Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 1118: Nine Heavens Immortal soldier? (Chapter three)

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“So, all the puzzles are solved. There is no such thing as” making a Primal Spirit palace “. The plaque at the entrance of the temple must have been written by Teacher after them, so the modern ancient text such as Yún zhuàn was used. It is the residence of the heavenly soldiers and generals. Only those born in Immortal Realm, who followed the ancient Immortal to fight the Quartet, are often thousands of feet high. “Chen Fan said softly.

The Sky Soldier will only be Legend.

In this Universe, millions of years or even tens of millions of years, no one may have witnessed the heavenly soldiers. After all, there has been no one ascends for ten million years.

Do n’t talk about heaven and earth.

Even the existence of Tribulation Transcendence ascends and Immortal Realm is now a question in Universe.

Many people doubt whether the Immortal of ascends Immortal Realm recorded in the ancient times are fake. They just left Universe and went to other worlds.

But Chen Fan is the only person he has ever seen.

He has not only seen, but even handed over with them, the sky and the ground are killed, the blood is flowing into the river, and the people are turning back.

At that time, those heavenly soldiers were boundless and infinitely tall, and they were much taller than the ‘cloud giant’ family, the tallest in the depths of the starry sky. Only the in Legends ’s ‘starry giant’ could exceed them. And each cultivation base, the lowest is also above Divine Transformation, those days will be Dao Fusion True Immortal.

Recalling the fight with those generals back then, Chen Fan sneered, a flash of Killing Intent flashed in his eyes.

“In this way, this temple should be renamed” Tianbing Hall “, and the Primal Spirit palace was named after it. But since it was named, there must be a profound meaning.” Chen Fan thought about it.

He quickly shuttled through several palaces, and saw that the Tibetan soldiers ’pavilion and the armored pavilion were empty, and apparently they had also been looted. This is as expected by Chen Fan.

Despite the fact that the celestial soldiers are not in the eyes of previous life Chen Fan, they are like ants, and they crush a lot of them. However, they are all a piece of armor, a piece of soldiers, and they have fallen into the room. They are all Divine Treasure Saintly Treasure, and even the quasi-celestial class.

Know that Immortal Realm is equivalent to cultivation base, but it is a lot stronger than the ordinary, and the same treasure is far better than magic treasure.

“Not even a tile left?”

Chen Fan is completely speechless.

He completely turned several palaces in a big circle. He saw nothing, only empty stones.

“Forget it.”

Chen Fan shakes his head.

With his hands on his back, he stepped out of the Tibetan Bing Pavilion and was about to leave. When he continued to chase the Primal Infant of Sun Son of God, his eyes suddenly fixed and fell on a corner.


I saw a broken blade stuck in the ground around the corner. The blade was a few feet tall, dark all over, rusty on it, covered with green patina, and dusty all around. I do n’t know how many millennia or thousands of years have passed. There is no trace of Spirit Qi. Obviously it has become scrap iron.

“This is …”

Chen Fan touched his chin and walked around the ‘broken blade’ a few times.

He making a move, tapped the “Broken Blade” lightly, and saw the sound of Hong Zhongdalu made from his knife, very crisp. The material is extremely special. It is made of materials that Chen Fan has never seen in this life. It is extremely strong. Even Chen Fan hit it with a punch, and it failed to shake it.

“In terms of materials, this” broken blade “is definitely not hundreds of thousands of years ago, but it is a bit like the ancient times, there was some kind of” fairy gold “, which is usually used by Tribulation Transcendence Profound Immortal to create supreme Immortal Treasure , The Xeon fairy used. Nowadays, there are not many such fairy materials in the whole Universe. When I built Immortal Treasure, I went to other worlds to find. “

Chen Fan frowns.

In his eyes, Light Glow is indefinite, thinking: “This blade should belong to a corner blade of a certain handle system Immortal Weapon, or a blade, and finally broke in the war, Immortal Qi disappeared It ’s just an ordinary iron, and it ’s here. “

The weapons used by the generals are all made by Immortal Realm, and they are made of “Xianjin”. They are extremely precious, and they are thousands of feet long. The blades of several feet high are placed on a Immortal Weapon , Estimated to be only a small cut of the thumb.

But even if the Spirit Qi is completely scattered and turned into an ordinary iron, it is extremely precious.

After all, it is fairy gold!

In order to find fairy materials, Chen Fan did n’t know how many worlds it had traversed, and it fought with countless Xeon monsters and Divine Beast, broke into the ancient Sect based on millions of years, and dealt with those top Dao Fusion True Immortal, It’s just a slap-sized piece of ‘senjin’.

“Of course, such a big piece is definitely not all fairy gold casting, otherwise its value may be more valuable than a Antiquity Holy Land, enough to allow the True Immortal of the nine major Immortal Sect to break their heads for it. But inside At least it is doped with ‘Xianjin’, so it is so strong that it will be immortal after thousands of years. “

The many Immortal Sect Great Powers that swept the entire ‘Tianbing Hall’ later, I do n’t know what the reason is, it may be considered that Spirit Qi has been lost, so I accidentally missed it. And those Son of God, youth supreme talent, do not know Taishan, have no idea that this was once a heaven Immortal Weapon, so I did not bother.

But Chen Fan is ecstatic.

Even if it is just the corner of a standard system Immortal Weapon, the remnant soldiers break their blades. Even if Immortal Qi Spirit Vein disperses, it will be transformed into ordinary iron after millions of years. But after all, it is ‘Immortal Weapon’, which was casted with fairy gold.

There is no Divine Ability Magic Power, but it is just sturdy and sharp, which is beyond all heavenly treasure, it is ordinary Divine Treasure, which may not be comparable.

“If I hold this soldier, why should I use the ‘Flying Immortal Sword’? I’m afraid that with a single blow, I can cut the Supreme Beginning and the Promise Star Boat into two pieces. What is the flow of Sun Son of God and Promise Son of God It ’s even more vulnerable. Under all Divine Treasure, I ca n’t stop me. ”Chen Fan laughed.

Moreover, Chen Fan‘s eyes narrowed slightly, and his sharp Divine Sense could vaguely feel that there was still a trace of energy condensed in the depth of this broken blade. That energy is extremely obscure and weak, but it has not faded for millions of years.

Obviously, this handle Immortal Weapon, unlike its surface, has been completely transformed into ordinary iron.


Chen Fan tried to inject a hint of Magic Power, but ‘Broken Blade’ did n’t react at all.

Chen Fan ignored, continue to strengthen injection.

As more and more Magic Power was injected, in the end, the green patina on the “Broken Blade” was peeled off a little, and a glimmer of Light Glow was vaguely blooming.

Next, an invisible suction came from the depths of Immortal Weapon. Chen Fan only felt that its huge True Essence was like a dike, and it was absorbed by the half of the blade. becomes, 20%, 30% … In the end, the blade sucked Chen Fan close to 90% of Magic Power, which is equivalent to all True Essence of a Primal Infant late stage cultivator , before finally giving a whimper.


At this time, the blade vibrated lightly, and the green patina on the dark blade of its several feet tall disappeared at this moment, revealing the crystal clear blade.

Light Glow is getting more and more prosperous on the knife body. In the end, it turns into a dazzling fairy light, a wave of fairy power higher than the sacred breath, lightly released. Although this is just a small piece of Immortal Weapon broken, but from the grade, it is much higher than many Divine Treasure and Saintly Treasure in the world. After all, it is the edge of Immortal Realm.


Chen Fan making a move, want to pull it up.

But the “Broken Blade” stays in place and is not moved at all. Even if Chen Fan condenses the powerful Mortal Body of the “Flower of the Ending”, it can even pull up the majestic Magic Power of Taishan, and it can’t shake the broken blade. The fairy light above the blade gradually converged and faded away at this moment, and was not moved by Chen Fan. Obviously, the sun Son of God and others also found this broken blade, but they could not take it out after all the methods were used, so they left it here. At this moment, this ‘broken blade’ did not agree with Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan sneered:

“Well, after eating my benefits, I still want to run? You think I am the Son of God of the ants? That is your Patriarch, I did n’t know how many killed that year. What ’s more, a broken soldier was broken Blade. “


Chen Fan squeezed secret art, and his hands changed like dragons, stomping his feet violently and shouting:

“” Xuantian Control Strategy “, practice!”


A red Light Glow shot from the palm of Chen Fan and landed on the broken blade.

The **** Light Glow was twisted like a centipede, and immediately fell on the broken blade, and penetrated into it frantically. It is like the magic spell imposed by the wizard, making the violent vibration of the broken blade buzzing thousands of times louder than the previous tweet. The fairy light inside blooms more like a dazzling fairy flower. The gorgeous Light Glow filled the entire stone chamber. The horrible Xianwei burst out from it, like a piece of blade, so that the skin of Chen Fan was cut apart, revealing a trace of blood.

But Chen Fan did n’t even take care of it, staring firmly at the ‘Broken Blade’ and frantically injecting Magic Power into ‘Xuantian ’s Soldier Control’.


With the injection of Magic Power, the sound of broken blade chirping became louder and louder, and in the end, resounded throughout the temple, just like dragon’s roar. The red Light Glow, which is almost visible to the naked eye, first emerges from the top and then spreads all the way to the bottom.

One foot, two feet, three feet …

One foot, two feet, three feet …

In the meantime, the “Broken Blade” struggled violently, even letting out the knife gas, and cutting off the Chen Fan body with a wound of nearly a long length, the blood stains were left, the biggest wound, and even almost cut the Chen Fan into two cut. But Chen Fan was so cold, he didn’t pay any attention to it, he just operated secret art and forcibly refined this broken blade Immortal Weapon. Scarlet Light Glow is still spreading.

To the end.

When the blood light completely enveloped the entire handle ‘Broken Blade Immortal Weapon’, the fairy light on the broken blade gleamed sharply, and then instantly converged, turning into a common dark blade of only a few feet long.

Chen Fan reached out and pulled it up. Seeing that the blade above was as dark as a mirror, a closer look would reveal a trace of **** lines.

At the moment.

Chen Fan knows that he has finally refined this ‘Immortal Weapon’. But if you want to fully incorporate it into your own genuine blade, like Sword Raising Gourd, you will not know how long it will take.

But Chen Fan is not in a hurry, just a smile:

“Fall into my hands, do you still want to turn over? It is you Patriarch who came, and this seat is also slapped to death.”

The broken blade shows no movement, but Chen Fan feels the deepest part of it, and it trembles a little, not light.

The Chen Fan ignored it and looked up at the hall: “It ’s time to find the sun Son of God.”

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