Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Mystery in the psychic tower

A few words of Long Yin. On the cliff, a beautiful figure of Binglan appeared. She looked up at us, her face was white, and she did not know whether it was frozen by the snow or was white and greasy.

“You guys are back …” Binglan said lightly.

I jumped off the dragon ’s back and walked over to hand over the 50 Destroyer Canes in the package, saying, “This is from the Destroyer hidden in the jungle. You count them, there are 50 in total.”

Binglan glanced briefly, and his eyes fell on Xinyu ’s destruction suit, saying, “The destroyer suit, this armor is good. When humans resisted the invasion of undead, the archery master of the Silver Moon City Relying on a good set of equipment to protect the king from evacuating, now this set of equipment is in your hands, I hope you can also fight for the survival of humanity. Well, you have worked hard to complete mission, these are your rewards! ”

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: Your team has completed mission [Cleaning the Destroyer], you get 20 billion of experience, 4000 gold coins, +5000 reputation, and the item: [Opening Tower].

“Brush ~!”

Lu Xuehan was surrounded by Zhou Guanghua. This mission experience reward and let her rise to 106 level, and I, still 108 level, Xin Yu still 105 level.

However, what is the opener of the mission item, I was a little surprised. I quickly opened the package to see what the psychic tower opener was. I saw a purple light bar in the corner of the package, which was slowly flowing. Milky white texture, a magic rune wrapped it tightly.

【Opening Tower】: Necessary items to open the gate of the building.

Lu Xuehan and Xinyu also got this item, and now they both look at me with surprise.

Binglan saw this and said with a smile: “You help the Dragon Knight to destroy the frontier of the Destroyer. Now, Lich Ricky uses his powerful summoning ability to build an evil psychic tower there as a base. I think, You will not refuse to help us enter the psychic tower together, to find the real hiding place of the lich? “

There is a follow-up mission is naturally the best, I nodded again and again.

So Binglan smiled and said, “So, we are ready to go now! I feel that Lich’s power has been restored by half. If we can’t arrive earlier to destroy it, the consequences may be terrible.”

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: Your team accepts mission [Falling Spirit Tower]! (Legendary mission)

mission Content: Follow the Dragon Knight Squad to the Corroding Forest, where you find the psychic tower where Lich Ricky lives, use the psychic tower opener to enter, find the Lich Ricky on the third floor of the psychic tower, and assist Binglan killed Lich Ricky!


At the entrance to the cave, Carlin and Matthew stepped out of each other. Carlin moved his mouth, and he stopped talking.

Rot stepped forward and patted Carlin ’s shoulders and said with a smile: “Relax, Brother Carlin, we will take care of Master Longspeaker, you do n’t need to worry, your body will need a few days to recover, When you regain the power to summon the dragon, come to us. I believe that Lich Ricky has also been in a different place at that time. We will avenge Captain Karl! “

Karin glanced at Binglan in nostalgia and gently nodded, Binglan said coldly, “Protect yourself, I don’t need to protect!”

Lot was a little embarrassed, he touched his nose and smiled twice, but Carlin murmured and asked, “Master Binglan, will you come back again?”

Binglan looked back at Carlin and said lightly: “Take good care of yourself. In the future, this dragon knight team will be led by you. Your spiritual practice will continue. We all have our own missions to perform. It ’s irrelevant. Things, do n’t think too much, this continent is full of tyranny and evil, blood has never stopped flowing, remember the dragon knight ’s contract declaration, use the power of the dragon knight to eliminate evil, and let humanity continue to survive! “

Karim was silent, and Binglan turned around and ordered: “Except for Karin and Matthew, everyone else is ready to go, we have too much rest time, and leave some food for them.”

The dragon knights were immediately ready to go, summoning their own contract dragons, and the sharp dragon lance flashed cold.

Xinyu, Lu Xuehan and I still followed Luo Te down the mountain. Binglan did not summon her own dragon, she was still flying in the sky, not far in front of us, the wind and snow raged and her hair was messed up. .

Roth is a very considerate dragon knight. He stands on the side of the dragon neck, leaving the broad dragon back to the three of us. Standing on this very stable dragon back, Xinyu and Lu Xuehan are left. One right hugged my two arms, and it felt a little sweet. Xinyu looked up at me and saw that I was staring at the distance, so she hugged a little tighter and her head was resting on my shoulder. .

Binglan somehow looked back at us. Suddenly, her eyes became extremely complicated, seeming to be yearning, but also revealing the uncoverable loss and sorrow.

I think Binglan must also have an unusual experience!


Ten minutes later, we landed steadily. After being on the ground, all dragon knights recalled their dragons. Under the effect of killing the dragon balls, the dragons were close to paralysis, and they could n’t help.

Lot looked forward and said, “Adult, the psychic tower where the lich lives is in the forest, let’s walk over by ourselves!”

Binglan nodded and said, “You must be careful not to use dragon gas to resist the plague of the outside world, so that you can take advantage of the dragon ball and take advantage of your martial skills before you become a dragon knight. And human power! “

“Yes, lord!” everyone nodded.

So Roth opened the way ahead, and we trailed behind.

Along the way, there was a ruinous scene everywhere, the trees were withering, the ground became a dead gray, the blue plague gas was everywhere, the feet became a little muddy, and stepping on the ground always felt like walking in the swamp, even Some sticky feet, those dead gray like dry moss are disgusting.

On the corroded ground, even the dew turned purple, and some changes occurred when it was dripped on the skin. The sound of “chirping ~” sounded a few times, and then the blood and blood dropped hundreds of times. Fortunately, the qi and blood recovery capabilities of our people are quite good, so we can ignore the dew plague attack.

Facing a bush of dead leaves, Roth shook the Dragon Rifle in his hand and suddenly snorted. The Dragon Rifle burst into a blue light, and a huge beam suddenly penetrated the bush. Those dead branches and leaves were torn to pieces instantly under the fierce attack.

“Ah ?! Brother Rot, will you also be a laser sword?” I was very surprised.

Roth chuckled and said mysteriously: “Yes, I thought I was also a master of swordsmanship in Silver Moon City! Well, even the current King of the Hurricane Kingdom, Duck, was once my man. Defeat! “

“Master of Swordsmanship? So you are a swordsman? How can a swordsman use a laser sword with a knightly gun?” These concepts are beyond my cognitive scope.

“Haha, I used to be a swordsman. As for why I can use a laser sword with a dragon cavalry gun, I ca n’t tell you clearly. As long as you are skilled, even if you use an ordinary wooden stick, you can also use a laser sword. Right! “

Roth was complacent, but Binglan said lightly: “Go ahead, these things will be discussed later.”

So Rott nodded and continued to take the lead.

Walk not farther forward, and I can no longer see the complete leaves. The forest on both sides of the road is like a fire. There are only bare trunks everywhere, and some nasty maggots crawl on the trunks. I am very depressed, how can that thing climb to such a high place?

What ’s even more surprising is that the bodies of animals can be seen everywhere here. Most of these poor creatures are left in the wilderness of the corpse, and a bunch of flies are flying around the buzzing, and the rotten smell is full. forest.

Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan frowned and quickly turned off their olfactory system. Binglan walking next to us didn’t feel anything, but still looked calm.

For about ten minutes, we finally arrived at the legendary psychic tower, and we saw that the huge tower of death stood on the vast earth, like a cemetery for the end of the day. A huge beam of death was circling back and forth on the top of the tower. A group of ghouls carried the rotting animal corpses into the psychic tower. There were even several ghouls biting each other for the belonging of the food, and finally one of them The arm was torn and ended, and the broken arm immediately joined the ranks of food.

I observed that these ghouls are level 110 monsters, which are considered high-level monsters. However, in front of the dragon knights, they are too fragile. More than a dozen dragon knights come up first. , Wielding a sword to cut down a group of ghouls, and the occasional sword lightsaber can also knock over a piece.

Binglan saw it almost, and said, “Do n’t get entangled with these humble creatures, let’s enter the tower!”

A group of ghouls ca n’t see the enemy. They screamed sternly and ran into the gate of the psychic tower. I also realized at that time that the gate of the psychic tower was actually made of brilliance. , Ripples kept on swinging, accepting the ghouls who entered.

Binglan came back to look at us and said, “Enter with the psychic tower opener.”

After she finished, she flew forward without looking back, the light flashed in her hand, the sharp long sword had turned into a ray of light, and suddenly the rippling light curtain of the gate of the psychic tower was split, and that light curtain Just like a curtain of water, it was picked up, and when Binglan entered, the gap disappeared.

The rest of the Dragon Knights followed suit, and the spear pierced a hole in the light curtain and went into it.

I took out the opener of the psychic tower and did n’t know how to use it. I had to put it in front of me and walk forward. Unexpectedly, the light curtain was automatically separated when the key was opened, and it did n’t close until I entered it. How long, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan also followed.

Looking up and looking around, Xin Yu couldn’t help but say, “Here, so gloomy, so depressed!”

I smiled. How could the place where the undead natural disaster happened not be gloomy?

There was a dead air around us. We did not see the top of our head, but saw a blood-red sky surrounded by black clouds, and there was no cave inside the psychic tower. It was surrounded by a wall everywhere, but the structure of this wall was It’s very special. It’s actually composed of city bricks and human corpses. Those corpses seem to be frozen, very cold, and some can still see expressions, and their eyes are very scary.

Under the city wall, the ground was surrounded by blue plague gas. Occasionally, plague rats crossed the street, and the large undead skeleton with red eyes was wandering back and forth. The bone shield in their hands was brand new, no I know what kind of bones were drawn from the animal, but the blunt sword has been rusted, and I don’t know if it has attack power.

Lot looked around and asked, “Sir, where should we go?”

Binglan calmly said: “The Lich Ricky is on the third floor. After we swept the first and second floors, we rushed over! Because I once saw it in the notes of the Dragon Talker and entered the psychic tower. In fact, the ring-shaped fortifications on the road inside cannot reach the place of death on the third floor without passing through the first and second floors. “

Luo characteristic nodded and commanded the other dragon knights: “Companions, let these lowly undead natural disasters know the power of dragon knights. Without dragons, we are also the most elite warriors of mankind!”

Everyone responded in unison, and then pulled out their waist swords together.

I said to Lu Xuehan and Xinyu: “Let ’s fight monsters too, the skeleton level here is 120, and the experience should be good!”

The two beauties nodded with smiles, so our three-person team started their leveling journey again.

I have to say that the explosive power of the Dragon Knight is terrifying. Even my nearly 7000 attacks are still inferior to them. When I cut off an undead skeleton, they were already solving the protection of several undead skeletons. Disgusted!

Abhorrence is a level 120 quasi, with up to 4 million qi and blood, but under the mighty dragon knight ’s sword, its qi and blood can only be brushed down, and within a few minutes, the abhor “Woo ~” Falling into the yellow water of the plague, the original stitched body was also broken, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the abomination that the Dragon Knight killed was actually experienced, and the experience was quite rich. I have n’t moved the experience for a long time. Just a small cut!

Unfortunately, because the monster is killed, it has not been able to explode any equipment and gold coins, only a pool of discarded blood and minced meat.

Binglan does n’t shoot, but when there are occasional skeletons with short eyes looking for the door, we will fully understand the terrorist attack power of Binglan!

Just a wave of his hand, the sword turned into light and shadow, and the skeleton with 120 ranks of blood up to 100,000 was instantly killed on the spot! After the skull’s head flipped through the air for several laps, it fell to the ground and rolled to the corner of the wall. The body was ridiculously waving the rust sword. The subconscious reaction twitched a few times and finally turned into a pile of broken bones Ground.

It seems that we are a far cry from Binglan. Even the dragon knights are not worth mentioning in front of Binglan!

For the guardians of the first floor of the psychic tower, we simply slaughtered the past all the way. His experience has risen from 108% 32% to 78% directly in less than an hour, and Xinyu is even more exaggerated and actually upgraded. Now it is 106 like Lu Xuehan!

As for the equipment, the monsters killed by the Dragon Knight are out of equipment, and the number of kills by ourselves is small, only a green leather armor of level 110 is produced. In the package, but it is gratifying that after eating so much experience, my red name has been wiped out, and it will be washed at least a few days later, but I did not expect to have hours here. It’s done.

There is a huge level from the first floor to the second floor. It is a lattice iron gate made of steel, and the entire horizontal wall obstructs our way forward.

Roth slightly surprised: “How can this iron gate look like the building of the main city of Lussen? Didn’t undead even sack this main city ten years ago when the Scourge flattened that main city?”

Binglan said quietly, “Rot, did you also find out? This psychic tower actually intercepted a part of King Lussen ’s city. undead rebuilt and reconstructed this main city. I think, all of them here The victims are Aborigines in the main city of Lussen! “

Rot suddenly shocked: “So ~ ~ What we just killed … are all civilians of the ally?”

Binglan shook his head: “They have been dead for many years, the soul has dissipated, we don’t need to feel guilty, do you see the abhorrence? How painful and perhaps death the twisted soul is, the best relief for them It ’s a lucky thing to be redeemed! “

Luo nodded his head. He looked at the huge iron gate in front of him, and suddenly chopped it down with his epee. I saw that the iron gate shook violently, but it did n’t suffer much trauma, just heavy. The iron bar was cut with a huge crack.

Rot suddenly froze, and Binglan couldn’t help but smile slightly, and said, “Rot, go back and let me come!”

Seeing that Binglan was going to do it by hand, Rote quickly backed away, Binglan took a sip, and the sword cut a glory in his hand. After the “brush ~” sound, the huge iron door was actually cut from it. In two halves, he crashed down, and several skeletons behind the iron gate were immediately smashed to pieces!

On the second floor of the street, there are crypt devils full of silk threads. These spider-like undead creatures are looking at us with hostility. When I stepped out of my right foot, there was already a thread wrapped around!

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