Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1175: Full battle!

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Tom Cruise didn’t expect aroused such a strong public outrage on his own, and after panic, he has been asking his agent: “What do you think I should do now? Is there any way to save it?”

The agent thought for a moment, and said seriously: “Tom, I think the most important thing now is to put aside your relationship quickly. Netizens condemn you for taking such films. Then you quickly make a statement and say you do n’t know This movie celebrates extreme Bushido, and your favorite Japanese culture does not include the inhumane spirit of extreme Bushido. “

Tom Cruise hastily said: “No problem, I can write a statement here, but how much effect do you think this statement can play?”

The agent said: “I dare not assure you, maybe there is only a little relief effect, maybe no effect at all, mainly depends on whether your statement can convince these angry audiences.”

Speaking of this, the agent hesitated for a moment and still said: “Tom, to be honest, in my opinion, we have no possibility of recovery, so it is best not to have the hope of recovery. Our best What should be done is to stop the loss in time, it is best to be able to immediately announce the withdrawal of the film, and at the same time apologize to the people of the country and pray for their forgiveness. “

“What ?!” Tom Cruise suddenly lost his voice when he heard this: “The movie has been made halfway. You asked me to quit? How do I quit? The compensation is only tens of millions of USD, more important The thing is, withdraw at this time, the Japanese consortium will definitely hate me! What will happen in the future? “

The agent blurted out: “When do you still consider these, if you are a little later, and wait for the netizen’s opinion to upgrade, then it will be useless even if you quit!”

Tom Cruise said anxiously: “I first write a statement, you help me find the media to publish it, as for the other, we will observe first and then say.”

The agent sighed helplessly and said: “Now the major media are slamming you. Do you still want them to publish a statement for you? Even if they are willing to publish it for you, they will definitely target you with editorial comments. “

Tom Cruise asked: “What should I do?”

The agent remained silent for a while, and said: “Oh, you can try to find Li Mu for help. If he is willing to help you with your statement on YY, the situation will be much more optimistic.”

Li Mu ?!” said Tom Cruise: “What if I don’t know Li Mu?”

The agent thought for a while, and suddenly the light flashed and said, “You are looking for Spielberg to help! He is now in China and he has a very good relationship with Li Mu! Strategic partner, if he is willing to help you say good things in front of Li Mu, it should also bring some redemption to your reputation. “

“Spierberg ?!” Tom Cruise suddenly seemed to grab the life-saving straw, and said excitedly, “Okay! Then I will contact him now!”

Li Mu didn’t expect, Tom Cruise asked Spielberg to ask for help.

Spilberg pleaded on the phone: “Mr. Li, Tom is a very good actor. Didn’t you tell me the other day, were you interested in him and hope you can cooperate with him? He is now because of a little Inadvertent loss has encountered a lot of trouble. If you can help him with Mr. Li, I believe that after he passes this difficulty, he will definitely repay you. “

Li Mu said to Spielberg without hesitation: “Steven, I have learned about Tom Cruise. Could you please tell me about it? I will never answer his request! At the same time, I On behalf of China‘s 1.3 billion compatriots, express strong condemnation of what he did! The American people cannot forget the harm brought to them by the extreme Bushido spirit, and China 1.3 billion compatriots will never forget, anyone who is on the platform of the extreme Bushido spirit Are our enemies! “

Spielberg ’s didn’t expect Li Mu reacted so violently to this matter, and very consciously immediately gave up and continued to plead for Tom Cruise, but hastily followed the words of Li Mu’s: “You ’re right, this behavior It is indeed very excessive, and it is unacceptable to the people of countries in the world that have suffered Japanese aggression. “

Speaking, Spielberg said: “Anyone has to be responsible for their actions. This time it ’s time to give him a profound education!”

Li Mu yelled, said: “This is the price he should pay.”

After Spielberg hung up the phone, he immediately conveyed the attitude of Li Mu’s to Tom Cruise, and made it clear that he could not help him, which instantly broke the hope that Tom Cruise had just produced!

Even Li Mu has such a big opinion on himself, it seems that he really stabbed Ma Honeycomb this time!


Just when Tom Cruise was helpless in New Zealand, the second wave of Li Mu’s kicked off again.

After all, it is a internet big coffee with more than ten years of experience leading the world today. Li Mu knows how to instigate speech on the Internet. In other words, he is now the world ’s best know how to black out a person on the Internet. Big coffee.

The title of this new article of Li Mu is “Tom Cruise, how many blood of your compatriots have been infected with the katana in your hands?” “Throughout the question, the article directly shot Tom Cruise.

Among them, Li Mu asked him: When you said that you are obsessed with Japanese culture and the spirit of Bushido, do you know how many compatriots have died here?

When you picked up the samurai sword and sang the extreme samurai in “The Last Samurai”, did you ever think about how many compatriot heads were cut to the ground by the samurai sword in your hand?

When you were convinced by Japanese Bushido in “The Last Samurai” and were willing to fight to defend the extreme Bushido spirit, do you know how many justice warriors once offered to fight against this anti-human spirit? Out of life?

After several consecutive questions, Li Mu also said in the article: “Commodity society and high society are profit-oriented in nature, making our stars have no way to make money. Stars, as public figures, should not treat themselves Have more requirements and let yourself take on more role models in the society? Should n’t we have a detailed understanding of the film ’s plot and historical background before taking a film? If even this basic If professional qualities are lacking, where will the industry fall? “

“Tom Cruise, as a public figure, if he took over the film without a good understanding of history, it is enough to prove that the comprehensive quality of the actors needs to be improved urgently; if he has a full understanding of history If the film was taken under the circumstances, his motives were even more vicious, because the pain of the country seemed to him worthless. No matter what kind, it is unforgivable! “

At the end of the article, Li Mu also made a metaphor: “If one actor takes a film that sings the Nazis one day, then please bear in mind that there are two of the most terrifying, except for the actor who is willing to sing the Nazis. , And companies investing in this film! “

As soon as this article came out, it quickly won the support of the vast majority of netizens. While raising their hands in agreement with the article, they quickly spread this article to the entire network.

This article by Li Mu almost blocked all the retreats of Tom Cruise.

At this time, Tom Cruise has been completely forced into a dead end by Li Mu, and there is no ability to resist, and the result that Li Mu wants is to make Tom Cruise face the criticism of the whole society. I can’t find any valid reasons, excuses and excuses!

In this way, I continue to push the waves behind, continue to pressure Tom Cruise, and finally leave Tom Cruise with only one choice: to apologize and then withdraw from the movie.

And Li Mu also has to put Warner to a dead end, so that they have to terminate the filming of this movie, so that this 140 million USD investment work, completely become a rotten tail of Hollywood!

In addition, Li Mu has greater goals and pursuits, that is, to make the entire Western society understand the true face of the spirit of Bushido, and through this incident, let them cast a mouse, and dare not participate in any promotion of Japanese culture from now on. Movie project!


In order to ensure the success of this matter, Li Mu decided to start a full battle!

Prior to this, Li Mu used various means to hide its identity in order to trigger this event on the Internet. That is to prevent itself from revealing bugs in major logic, but now, the event is already hot on the Internet. At this time, you can participate in it with fairness.

So, Li Mu immediately called person in charge of YY English Network and gave him two tasks:

First, from now on, follow up on the events related to “The Last Samurai” comprehensively and fully, and make a 24-hour rolling report on YY English. At the same time, the headlines of three days pop-up window news will be left for this event in the future The influence of this incident was pushed to the extreme;

Second, invite China and well-known authors in the United States to write an article for this incident. The argument of the article must be very clear. Everything must be based on “strongly condemning those who promote the spirit of extreme martial arts”;

After that, Li Mu called Wang Nan, the editor-in-chief of YY Chinese Portal, and asked him to vigorously publicize this event in the YY Chinese network and the daily push of YY in China area;

In addition, Li Mu called Zhao Kang, who was busy in a chain of Internet cafes, and set a requirement for him: After YY Chinese Network vigorously publicized this matter, he immediately mobilized water army to promote the Internet, It is important to mobilize the enthusiasm of domestic netizens to discuss this incident, and at the same time to find ways to guide them to support American netizens on internet.

The first half of Li Mu’s requires Zhao Kang to understand very well, but the second half requires him to be a little puzzled, and asks Li Mu: “Support the American netizens? How to support?”

Li Mu smiled and said: “It’s very simple. Find a way to mobilize English-speaking China netizens to the U.S. network, let them help this time, leave a clear message to the relevant content on the U.S. network, and not just support. , But also to adopt certain speech skills. “

Looking, Li Mu gave an example: “For example, let all netizens add a sentence to the front when replying to the posts of American netizens: China netizen delegation came to support, justice will win! Let American netizens know, In this matter, China netizens are comrades in a trench with them. This time they made a big move to support them and support justice! “

I think when the Emperor Bar and WOW Bar and other Tieba (Post It) burst together, that kind of comrade-in-arms comradeship made many baristas very excited. What Li Mu has to do now is to take advantage of this opportunity and let China and American netizens Become an intimate comrade in between, which is also to lay a solid foundation for the future “Flying Tigers” in advance!

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