

The beauty of Murong Shanshan swept the crowd, and suddenly said: “Never mind, let’s compete! I will watch the battle later!”

Haha smiled, and suddenly his eyes fell on Piaoyao, he immediately grabbed a glass of wine on our table and said to Piaoyao: “Friend, I’m so sorry, my brother was so impulsive just now! Since you are Lin Fan Friend, that is our friend, I apologize to you in this box, I hope your adults do n’t care about the villains, do n’t take this thing to heart! “

Piaoyao took some wine glasses from Muna and took a bite.

He looked at our table and said, “There are only four people in our place. If you eat together, would n’t you mind?”

My eyes swept away, and said, “It is this friend’s treat, you have to ask him.”

Hey, he put a hand on Piaoyao ’s shoulder and said, “This brother, do n’t you mind, everyone does n’t know each other, how about drinking together?”

Piaoyao looked at the brawny man with a big face. Why dare not agree, he had to swallow his mouth and said: “Okay …”

So the three people who brought them all came together to form a table. By the way, the two tables were put together. Obviously, the remote a la carte had a higher taste, but it was sweet and not shy.

I couldn’t help but shook my head with a smile. When I was playing the game, I often rubbed our food. This is still the case. Sure enough, it was difficult for Jiangshan to change his nature.

Due to the participation, the situation has changed. Piaoyao can no longer be arrogant no matter whether it is financial or military. Ali seems to be comforting him, and has been asking me what happened after I disappeared a year ago. Ambiguously, he passed him casually, and the other younger brothers stared at Murong Shanshan, which made them hatefully said: “This group of rabbits, it is rare to see beautiful women like Murong Shanshan … Forget it , Look at it more, Lin Fan, do n’t you mind? ”

I said mind, Murong Shanshan said with a chuckle: “There are also many beautiful women in Shanghai, you should go to the streets in the future.”

Somewhat embarrassing, but I do n’t want to talk about it anymore. I keep giving me the wine, saying that it ’s a wine with a confidant and a thousand cups. How can he know that these wines ordered in the distance are all more than a thousand bottles .

I was able to meet a few friends who were fighting together. When I was happy, I naturally drank more. At first, Murong Shanshan persuaded me to drink less, and later I was too lazy to say anything, but those people wanted to respect her. At the time, it will refuse to be merciless.

After the meal, several people dangled, Piaoyao asked the young lady to check out. It was cost-effective. She actually ate more than N money, but Piaoyao was still very sad to pay the bill. When Piaoyao was invited to the Internet cafe, Piaoya Yao refused, saying that he never went to that kind of place, so he wanted to send Ali to Suzhou.

At more than eight o’clock, Murong Shanshan didn’t know when I could go back, so he stayed with me and Wu Dong and Coco walked away.

The rest came to a Langtaosha Internet cafe, knocked on the keyboard and mouse a few times, and said, “We do n’t even have a keyboard and mouse, Lin Fan, do n’t you mind these Shuangfeiyan spreading the goods?”

I smiled and said, “Do not mind, if you step backwards, APM will be less than 200, and it will be the same with any mouse!”

So I smiled and opened 6 machines. Murong Shanshan sat beside me and went online to watch the news.

According to the agreement, each of the four people over there played a three-game match against me, that is, a three-game two-win system.

The first one is the second one. He used the human race. I used random. Some of them are big. But more than a year ago, I used random to surely abuse his players.

But in fact, shortly after the opening, I was harassed by a few infantrymen. The elves ’turn was really bad. The archer MM was killed by the top shield infantry three or two times. I do n’t waste it. Time, GG played happily in eight minutes. In the second game, I chose the Orcs, ran a wolf ride on the TM map, and killed the second child alive. After playing GG, he said with red eyes: “The wolf ride is not allowed in the next game …”

I nodded with a smile, decided the game, and chose the Undead. He said nothing, and directly exploded a large number of ghouls, harassing the other party to mine all over the body, and finally took him away with a wave of skeletons.

The second son was blushing, and he didn’t expect to lose to someone who hasn’t touched the game in a year.

Murong Shanshan has not watched the news for a long time now, and lies on my shoulder to watch me play.

Next, neither of the two players sent by me was eaten up with much suspense, but just casually looking at the past tactical concepts, I can still purely abuse them.

The last one was the boss ’s turn. As expected, the five big and three thick orcs he still used, so in the first game, I used my second race orc to cut him against him. After a few minutes, I Two infantry soldiers were hacked to death, but the others were intact. I couldn’t help but sigh. I didn’t touch it for a long time, and my hand speed could not keep up with my consciousness.

Ten minutes, after the sword saint hero was hacked to death, I surrendered happily, and then played the second game. I chose the elven race arrogantly. This time I used the undead race. With the hero’s control, two island mines were successfully opened, which were also very compact. When I opened the island mine, he started to chase mines, and the elves ran around. I already knew that this would be a long one. Fighting, so don’t worry, constantly harassing with gargoyles. Half an hour after the game, Murong Shanshan smiled secretly in my ear and said, “That big forehead, a lot of sweat ~”

I also laughed ~ ~ The subsequent wave of strong attacks directly took the elves.

During the third game, I did n’t dare to worry about it. I chose the main orc, and I also shamefully chose the ancient map. I saw him like this, so I do n’t care about it, and still random.

The result was surprising. I, the undead’s turn, was swept away by a wave of troops of 50 people!

The unexpected thing, I smiled lightly, but I took out the U disk and saved the video of a few games, saying: “These, it was posted on the club ’s website, saying it was a comeback battle, haha, It must be booming! “

I am speechless, just like love, anyway, my last game was brutally abused by others.

It is already late at night after finishing all the games. We are invited to go to their club for a night ’s rest. I worry about Murong Shanshan and I did n’t agree. I will drive back to Suzhou. It ’s not far anyway.

So I watched us leave, and when I got into the car, I felt my head go up, and the wine spirit finally suppressed the excitement during the game, and it officially surged!

The fog is thick, Murong Shanshan turns on the headlights, and the car is driving in a lonely night

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