Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 119: Abraham Tomb

Chapter 119 Abraham’s Tomb

The entrance to Abraham’s tomb is close by, but a bit out of reach.

There are too many Skeletons here. The vast Skeleton sea can’t be seen at a glance.

Nie Yan lost Reconnaissance/Scout to one of the Skeleton soldiers.

Skeleton Hero: Level 13, Health520 / 520

After the Playerss probed here, Victorious Return and Angels Dominance fought a fierce battle here for the Control right in this area. At that time, Radiant Sacred Flame and Angels Dominance had a little conflict, dragging the back legs of Angels Dominance and attracting the main force of Angels Dominance. Victorious Return was only Control here. It took them three days to clean up all Skeleton Hero and enter the Abraham tomb As for what happened in the tomb, no one knows, anyway, in the end Victorious Return people got Chapter of Freedom.

previous life carries Chapter of Freedom with a Thief called low key. He is the chief Thief of Victorious Return Guild. It is one of the only people who deserves the word Shadow Dancer. Almost in previous Guild battles, Stronghold battles, and city battles. He has had a good record, killing at least a hundred people at a time, most of them are commoners, and there are many characters at the level of Archmage and Divine Priest. In addition, he seemed to be a lot of Skill. Despite being thrilled on several occasions, he all retreated.

Shadow Dancer, that is the ultimate glory pursued by all Thief! It is not that Level is high, you will definitely get Title of Shadow Dancer, advanced Shadow Dancer needs to complete a difficult Profession Upgrade Quest, challenge the limit of Thief, there will be a lot of attributes, Skill rewards after completion.

When a Thief reaches the Shadow Dancer stage segment, it will be very scary. They are God Comes Ghosts Disappear, concealment in Darkness, and they will be killed. Although they ca n’t help Warrior and Paladin of the same level plate armour Class, but Warrior and Paladin also Take them there is nothing to be done.

The best way to deal with Shadow Dancer thieves is Priest‘s Marked and Paladin‘s God’s Eye. In addition, the pk between the high Perception Archmage and the Shadow Dancer thief can barely keep the number. It is interesting that the main reason why Archmage can maintain a five-to-five victory rate is nothing else, but because the leveling Speed of Mage is really too terrifying, and Archmage can often maintain Level of level 10 or higher for Shadow Dancer Thief. Advantage.

previous life low key The reason why life can easily advanced Shadow Dancer thief, his skill did not say anything, but Chapter of Freedom also contributed.

Victorious Return, Nie Yan took a deep breath. The hatred between him and Victorious Return is not deep. Later, Victorious Return was acquired by Cao Xu and became one of the top five Guild under Cao Xu. At that time, Cao Xu controlled the five major Guilds, Victorious Return, Radiant Sacred Flame, Mage Union, Divine Guardians, and Bloodthirsty Sword. Each Guild was Powerful, and the combination could almost run Under Heaven. No one can shake the supremacy of Cao Xu. Many Guilds can barely maintain self-protection under the squeeze of Cao Xu.

It is said that Victorious Return‘s Guild leader and Cao Xu are partners in reality, and they will definitely go together in the end. If there is an opportunity to weaken Victorious Return Guild, Nie Yan will never let go. Regardless of whether Victorious Return will be acquired by the capital predator Cao Xu in the future, Nie Yan must beware.

Looking at the endless Skeleton sea ahead, Nie Yan has a resolute momentum.

No one can stop me from getting stronger!

Nie Yan took a look at the three Skeleton Kodos around him. The reason why he wanted Command to three or more Skeleton Kodos was to open the way for him and send him to the door of the ancient tomb, so three Skeleton Kodos The mission is complete.

As for the tomb, after previous life Victorious Return Guild took Chapter of Freedom away, he went to level up there, and he still had some vague impressions about the general situation inside. As long as he went in, he could remember it.

Nie Yan leaves Skeleton Kodo open in the front, protecting the front and left and right, and two Normal Skeleton Warriors staying behind, heading towards Abraham’s tomb.

Three giant Skeleton Kodo divided these Skeleton Hero away and drove out. Countless Skeleton Hero were flew by Skeleton Kodo.

Many Skeleton Hero started Attack Skeleton Kodo, and the damage value of -12 one by one rose from the head of Skeleton Kodo.

Nie Yan stepped into this Cemetery, a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, these Skeleton Courage smelled the Aura of the soul, and became crazy, like a tide generally came over here, countless Skeleton Skeleton congested ahead.

Skeleton Kodo continues to do the cleaning work, clearing a way, every time you move forward a few points, Skeleton Kodo’s Health will have to drop a lot, if it is not because Skeleton Kodo health recovery speed is fast enough, I am afraid Can’t support it long ago.

According to this Speed, before the entrance to the tomb, the three Skeleton Kodos will have to die.

This is slightly different from Nie Yan‘s prediction. You need to speed up Speed!

Otherwise, when the three Skeleton Kodos die, he is still trapped by the crowds of Skeleton. It must be dead.

Nie Yan manipulated Skeleton Kodo to speed up the advance, an Skeleton Hero leaked from the Skeleton Kodo’s defense line, and wielded the sword in his hand and slashed at him.

Nie Yan sidestepped flashed, Attack of Skeleton Hero, a Vital Strike hit Skeleton Kodo, then a backhand slash, Attack was on the back of Skeleton Hero.

-165, -152.

When Skeleton Hero broke in, Health already dropped a lot. In addition, Nie Yan‘s Attack was very high, and it smashed an Skeleton Hero twice.

Nie Yan, while letting Skeleton Kodo step up the assault, cope with the leaked Skeleton Hero.

The entrance to the tomb is getting closer and closer, and there are still about twenty yards. The two Skeleton Warrior behind Nie Yan have been split into fragment(s). Although the number of Skeleton Hero coming from behind is relatively small, their Health is too thin It is irresistible.

The vast Skeleton sea is like waves of crazy waves, turbulent, endless. The Nie Yan and the three Skeleton Kodos are like reefs in the ocean. They are beaten by waves, and they are in danger of being swallowed at any time. However, when the waves recede, the Nie Yan and the three Skeleton Kodos are still like rocks. Center stands on the sea of ​​Skeleton.

Nie Yan glanced at three Skeleton Kodo’s Healths. The one with the most Health had 800 blood left, and the one with the least left more than 300 blood.

Under the control of Nie Yan, three Skeleton Kodo violently hit the Skeleton group in front, one by one Skeleton Hero was knocked out.

A lot of Skeleton Hero fall under the foot of Nie Yan, but except for one or two things that seem to be more valuable, he will take the time to bend over and pick it up. He will never care about Normal coins and the like.

Staying a bit longer in the same place means that you are one step closer to Death.

In the fierce confrontation, Nie Yan is getting closer to Abraham’s tomb, only eight or nine yards away. Success is only one step away, and the heartbeat speeds up unconsciously.

A Skeleton Kodo Health approached the bottom line, and I saw cracks spreading from Skeleton Kodo’s body. With a bang, this Skeleton Kodo broke into fragment(s), and the fragment(s) of Skeleton Kodo will Three or four Skeleton Hero are pressed below.

A Skeleton Kodo died!

Nie Yan was startled. There were only two Skeleton branches left, and the remaining two Skeleton branches had Health.

Nie Yan seems to see the danger approaching. If two Skeleton Kodo all Death, then he loses the last barrier, the endless Skeleton sea will engulf him in an instant, and no bone residue will remain.

Two Skeleton Kodo Defense are more stretched, Nie Yan has to deal with the Skeleton Hero which is rushing in.

An assassination killed one Skeleton Hero, and two Skeleton Hero rushed in from the side.

Nie Yan flashes a Skeleton Hero of Attack, and another Skeleton Hero is cut on Nie Yan, -32.

Five more Skeleton Hero came in.

There are too many Skeleton Hero, there are seven Skeleton Hero, Nie Yan is a bit overwhelmed, Health drops down, 65%, 37%, 12%, quickly fill a bottle of instant return, and then put a bandage .

+20, +20, +20 …

Looking towards the entrance of the ancient tomb, it was a broken building about three yards high. Under the erosion of wind and sand, it was covered with cracks, as if to collapse at any time. Inside the tomb is deep dark, you can see the layers of stairs leading to the bottom, Darkness is like a beast chosen by humans, opening its mouth to wait for prey.

While the two Skeleton Kodo and some Health, Nie Yan took Skeleton Kodo and continued to advance three or four yards. Another Skeleton Kodo’s Health bottomed out, Didi growled and split into fragment(s) .

Nie Yan followed the heart tightly, and glanced at the Skeleton Kodo’s Health, -12, -12, -15, a piece of cut wound came out of its head, and was surrounded by Skeleton Hero , Health also bottomed out.

Nie Yan completely lost the barrier, the endless Skeleton sea came towards him, and he would be devoured next moment.

It’s too late, Nie Yan glanced at Abraham’s tomb not far away. Is don’t tell me going to lose ground here?

Countless Skeleton Hero are like a howling beast, pounced on Nie Yan, two Skeleton Hero were chopped on Nie Yan, and the remaining 37% Health of Nie Yan was eliminated by 21%.

Seeing the beam of the door of Abraham’s tomb, Nie Yan moved his heart, immediately cast Skill on Silk Weaver’s Ring, shot a Spider Silk, and a bang, this Spider Silk flew across the sky above Skeleton Hero and stuck to the upper end of Abraham’s tomb . With a violent pull, the pulling force of Spider Silk caused Nie Yan to fly, flying over the heads of many Skeleton Hero, and flying to the top of the door of Abraham’s tomb.

Looking back and glancing, the place where he was standing was engulfed by the surging Skeleton Hero.

Nie Yan leapfrogged the Skeleton Hero. Seeing that it was about to hit the rock wall of the ancient tomb door, one support with one hand and one hand stood on the beam of the ancient tomb door.

The following Skeleton Hero is constantly tumultuous, but they are absolutely unable to reach here. Nie Yan took a breath and finally was safe. Health has only a little left, and quickly find a place to sit and eat bread Restore Health.

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