Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 195: No double cavalry (medium)

Chapter 195 No Double Cavalry (Part 2)

Half Moon City folks, first of all, I’m sorry, if there was anything rude when my soldier invited you all here, I apologize to everyone. Please come here to witness that it belongs to us The victory of Heavenly Bow Empire. “

“Introduce yourself, my name is Zhou Weiqing. Maybe everyone is unfamiliar with this name, but you should all know another name. Our Heavenly Bow Empire Admiral Zhou is my father. In order to protect the royal family, his old man exerted himself The seal of life sealed the entire palace. Now, I assist His Highness Princess Difuya back. Kalise the kings and **** invaded our homeland, and only blood can wash away this shame. I think the folks must have something to our strength Doubt, as the so-called hearing is false, seeing is believing. Now, there is a division of Kalise outside to attack our Half Moon City. We will use actual actions and absolute strength to let you know that our Heavenly Bow will be restored. Notice already has been posted. Half Moon City is tax-free for one year. Here, it will also be the starting point of our restoration. In the near future, the name Half Moon City will leave a strong mark in history. You will also be Half Moon City. Residents are proud. “

Through the transmission of Heavenly Energy, the voice of Zhou Weiqing clearly passed into the ears of every civilian. When he said that he was the son of Admiral Zhou, the original panic of the civilians was much calmer. Who doesn’t know that Zhou Shuiniu Marshal was the protector of Heavenly Bow Empire, and defeated the Kalise empire more than once. Admiral Zhou‘s reputation is still very useful, at least, now civilians have a little more expectations.

Ma Qun, Crow, let’s do it.” While talking, Zhou Weiqing is a bit on tiptoe, the whole person already leapt from the city head. In the exclamation of civilians, Dragon-Tiger Change has been released, with a pair of huge wings Shu unfolded, so his body was suspended in midair.

This is the first real battle after the return. As commander in chief, how can Zhou Weiqing not participate in it? With two wings on display, he already came to the top of the two hundred heavy cavalry. Under the command of Ma Qun and Crow, the two hundred non-double cavalry again formed a long snake array and slowly moved forward. With the number of two hundred, it was so oppressed towards the Kalise division in the distance.

Kalise Sixth Division. Provisional Youth League.

“Are you clear? Who raided Half Moon City?” Zeng Jian, head of the Kalise sixth division, asked with a somber look.

“Head of the division, look at the banner on the head of the city as if it was a Heavenly Bow Empire subjugation. They closed the gate as soon as possible, and the defenders did not escape, so we can’t figure out the exact number of each other now. If it weren’t for our people who came to Half Moon City and were robbed and did not return, it would be a while before the news of the occupation of Half Moon City came back.

“Waste. This group of wastes can’t keep even a Half Moon City.” Zeng Jian angered a table, as the head of the Kalise Sixth Division, he naturally participated in the war of aggression against Heavenly Bow Empire, in Kalise Empire, he has the nickname of a fox, and has always been known for his cunning on the battlefield. Although angered on the surface, he actually breathed a sigh of relief after listening to the rewards of his men. What he was most afraid of was that he was attacking the Philippine Empire. After all, it was too close to the Philippine Empire. He didn’t think that his division could compete with the Philippine Empire.

Before arriving, Zeng Jian sent a large number of scouts to the Philippine Empire border on already. Correct did not order to launch an attack on Half Moon City as soon as possible because of fear of the Philippine Empire. However, judging from the current situation, the Philippine Empire is calm and there seems to be no movement. If it was only a handful of remnants of Heavenly Bow Empire, he would not be worried at all. During the time that the Kalise empire occupied Heavenly Bow Empire, this situation already does not happen once or twice, as long as it is obliterated, it is a great achievement.

“The newspaper—” A scout rushed in from the outside, kneeling on one knee.

“Say,” Zeng Jian said coldly.

“Head of the Rapporteur, there is some movement over Half Moon City. Two Company heavy cavalry came out of Half Moon City. They are heading towards our army. I don’t know what the purpose is.”

Even if it’s a scout, you never think that the other 200 people will come to attack. Isn’t that suicide?

“Heavy cavalry?” Zeng Jian froze a bit, his face clearly showing a little nervousness. Heavier cavalry is not what ordinary uprisings can have, but it is piled up with a lot of money.

“What is their name? Is it the Philippine Empire?” Zeng Jian asked nervously.

“No, they are calling Heavenly Bow Empire.”

Zeng Jian sneered, “It’s not good. It seems that these two hundred people should come here to negotiate? Lao Tzu will negotiate with them? Anyway, eat the two hundred cavalry first and then say two hundred sets. Cavalry equipment, hehe. It was ordered that four heavy cavalry Companys went into battle, and the light cavalry battalion covered the side, and gave me these two hundred men. Go, follow me to the battlefield. “

After the order was issued, Zeng Jian took a group of officers from the 6th Division out of the big account.

No double cavalry is not fast, that’s to save energy and get ready. He was getting closer and closer to the other camp, and Zhou Weiqing was floating in midair, but his heart was burning like fire. It was these Kalise Bastard, which occupied their homeland, and it was time for blood to be paid.

At this moment, the gate of the Kalise Sixth Division Army Barracks opened wide, and a large number of soldiers rushed out of it. The first was four heavy cavalry Company, a total of four hundred people, and then a whole light cavalry battalion. After rushing out, they quickly separated on the two wings and greeted the two hundred people directly towards Zhou Weiqing.

In a small country like Kalise, it is quite good for an entire division to have four heavy cavalry Companys configured with already. Zeng Jian can be said to send its main force directly in order to reduce casualties. He himself led two thousand infantry and four Company heavy infantry in the back.

“Head, something is wrong with Ah!. Look at the other heavy cavalry,” Zeng Jian‘s deputy said in his ear.

He saw it all. Zeng Jian can naturally see it too. He is also a battle-fighting team. When he saw two hundred men without double cavalry, he couldn’t help taking a breath.

On the battlefield, many things are afraid of contrast. They are also heavy cavalry. Compared with the 400-strong cavalry of the Kalise sixth division, the visual experience alone is very different.

The easiest thing is to look at the height. It is also a heavy cavalry. The Kalise heavy cavalry rides on horseback, and the height is less than their chest position. You know, this already is carefully selected by Kalise. Looking at the pair of cavalry soldiers sitting on the unicorn’s back like a demon, Zeng Jian‘s face changed continuously. Even the Philippine Empire does not seem to have heard of such strong heavy cavalry Ah!. These people have an average height of two meters and above. Their armor is too thick. How much weight does this have?

Then, Zeng Jian saw Zhou Weiqing in the air. For Zhou Weiqing, he didn’t pay much attention. Although the Consolidated Equipment wings are rare, they are not without them. Physical Jewel Master can only have the right Consolidated Equipment scroll. The Consolidated Equipment biplane generally has no other role than flying, so most of the Physical Jewel Master will generally not choose this Consolidated Equipment scroll if they have choice.

“Arrow barracks, follow the heavy cavalry behind, shoot down the guy in the air, then cover the heavy cavalry.” Zeng Jian immediately ordered. Although his opponent is only two hundred people, he now obviously feels pressure on already.

In midair, Zhou Weiqing sees the situation on the battlefield most clearly. The Six Great Gods array is released and at the same time summons his Overlord Bow.

“Kill.” A simple word is the order given to the double cavalry by Zhou Weiqing. Suddenly, the two hundred non-double cavalrymen who had been slowly moving forward launched an instant. Two hundred men lined up and rushed towards the enemy.

Once the heavy cavalry has charged in the plains, ordinary soldiers have no chance of blocking, except for opponents of the same level. Seeing that no double cavalry had launched an assault, the four heavy cavalry Company of the Kalise Sixth Division naturally did not dare to neglect. If they just wait there and wait for the opponent to charge, the speed and power will be a big loss. Therefore, as soon as no double cavalry charged here, the four heavy cavalry Company of the Kalise Sixth Division also rushed at the same time.

It’s also an onslaught, and the gap is revealed. Although there are only two hundred cavalry soldiers without double cavalry, because they are lined up, their formation is very long, and they have overwhelmed their opponents in momentum. Is the unicorn’s running speed comparable to that of ordinary warhorses? From the perspective of the Half Moon City city in the distance, these two hundred versus four hundred are like adults bullying children.

Of course, the action of the Kalise Sixth Division is not just heavy cavalry. The light cavalry already of that battalion quickly detoured and launched a siege from two wings to no double cavalry. Spear, no double cavalry forced from the flanks and rear direction.

“Haha, come on.” Ma Qun shouted in excitement, he did not use his Consolidated Equipment shield at all, that stuff was not suitable on the battlefield. Under his leadership, no double cavalry lit up their weapons.

It’s not covered with cotton this time. When they took out their weapons, the four Kalise heavy cavalry Company on the opposite side had a noticeable lag.

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