Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Train fantasy on the dragon ’s back

“Pooh ~!”

The black blood splattered, and the death knight took a few steps while holding his chest. The Sword Qi that cut the dragon sword directly left a deep blood mark on his chest. He even lost the power of holding the sword.

Binglan spent almost all of her strength for this attack, and the Dragon Sword slowly sagged down. Binglan also lay on my shoulders, breathing weakly.

I put one hand on Binglan’s waist, and the other hand clenched the Feiyu sword. The death knight did not completely lose attack power. Now he is still very dangerous.

“Aoao ~”

The frost dragon king ’s body was very painful after being penetrated. It threw it hard, trying to throw me and Binglan, the death knight slowly stood up, the rune sword shivered slightly, and his hair was messy. , It was very decadent when it was blown by the wind.

“I did n’t expect the result to be like this …” The death knight wiped the blood from his mouth and smiled coldly. “Two humans actually asked me to use the long-sacred death sacrifice, which really made People are quite surprised! “

I was a little startled, death sacrifice, what is that stuff?

Glanced around, there are only a few of us in this high altitude. The dragon knights were hit hard without exception. At this moment, they all adjusted their breaths on the back of the dragon, and the dragon flew down to take the breath of the dragon. Sweep the remaining ghouls and abominations on the ground, as well as those undead mages who summon skeletons.

There was a sudden icy cold around, the death knight raised his rune sword flatly and chanted: “Noble Lich King, please use your death power to awaken all evil, trample the so-called justice, glory and dignity, for the dark Ideally, the young undead warrior is willing to lay down his life to end our enemies! “

“Hoo ~!”

A red ray burst on a destroyer next to him, and the death knight rune sword waved, and the destroyer was completely wiped out without a hum. There was no trace of dust left, but there was a trace of light. In the air, under the call of the death knight, the red light quickly covered the body of the death knight.

The changes followed, and the death knight ’s body suddenly strengthened a lot. His muscles seemed to burst out of the gap between the armor. His white hair fluttered in the wind. His cloak brush turned red, like Bloody red.

“Ding ~!”

System tips: The death knight Frostfire Baron accepts the power of death sacrifice, the attribute is increased by 200%, the health value is restored by 50%, and it has the effect of destroying damage!


The death knight still had a trace of blood to rise to about half of it. What is more terrifying is that his attack power is also much stronger. I ca n’t help but be awe-inspiring. Can I still defeat him in this state?

“Haha, are you timid? Enjoy the horror of death!”

The Death Knight laughed, and suddenly rushed out. The rune sword swept away. I could only block the Feiyu sword. After a violent clash, I stepped back a few steps, leaving a deep one on my arm. Blood stains.

In only one attack, the death knight was unscathed, but I lost nearly a third of my blood!

Binglan has fallen asleep, and she has lost all consciousness at this time.

I do n’t dare to throw Binglan down. At this time, the Ice Dragon King twists around, and the Dragon Tail also tries to sweep us down again and again. If it is really swept, I would say that Binglan has no protection. I am afraid that I will hang up.

The death knight gave a grin and said, “The rune sword has a good taste of corrosion? Will you continue to enjoy it!”

I gritted my teeth, didn’t speak, and Feiyu sword shook slightly in my hand.

“Hoo ~!”

The death knight disappeared into the wind out of thin air, and the second attack has been launched!

I did not slack off, and keenly captured all the movements around me. Under the effect of the demon’s transformation, the whole person’s sensory system was more than doubled agile, and the cold behind him was the direction that the death knight cut over!

Turn around quickly, and at the same time swept out the Feiyu sword, the combo skills are still fierce!

“Xia Xia Xia Xie ~!”

The continuous sound came, and my judgment was very accurate. Not only did he escape the death knight ’s attack, he even left some shocking marks on his breastplate with the Feiyu sword. A, the disgusting black blood of the death knight also oozed out.

Without a hit, the death knight snorted and slammed into an empty chopping. The rune sword chopped on my right shoulder without stopping, a feeling of soreness came, and blood was splashing on his shoulder.

I put up a kick in the belly of the death knight and swept a sword at the same time, bringing out the effect of freezing!

The death knight was overwhelmed, and his body was quickly frozen. He struggled but to no avail, and his feet were frozen on the back of the ice dragon king.


I took the opportunity, the Feiyu sword used heavy blows and laser swords one after another, the blue light suddenly rose, and the armor on the chest of the death knight was immediately pierced with a big hole!


Combat Tip: Your laser sword carried a supernatural damage on the death knight Frostfire Baron, causing 2345892 physical attacks damage!

A long row of numbers jumped from the top of the death knight ’s head. His blood fell by a third with a sudden blow. I was almost stunned by my own damage number. damage of more than one million, if it is not the effect of his own demon transformation, it must be a hell!

The death knight was also surprised. He was stunned in the ice!

Soon, the ice shattered, the death knight broke through the ice, raised his rune sword, exuded a blue light, and cursed in his mouth: “Damn, you have to pay for your actions!”

“Slap ~!”

A huge blow of death struck the light, and I could n’t dodge. I had to put Binglan on the back of the dragon behind me. I was relieved to see her lying firmly on the back of the ice dragon ’s back. The whole body is instantly filled with golden brilliance, and the dragon strike skill comes out!

I really tried all my skills and strengths this time. Whether or not Dragon Strike, my strongest skill, can fight the death twist hardly depends on this time!

“Boom ~!”

The air pressure has become very oppressive, and even the Ice Dragon King has issued a painful wailing. The most direct bearer of the battle between the two masters on its back is it.

The dragon spawned by the War Dragon Strike breaks out into the air and is entangled with the entwined light of the death. After a few seconds, the turquoise death entanglement effect emerges from the brilliance. After the dragon was struck, his whole body was weak, and he watched as he was engulfed by death!

There was a sudden pain in my body, and I collapsed on the back of the Ice Dragon King.

“Have you failed? Zhanlong strike still hasn’t tried the death twist of others …”


I muttered in silence, at this time, there was a dragon chant in my ear, and I looked up. It was Matthew and Carlin riding the dragon. Hey, they were not injured and stayed in the Silver Moon Mountains. Is it on the top of the mountain?

“Master Dragon Talker! What’s wrong with her?” Carlin cried out.

I have no time to control him, and I stand up and take my time. If the death knight does n’t hang up, I ’m in trouble!

The aerosol is gone, there is no death knight in front of me, only a pile of gold coins and a pile of equipment dropped there!

I was overjoyed. Although the Dragon Strike skill just passed through the death, it also killed the weak Death Knight!

Checked the experience, yes, the experience that the death knight brought me almost brought me to level 112!

On the one hand, Carlin and Matthew are very anxious, but they dare not approach, after all, now that we are on the Ice Dragon King, it is quite dangerous for ordinary dragons to approach!

But Carlin saw Binglan lying on the back of the dragon covered in blood, and suddenly rushed to the heart, urging the dragon to come over.

At this time, the Ice Dragon King is suffering from the tingling of his body. Naturally, he will not let the little fly-like dragon knight approach, and a red dragon breath squirted out of his mouth. Carlin hurriedly blocked the gun, but it was too late In the evening, his dragon was still gray-faced and his eyes were red. Carlin was also burnt with his cloak, and he was lying on the back of the dragon very embarrassed.

“Slap ~!”

The Ice Dragon King is not in a position to spare, turning his body and suddenly knocking down Carlin and the dragon with the dragon’s back!

The Matthew on the side was in a hurry and hurried up to answer, but the Ice Dragon King suddenly raised his paw and took a picture on Matthew ’s dragon tail with a cry. The dragon suddenly lost its balance and fell down with Carlin go with!

In a series of battles, I have n’t been idle. The Feiyu Sword has been inserted into the body of the Ice Dragon King, and a laser sword has been infused, but unfortunately, the Feiyu Sword did not cut the dragon sword. The attack power is so targeted, so there is no way to penetrate the body of the Ice Dragon King!

The Ice Dragon King started to fly sideways, trying to throw me and Binglan, I was busy picking Binglan again, holding Feiyu Sword inserted on the dragon’s back in one hand and letting go.

The painful dragon sound came from the head of the ice dragon king. I only felt the wind behind me, and I was swept by the hard dragon tail in the future, and suddenly the eyes stared at Venus. The bones of the whole person seemed to be scattered. General!

The Feiyu Sword is almost about to let go. I grabbed it tightly and held Binglan tightly with the other hand.

In this way, one person and one dragon started a life-and-death struggle in the air. Unconsciously, we left the area of ​​the Yinyue Mountain Range, and we did n’t know how long it took to fly. The Ice Dragon King moaned painfully, and seemed to have no strength to beat. I, after all, beat me once and also caused great trauma to it myself.

And I have already consumed half of the red potion in the package, which is barely shot by the ice dragon king.

I managed to stand up and lifted the ice orchid that I was trying to protect. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, with a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth and immersed in it.

I thought I could be stable for a while, but I did n’t expect the Ice Dragon King to suddenly turn around. Suddenly, the Feiyu sword was pulled by me. I held Binglan and also hung in the air. It was too weak and I had lost my flight. The ability, hesitantly, suddenly found that the scorching dragon breath of the ice dragon king has sprayed over!

I was anxious. After drinking the bottle of red potion, I hugged Binglan tightly sideways. She had no ability to protect herself.

The whole body was hot, and I quickly felt that I had reached the end of my stay, and my consciousness began to blur …

The body falls down, and nothing can be seen in the eyes.

“Pooh ~!”

Suddenly it seemed to hit something, and I couldn’t control much, and took out the Feiyu sword and inserted it. The other arm was attached to the hilt of the sword, grasped firmly, and also hugged Binglan tightly. The last consciousness told me that to protect this might be the strongest woman of mankind, because she also tried to protect us And **** fighting, in this way, can be regarded as her favor!

Gradually, I am losing my ability to think. I can still hear the wind in my ears, and there is a vague roar of the ice dragon …


As if I had a long dream, I dreamed that I was sitting on the body of the train. It was a train carrying coal. It was very bumpy. On both sides of the track was a green scene, neat crops, and fragrant. The smell of small grass, yellow and yellow rapeseed, and the smell of earth in early spring is very charming.

Beside, a charming MM is lying on the edge of the car, smiling and saying to me, “Lin Fan, where are we going?”

I shook my head and said, “I don’t know, who knows where this car is heading? Maybe there will be beautiful female monsters in the front!”

“Oh, you lied to me!” MM Jiao said with a smile, she said akimbo: “Hum, rest assured! Follow you, Sister Shan, to ensure that you will eat spicy and spicy in the future, if someone dares to bully you, Just report my name! “

In the dream, MM is so clear in words and words, which makes people love.

I shook my head and said, “I don’t know where to stand next, I’m so tired, I want to sleep …”

MM turned back and leaned on me, shaking my arm and saying, “Lazy pig, do n’t sleep, hurry up! Stay with me to see the scenery, no matter what is ahead, I will always be with you! I ’m honest Yes, do n’t laugh at me! “


A beautiful illusion, Murong Shanshan told me to be brave, saying that there will be an old witch holding bread in front of us, I do n’t know why the old witch is holding bread, but the scenery on both sides of the road is intoxicating .

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself lying on a piece of grass, and the sound of running water came from my ears.

Can I cross it?

I rubbed my eyes, but found that I was still holding the Feiyu sword tightly, and the sharp sword shone brightly, especially in a green environment.

“Are you awake?”

A soft voice came from next to me, and I turned around to see Binglan ’s beautiful face in her eyes.

I was slightly startled and said, “Where are we now, how long have I been sleeping?”

Binglan smiled and said: “About a day!”

“Ah? So long, Binglan, why didn’t you leave?”

“Oh, I want to leave to find some food for you, but you won’t let me go …” Binglan said helplessly.

Looking down, I suddenly found that I still hugged Binglan’s waist. She was still lying on my chest and talking to me. My arm was almost stiff.

Damn, shameful!

I scolded resentfully, hurriedly released Feiyu Sword, and forcibly opened my left hand with my right hand, while embarrassedly saying, “That … the previous fight was too intense, I’m afraid you fell from the sky Go on, so … “

Bing Lan smiled slightly, rubbing his waist and whispered: “Thank you …”

I was shocked again, not speaking.

Binglan got up and said, “You should be hungry. I’ll find something to eat. You stay for a while. Your injuries are very serious. Don’t move!”

Is the injury serious?

I tried to stand up, but suddenly fell to the ground again, Binglan quickly leaned back to support me, she said: “Yesterday, the strength after your transformation was very strong, but it also made your body overdrawn a lot Energy, this weak state will probably last for a few days, don’t worry, I will take care of you until you recover! “

I nodded, opened the window of personal properties, and suddenly found that there was a green icon behind the character status, and I opened it-

【Weakness】: The negative effect brought by the demon’s transformation, the whole body attribute is reduced to 10%, and the duration is 48 hours! There are 27 hours left!


I ca n’t help but be surprised for a while. This is really abnormal, with only 10% of the attributes. Well, staying with Binglan for the past two days may also be a good choice! There is such an invincible little MM as a bodyguard, and no one will dare to find my guts, otherwise, if I go to Silvermoon City in my current state, it will be finished in case of being chased by the enemy.

“Hoo ~!”

Binglan’s body is recovering well, and she is still flying away. The beautiful figure soon disappears in the air.

I looked at the operation interface ~ ~ there was my text message, opened it, it was Lu Xuehan’s, she asked: “Lin Fan, what’s the matter? Me and Xinyu are in Silvermoon City and got the death knight The hung message, and the Frost Dragon King also hung up, but why did n’t you come back? The text message did n’t respond, even the name changed to purple. What does this purple mean, is it online or offline? “

I know that Lu Xuehan and Xinyu must be very anxious now, so I immediately applied to her for a call. A few seconds later, there was an urgent voice from Lu Xuehan: “Lin Fan, what is going on? Me and Xinyu I have eaten off the assembly line, but you have not responded. We have seen it in your room. The instrument shows that everything is normal … “

I comforted: “It’s okay, it’s okay soon, but it seems to be staying in this unknown place for a while. I’m going to wait for Binglan now, and let her give me mission rewards!”

“Um, call us offline!”


After turning off the communicator, I thought about the mission rewards, and suddenly I felt a little lousy! Ma ’s rewards, equipment and gold coins exploded by the death knight are still on the back of the ice dragon king, this must be gone!

For a time, my heart was frustrated. Not long afterwards, Binglan came back with a dead hare.

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