Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 294: Transcendent Awakened (Third change, 6000 votes plus change)

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“General Chen.”

When Chen Fan saw Yu Qing, she was accompanied by an old man. The old man has a rare face and a very old age, but both pupils shines with wise Light Glow, wearing a straight military uniform, carrying two gold stars on his shoulders.

“This is the director of the Institute of Biology under the Ministry of National Defense Science and Technology and academician Ding Shanxue.” Yu Qing introduced.

“You are not surprised at my arrival?” Chen Fan said lightly.

“General Chen ’s recent initiatives and the dissolution of Future Life Laboratory all indicate that you are ready to formally negotiate with us.” Yu Qing said calmly.

She is wearing a cool camouflage dress today, wearing a military cap, a figure is hot, and her waist is slender. Especially a pair of beautiful eyes blinked big eyes and looked closely at Chen Fan.

Correct, Life Yuanye developed so long, it is time to step on the stage of history.” Chen Fan laughed.

Although Life Yuanye is just an accessory he wants to cultivate spirit medicine and refine spirit pill. But this kind of accessory has a tremendous impetus to the change of human civilization. After all, Chen Fan was born from the earth, and I do n’t mind pushing the earth. He is also curious about whether the earth can enter Immortal Text in the future.

But even if you can enter, it will be a hundred years later, and it has nothing to do with Chen Fan.

“How do you deal with the researchers who left?” Chen Fan asked with interest with a laugh.

From a few months ago, after researching the mother liquid of No. 1 primitive of Life Yuanye, his Divine Sense arrived at sense, and a group of elite soldiers around the whole laboratory were always guarding. Although these soldiers did not wear military uniforms, they pretended to be the security guards of Jinling University. But the prohibition of their actions and deeds, as well as the toughness of their bodies, all mean that they are the elite of the elite. I am afraid they come from some special forces.

“Although we know that General Chen must have a foolproof way to let them go. But since they dare to come to China, they can’t easily leave like this.” Yu Qing smiled playfully. “The spies in Europe, America and Japan will be deducted and used to exchange our hostages. Aide Corporation(s) and others must spit out a large amount of blood before they can be returned to these biological researchers. Of course, this method can only be delayed for a period of time. They will always Get the complete recipe. “

“Then they will find that the formula is not useful at all, and it can’t match the Life liquid.” Chen Fan shrugged.

Yu Qing and Xue Jiao both smile.

“This is also our doubts. We have conducted many experiments outside the laboratory and found that it is impossible to cultivate the Life element liquid of genuine.” Academician Ding Shan next to him suddenly interjected:

“Is it our way of doing things wrong, or the formula is wrong?”

“None.” Chen Fan shook his head. “Academician Ding, what do you think is the peculiarity of Life Yuanye?”

“What is peculiar?” Ding Shanxue stunned for a moment, thinking slowly, and slowly said: “The Life element liquid seems to contain a mysterious power. This power can open the door of the body’s Evolution and improve the body. Function, relieve aging, eliminate pain, increase immunity, etc. But this force cannot be detected by the Life Sciences family. All of our method verifications are showing that Life is only a common yeast fermentation broth. ”

Correct, this force, we call it Vitality or Spirit Qi.”

Chen Fan got up and walked with his hands on his back.

Vitality? Spirit Qi?” Everyone was shocked.

“Everything is alive, Vitality is stuffed between Heaven and Earth Universe, everywhere, nothing, nothing. But you ca n’t see it with your naked eyes, you ca n’t feel it with touch, and you ca n’t see it with instruments. They do n’t seem to exist.”

Chen Fan closed his eyes and exhaled slowly: “But we cultivation people can always reach this power with sense. It is so magnificent and endless. How to control Vitality, practice Vitality, is the purpose of cultivation people Where. “

As Chen Fan said, two white gas squirted out of his nostrils, turned into two naughty snakes chasing and fighting in the air, and finally recovered into his nose. Both Yu Qing and Xue Jiao were dumbfounded.

Ding Shanxue nodded thoughtfully:

“Our Institute of Biology, once cooperating with the military and special departments of the country, has conducted a full range of tests on some superpowers and Internal Strength martial artist. Finally, they found that they seem to ingest some special unknown energy from the air So it has the power to surpass mortals. Unfortunately, no matter how we detect it, we can’t detect the existence of that energy. “

‘That ’s because your technology level is too low. Without the interstellar civilization, the sense is less than the existence of Vitality. ’

Chen Fan sneered.

According to his experience of previous life vertical and horizontal Universe galaxies, the earth wants to observe the sea of ​​Vitality, it will take at least another one or two hundred years to develop. If you want to use Vitality to create a super warrior, it will take three to five hundred years of rapid development. But even if it can create a future warrior? How can it be compared to the countless eras that have nine Immortal Sect and many Dao Fusion True Immortal repair Immortal Text?

But these words, he can’t say a word.

Life Yuanye is already the best thing he can come up with at this stage. He can also take out the other, but the consequences, even Chen Fan may not be able to bear.

For example, the popular Immortal Cultivation Merit Law. As long as this is taken out, countries all over the world will be crazy about it, that is, the nuclear weapons fight making a move is not hesitating. It is estimated that kidnapping, extortion, and assassination will be pervasive at that time. Chen Fan may not even be able to protect itself, let alone protect parents and relatives.

“The topic is far away, what is your price tag for Life Yuanye.” Chen Fan knocked on the table and asked.

“I don’t know what price Chen Mister wants?” As soon as he entered the negotiation mode, Yu Qing immediately responded to the official business. “The head of the headquarters and Commander Li authorized me to be a plenipotentiary representative. Within certain limits, I can agree to any conditions.”

Chen Fan looked at Yu Qing with surprise.

He found himself underestimating this Beauty Staff Officer.

Able to be a special envoy at Hong Kong Island and now be a full-time negotiator. I am afraid that the background and qualifications of Yu Qing are much deeper than what he wants. But that ’s fine. There are acquaintances who negotiate better than those who talk to strangers at the headquarters.

“I can explain that there is more than one kind of Life Yuanye.” Chen Fan said with a fork. “There is a higher essence type on the mass production type Life element liquid.”

“What is the difference between the essence type and mass production type?” Both Yu Qing and Ding Shanxue’s eyes shined.

“The essence type is a concentrated version of the mass production type, which is divided into double, triple, and five times differences.” Chen Fan introduced Cheng Chengzhu: “Anyone drinking Life liquid every day has a maximum threshold. The essence type means that after drinking the same Life liquid, he absorbs Vitality more than two or three times more than you. “

Correct, this is the truth.” Ding Shanxue nodded again and again. “Nothing can be ingested indefinitely. Just like eating, how can you eat a steamed bun with the energy contained in an equal volume of meat?”

“General Chen, can you still mass-produce this kind of essence?” Yu Qing asked quickly.

“Of course.” Chen Fan nodded. “My initial plan is to mass-produce the people around the world, while the double essence type is only sold domestically and supplied to China people. Three times and five times, it is exclusively for the military.”

“Where is this double and five times?” Yu Qing questioned.

Chen Fan smiled and said nothing, turned to look at Ding Shan Studying Dao: “Since Ding is in the military research institute, he should have met those Transcendent .”

“General Chen is talking about superpowers.” Ding Shanxue nodded: “They call themselves Transcendent , but according to Life Sciences research, we prefer to call them superpowers or ability.”

“It’s the same.” Chen Fan said calmly: “Whether Transcendent or superpowers, they are acquired Awakened. This Awakened, often requires external force to catalyze. And Life element liquid is the catalyst. Five times Life element liquid , Can greatly shorten their Awakened time, so that many Transcendent people who have no way of Awakened can also force Awakened. “


Yu Qing exclaimed.

And Ding Shanxue was breathing heavily.

Only a military researcher like him can know what Chen Fan means.

The Awakened of Transcendent is a difficult problem that countries around the world have studied since hundreds of years ago. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union reached a peak of research. Countless soldiers entered the Institute of Biology and were anatomically studied by many white coats, hoping to find a universal Awakened method. Unfortunately, even now, after decades of research, they have found various methods, including psychological stimulation, gene injection, Life edge stimulation, etc., all of which have little effect. Chen Fan actually said that Life element solution is effective for Transcendent Awakened?

If this matter is true, it will open a whole new door.

The Transcendent people before were too scattered, and the number was too scarce to organize together. But if you master the Awakened method, does it mean that you can mass-produce Transcendent ?

“Not as simple as you think.”

After seeing the expressions of the two, Chen Fan shook his head and poured cold water: “According to my research, at the beginning, the mass production type Life element liquid can increase the chance of Awakened by one hundred thousandth. Two-thirds, the triploid type is three hundred thousandths. With long-term citations, the number of Awakened will increase greatly in the future. “

“What about the quintuple?” Yu Qing asked unwillingly.

“The quintuple is one in 10,000.” Chen Fan said leisurely.

“One ten thousandth is enough.” Ding Shanxue slammed his palm. “There are 1.3 billion people in our country, which means that there may be one person Awakened out of 10,000 people. The whole country will have Awakened and 130,000 people. Even if it is only an army, it can be two or three hundred Awakened. And this is only Temporary. “

After Ding Shanxue finished speaking, he looked at Chen Fan brightly, as if the pervert saw Beauty:

“General Chen, what conditions are you going to use to give us Life liquid?”

PS: The third one is offered. The author continues to write the fourth one, and has a fever. I hope to support it. O (∩_∩) O (Unfinished to be continued.)

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