Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Revenge

“146!” “78!” “88!”

It’s very clean and clean. My single blow and a combo instantly killed a thief. Murong Shanshan also cooperated with the magician to kill another thief.

The thief with no way to become invisible has become the fish meat on the knife board. I only saw the thief’s name: “Legendary Crotch” at this time. It was really insignificant. I looked at the combat record just now: You killed “Wonder Crotch“!

Damn it, such a frivolous group of people!

Murong Shanshan is about to start. At this time, a group of people came over, about seven or eight people.

The leader is a warrior. Without a word, we directly used heavy blows and combos to kill our mage MM in seconds. I can see that the scalp is numb. Is this the game? Killing people for fun?

“It’s him !?” Murong Shanshan leaned beside me, his voice trembling slightly, and at the same time our animal trainer was also resolved among the electric flint.

“Fighting? The top-ranking battle in this city?”

A middle-aged man ’s face has a scar on his face, and the people behind him are also quite timid. They do n’t need to look at it to know that they are with the three thieves.

“Haha, a city ranking No. 3 and a No. 9. It seems that this business has gained a lot. Gee, Murong Shanshan is still so pretty. Does my brother still remember things?”

As soon as the frantic battle was over, several players on that side shot together. Under the attack of the concussion arrow and the frost arrow, the two trainers on our side immediately fell to the ground and were instantly killed!

“What should I do?” Murong Shanshan probably hasn’t seen this kind of scene before, leaning on me a little trembling.

I did n’t speak, I directly traded a bottle of ketchup for her, and then said on the team channel: “Drink this, you run back, I ’m going to blame.”

The Murong Shanshan did n’t say anything, just ran it straight away without using his head. This girl is clever. If you do n’t do this, it ’s estimated to be relegated again. This time it ’s P. Two levels.

Looking at the eight people lined up with each other, the cooldown of the concussion arrow should n’t come yet, good chance!

I rushed past the edge, and the combo hits were released continuously!


Damn, the combo was evaded by the other archer!


I’m so happy! Critical blow!

The critical blow made a fatal blow, and the archer named “God, give a girl!” was instantly killed by a spike!

“Fuck, slaughter him!” Seeing so many people in the field, he was killed by other people’s archers, and he immediately ordered angrily.

I did n’t stay much. I dragged my sword and ran along the edge of the 19th-level monster. The group of people chasing behind me could see my shadow at first, but after a while, I could only see the monster. Too.

The screams were one after another. They did n’t have the defense of 60 like me. Eight people quickly hung in the hands of the 19th-level monster group. Instead, I only consumed half of my blood under the influence of ketchup. I got rid of all the blame. When I stood in front of the mad war, his expression was very interesting.

“Damn, let’s wait and see!”

In my surprised eyes, the mad war broke up the backscroll immediately. I was a little confused for a while, this is the first in this city?

“Do you want to continue with mission?” Murong Shanshan came out from behind, still unwilling to watch the place where he fought back to the city.

The puppet still has nearly 1/10 of the blood. I rushed up immediately and said, “Hurry, don’t let it return to blood!”

The pastor is gone, so the pressure on me and Murong Shanshan is greatly increased. Fortunately, the preparation of Murong Shanshan is complete. While trading, I was given two medium-sized blood bottles. Female, this medium-sized blood bottle of 1 gold coin is now rarely priced by anyone.


“Green vegetables, help, I can’t resist it!” Murong Shanshan is already calling for help.

“Do n’t you have a blood bottle?”

“I have dealt with you …”

“You are so good to me …”

“Let’s come! I just made a mistake …”

After using two blood bottles, the 21st level finally fell under our devastation.

Murong Shanshan flipped the monster ’s body, found a blue spar, and said happily: “mission is completed! This spar can be changed to a 20-level blue gear.”

I am very puzzled: “It stands to reason that the 21st level should also be a bit of equipment, how can there be nothing?”

“Probably because this is a strange relationship of mission, green vegetables, thank you …”

“You’re welcome, I collect money.”

“I thank you for helping me kill those people.”

“It’s not me, it’s a monster.”

Murong Shanshan has finally issued the bid, and said: “Less nonsense, thank you anyway!”

I did n’t think that even thank you would be forced to accept it, and I accepted it very seriously: “Put the 700 yuan into the bank card I gave you last time. You must remember it. I send a text message. “

Murong Shanshan chuckled softly and said, “I know, green vegetable hero! Now what shall we do if we go back to the city?”

“Of course, hurry up and wait for the mad war to bring people back to kill us. By the way, what is your holiday with him? Why did he take people to destroy our mission, and , How did he know that we are doing mission here? “

Murong Shanshan froze for a moment, blinked and watched me say nothing.

“Is it true, forget it.”

“Sorry, let’s go back to the city first. After going back, do you want to accompany me to level up?” Murong Shanshan asked with a smile.

“No, I like to practice by myself.”

“Hum, beauties like me, men are eager to take me to level up, you are strange, to be honest, are you BL?”

“Narcissism!” I crushed back to the city.

“Asshole, so don’t give me a face!” Murong Shanshan gritted his teeth and returned to the city ~ ~ After a bit of repairs, I looked at my level and it was soon 17, the world ranking was more than 3000, and China ranked 2000 Many, but in this city it is directly ranked second. It is probably the 21 level that I just played gave a lot of experience, so I squeezed the small ants on the leaves to third.

Checked a brief map, the next mission “Rescue Princess Misha” is in the plague cemetery in the west of the city. It is also good to learn the map by the time.

“Lin Fan, what did you do just now?” A text message from Lu Xuehan.

I answered immediately: “Helped the Murong Shanshan who bought my sword last time to kill a mission, and met several people with malicious P, so it took a little time.”

Lu Xuehan did not continue to reply to the text message, but Xu Lin quickly asked me: “Xiaolin, do you charge any fees?”

“Of course, 700 oceans, not bad.”

“Oh, it ’s good ~”

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