Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 183: Super Oolong (on)

Chapter 183 Super Oolong (Part 1)

Xue Aotian light said: “Life, death, and death are the laws of nature. And the number of creatures that we World can simultaneously sustain is always limited. If one day the Wan Shou Empire is no longer hostile to human nations, your human nations themselves will also It will be chaotic, and there will not be too many dead people. Do you understand what I mean? “

Zhou Weiqing scratched his head, “don’t understand.”

Xue Aotian smiled suddenly, “It ’s okay if you do n’t understand. You are not a ruler. You can go now. Let ’s go with Tian’er. Otherwise, she will stay here and her heart will not be here. Now. You have to come back with Tian’er every three years. I want to check your progress.

Zhou Weiqing is overjoyed, “Thank you Father-in-law for your success.”

Xue Aotian smiled and said, “I saw a miracle in you, but I don’t want this miracle to be a flash in the pan. Many talented people did not succeed in the end because of the word pride. There is a fat dragon in you I am very relieved about this. I also know the pressure on you, but if there is no pressure on young people, there is no motivation existence. Hope you can show me more miracles until That day. I can ignore everything about you, but you are not allowed to appear on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, otherwise, I will personally catch you back and spank you. “

“Uh …” Zhou Weiqing watched his father-in-law speechless for a while, and ran away hurrying.

Xue Aotian sighed, his wife was gone, and her daughter was leaving. An indescribable sense of loneliness spread to the whole body instantly. Suddenly, he tilted his head and thought for a while, and said to himself, “This stupid boy seems to make a little sense, maybe, I really should go out and walk. However, I have to wait for the Wan Shou Empire this time. Things are completely settled.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Weiqing took Tian’er to bid farewell to Xue Aotian, and left Heavenly Snow Mountain under the leadership of Long Shiya.

Long Shiya did not fly with Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er, but let Zhou Weiqing fly in the air holding Tian’er. He took a step by himself and returned to the northwest camp in North Xinjiang. In the words of Long Shiya: Being with you young people is too exciting. You intimately stimulated an old virgin who has lived for hundreds of years. Is there humanity Ah!?

So, Six Absolute Emperor Monarch adults fled. Zhou Weiqing flapped his wings after Dragon-Tiger Change, embracing Tian’er, and flew in the air towards North Xinjiang.

Hovering in the air, Zhou Weiqing was not in a hurry to go back, the dust of the northern battle already was settled. From the words of his father-in-law, Zhou Weiqing knows that his Warriors are definitely okay, and they have brought a lot of trouble to the Wan Shou Empire. So naturally he didn’t need to worry, he finally came back with Tian’er, and he put his whole body on Tian’er.

He has been suffering hardship these days. Now he needs to relax and relax with Tian’er.

Tian’er, you say, if we do that kind of thing in heaven, will it feel good What?

“You …, stop dreaming.”

“Try it. There must be a special feeling.” The seductive voice echoed in the air.

“No, what if I fall. I can’t fly.”

“No. Even if I fall, I won’t let you fall Ah!

“No more …”

Tian’er, your little **** is really awkward, but you are thin, I will help you feel it, rub it, and the meat will rise back.”

Zhou Weiqing, you are really a bad guy, or a bad one.”

Tian’er, have you heard that sentence? Men are not bad, women do not love, men do not have Rogue, women do not go to bed. Serious people can only be virgins Ah!, but I am already. After that, you will be responsible to me Ah!

“Who forced you, you, oh …”

The same situation is happening almost every day. Fortunately, they are at a height of 1,000 meters. Hurrying back all the way, the biggest gain of Zhou Weiqing is that his flying skills have made great progress.

Northern Territory, Northwest Camp, Wushuang Camp.

“The battalion commander has walked so long, why haven’t he returned to Ah!

Wu Shuang Battalion’s large army account, there are a lot of high-level, rowing, Mu En and Heavenly Bow Battalion of several archers, plus the Chief Instructor Shang Guan Fei Er, Deputy Battalion Wei Feng and the captains of various brigades Men.

The current Wushuang Battalion not only has a transcendent status in the northwest camp, but even the entire northern Xinjiang in the middle Heavenly Emperor country is different.

Wushuang Battalion’s place remains unchanged, but, around Wushuang Battalion, there are six heavily equipped divisions, including four heavy infantry divisions and two heavy cavalry divisions.

The entire Northwest Camp did not have such multiple divisions. Some were deployed from the North Camp. There is only one task for them, and that is Gongwei Wushuang Battalion.

This year’s Northern Xinjiang War, the Northwest Camp encountered unprecedented powerful enemies. The Wan Shou Empire has a total of 17 divisions Ah!, including the powerful Mammoth Division and the Air Flight Division. However, this year’s North Xinjiang War, the Northwest Great Battalion achieved unprecedented results.

When the Wan Shou Imperial Army retreated, only eighteen of the seventeen divisions were formed. This situation only occurred because there was an additional establishment in the Northwest Camp, that is, the Wushuang Camp.

The combat power of Wushuang Battalion was in the first battle they participated in. already Fully demonstrated, Correct With their arrogance, they turned the tide and made Wan Shou The Imperial Army’s first full-strength attack came back. In the following battles, the Wushuang Battalion could almost be said to be the Dinghaishen needle of the Northwest Camp. Wan Shou The Imperial Army also used a variety of methods to launch attacks, but no division other than the Mammoth Division was able to withstand it. Consolidated Equipment The arrows are attacked without being damaged.

Wushuang Battalion fully exerted its advantages under the command of the wind and other people. When they met the Mammoth Division, they immediately avoided it. Although the Northwest Group Army could not compete in overall combat power anyway. Wan Shou Empire’s more than a dozen divisions, but only to withstand and entangle the Mammoth Division can still do it. At this time, the Wushuang Battalion launched an attack on the other vulnerable Wan Shou divisions. Under the Consolidated Equipment arrow, the casualties of the Wan Shou Empire were too fast. The war here ended the fastest in northern Xinjiang this year.

Wusouying made great achievements, which is why even Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord Xue Aotian knew their existence.

In terms of military merit, Wushuang Battalion is no problem even if it is promoted to become Field Army Group. Not to mention the Northwest Group Army. Even the Central and Northern Group Army has sent messengers over and over. camp.

Unfortunately, with the background of Boundless Heaven’s Palace and the presence of Shangguan Feier here, how could it be possible to hand over the Wushuangying? The original sisters-in-law, already has become the envy of existence in the Heavenly Emperor army. I do n’t know how many people want to join the Warriors Battalion, even those division heads.

The treatment of Wushuangying is really good. After discussing with the wind and the public, all the military achievements were redeemed into gold coins and necessary materials, and the Wushou Battalion has been continuously changing and training in these months. It can be said that the Wushuang Battalion is changing every day Strong, but the number has not increased.

Sitting on the main seat, looking at the unparalleled high-level executives below, I couldn’t help feeling secretly. If seven people in the Heavenly Bow camp were full of despair for the resurgent already when they left their homes, Well, now in their hearts already has endless hope. The strength of Wushuangying made them really see the hope of reunification.

“It is estimated that he will be back soon. The commander of the battalion was taken away by his seniors, and he should go to retreat to practice. It must be the critical moment of practice, otherwise he would not leave at such an important time in the northern Xinjiang war.” Feng said with a smile.

Shangguan Feier sat not far from the wind, and when she heard the word, she slightly poked her lips, and it looked like she was a little bit hesitant.

Wei Feng said: “The battalion commander, the already battle has been over for some time. Should we return to our original battalion of Wushuang Battalion and stay here again? I am afraid that the Northwest Camp will be in trouble. . “With that said, he couldn’t help laughing.

Wei Feng is not an alarmist. Since Wushuangying has shown its powerful strength, I don’t know how many people have shattered their heads and want to join Wushuangying. This even includes the six reloading divisions around them, especially with them. The heavy infantry division that fought together.

Only after working with Wushuangying really can they know how powerful they are. Who doesn’t want to have such a powerful existence around, it is invincible on the battlefield. Obtaining military merit is almost as easy as searching for things.

However, this situation is meaningless to Wushuang Battalion. The Northwest Group Army already has sent people to mention it more than once, hoping to directly upgrade Wushuang Battalion from battalion level to Field Army Group level, and they are still led by these people. . Then stuffed in some of the strongest divisions to form the unparalleled Field Army Group, which will be the most powerful Field Army Group in the entire Heavenly Emperor country to deter the Wan Shou empire.

This proposal was even put forward directly by the Ministry of National Army of China Heavenly Emperor, but it was just overwhelmed by the wind and other people.

The Chinese Ministry of Military Affairs of Heavenly Emperor shocked His Majesty Shangguan Tianxing, Emperor of China Heavenly Emperor for this matter. After learning the origins and achievements of Warriors, Shangguan Tianxing went to Boundless Heaven’s Palace in person. However, the final result was astounding. The opinion given by Boundless Heaven’s Palace was that everything was left to the Zhou Weiqing command of the Wushuangying Battalion. In other words, if Zhou Weiqing is willing to set up Field Army Group, it will be set up. If you are not willing, you can maintain the status quo.

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