Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 1200: Chiyang Demon God

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When Ninety-nine Make Origin Well was mastered by Chen Fan, he also took control of part of the authority of Xiantu. It was not that Chen Fan had speculated that he could control all the fairy land, and at this time he could only control a small part of the authority.

But this authority is less than one percent, but it has already made Chen Fan initially understand what is this piece of fairy soil under his feet and the suppressed Demon God in fairy soil.

‘This is tricky …’

Thinking of the situation to be faced, even if you reincarnated with Chen Fan Immortal Exalt, at this time it is also frowns, which feels difficult.

“What’s wrong Teacher.” A’Xiu and others looked at him with unswerving looks, and asked with concern, A’Xiu suddenly changed his expression, trembling: “Teacher, you … cultivation base Great Accomplishment, to leave us and go to the teacher and the uncle Are you there yet? “


Qi Xiu’er, Lu Yanxue, Xiaoman and others immediately turned their heads to look around, their small faces vaguely anxious and unwilling. There is a vague understanding in their hearts, knowing that Chen Fan will eventually leave the earth, or even leave the abandoned star field. When the identity of the reincarnation of Chen Fan Great Power was revealed, everyone knew that this small pond on earth could not trap Chen Fan at all.

They thought they could keep Chen Fan for a few more years and let him stay with him more. Who thought that they would leave now?

Teacher will go, but not now.” Chen Fan smiled and shook his head.

He is leaving now, and he is not at ease.

Around the earth, the powerhouse of the major star fields are still staring at them. Although the Divine Transformation Great Power is drawn back, the fists that are withdrawn and tightened are even more terrible. I am afraid that I will be ready to fight back with more violent force at any time, blasting the earth, do n’t look Xiaonan Tianjing is calm and calm at the moment, but Chen Fan believes that their highest level must be concerned about the earth at all times.

Not to mention, the time bomb at the foot is not resolved, and Chen Fan cannot leave at all.

Teacher is worrying about other things …” Chen Fan was silent for a moment, glancing in front of his eyes and caring about pretty faces. “Well, some things, you will know sooner or later. Let me tell you in advance.”

“What’s the matter?” Everyone was surprised.

The Chen Fan lost his hand, pacing in the wide hall of the Primal Spirit hall, walked for a while, stopped and looked up at the top of his head, his voice was cold: “Do you know much about this piece of ‘Xiantu’ under your feet?”


A’Xiu and others looked at each other.

They did n’t know much, but since Chen Fan reached the top of the abandoned star field, from the Kunlun Burial Grounds world, Heavenly Desolate, Tianmu and other planet, as well as the extra-territorial surrender and captives, let them quickly understand why the earth will Become the center of the siege of Wanjiao. Why did the Star Ocean eyes on it, and the Legend that the earth once had.

Legend, this is the ‘Immortal town of magic. ’

“No, does the devil really exist?” Chen Yaoyao’s face was pale.

Xiaoman, Qi Xiu’er, Lu Yanxue, etc. also frowned.

“And, isn’t it a bit weird that you are recovering from Spirit Qi on Earth?” Chen Fan then spoke again.

Everyone was shocked.

Teacher, you said, this fairy land really suppresses the so-called devil, and the reason why our earth will recover from Spirit Qi is also related to it?” Qi Xiu’er said softly. The other younger disciples also looked at each other.

This fairy land is vast and vast, even bigger than the earth, among which Primal Infant monsters are everywhere.

If the following really suppressed the devil, what kind of power would it be?

The recovery of the Earth Spirit Qi is a big secret.

Even if Xiaoman is far away in Heavenly Desolate, I heard that the earth was once barren. Nowadays, the density of Spirit Qi is higher every day. Many people are worried and curious while enjoying it. It is very strange where these Spirit Qis come from. Come?

“Why in the end, you and I will know if you look down.” Chen Fan said, offering the “Ding Haizhu”, enveloping everyone, and then turning it into a light, rushing into the interior of the fairy soil.

One thousand feet, two thousand feet, three thousand feet …

I do n’t know how long ago.

A’Xiu and others only felt black before their eyes, penetrated countless array and banned, and then Light appeared in front of them. But at the next moment, all the people who saw the vision of the future took a breath, scared and almost stiffened.

An unimaginably large body with an unknown length of tens of thousands of miles, undulating like a mountain, Demon God covered in black scales and lying in void. Even if you follow the law of Heavenly God, in front of this incredible Demon God, it is tiny and dusty.

“This … is this Demon God trapped by Immortal?”

Chen Yaoyao was so scared that his face was pale and said with a trembling voice.

No matter how strong she is cultivation base, after all, she is still a 17- or 18-year-old girl. The strongest usually sees Primal Infant fights, and when does she see such a big horror like planet.

“That’s it.”

Chen Fan stands in void.

This time, with the permission of Xiantu, he brought Mortal Body into this space.

Facing this unbelievably large Primordial Chaos Demon God, even Chen Fan at the moment, it feels like facing Mount Tai. As for the other female disciples, it is even more unbearable. If it were not for Chen Fan to protect the women with Ding Haizhu, I am afraid that it would have been crushed into fragments by this terrible coercion.


A dragon shadow, a Vermilion Bird , and five-color Huaguang to light up.

Xiaoman, Qi Xiu’er and A’Xiu, standing in void, the crazy Magic Power surged all over the body, Divine Vein emerged from the body, tightening the body, clenching the white tender fist, and blocking the horror pressure from Demon God.

Correct.” Chen Fan‘s eyes were applauded.

He quietly released Ding Haizhu and removed some of the protection from the three women, allowing them to withstand greater external pressure. This time it was an excellent temper for them, not everyone can face the existence above a Dao Fusion.

“Yin, Yin, Yin.”

True Dragon flaming flaming.

Xiaoman and Qi Xiu’er ’s Divine Vein were forced to fully wake up. A golden dragon shadow of more than ten feet long surrounded Xiaoman, and the anger of Vermilion Bird fire phoenix even burned a few feet. Only A’Xiu has more ease. Her Five Elements Divine Vein was hand-made by Chen Fan. She has already developed Great Accomplishment and has a body similar to Great Power, so the pressure is slightly lighter.

Among the crowd.

Only Chen Fan is calm and calm. The powerhouse that he has seen in his last life is more powerful than this Primordial Chaos Demon God. Now it is even more ‘one dollar strength’, and Demon God has long since died.

Chen Fan raised his head, and saw that this Demon God was shrouded in layers of black demonic qi, and Immortal chains protruded from the top of the head void, which sealed it off again.

“This Demon God, whose real name is ‘Chiyang’, was defeated in the unknown Myth battle in the Antiquity era, defeating his ancient Immortal that year, fearing that he would be resurrected again, the true spirit was in the body Recovery, so I use my own magic treasure to suppress it here. I do n’t know if there are tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years. “Chen Fan said softly.

When he uttered the word “Chiyang” in his mouth.

There is a roar between Heaven and Earth, a tens of millions of demonic qi tides, surging in void, and twisted plants grow on the earth, as if only these two words have infinite power. Energy and power.

Ancient Demon God.

Weineng is untestable.

Some ancient existences, do n’t even spit out their real names. Even thinking of them, they will be perceived outside the unimaginable billions of billions of void. Whoever dares to say bad things about them will be retaliated. That is, this Demon God is dead, otherwise Chen Fan will say its name, and it will definitely be reached by sense.

The so-called ‘three feet up with a god’ refers to this.

Everyone is silent, silent in this vast and vast history Years, as if through time, seeing the incredible battle of Myth before seeing hundreds of millions of years. Two unimaginable battles between Demon God and Immortal, the last one defeated, bloodshed void, the body turned into the earth, and the eyes turned into planet.

How magnificent, how vast is that?

Only Chen Yaoyao is Mengmeng: “Yeah, Uncle, you said it was suppressed here by magic treasure, what about the suppressed magic treasure?”

Xiaoman is desperately urging True Dragon Divine Vein to resist the coercion of the outside world. Hearing her words, he almost got a sigh of relief and was pressed into a patty by the horror coercion of the “dead”. Fortunately, he quickly stabilized and glared. Everyone else is funny.

Chen Fan did not smile, just said lightly:

“You guys look up.”

When everyone heard their heads up, they saw an unimaginable scene.

A seal that is too big to imagine, and may even be bigger than the “Devil’s Body”, appears on the Nine Heavens. It is bathed in endless fairy light, densely covered with it. I do n’t know how many Runic Text like tadpoles are. Fou Yuan was so unimaginable that he didn’t know how many miles, and he couldn’t even see the end of his eyes. Chains of chains, coming out from above, trapped the corpse firmly.

“This is …” Xiaoman‘s voice trembled slightly.

“This is the magic treasure that suppressed Demon God by Immortal, one of the” Sin Seal “, of course, it is also the” Xian Tu “where we were before.” Chen Fan said calmly.


The moment.

Everyone is speechless.

They were quelled. I used to think that the vast immense fairy land is a continent, or a special world. Who would have thought that it was just a ‘seal’, it was a magic treasure of Immortal.

At this moment, even A’Xiu, you can feel your own insignificance from the heart. This seal is probably enough to crush the solar system into powder. In the face of such a terrible and incredible existence, any power, any painstaking cultivation, or even cultivation for a million years, seems to be meaningless.

For a time, everyone fell silent and did not speak.

But Chen Fan did n’t seem to see it, so he continued:

“The reason why the Spirit Qi dried up before the earth was only because the Spirit Qi was absorbed by this ‘Xianyin’. And now it is recovering because it is refining the demon corpse demonic qi and constantly feeding the earth. The master controls nine After nineteen Origin Wells were made, although they did not become the masters of this ‘Xianyin’, they were granted a part of the authority to continue to inject Spirit Qi into the earth, so that the earth can flourish rapidly, and it can be done in just a few tens of hundreds of years. The road of planet millions of years makes the earth comparable to the most prosperous star in Universe in the shortest time, but … “

“But what?” The women looked forward.

They saw the unprecedented dignity of Chen Fan‘s expression, and the words spitting out in their mouths were even more terrifying.

“However, when I was in control of Immortal Seal, I also knew one thing.”

“This” Devil “is not dead …”

“It’s still alive!”

Chen Fan said softly, the cold wind like Nine Nethers Glacier instantly made everyone cold.

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