Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Iron Cavalry

The sky is overcast with clouds, and it will rain soon.

The battle on the ground is still in full swing. The mixed cavalry and giant elephant cavalry of swords and roses, lilacs and people in the rivers and lakes rushed back and forth. Each time after crossing the enemy ’s cavalry, the battlefield will always leave each other. A lot of hang up the player’s corpses, gradually turned into fluorescent to go back to their respective main cities.

The giant elephant cavalry has super attack power, but the maneuverability and speed are slightly worse. As the old knight player does not set sun, he quickly sees this, so he immediately began to disperse the cavalry square. Two, two changed to four, and soon there were eight Silvermoon City cavalry squares. For a time, the commander of the giant elephant cavalry lost his direction and had to order one of them to be killed.

As a result, he was wrong, very wrong.

The undefeated commanding genius is undoubtedly undoubtedly, he ordered a small square that was attacked to immediately escape at a 45-degree angle, and the other seven squares stung like giant flies around the giant elephant cavalry regiment. Because the phalanx was too large, the commander of the Colossus Cavalry Regiment had to order the members not to disrupt the formation and continue to strike forward.

So, the battle situation became a unilateral beating of the Giant Elephant Cavalry Regiment, and the Silver Moon City Cavalry outside their square was honestly and bluntly opened and closed, and the sword continued to enter and exit the enemy ’s body. The body of another giant elephant cavalry was dropped on the plain.

Murong Shanshan could n’t help but praise: “The strategy of never setting sun is so subtle! If it ’s me, it ’s definitely not so good!”

I also smiled and said, “Yes, I did not choose the wrong person!”


The cavalry of the three guilds of Silvermoon City are fighting on the plains with nearly ten thousand giant elephant cavalry. The loss of both sides is not small, but after the sun goes down, the strategy of turning to zero and multi-point strikes, The Silver Moon City side gradually took the initiative on the field.

I looked at the front. In addition to cavalry, India sent nearly 100,000 mixed professional players, covered with half of the plain, and at the edge was facing the **** sky and the confrontation, probably the capital of miracles. The internal kill was almost the same, so Xuehong and Ye Qiu began to organize the cavalry to kill from the inside of the guild station. Unfortunately, the personnel were too crowded and the speed of the cavalry could not always be raised to the zero point required by the charge. This system is set somewhat BT, once it reaches the speed of the zero boundary point, it can continue to run unimpeded, but if the speed is too late to reach the line, it can only be slowly slaughtered.

So, the Cavalry of the Scarlet Sky and the Cavaliers only moved slowly, directly hacking the Indian players below, and the damage could be much worse than the charge.

Looking at nearly 30,000 swordsmen and 20,000 thieves behind him, Murong Shanshan pulled out the sword of warsong and laughed: “It’s time we attacked! Go and save your brother Ye Qiu and the blood-red pig head!”

I smiled and commanded on the channel: “Go ahead and kill all enemies on the plain!”

Infantry formations started to advance, as the turbulent tide hit the Indian players ’camps. The two sides unceremoniously launched a white-blade battle. Various skill lights continued to shine on the plains. The first one was Murong Shanshan ’s Sword Qi. Invincible, cleared a large area of ​​enemies in front, and nearby Indian players immediately shuddered.

I am dedicated to hacking the enemies ahead. Although the attack of the purple sword in my hand is not high, I have a lot of power added by the spirit-level equipment. As long as the target is not too hard, it can basically be Achieve one-hit kills, as long as the dragon qi effect appears in the skill, not only can kill the opponent, even the blue dragon qi can penetrate through the few people behind the target, and the occasionally exploded black ice sword is a surprise to the audience. , The blue ice cone continued to pierce the enemy’s body with blood flowers, and the explosive force at that moment made people excited.

We are mainly thieves players with swordsmen and tomahawks, but at this time it is equivalent to kicking each other ’s ass. Most of the players in the back of the Indian player group are remotely attacking players such as mages. The thieves in Silvermoon City are extremely fierce, killing their red eyes one by one, and the daggers like the poisonous snakes continuously harvest the life of the enemy.

The sky was drizzled with drizzle, which made the ground muddy, and at the same time washed away the blood left behind by the players killed on the grass blades. As if the system did not immediately wipe the corpses, I am afraid that the plains are now full. The corpses, the number of people killed on both sides increased sharply in a short period of time, and the war was killing life like a big functional meat grinder.

About two hours passed quickly. I almost forgot everything. The mechanical wielding of two hands killed this enemy. The Murong Shanshan that has been with me also moved much slower. Only Indian players who hit her will be killed. Instant kill, the rest of them are lazy hands, now Yinyue City basically controls the situation on the field, Indian players without giant elephant cavalry support are obviously worse than Yinyue City players, the level is at least worse Level 5 is probably due to the double experience of 7 days of life and death. In addition, there is a unique leveling geography around the player, and the player is still diligent.

On the other side, the mixed cavalry of the three guilds of the Silver Moon City and the cavalry of the Lost City have come to an end. After all, the giant elephant cavalry is already elaborate. Although the tactics have been passive, they can also fight with their opponents. Now the two cavalry who can still run on the plains have only about 1,000 left.

The sun never falls on the channel and is very excited to say: “Finally, this group of **** are killed! Damn, we only need one thousand more archers to come to the reinforcements, and we will quickly send them all back to Nino City. Go home! “

The others were also very excited. Only Murong Shanshan murmured: “I clearly remember, did the Indian cavalry have at least 20,000 or more yesterday? After the supply last night, it will never be lower than this number. Ah, why are there only 10,000 cavalry coming to die now? “

When the sun goes down, I ca n’t laugh anymore after hearing the words of Murong Shanshan, and said with a tremble: “Can they just look down on us, and only send 10,000 cavalry soldiers to think they can stabilize the victory ticket? I rely, this group of **** , Really * insidious! “

It seems to confirm the conjecture that the sun is setting, the drums of the war are echoing through the battlefield again, and the brigade of Indian cavalry is pouring out of the lost city. There is an endless stream. Not only that, even professional players such as swordsmen, mages and archers. It also emerged from the two partial doors, there is no longer any doubt, they really do not look at us, otherwise they will not divide the player into two sets to attack.

Looking at the killing of Indian players as dense as ants, I ca n’t help but sigh: “India ’s claim to be the second most populous country is not a slap in the face, and the number of players from Nino City is really a lot! “

Murong Shanshan gritted teeth: “What should we do next, are we dying, or should we just go back to Silvermoon City?”

I glanced at her and said with a wry smile: “Will you return to Silvermoon City? What about the brothers in the Capital of Oracles and Miracle Capital? Don’t you? The Silvermoon City has been lost for two days. The city has reached 2 million person-times. If we give up then, what other faces do we have to meet them? “

Looking at Murong Shanshan snow soft face, I said softly: “Shan, courage, we will win! Although they are large in number, we are not united because we trust each other.”

“Well, what about a counterattack?”

I smiled: “There are more than a thousand people left in our cavalry, can we really counterattack? Now, our hope is that the single player in Silvermoon City stationed in the lost forest, only they can save the situation ! You immediately contact the people over there and let them all go out of the forest to serve the country! It ’s time for everyone to live together or die together! ”

Murong Shanshan nodded and started to contact the people over there. I waved my sword and said to the people around me: “Do n’t worry about the cavalry behind, let ’s get rid of the scum in front of us, as long as we hold it for 10 minutes, we will welcome Dawn of victory! “

No one knows why, but they do n’t stay in their hands, killing the first wave of Indian players who have been surrounded by us. On the other side, the **** sky and the forces have also penetrated, and they will soon meet us. One place, and the first wave of Indian players were officially killed. A sparkling piece of equipment in the wilderness was picked up directly by the nearest player. This time, the unity was surprising, and some people gave the equipment they could n’t use to strangers. Comrades. Perhaps this is really the case. The more it is in crisis, the more it can show the cohesion of a nation. Although it is only a game, the suffix behind each of our IDs will never change.

Soon, a large number of Silvermoon City players appeared in the Lost Forest. Some of them were even killing monsters and leveling up. Now they were summoned to realize that they were in the national war, so they ran away with the fur of the monster Going out, I have a rough calculation. The total number of these people is definitely more than 100,000. If they can really participate in the battle, it will definitely be a fighting force that cannot be ignored!

Blood Red and Ye Qiu have been killed from the rear and found me and Murong Shanshan standing together, so they also ran over. Blood Red looked at the Indian cavalry player with the smoke in front of him, and he could not help but scalp numbness: “This * there are There is so much to do, **** ten thousand, so fucking! Our cavalry has almost consumed, they actually still retain so much, these three **** are really desperate? “

Ye Qiu said: “Did you not notice? Not only players from Nino City, but also players from another main city in India also teleported to participate in the battle. They are now preparing for national wars. The Indian server players are fighting because of this, we will fight so hard. Damn, if there is someone from another main city, there are so many players above 70 in India, really * nonsense! ”

I glanced back at them and said, “It’s no use pulling these things now. Hurry up to organize the defense line, otherwise everyone will finish playing as soon as their cavalry arrives! As long as we continue for another ten minutes, the reinforcements will arrive!”

“Just hold on for ten minutes?” Blood Red frowned, turning back and shouting at the players in the **** sky: “Cavalry, stop me from the second charge! Swordsmen, Tomahawk fighters, and thieves all push to the top On the first line, the archer and the mage are on the second line, and the priest, the beast trainer, and the summoner are on the third line! Be sure to block their charge, I do n’t believe it, and must block them! We are Chinese men! Never lose! ”

The blood was full of passion, and his subordinates immediately became angry. The cavalry of the brigade completed the rally in a short time. The swordsman players in front waited for a path to allow them to have enough charge journeys. The players on the other side, It is also actively arranging the defense line, which is still the first line of traditional infantry, followed by long-range attack occupations such as archers and mages, and the **** sky is linked with the front. It is estimated that after this national war, these two The friendliness of the guild should also be greatly increased. This is something that everyone would like to see. After all, it is always good to have a friend like NB who is like Red Blood.

I roughly counted. The infantry formation has about twelve layers, which stretches for nearly ten miles, followed by the archer array, which is very tight, with a width of about 20 yards, and the master is behind. The magic attack distance is just able to Ten yards in front of the warrior player can effectively play the role of attack distance.

And the Silver Moon City players who followed me and Murong Shanshan also started to learn to arm, and there were even a lot of fierce people who blocked the **** sky and the front. That was the standard cannon fodder. I looked at Murong Shanshan. With a smile, they lazily called them back.

The **** sky and cavalry who have begun to charge collide with each other for the first time, but the quality and quantity are greatly inferior to each other, which makes the Silver Moon City side very embarrassed. After only one collision, the Silver Moon City side ’s Nearly 3,000 cavalry were fragmented and killed by others. Less than a thousand cavalry survived and could no longer threaten the enemy.

About five minutes later, after the giant elephant cavalry killed the Yinyuecheng cavalry, they killed our base camp for the first time. The impact of nearly 20,000 cavalry was beyond imagination. The dozen defense lines we organized could n’t help. Blocking its edge, only sword and blood are left on the battlefield. The soldiers in front are tantamount to becoming the opponent’s points. The only function is to delay the speed of the cavalry charge, and to win valuable for the archers and mages behind Casting time.

The front formed by the swordsmen players was torn apart, the giant elephant cavalry relied on the characteristics of dominance and long weapons, and constantly slaughtered the silver moon city infantry that blocked the road with a spear. Even more infantry were not Killed, but was hit or trampled to death by the opponent’s mount, screaming for a time.

“Shoot ~!”

The rows of archers attacked quickly. Arrow Rain began to baptize the ground. The giant elephant cavalry rushing to the forefront immediately fell continuously, and the screams made by turning over and falling horses were endless. However, the speed of the cavalry is too fast. When the archers are preparing for the fourth wave of shooting, the opponent has already rushed to the front.


A young archer was pierced by the opponent’s knight’s gun. His eyes were very clear, and there was no expression of fear until it hung up.

The muffled noises made by the cavalry hitting the infantry were combined, and the defense line that had been hardly organized by the **** sky collapsed instantly. The invincible profession of the cavalry was rampant at this moment!

At this time, the strength of the two sides is absolutely not in contrast. The number of Indian players is even three times that of Silver Moon City, especially the sturdy giant elephant cavalry, which is more like an invincible existence!

Murong Shanshan watched its members continue to be killed, and could not help murmuring: “If we go on like this, we are really finished!”


At this moment when everyone is desperate, suddenly a Silvermoon City player pointed his finger eastward: “Look, there is a cavalry coming again! Oh, so fast, this is the cavalry over there. , Will it be our own cavalry regiment? “


The rising sun rises. In the morning light, a cavalry rides by. Strong horses, sturdy knights, and the sound of horseshoes shocking the ground are exciting.

“Ah, really is the cavalry of Silvermoon City, haha, we finally came to the reinforcements, it is the iron cavalry legion of the paradise lost! Saved, we do n’t have to destroy them all!” An archer actually laughed out loud, It seems that he is no longer able to suppress his emotions.

I looked at the piece of black armored cavalry and couldn’t help laughing: “This group of bunnies finally came! We’ll be a few minutes later, we’re probably going to report to the East Gate Square of Yinyue City!”

Murong Shanshan showed a touching smile and asked, “I almost forgot the cavalry in Paradise Lost! I did n’t expect you to keep it until now, why did n’t you just use it?”

I said: “I originally wanted to get it out, but the cavalry who saw Lilac and Sword and Rose was strong enough, and I was also afraid that there would still be a backseat in the lost city ~ IndoMTL .com ~ So, put the Iron Cavalry as the last general chess piece! This time, Indian players should all come out. I want them to come and go. By the way, let ’s also check how strong the Cavalry Lost Paradise is. ! “

Murong Shanshan laughed and said: “I don’t know if it’s strong or not, but it’s extremely fast. I think they are even twice as fast as the giant elephant cavalry. I don’t know how the attack power is!”

I said: “You will know if you look at it. The elite mount that Duck sent me will definitely not disappoint Silvermoon City!”


The Indian commander also discovered the Silver Moon City cavalry coming from the rear, so he immediately mobilized 10,000 giant elephant cavalry to fight against it. It seems that he can afford to lose the paradise. After all, the iron cavalry has only two thousand Only the number, plus the armored rhinoceros cavalry is only 2500, with 10,000 giant elephant cavalry to fight, probably also for the sake of insurance.

The two cavalry are heading forward, moving very fast, especially the iron cavalry, which is so fast that the giant elephant cavalry in front of them simply have no time to react, and only feel a shadow over themselves, and then they are already with the mount. Separated, even some giant elephant cavalry were hit by flying together with people and mounts, while the iron cavalry continued to attack without damage, like a sharp knife, and tens of thousands of giant cavalry were cut away from the middle!

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