Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Defense the granary

The camp mission is constantly refreshed with the situation, from the non-hazardous supply of mission, such as logistics collection of medicinal materials, to the high-risk front-end operations of front-line investigation. It is estimated that in a few days, when Golden Dawn fully counters the hurricane kingship, mission will be more. At present, the attitude of the Silver Moon Alliance towards the emerging camp is temporarily neutral. It is understandable that in essence, the war between Golden Dawn and Hurricane City is only one. In the case of a domestic war, the Silver Moon Alliance will only select the party that ultimately defeated it as its ally, and what it loses can only become the dust of history.

Several orange missions are more demanding and cannot be completed in a quarter of an hour, so we have two consecutive blue missions with a difficulty level that is not very large. There is still a certain possibility that they can be completed before 12 o’clock tonight. ——

[Worry of Moonlight Town]

mission Content: Recently, a group of ghouls with plague appeared in the valley behind Moonlight Town. They attacked civilians everywhere and polluted the granary stored in the back mountain with filthy claws. The granary was golden dawn The main logistics supply unit of the army will threaten the life of the soldiers ahead if the food is contaminated. Please be sure to eradicate all ghouls within 24 hours of receiving mission, and reply to me with their teeth, request mission items [Ghoul’s Teeth], the required number: 200 teams.

[Remove Harassment]

mission Content: Our reconnaissance team stationed in the Xiling Highlands was harassed by a small scout force from Hurricane City the day before yesterday. They have reached the verge of collapse. Please within 12 hours after receiving mission Help them repel the Scout Squad in Hurricane City and collect 100 Hurricane badges as proof of completing mission!


I turned off the mission content and said: “The completion of these two mission is imperative, Shanshan, do you think it is better for us to complete first?”

“Go to the ghoul teeth first, anyway, we are now in Moonlight Town, not far from Houshan. It ’s not too late to make the mission items and then make the next mission.”

Murong Shanshan said it was not unreasonable, so the two of us repaired the equipment and moved forward.

The mission that killed the Juggernaut gave us a lot of camp friendliness, which directly made our rank skip the trainee sentry and reach the level of sentinel. It stands to reason that sentry repair equipment should be about 10 cheaper, but 10 is not Count a lot, anyway, I didn’t obviously feel how much money was saved.

The higher the equipment level, the more repair costs are required. My orange and purple equipment only consumes less than half of the durability, but the repair cost has cost me more than 700 gold coins. Fortunately, mission just rewarded me 20,000 gold coins, otherwise it would cost so much maintenance. The cost will really be a bit difficult.

After the mountain, there was a mist, and the morning mist continued to fall into sporadic rain drops, dripping on the person’s face with a crisp feeling.

“Ah ~!”

A scream came from the front, and Murong Shanshan and I hurried over and saw that a soldier guarding the granary had lost his life under the claws of several ghouls. From the point of view of the program, it should be that our arrival has triggered the operation of the mission plot. It is conceivable that the death of this soldier was caused by us indirectly.

Murong Shanshan and I are not guilty, pulling a sword in our hands, and rushing to play with a few ghouls.

The ghoul is a 70-level monster, belonging to the lower-level creatures of the undead system, only one level higher than the skeleton warrior. They were civilians before they were killed. After being killed by Master undead, they became living creatures that devoured corpses. Each ghoul has a certain life cycle. Once their cycle is reached, it will be consumed by the last biological breath. Constantly and eventually died.

The ghouls are agile. They have sharp claws and teeth. It is said that their teeth can bite through and a centimeter-thick steel plate. Fortunately, the weapons of Murong Shanshan and I are made of high quality “Tianshan Hantie” It is a superb orange weapon made from minerals, so it has no fear of ghouls’ teeth.

“Brush ~!”

One of my hard hits was a clean slash from top to bottom of a ghoul’s body. After the crisp sound of breaking, this 70-level ghoul was immediately knocked out by me by nearly half The life value of 12084 floats on top of it.

Well, a fatal blow was made, but even if there is no fatal blow, my 1550 attack can still cause it to cause damage of about 5000. It can be seen that the ghoul is under the premise of super high attack speed , But sacrifices its own defense.

Murong Shanshan ’s lightsaber has an addition of damage to undead creatures. She kills them at a more terrifying speed. An ordinary attack can kill nearly ten thousand ghouls ’blood and occasionally hit the Holy Light effect You can even kill this 70-level monster!

When we cleaned up a group of nearly one hundred ghouls in the vicinity, we only found out that the chance of them producing mission items was not very high. We spent ten minutes to kill 100 monsters and only got a total of 5 ghouls. Ghost teeth, it seems that it is basically impossible to complete this mission in two hours.

Looking at the experience that has increased by one square, I said, “Shanshan, we are going to cover the night tonight, otherwise the second mission time limit may come over, mission fails, we may be deducted a certain amount Of the camp ’s friendliness. “

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: “It’s okay, anyway, cocoa is here with me now, and she will be responsible for my lunch tomorrow. I will inform Wu Dong that he will not come here tomorrow, disturbing my aunt’s sleep, he will die . “

The little beauty brandished her light sword, and the murderous look made me feel a sudden chill, and I couldn’t remember what I wanted to say.

“I interfered with Coco and Wu Dong in this way. Was it a bit excessive?” Murong Shanshan blinked and asked softly.

I smiled: “If you still have a little conscience, in my opinion, Wu Dong may not be bad for cocoa in the future. You find an opportunity to talk to Wu Dong and say that you are impossible. Let him Dead this heart, and have a good life with Cocoa. “

Murong Shanshan agreed, she nodded and said, “Well, I will pretend to tell him that I am already Lin Fan’s, let him not be delusional ~”

“Well, this excuse is very good, I appreciate it …”


Continue to kill monsters, there are always a lot of ghouls around the granary, they have killed all the granary guards, and some are lying on the guard ’s body to nibble their corpses and issue “呱 呧 呱 呧~ “Creepy voice.

Murong Shanshan held her chest and said happily, “Fortunately, I didn’t eat supper, otherwise I vomited.”

I despise her very much. Based on what I know about her, even if she eats supper, there will be no reaction to seeing this situation.

We are talking about that some ghouls have started to attack the granaries with sharp claws. Their bodies are covered with plague. If they spread to the granaries, the consequences will be really unimaginable. Everything is variable. Who knows what Duck will look like after eating the contaminated food. If it becomes the commander of undead, then Golden Dawn will be over, and our painstaking military rank mission will be ruined.

Murong Shanshan stepped back and said to me: “Go and lead the monster, I will brush it with Sword Qi first!”

She also said: “Be careful, ghouls move very fast, don’t be surrounded. Although you have a high defense, you can’t stand many siege.”

I nodded and rushed in immediately, bypassing the hordes of ghouls and walking through them in an “s” shape. The ghouls found that the enemy distance was 20 yards, I must be here At the maximum distance, more ghouls are attracted. Level 7 Sword Qi‘s attack range has been improved too much. If I don’t bring back a sufficient number of monsters, it will be a waste.

Two minutes later, the ghouls that followed me could already be described as “massive”. They moved so fast that I had to drive the swordsman violently to increase the speed so that I could safely arrive in Murong Shanshan’s side.

The little girl is calming down and her dazzling light is beating on the Hanabei.

“Boom ~!”

Sword Qi shines n long, just covering the monsters underneath, like laser strangling. Under this powerful attacking skill, a large group of ghouls were cut down and turned upside down. When the dust settled, the ground It is already a dense body, and occasionally only a trace of blood is left if it is not killed.

Looking at the experience bar has grown a lot, I almost sing superstar. With the help of the lightsaber and Sword Qi, Murong Shanshan is undoubtedly the nemesis of the undead monster!

The role of Sword Qi cannot fully live the Oppression ghoul group. When Murong Shanshan and I were complacent, we were already trapped in the ghoul’s encirclement circle. There was no superfluous way, we could only take medicine and fight.

Murong Shanshan is good, but one thing makes me speechless. She does n’t take too much potion when she goes out. Every time I level up, the potion must be taken out by me. I do n’t know if this girl is trying to save money. Fortunately, it was my habit to buy potions in bundles, so I traded most of the potions to her.

As for myself, under the blood-sucking effect of Blood Sword 10, I can continue to fight without drinking the potion. The defense of ghouls is too low. Even ordinary attacks can cause them to have more than 4000 damage. After the reduction , I can still recover more than 300 points of qi and blood every time through the blood-sucking effect, plus the speed of my blood return, there is no need to take medicine at all.

After more than an hour, we wiped out all the ghouls in this granary and collected 54 mission items. In addition, 7 pieces of blue equipment of level 55 and about 20 of green equipment were also exploded. There are many pieces, and the white equipment is not picked up directly. The equipment of that level is already equivalent to the beggar’s equipment. Even if it is sold, it may not be higher than 10 yuan.

There are also three granaries like this nearby. It seems that the system has been set up to kill all monsters in the four granaries to collect all the mission items. There is no other way, we can only continue to kill. Fortunately, the experience given by ghouls is still quite rich. In an hour, I have gained more than a dozen points of experience. For the level above 60, this upgrade speed is undoubtedly quite bt.

At three o’clock in the morning, we finally killed all the ghouls who attacked the granary, and the golden dawn party had also dispatched new troops to participate in guarding the granary.

For five hours, we have no idea how many monsters were killed. We only know that the Sword Qi and Xuan Bingjian’s rays have bloomed n times, and the monsters have fallen n piles. My experience has risen directly from level 61 24 to level 61 87, and Murong Shanshan also said that he already has level 50 experience at level 62.

My package has been filled with green equipment, but Murong Shanshan ’s package contains only potions. She smiled and said, “Will you help the scout team at the sentry station to fight the scout team, and then burst out? I will carry my equipment. After completing mission, I will sell the equipment to Silvermoon City, and it will be divided into five or five! “

I have no objections, so the two of them came back together to hand in mission.

Still still there, when we handed over the mission items, he said excitedly: “I did n’t expect you to repel those savage undeads so quickly, well, let me take these as Reward for you! “

“Ding ~!”

System Tip: Your team has completed the blue camp plot mission [Worry of the Moonlight Town], you gain 1 billion experience, 1200 gold coins, reputation +2000, camp friendship +2000, the rank progress has been improved !


It is still the title of the sentinel, but the color has changed a little bit, and the 1 billion experience has made my experience bar jump again, staying at 92.

Murong Shanshan said with a smile: “Continue to cheer on and make the next mission. If you continue this way, we will be able to get rid of the unspeakable military rank of” Sentinel “immediately. Although it’s not very nice, but it also brought the word “official”, anyway, it is much stronger than the sentry … “

I laughed and said: “If you are an official, you must be a corrupt official ~”

Murong Shanshan showed a disapproving look, and said, “Let ’s go, my aunt is going to sleep. The following mission must be completed as soon as possible. I ca n’t bear it ~ staying up late will affect the beauty. With me, I ca n’t do this kind of thing ~ “

I ca n’t cry, it seems that she insisted on picking up these missions, otherwise I would have gone to Lu Xuehan to say good night and went to bed with the quilt.


The sentinel station under attack was on the Xiling highland not far north, and Murong Shanshan and I spent nearly 20 minutes here, only to see the grass flying and flying, a great view of harmony—— A group of hairless Carrion Vulturess hovered in the air. After finding food, they swooped down to grab the dead animals on the ground. Several bloodthirsty porcupines with slender sharp fangs wandered aimlessly on the grassland. Like a small three-wheeled horse with a full horsepower, he rushed past melee.

Murong Shanshan and I have no time to fight with the porcupine, so we can only take a detour and try to avoid these animals. We are all too tired now, and we really have no time to entangle them.

From a distance, you can see an army of Hurricane City organizing an attack on the sentinel station. And the sentinel station, which was made of stones, was also surrounded by water. The soldiers inside showed cold arrows through the holes in the wall.

The strength is very different. The Golden Dawn troops at the sentry station will not exceed 100 people at most, while the Hurricane City scout team that is organizing the attack below has at least about 1,000 people. *, a team of 1,000 people can be set up An inspector, who actually told us that this is a small scout team, it seems that the pure I was not fooled again.

“Whoosh ~!”

A row of arrow rains fell above the golden dawn, and dozens of soldiers who were shooting suddenly hit the arrows, and even a few were dropped on the spot. Even if they did not hang up, they have temporarily lost their fighting power.

Murong Shanshan poked me lightly with the hilt, and said anxiously: “Hurry up and help, if all the soldiers at the sentry station are all hung up, our mission will fail even if it fails, but it will be friendly. ! “

I nodded my head and observed the Hurricane City troops, and found that they are all 72-level hostile creatures. The specific attack can not be seen, but it will not be worse if I think about it. The sharp weapon is very bright. Armor, no longer warns us: they are well-trained and well-equipped!

“Shanshan ~ ~ How do we fight, if there is a hard punch, will it be dangerous?”

Murong Shanshan seems to be looking at the layout of the sentinel station, reaching for the gate of the station and saying, “We rushed to that position, relying on the favorable terrain of the gate to kill the outside Hurricane City troops, so that we can reduce it as much as possible. The number of attacks, and if there is a priest profession in the city, it should be able to add blood to us. “

I reviewed it again, and the sword rushed up and told her: “I will go first. You follow me. When I blame, there should be a safe gap behind me.”

“Well, let ’s get started!”

When I approached the Hurricane City troops for the first time, they had given up attacking the sentry station and concentrated all their firepower on me. For a time, the hail flames flew all over the sky, and the arrow only “popped-popped” “I was shot down on the armor and then rebounded by the orange armor, causing the damage to be minimal.

In the distance, the inspector of the Hurricane City scout troops commanded Ruoding there, and he took a giant sword in his hand. In the morning light, the giant sword refracted the dazzling light.

Well, we must kill him later, that giant sword is definitely a good weapon!

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