Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 44: Cloud Mountain Great Array (five thousand favorites, thank you Great Expert / everybody ^ _ ^)

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The establishment of this large-scale array is inexhaustible, and many small magical instruments need to be refined, and finally connected together. Moreover, the terrain set up array must be followed according to the mountainous terrain. With Chen Fan alone, it is obviously impossible.

Chen Fan first thought of Wei Third Master.

Although the ability of Old Wei three is not good, but the network is extremely wide, there are people he knows in all aspects.

When Chen Fan found him, Wei Third Master was surprised: “Chen Master, you said you want to build a‘ array ’? Just on top of Fog Mountain?”

At this time, he no matter how the villa he gave to the grandfather reached Chen Fan, but he was very puzzled:

“What is” array “?”

For people outside of the practice circle such as Old Wei III, the word array is extremely unfamiliar, and he can think of things like Zhuge Liangbu’s “Bagua array” in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms at most.

Master Qi, who was specially called by Chen Fan, hurriedly arrived and was surprised when he heard Chen Fan.

“Chen Master, do you want to array?”

Correct, I want to center a Fog Mountain villa on the top and arrange a large array around the entire Fog Mountain.” Chen Fan explained.

Master Qi’s eyes widened. What is the concept of array that covers a mountain?

This is an exclusive name in the ancient world of cultivation.

Mountain Protecting Grand Battle’!

Only those top-notch ethics, inheritance, and exhaustion of generations or even dozens of generations can complete such a huge project. And this is all a matter of hundreds of thousands of years ago, only recorded in the book. Hyundai don’t say that Mountain Protecting is big, an ordinary array is very rare. It is estimated that there are only the oldest Dao Faction, and Mountain Protecting array may still be preserved.

But it ’s just Legend, and it ’s not known if anyone has seen it in person.

After listening to Master Qi’s remarks, the three expressions of Old Wei have changed. Chen Master actually wanted to build a super-large array, which was unprecedented in the world. This huge project is really appalling.

Chen Fan wrinkled frowns:

“Not as exaggerated as you think.”

General Mountain Protecting large array, at least have to protect a hill?

But the array that Chen Fan wants to cloth, it is enough to protect the villa. The other parts are mainly the supporting Directing Spirit array, Gathering Spirit array and fog array.

genuine‘s protection of array requires a huge amount of natural materials and natural treasures. If you want to build a large array of Mountain Protecting that can cover the entire mountain and resist the attack of modern weapons, you must have at least cultivation base above Divine Sea.

And Chen Fan has reduced this core part, so the difficulty naturally drops linearly.

Of course, even in this case, his Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivation base is also very difficult and can only be done step by step.

“Even if this is the case, it’s great!”

“Towing the entire Yangui Lake and Fog Mountain‘s Spirit Qi. Isn’t it the equivalent of recreating Spirit Vein? This handwriting is too big and unheard of.” Master Qi repeatedly shook his head.

He said, suddenly wondering:

“Chen Mister, as far as I know, the array‘s expert will be distributed in the world, which is only a handful. With such a huge array, who are you going to find?”

“Oh, nobody in the cultivation world understands array?” Chen Fan was surprised.

array, talisman, concocting pills / alchemy, Refiner are all basic skills, just pull a Foundation Establishment small cultivator , he all said right.

“Don’t talk about array, able to enter the Dao is also very rare in the cultivation circle, most of them wander outside the door like me.” Master Qi smiled bitterly.

“As seen on that day, Master Wu is already counted as a expert.”

“Even those who pretend to be ghosts are considered expert?”

cultivation lineage is indeed down!” Chen Fan shook his head as he heard the brows slightly. “It’s okay, it’s enough for me to come alone.”

“Are you alone?” Master Qi was really shocked this time.

With such a magnificent array, the momentum is surging, he thought it might be from the Teacher of the Chen Fan that the dragon was missing. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chen Fan‘s own handwriting.

Correct, I came to you, I hope you will help me purchase the following things.” Chen Fan pulled out a list.

The list above contains many materials needed for set up array.

Earth Spirit Qi is depleted, and various treasures of spirit material are scarce. Chen Fan can only use similar materials as much as possible.

“This time set up array needs to make 36 small cloth Array devices. But the core Gathering Spirit array, only five pieces of magical instrument are enough. You first help me find these five pieces of jade needed for refining magical instrument “” Chen Fan tapped his fingers on the table:

“If it can be done, I can help you to make a magical instrument similar to Eight Diagrams Disk for free.”

Wei Third Master and Master Qi were ecstatic.

For them, as long as it is magical instrument, no matter what the effect is, they are all expected.

With the promise of Chen Fan, they naturally acted immediately.

After a few days of National Day holiday, Chen Fan stayed at home and started to make the first cloth Array device.

The Fog Mountain villa array, Chen Fan decided to name it ‘Cloud Mountain Great Array’.

Cloud Mountain Great Array consists of four parts: the innermost Gathering Spirit array, the protective array that protects the villa, continues to the Directing Spirit array of Yangui Lake, and finally the mist array that covers the entire Fog Mountain head.

Chen Fan cleverly combines the fog of array and Fog Mountain, and enhances the power of the cloud through the fog array, which is enough to keep the top of Fog Mountain under dense fog, so even if someone wants to come in, it is difficult to find a way.

The Water Element Spirit Qi of Yangui Lake will be dragged into the villa by the Directing Spirit array and locked by the Gathering Spirit array. In addition to being used for practice, this Spirit Qi can also be used as a fuel to urge protection array, which can be described as one stone with many birds.

In this system, the core is naturally the Gathering Spirit array. Without the Gathering Spirit array, the other three arrays are equivalent to cars without engines and cannot run.

The material of this large Gathering Spirit array is mainly jade, the best jade!

Only these superb jade can carry the surging Spirit Qi. In order to purchase these jade stones, the Chen Fan‘s 65 million yuan spent instantly over 20 million yuan.

He sat cross-legged in the community room, with a disc-shaped emerald green jade floating on his chest. This beautiful jade is full of bright green Light Glow from the inside out, as if there is gas flowing inside.

Chen Fan‘s eyes are slightly closed, and from time to time a simple syllable syllabates spit out. This syllable falls in the air, forming a golden Runic Text.

One by one gold Runic Text is constantly printed on the emerald green jade plate, just like the top micro-carving Master is carefully carved.


Chen Fan opened his eyes violently and opened a white gas. This is his natal True Essence, which is many times more refined than the Master Wu‘s Magic Power. His white spirit is as strong as white practice, and he hits the emerald jade plate violently.

The rapid buzzing of the jade pan, the cloud-like Spirit Qi inside is like the ocean, and the bright green light blooms.

At this time, the golden Runic Text engraved on the surface of the jade plate also appeared instantly, as the same chain of chains helped to lock the green light and gradually compressed toward the center of the jade plate. The jade pan shook violently, but in the end it was nowhere near these golden chains and gradually calmed down.

Chen Fan took a breath and reached for the jade plate.

At this time, the Light Glow on the jade plate has converged, just like a piece of ordinary beautiful jade, but there are countless golden Runic Text on it.

“This Gathering Spirit disk is finally made. As long as there are five Gathering Spirit disks, and then with the Jade Marrow amulet, I can build a large Gathering Spirit array that covers the entire villa.” Chen Fan secretly regretted.

After all, there is only one Jade Marrow. If there are more, there is no need for such trouble. Compared with ordinary jade, Jade Marrow can carry many Magic Incantation(s) and array, as long as five Jade Marrow, he can put the entire array together.

But now, Chen Fan can only split one array, each array needs several small magical instrument to form.

“The jade needed to build the Gathering Spirit array is the best to find, as long as you have money. Other array materials are extremely difficult to find. After all, the third-class nestled alongside Old Wei is not a long-term plan, and I should also find a way to open it myself. Channel. “

Chen Fan touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Gathering Spirit array needs to carry and condense Spirit Qi, so it needs the top jade, because jade is the material closest to Spirit Qi except spirit stone. There is a small amount of pure Spirit Qi in natural jade.

The other three arrays are different.

The Directing Spirit array needs to pick up the vast Water Element Spirit Qi of Yangui Lake, so it needs water-based materials. There must be no Immortal Cultivation World‘s “Hailan stone, ice Xuanjing, hydrogen stone” and other water belonging to the celestial material spirit treasure on the earth, so Chen Fan gave Old Wei three lists of sea stones requiring 10,000 meters of deep sea.

Under a thousand feet of ocean floor, after scouring tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years, even ordinary stones will contain a trace of water, barely enough to support the operation of the Directing Spirit array.

The Mist Array will take thousands of years of pine wood. The pine wood is originally overcast. But this year’s Shen Songmu is so rare, I am afraid that the Old Wei three may not be found.

The last defense is array. The materials needed are very special. Chen Fan is going to find it at the end.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, Chen Fan finally refined all five poly spirit jade disks, and by the way, made two jade pieces for Master Old Wei Sanhe Qi. The weakened version of the Gathering Spirit array is depicted in these two jade pieces. The effect is naturally not as good as the ‘Poly spirit jade Disk’ and ‘Jade Marrow magical instrument’ hand-made by Chen Fan, but it is also far superior to the previous Eight Diagrams Disk.

PS: Thank you for the taste of Lao Guanfa, the book friend 1606222, the grievance of the baby, but the baby does not say anything. The collection has finally passed five thousand. Thank you very much Great Expert / everybody. I hope my friends will continue to support me, I will work hard to write O (∩_∩) O

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