Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Night market alliance

I looked back at Xinyu and smiled: “Xinyu can eat a thousand pieces at a meal. If you can afford it, take it away …”

Xin Yu snorted at me: “You can, learn to eat dry and wipe clean without accounting!”

I laughed and said back to those people: “When you go online again, help me tell a desperate person, saying that I really want to form an alliance with him, but these days I am doing a mission, temporarily unable to smoke Open it up, two days later, I will personally find him to talk to him about alliances, everyone has a holiday with Xu Fei, and later make a friend and compete with him in the **** moon in the Silver Moon City! “

Middle-aged people laughed: “No problem! Now, our brave invincible also needs your powerful allies very much. I think our boss must also want to ally with you. Rest assured, this thing is all for me!”

I immediately poured a glass of coke and toasted: “Well, I wish our cooperation all the best!”

“Pooh ~!”

People’s glass knocked my paper cup out of a small deflated, Xin Yu and Murong Shanshan couldn’t help but chuckled.

The young guys behind the middle-aged people were very happy, and one of them laughed: “I did n’t expect to meet two beauties of the Qingcai family here tonight, as well as Lin Fan and Murong Shanshan, *, I thought I’m dreaming! “

I smiled: “Where do you guys work?”

The middle-aged person replied: “Originally I worked in Xu Fei’s father’s company, but now I have changed jobs. Several of our partners have done a little business and basically can support a family. Now it ’s the game, so let ’s get out and drink together now. ”

“Oh, I lived very well in my childhood, and we are the same, haha, everyone will be your own in the future, your account has already been paid, otherwise I will definitely help you pay!”

“Haha, your heart is ours, our brothers are all about to drink, so go back first, eat slowly ~”

The middle-aged man left with a few lads, and Lu Xuehan chuckled lightly: “They do n’t want to eat with us, it ’s probably restrained!”

I laughed: “Let’s go, let’s eat well, isn’t it clean next?”

Xin Yu cautiously asked: “Lin Fan, guess whether they will fake surrender, now looking for someone to prepare a guy to come over and cut a few of us?”

I glanced at not far away * and smiled and said, “There is a police station. They dare to cut it down. Besides, you have heard what they said just now. They also resented Xu Fei. “

Xin Yu nodded and asked again: “Lin Fan, the transmission between countries has been completely opened. However, you need to complete a mission of this level of difficulty to open the transmission array. Have you tried this?”

“No, I have been working on the mission of the Temple of Lost, and I have never been out. Why, now, is there any movement outside?”

Xin Yu smiled and said, “That mission is not difficult. Basically, people with green equipment can easily complete it. The requirements for transmission between countries are not high, only player level 50 or higher, you know Just today, there is a small-scale conflict over the city of life, it seems that there is a big river city close to Japan over there. As a result, several Japanese players came to visit, you also know that in other countries, players are marked with the flag Yes, so the players with the health flag were torn off. “

I smiled and said, “Does the Chinese government apologize for this matter?”

“Apologize for Mao!” Xin Yu smiled, and said: “In the game of players, the government simply does not ask, and most of the players in the city of life are players in the three provinces of Beijing and Northeast, you Think, will they let go of those Japanese players? “

“There are also many Nanjing players in Silver Moon City. Once the service is opened, haha, the strength of the players sent by Silver Moon City must be second to none!”

“Serve war?” Murong Shanshan whispered, saying: “It is estimated that the service war will not be opened until at least one month. The hatred of players between the two cities must reach a certain level to meet the requirements of the war! “

I thought for a while and said with a smile: “It’s okay, the city of life has already been engaged with Japanese players. It is estimated that it will be able to open a service battle soon.”

Murong Shanshan chuckled and asked me: “Lin Fan, do you say that we also need to participate in the war against Japan?”

“Look again, but I guess the brothers of the City of Life are enough to kill the projectile land. Our Silver Moon City is closer to the main city of Western countries. I think we may not have After launching the offensive, those countries have already begun to invade. You must know that China has abundant map resources, no monster types and main city resources, and Yueheng officials have not said that. If you are in the main city during the war, If all the players are killed, the main city will be owned by the other party. You think, Silver Moon City is known as the world ’s first main city, which country does n’t want it? “

Murong Shanshan stuck out its tongue and was surprised: “Does the West really attack us?”

“Well, this attitude is wrong. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty in China, I also thought that others did not dare to attack themselves. As a result, how miserable later! I think that the few foreign main cities that are closest to us should become our hunt. The goal is that anyway, there are many Chinese players, and slowly expand outwards in the past, and occupy an intermediate city, and finally won the main city in one fell swoop, let all Indian and Vietnamese players go to become players in the wild! “

“So, is it good for us?”

“The benefits are much greater. Once the main city is captured, all transactions under the main city will be transferred to Chinese ownership. What do you know? What does that mean that the set of data is directly Slowly shifting between the Internet to China, all the player ’s consumption and trading activities will be managed by the China Yueheng branch. This is naked plunder and aggression. I think that at first, several countries did not make trouble for the main city. Is there any contradiction? The network resources are linked to the real currency. Everyone is jealous. If we can win several major cities in the West, then the transaction fees and other charges will be enough to benefit our country. “

Murong Shanshan has a sweet smile: “So, what benefit can we get?”

“No good, but take everyone to fight over and attack the city, do n’t you feel like you do n’t want to experience it? *, take everyone to the main cities of the western countries, and take all their antiques and treasures It ’s also a good place to save it in our Silver Moon City, so it ’s so cool! ”

I said it was very exciting. At this time, Lu Xuehan helped me pour a glass of cola and said: “You think it is far away, how can it be so easy to capture a main city, and it will not work without a few months of accumulation. Of. “

I smiled and said, “Although I am not in a hurry, it is always good to plan early. Have you seen the map of Yueheng? The four main cities in China just occupy the most central golden area of ​​Yueheng Continent. The four main cities have bordering other cities, especially the water stream city where they are located. Next to them are the three main cities of Canada, the United States and Greenland. It is estimated that those people will be busy soon. Our Silver Moon City It ’s a little better here. Only two main cities of India and the United Kingdom are adjacent. With the strength of Silver Moon City players, I believe that it is not impossible to share the past. “

Murong Shanshan blinked and asked with a smile: “How did India and the United Kingdom go together? Are they not close together?”

I explained: “The distribution of cities between countries is not entirely in accordance with reality. After all, Yueheng Continent is a big whole, and there are not so many sea areas. Moreover, the specific location is also determined by the parties in various countries. Fortunately, those with main cities say that a little country has no decent main city at all. For example, Norway has only one second-tier city about the size of Hurricane City. The Vatican is even worse. There is only one city in the country. The novice village is about the same size, Shanshan, do you remember, it ’s the wild wolf village! “

Murong Shanshan glanced at me angrily, and said with a sigh: “Why don’t you remember, at that time, the guy with money in your eyes also fooled me with a 7-12 beast sword? Chunks made me grab the cocoa portion every time I went to the cafeteria that week! “

Looking back at the past, I laughed: “I am willing to sell, you are willing to buy, what to say, what to do, and then, at the time, my sword of the beast attacking 7-12 was superb, and most people wanted to buy me It was n’t sold yet. At that time, what Xue Han used was to attack a broken wooden stick with only 3-6. That ’s pretty good. The average player was still playing melee at that time. You should be satisfied ~~ “

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly and said with a sigh: “Time has passed really fast. It has been 4 months in a flash. The situation of our trading in the Novice Village seems to be still in sight, but now it is almost close to the 80-level three-turn. At that time, I never thought I would play this game to this point, nor would I think I could build the first guild in China ’s first main city. Even Coco said that sometimes, I feel a little bit not It’s the same. “

“What’s the difference?” I smiled at her.

Murong Shanshan held her face with one hand, looked at the stars, and said, “She said that I have become more and more bossy. Sometimes, she dare not talk to me more …”

“Are you there?” I smiled and said, “They are blaming you for occupying her too much time. Even if someone kisses me with Wu Dong, you will make a big light bulb beside you. It’s you. It ’s getting more and more unconscious! ”

“But, I am also good for her!” Murong Shanshan was a little dissatisfied and looked up at me and said, “What kind of person is Wu Dong? You should also be able to tell a little bit. I ’m not at school anymore, but the stupid girl may have been put to bed by him! “

I patted her on the shoulder: “Ah, the cocoa is already grown-up and has the right to enjoy it. Why should you be like an ascetic? Besides, you may see you in school every day Wu Dong I think about it, I do n’t care too much about cocoa, but as soon as you leave, there will be only a few beautiful women in the school. Wu Dong may retreat and take the second place. Will he die of cocoa in the future? “

Xin Yu looked at me strangely and said, “Don’t discuss such an adult matter with Shanshan, you see her blushing.”

“Is it blushing? I was grilled by the heat of charcoal fire …”

Murong Shanshan wiped her mouth and said, “After a few days, I want to go back and look at the cocoa, maybe this girl can’t live in the school anymore.”

I suggest: “Do n’t go back, this kind of thing is better to let it happen, you forcefully block it, but maybe you will hate you for a lifetime, and let her taste it herself, the body and mind have been painful, maybe she is counted Real adulthood, hey, China’s adulthood ceremony is too simple and simple. In fact, often the true adulthood ceremony is performed in bed. “

Murong Shanshan nodded gently: “Perhaps you are right. Forget it. I don’t care about this matter. My own affairs are enough headaches.”

Xin Yu smiled and asked: “Shanshan, what’s your headache?”

“There are too many headaches.”

Murong Shanshan turned over the skewers on the shelf and saw everyone watching her, so he smiled softly and explained: “There are so many things in the guild, and there is a lot of grass in the resident without management for a few days, although It can be given to the young frivolous and the sun never sets, but after all, they can only share a small part of the income of the resident. If I do n’t do it in person, they will always have something to say for a long time. “

“Have you got a headache just because of this?”

“Of course not.” Murong Shanshan looked up at me, then at Xinyu and Lu Xuehan, and it took a few seconds to say: “I’m not afraid of you jokes, in fact, the person I am most worried about is my mother …”

“Your mother?” I asked in surprise: “What’s wrong with her, do you still need you to worry?”

Murong Shanshan shook her head and chuckled: “She doesn’t lack anything materially, but she has divorced her father for so many years, and I have never seen her find other men. You said, is this normal? Mom is still young , You should not put everything you have on work. “

“It turned out that I was worried about this …” Xin Yu couldn’t help but smile: “I’ve grown up, and I know that my mother is caring about these things ~~”

Murong Shanshan blushed slightly and whispered, “I know you guys will make fun of me, forget it, I won’t say it if I knew it!”

I’m busy comforting: “It’s okay to say it, at least it will be more comfortable in my heart. Otherwise, let’s find one for my aunt?”

“Looking for one?” Murong Shanshan looked at me in surprise, and couldn’t help laughing after a few seconds: “You think, of the many men of your age who are similar to my mother, which one is worthy of her? ? “

I have been thinking for a long time, but there is no one. After all, Murong Shanshan ’s mother looks so young and beautiful, and she is a wealthy man. There are really few men who can deserve her.

Murong Shanshan said helplessly: “Now, you also know why I have such a headache!”

I nodded: “It’s really a headache. Have you ever knocked on your aunt and asked her if she has any ideas in this regard?”

“No, I’m afraid of being scolded by her ~”

“So, I do n’t think you have to worry about this kind of thing. Auntie does n’t know how much higher than your experience. She can handle it by herself. If we help, it is self-defeating.”

Xin Yu also nodded and said, “Lin Fan is right, if she needs it, she will find it herself.”

Although Xin Yu ’s words are not very pleasant, they are true.

At this time, Lu Xuehan suddenly handed over a brick-like thing and said with a smile: “Lin Fan, try my baked buns ~~”

I was shocked, this was actually a bun, I thought it was a black brick just removed from the coal kiln!

“Xuehan, is this really a bun?” I frowned, and confirmed once more, the stuff sticking to the iron bar in my hand was still smoking.

Lu Xuehan nodded very seriously and said, “Yes, but the fire seems to have passed.”

MD, as it is, women ca n’t be used for meals no matter how good-looking they are. Lu Xuehan argues that the appearance is enough to compete with Murong Shanshan, but when it comes to barbecue technology, she seems to be far behind. It is estimated that before this I haven’t baked anything to eat.

I ca n’t help but secretly sigh: Xin Yu is more practical, as well as under the bed.

Xin Yu at this time tried hard to hold back the laugh and said, “Lin Fan, try Xue Han’s craft!”

Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan looked at me expectantly, but I had to close my eyes and take a bite.

It ’s very crispy, and the smell of burnt is very strong …

After drinking a glass of coke in one breath, I cleaned the burnt smell in my mouth. I looked around, and the diners had dispersed a lot, and it was almost one in the morning, so I said, “You are full, do n’t work. , Pack up and take away? “

Murong Shanshan said: “No, I ’m already full, but this bottle of Coke that has n’t finished drinking has to be taken away!”

After she finished, she picked up half a bottle of coke by the table.

A little MM who earns at least a few million a day would actually care about a bottle of Coke for 6 yuan, which is too unbelievable, but everyone despise her lazily, tidy up things, and go back to sleep.

“Lin Fan, do you still do that mission tomorrow?” Xin Yu walked to the front and asked back.

I replied: “Yeah ~ ~ I ca n’t leave the map for the time being, otherwise, I will go to the fourth floor and I do n’t know how much effort it will take.”

Murong Shanshan asked in surprise: “You have entered the fourth floor of the Lost Temple?”

“Well, it ’s easy to kill the first three layers, I guess, it ’s hard to do later.”

Murong Shanshan asked: “I heard that there is one on each floor of the Lost Temple. So, three of them have been killed. There must be a lot of good equipment. The Lost Temple is not easy ~ ! “

“There is nothing to equip, only two pieces are purple, and the attributes are not very good. Which fool tells you that the lost temple will explode good things?”

“Hongye’s, uh, you stupid.”


Thinking about it, Hongye said that there must be her reason, maybe, the next few layers will really come out with good equipment, that is also the matter of the next day, let ’s sleep well tonight , After a busy day, I’m really not resting.

Back to the dormitory, I just fell down and soon fell into a dream.

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