Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1015: “Nerd” Mark · Zuckerberg

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On Harvard ’s campus, the 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg was unremarkable. Read a book · 1kans book hu ·

although Mark Zuckerberg had already made little achievements in programming before entering Harvard, and was favored by large companies such as Microsoft, but on the campus of university, which pursues personality, boys like him are not at all Be popular.

Mark Zuckerberg is a member of the “geeks” and “nerds” groups on the Harvard campus. Most girls are not interested in such boys. They like handsome guys , The rich second generation of young and golden, a member of the strong school football team, and a full-fledged campus Band member, each of these popular boys types has a huge gap with Mark Zuckerberg .

Like all universitys, boys on Harvard campus like blonde girls with tall figure, whether they are popular lovers or nerds like Mark Zuckerberg, they are right Every hot girl in the school pays special attention.

The same group of nerds as Mark Zuckerberg. Whenever they get together in private, the most discussed are the pretty women on campus.

On this day, when Mark Zuckerberg returned from the library to his dormitory, his roommate Dustin Moscow Witz was concentrating on the computer. Mark Zuckerberg curiously asked Dustin Moscow Witz: “Dustin, what are you doing? Didn’t you go to the library today?”

“Go to a fart library.” Dustin Moskowitz said without looking up: “I found a more interesting thing.”

Mark Zuckerberg curled his lips, dropped his schoolbag, stretched himself in his bed, and said with a slightly sad expression: “I did n’t wait for Fiona in the library today. She usually does it every night. Will stay in the library for an hour. “

Dustin Moscow Witzhaha smiled and said: “Mark, forget it, Fiona is the most beautiful girl in the entire undergraduate school. Those who pursue her can line up around Harvard in a line. It is said that she already has Boyfriend, And the other party ’s home is very powerful, and the parents are members of the Freemasonry. I advise you to change your goal to a more realistic point. “

Mark Zuckerberg was hit by Dustin Moskovitz. At this time, he did n’t care. He just smiled helplessly and said, “I did n’t think of pursuing Fiona, I just wanted to see more with the motivation of appreciation. She just gave a few glances. “

So, Mark Zuckerberg glanced at the computer screen of Dustin Moskowitz and asked with surprise: “Dustin, what game are you playing? It looks like a cartoon. A book www · 1kanshu ·”

“I wipe.” Dustin Moskowitz hastily recovered and blurted out: “I forgot to tell you that this game is very powerful and very fun!”

Mark Zuckerberg said uninterestingly: “I have no feeling for the game.”

After finishing, Mark Zuckerberg said again: “Right Dustin, I want to create a website for beauty show and voting. You can add Harvard beauty to let everyone comment on the vote. I believe it must be fun. You have Not interested in being together? “

Dustin Moskowitz shook his head: “Come on Mark, even if you get ten websites, Fiona wo n’t give you a second look, I advise you to play this game, my goddess Monica Also, I just went to her farm and stole her Apple, haha, I do n’t know if Monica saw the system prompt, saying that after Dustin Moscow Vitz stole her Apple, will she remember me a bit more. “

Mark Zuckerberg asked curiously: “Stealing Apple? Are you playing a Apple stealing game? Does anyone else develop such a boring game?”

Dustin Moskowitz said: “Hey guys, I can get the game of my eyes, of course, not just stealing Apple as such a single game, this game has a huge structure, but I just started playing, the level is not enough, many functions are still Not activated. “

Finally, Dustin Moskowitz added another sentence: “Yes, many people in the school are playing now! I already have more than fifty friends here, all of them are Harvard.”

Mark Zuckerberg is still not interested. He pouted, picked up a book about programming from the head of the bed, and looked at it himself.

At this time, there was a ring of mobile phone ringtones, and Dustin Moscow Witz ’s worn Nokia mobile phone rang. He focused on the game and he picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. Somewhat unhappy asked: “Who!”

Dustin Moscow Witz, how dare you steal my Apple !!!”

A roar on the phone made Dustin Moskowitz instantly stunned, and his heart suddenly rumbled away, excited secretly: God, it is the goddess Monica! although is a classmate, but she has n’t spoken to her a few times. It ’s already lucky to be able to add her game friends. She would call me didn’t expect. She even has my mobile phone number. God, what the **** did I go …

The excited Dustin Moskowitz simply forgot how to answer, and Monica at the other end of the phone saw that he did n’t respond, and he was furious. Talking simply said: “Dustin, I give you two choices, or you let I went to your farm to steal three times, oh no, five times! Or I would delete your friends and stop talking to you in my life! “

Dustin Moscow Witz has recovered, and hastily said: “Monica, do n’t say it five times, even if it ’s fifty times, I will satisfy you!”

Monica did n’t listen to another meaning in the speech, but she was very satisfied with his attitude, and the anger disappeared immediately, saying, “Okay! From now on, whenever your crops mature , You have to tell me ten minutes in advance so that I can steal food from you. This is my mobile phone number, except for the time period from 12 o’clock in the evening to 6 o’clock in the morning, as long as your crop is about to mature , Just text me! “

“No problem! Pack it on me!” Excited Dustin Moskowitz agreed without hesitation.

Monica is satisfied, and asks: “Fifty times, don’t forget!”

Finally, Monica hung up the phone.

The phone has been hung up by Monica, but Dustin Moskowitz is still sitting in front of the computer with excitement and dizziness. Mark Zuckerberg asked curiously: “Is it just the phone Monica called you ?????”

“Yes buddy!” Dustin Moskowitz turned his head and said ecstatically: “It’s Monica! Dreaming also didn’t expect, she even took the initiative to call me!”

Mark Zuckerberg asked again: “You just satisfied her with what you said to her fifty times before. You ridicule her so directly, wouldn’t she be angry?”

Dustin Moskowitz gave a narrow smile and said, “Man, I said you should really try the game of” Paradise Town “. You might not be able to play with your goddess, School Flower Fiona, you You can go to her farm to steal her crops, you can also fertilize, water, weed grass, kill insects, and even chat in private messages! “

Mark Zuckerberg had some interest in her heart, but she still shook her head and said: “Fiona is a academic tyrant, she can’t be addicted to this game.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly received a friend request prompt in the Dustin Moskowitz game. After double-clicking it, he was immediately stunned by the prompt!

“Hello, I ’m Fiona Gilbert, I hope to be your game friend!”

Dustin Moskowitz ’s looks at message in front of the computer, excitedly incoherent: “Mark! Mark! Come and see, your goddess Fiona actively added me to the game !!!”


At this time, in a girl ’s bedroom at Harvard, Fiona Gilbert, known as School Flower, is madly adding friends in front of the computer. Because of her strong influence in school, she has requested to add her as There are a lot of friends. In just one day, the number of friends has reached nearly 400, but Fiona is still not satisfied. She is still actively adding friends everywhere, hoping to quickly increase the number of friends to 1,000. .

The reason why Fiona is so crazy to add friends is that the promotion company of “Paradise Town” gave her a very attractive price tag. As long as each of her game friends increases, Game Company will pay herself 2USD Remuneration, if added to a thousand friends, Game Company will increase the unit price from 2USD to 3USD, in that case, the income of three thousand USD;

Besides, if your friends visit their farm once, you will get 10 cents, which seems to be very small, but if there are 1,000 friends, each person visits once a day, they will You can get one hundred USD for one month, and also have three thousand USD income!

Fiona ’s family is average, and she did not get a full scholarship when she studied at Harvard. In addition to paying part of her tuition, the family also has to pay for her own living. although can afford it, but Fiona feels guilty, and She loves art herself, and her biggest dream at the moment is to be able to take a look at several European cities with a long history and culture. It happens that the operation team of “Paradise Town” found her, gave her such a generous reward, and even paid in advance. Two thousand US dollars, so Fiona puts in extra money, hoping to make more money with this game, on the one hand to solve her own living expenses and self-reliance; on the one hand, she can save some savings and prepare for the holiday to Europe.

Mark Zuckerberg, when he heard that his goddess Fiona had taken the initiative to add a roommate Dustin, a game friend of Moskowitz, he felt unbelievable. hastily jumped from the bed and flew to Dustin Moscow In front of Witz’s computer, he asked in surprise: “Is it really Fiona?”

“Yeah! See for yourself!” Dustin Moskovitz pointed to Fiona’s game avatar, an extremely beautiful blonde beauty, which was a photo of Fiona herself.

Mark Zuckerberg did n’t believe it and said, “How do you know if someone has pretended to be her name to trick you?!”

Dustin Moskowitz pointed to a small gold badge next to Fiona ’s head and said: “Did you see this logo? It means that the identity of this user has been officially verified and verified, and it is indeed Fiona. Me! “

When Mark Zuckerberg heard this, he suddenly glared excitedly and blurted out: “Dustin, what is this game called? I want the next one!”


ps: Chapter 2 delivered!

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