Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 431: Kill all the way (first)

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Under the pain of red lotus burning the soul, God Level powerhouse can’t bear it, let alone Paul? This Russia Fighting Bear soon revealed the previous inside story.

“Is making a move the Super soldier under the Commander department of the Russia Northern Military Region and the KGB?”

Chen Fan narrowed her eyes and began to think.

According to Paul, when Adam and others entered Russia on a large scale, they alarmed the special department of Russia. The KGB sent Super soldiers to investigate, led by a man named “Andrew”. This Andrew can be transformed into a Werewolf that is more than two meters high and covered with blood.

Paul has no resistance at all.

Then, Adam and others were traced, and Chen Fan was also betrayed.

Because of the existence of Chen Fan and the Snow Wolf tribe, the KGB made up its mind to mobilize the troops of the northern military region to carry out a saturation strike on the Wolf God valley, and even dropped a ‘father of bombs’. And the man named Andrew is the guy who chased Adam all the way to Europe. According to Paul, the KGB people call Andrew and others “Blood Wolf Warriors”, also called “Blood Wolf Guards”.

“Northern Military Region, KGB Blood Wolf Guard, and Russia executives. I will liquidate these debts one by one.”

Chen Fan said lightly, a golden flame popped up and landed on Paul, instantly burning the underground emperor of Yakutsk to ashes. Then he wiped out the memories of many bodyguards in the bar and took Natasha out of the bar.

The two walked in the street one after the other.

After walking a few steps, Chen Fan stopped and carried his hand on his back:

“You should see it. I want to get revenge from the North Military Region and the KGB. Do you want to help me?”

Natasha stood behind him, eyes shining, looking at Chen Fan, just like watching the Super hero in the movie:

“Of course, they are sorry for you first. You did not hurt Russia. They used missiles to attack you just because of your strength. It is normal for you to take revenge.”

Natasha thought of what Paul said just now, and his heart was hot.

Although Paul is only intermittently speaking, the news revealed is enough to make Natasha thrilling.

Dark organization, top powerhouse, Snow Wolf tribe, Dark List giant, Heaven Treading slashing god, bomb scrubbing, Russia KGB blood wolf warrior … These are just like the plot in the movie comics, and they really appear in front of Natasha. The entire Western Underground World powerhouse, as well as the KGB elite and the army of the Northern Military Region, are gathered purely to deal with Chen Fan alone.

How strong must this person be? How horrible?

“Are you called Chen..Northern Profound? Can I call your name directly? Lord.” Natasha lowered his head and whispered.


Chen Fan paused, glancing at her shivering body in the cold wind:

“Go to buy some clothes for you first. By the way, I have to change it. Next, we have a lot of things to do.”


February 2010.

The entire Russia Northern Military Region is calm on the surface, but in fact the dark tide has been surging.

On February 15, the local garrison leader of Yakutsk City, Harmon Captain, was found dead in the mistress’s house.

On February 17, a couple broke into the army station of Aldan and killed a commander of an anti-aircraft battalion stationed here in the northern military region. Then, under the eyes of many soldiers, he walked away.

On February 19th, a northern military area Major in Neringri was killed in Yu Family. According to witnesses, it was done by a man and a woman.

On February 21, the 519th Infantry Regiment Head, Victor Colonel, stationed in the city of Magda Gachi, was killed in the military camp. The 519th Infantry Regiment fought against the enemy, confirming that the enemy was a man and a woman, the man appeared to be Asian, and the woman was a pure blonde Eastern European girl. After they killed Victor Colonel, they walked away.

February 23 …

“Damn the KGB, they haven’t figured out, who is the enemy?”

Located in the largest city of district(s) in the Far East, the headquarters of the Northern Military Region of Boli, Russia Northern Military Region Commander, Sherkin Malinkov Lieutenant General angrily patted the table in the conference room. The series of generals sitting below, Great Expert / everybody looked at each other, dare not speak.

In just half a month, the Northern Military Region has lost twelve officers, including nine school-level officers, two Captain, and one Major General.

When the death of the Major General came, the entire northern military region was shaken. It is said that the Ministry of Defence located in Moscow, Russia, had been alarmed and wanted to send special personnel to investigate the matter. The KGB is located in the district(s) branch of the Far East, and it is fully operational.

“Dear Sherkin Commander, according to the current situation, the perpetrators are one man and one woman. The woman has been determined to be about 27 years old, Caucasian, blond. According to the search of facial images, we are in the country One hundred and fifty-seven suspects were found within the scope, and they are being eliminated with all their efforts. The man is too fast and is located in the dark state, so he can’t take a picture. He only knows that he is suspected of being Asian … “

“This man and a woman only kill officers, but they are all affiliated with our northern military region. They are suspected of having hatred against our northern military region. According to the soldiers who fought against them, the bullets could not hit them at all, leaving them three It was bounced off around meters, and other heavy weapons have not been used because they are too fast … “

“Given that the opponent is a Transcendent person, the KGB has sent a bleeding wolf warrior, and concluded that the other party may be Martial Dao Grandmaster of China, or KH Master of Japan, etc. In short, the strength is very strong, it is best to mobilize the army, and encircle it They. “

A young Staff Officer reported respectfully.

“It’s all a pile of bullshit, who hasn’t investigated the enemy so far? Why did we kill the officers of our northern military region, and didn’t find out. Just check this pile of tatters?”

Sherkin slapped angrily on the table.

China‘s Martial Dao Grandmaster, is it to avenge that person for a year ago?”

There was an Major General under the stage, who suddenly said.

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole meeting room was cold.

Sherkin ’s Lieutenant General has a look of fear in his eyes, which is something he absolutely does not want to remember. When the KGB asked the northern military region to mobilize troops to siege the Wolf God valley, he agreed. But when the soldiers found no body of Chen Fan in the Wolf God valley. The entire northern military region’s high-level leaders suddenly made a mess.

Even the father of missiles, rockets and bombs ca n’t kill anyone!

Who is not surprised? Who can not be afraid?

Sherkin Lieutenant General was so scared that he did n’t dare to close his eyes for three days and three nights, and the gun was always placed on the pillow. The entire northern military region has been under martial law for three months. He sleeps in the Commander department every day.

Until Chen Fan never came out, and finally the dark world rumored that Chen Fan had died silently somewhere, General Sherkin dared to return to the mistress’ home of Berli urban district.

However, this incident has become a horrible memory of his life, making him reluctant to meet.

“Will it be Chen Northern Profound himself …” Someone muttered suddenly.

“Absolutely impossible! Chen Northern Profound has no bones left under the father of the bomb. That is a tens of tons of Super bomb, which is a powdery bone broken by a cockroach, let alone a person! “

The man was interrupted angrily by General Sherkin before he finished speaking.

Others quickly replied: “Correct, the KGB assured us that Chen Northern Profound is dead. Otherwise, he should have revenge already, instead of waiting a whole year. And this time, it was a man and a woman , I have not heard that Chen Northern Profound has a companion. “

“However, this route for men and women, from Yakutsk to Aldan, Nyeringri, Magdagaci … This obviously came along the Siberian Railway. The final destination , It’s our Berli! “The man continued to question.

This time, Great Expert / everybody is not very easy to answer.

Russia‘s cities in the Far East are built around railways. Chen Fan came all the way, the route was very clear. Recently, Birobidzhan has been killed, and there is only more than one hundred kilometers away from Boli.

“We put a line of defense in Smidovich and stop them!” General Sherkin’s fiercely hammered table shouted angrily: “Move the 116th Army Division. This time, I want to annihilate them outside of Berri!

Many generals in the audience looked at each other.

The 166th Division, but the Class A Division under the 35th Army, has more than 10,000 people. Is it worth it to siege one man, one woman and two assassins?

But think about the two officers who killed them all the way, and the many officers killed also included a colleague who was familiar with Great Expert / everybody. All the generals nodded at simultaneously.

They must be killed!


On the outskirts of Smidovic, Chen Fan took Natasha to the town.

There are only more than 10,000 people in this town, which is the last stop from Boli. The entire Siberian Railway runs from Moscow in the west to Vladivostok in the east. Berli is on top of it, and Smidovic is its gateway. Crossing it, there are dozens of kilometers away from Berli.

How sharp the eyes of Chen Fan are, he can easily see that there are tens of thousands of soldiers outside Smidovic, who are in a tight set up array situation. Trains from the west were temporarily stopped outside the station. In the name of searching suspects, the northern military region began to search one by one.

“They started to react.”

Natasha was worried.

Chen Fan took her along the way south along the railway, beheading dozens of officers in the northern military region, several times they were forcibly killed in the military barracks, making Natasha beat violently in one heart. I have never encountered such a stimulating thing.

“Twelve officers were killed in a row, including one Major General. If the senior leaders of the northern military region have not responded, it is a group of stupid pigs.” Chen Fan said lightly, his eyes focused on most of the train stations. Soldier, sneer:

“They estimated that I would use the cover of the crowd to sneak over Smidovic, sneak into Berri, and assassinate.”

“But I am not, I will defeat this army head-on, and tell them that I am Chen Northern Profound!”

After finishing, Chen Fan put down Natasha, carrying his hands, and Light walked toward the army formation.

In front of him, there are tens of thousands of soldiers with live ammunition!

PS: The first one is offered, and the author continues to write the second one O (∩_∩) O (to be continued.)

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