Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation Chapter 528: Amazing Great Deity Xiu Surgery

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Shangguan Zhaorong was suddenly enlightened, but then a question came one after another, but even if he was a special physique, why did he lie to himself, “What is good for him by lie to me?”

Jiang Xiu said: “It ’s the same everywhere. Have n’t you seen Jia Lan Dynasty trafficking girls? Some girls’ physiques are suitable for cultivation . If I guess right, you should be of this kind. “

Before this incident broke out, Jiang Xiu had such a judgment. Wu Zhankui used ten divine soul Dan for a girl. The surface seems to be because of the fascination with Shangguan Zhaorong, but Jiang Xiu’s directly told him not.

What is happening now proves his judgment.


With Jiang Xiu to perform the escape technique instantly, Jiang Xiu is not afraid of trouble, but if Shangguan Zhaorong is remembered, there will be trouble. She ca n’t always take her by her side, but let her be seized by others. Eventually He won’t just sit back and ignore it as a tool for cultivation .

“Master, is Zhaorong really a special constitution?”

Jiang Xiu nodded and said: “It should be right, but you should not mention it to people, otherwise, I will tell you more about my destiny.”

Shangguan Zhaorong looks a little nervous, but he is not so scared.

She is not a flower in a greenhouse. Her childhood home was mutated. She grew up in a complex place like a palace. She has always been the object of men’s competition. She has seen life and death and can face this environment.

Humans are very strange animals, they can survive in very bad conditions, such as war countries, they can be broken at any time, and they do n’t even know when to throw a grenade, but they can also be in a very comfortable and happy environment. He chooses to commit suicide if he doesn’t go down in life.

That night, Jiang Xiu once again left his residence, flew directly over the cliff, and flew toward the deep mountain at the far end, and then bypassed the mountain to reach third peak.

He will re-close again.

From the lower **** to the middle god, for many people with limited innate skill, hundreds of years or even a lifetime have stepped forward, but for Jiang Xiu, it is not a problem. He has all the conditions for breakthroughs. The only problem is time. .

Can he catch the breakthrough a month and a half ago and catch the Inner Sect battle.

The Jiang Xiu’s divinity cultivation method is the program of all divinity cultivation methods, and the beginning of all is arguably the best divinity cultivation method. It is recorded on the Jade Butterfly that came into being in heaven and earth. There will never be a monster that can create a comparison. The big bestow Divinity technique on the Jade Butterfly is the divinity cultivation method.

However, there is still a long way to go before the actual cultivation Chengda bestow Divinity technique.

The big bestow Divinity technique, the most distinctive thing is to refine yourself into a magic weapon, Jiang Xiu has done one with the sword ball, which is the so-called human knife, one is a knife, a knife is a person.

But this is only the first step of the Long March, that is, Jiang Xiu has touched the gate of the so-called Sky Sword Law. Like other laws, the many small laws contained in the Sky Sword have not been mastered, even if it is a door.

How many swords are there, Jiang Xiu does n’t know, all of them are sword repairs in Heaven Treading Sect, he is very unique, both divinity cultivation and sword repairs, they all run counter to Heaven Treading Sect, so there is no responsive knife trick, which also No wonder Lu Changkong asked him if he was really willing to go to Heaven Treading Sect, because they couldn’t teach, they had to rely on their own understanding.

But now, if you want to understand the sword, obviously there is no ready Skyfire rule coming quickly. He once again sacrificed the flame, and the flame of the flame is obviously much smaller than before.

As Jiang Xiu comprehends the Skyfire law, the flame power inside will be ingested, and the flame will naturally become smaller and weaker. When Jiang Xiu absorbs the light contained in the Skyfire law inside, the group of fires will all disappear. .

The Skyfire rule of fast, he has already realized, the next is the rule of explosion.

The other side certainly did not give up the growth of the soul.

With the depths of cultivation , Jiang Xiu has an indisputable fact that the soul of divinity cultivation is generally stronger than Xianxiu. This advantage will become more apparent in the later period, and the larger the divine spark, the stronger the soul.

Thinking of this, the more I want Jiang Xiu to want to own the soul attack Immortal Martial, if you can master it, you can really be a killer.

Jiang Xiu remembers that when moving towards Great Heavenly Immortal, it has basically focused on the cultivation of the soul. There is no corresponding Immortal Martial, which is medicinal pill, and the magic weapon is up and down skill|effort.

Some medicinal pill will take a protective effect on the surface of the soul after taking it. Some powerful magic weapons also have this effect, and of course there are magic weapons that can attack the soul.

And the token of Heaven Treading Sect Sect Master, the Heaven Treading order is the soul defense weapon. With that token, most of the soul class Immortal Martial can be ignored.

Jiang Xiu very much hopes that Awakening‘s innate skill can be related to the soul when he evolved to the complete body of Heavenly Immortal.


A few days later, Jiang Xiu found that the growth rate of his soul slowed down significantly, which is also what Jiang Xiu expected. The conversion rate of Yan Soul Panda decreased. This is not the decline of Jiang Xiu innate skill, but the Jiang Xiu’s soul confrontation. Soul Pills are more and more adapted, that is, the so-called resistance of the body to medicines becomes stronger, and the medicines become weaker.

At this time, the usual solution is to change to medicinal pill.

He can only change back to divine soul Dan.

In Heaven Treading Sect, there is another higher-level soul-cultivating class medicinal pill, called Ten Soul Nine Soul Pills. Of course, medicinal pill and Jiang Xiu will also be refined. The medicinal effect is even better than Yan Soul Pill. The required materials are extremely difficult to obtain, and are not available for Inner Sect children, only the Great Heavenly Immortal level is eligible.

Of course, some people are special cases, such as Gu Qian, who tells people to have a good father.

He should have taken it.

Switching back to divine soul Dan, the speed of Jiang Xiu’s naturally slowed down, so he put more experience on the principle of comprehension. The leap of the big realm needs the strength of the soul as the foundation, such as the ascension of the earth god, so the big realm is difficult Leaping, but only a small realm of promotion, such as the lower heaven **** to rise to the middle of nature does not need.

The comprehension method not only improves strength, but also strengthens the soul.

It ’s no wonder that Xian will not look at God. It feels that divinity cultivation should be simple and rude. In addition, the body is naturally strong. It is no wonder that sometimes Xian will think that although God is belligerent and combative, some of his brains are simple and well-developed.

After trying divine soul Dan several times, Jiang Xiu decided to give up and nourish divine soul Dan with medicinal pill. Take this experience out and put it on the growth of the body, the state of the promotion of the body will become stronger, but the method of cultivation divinity cultivation also Being able to evolve the body, he used the big bestow Divinity technique for cultivation .

But what is disappointing to Jiang Xiu is that one person and two uses are not really one person and two uses. If the soul is separate from the body, one soul and one body is okay.

Two require the body at the same time, it is impossible to operate two cultivation methods at the same time, while cultivation big bestow Divinity, while understanding the Skyfire law.

At this point, Jiang Xiu has to make another choice.

If you return to the previous cultivation mode, you will certainly not be able to catch up with the Inner Sect battle, so he gave up the Skyfire rule of understanding, only the cultivation bestow Divinity technique, but the result surprised Jiang Xiu.

The speed of Godhead evolution is very amazing, which makes Jiang Xiu immediately change the way of cultivation . Godhead evolution is used to promote the evolution of the realm. divine spark magic power may be weaker, but Godhead will be stronger. Go to the Inner Sect battle.

Immediately, Jiang Xiu spent a day, refining the fleshy medicinal pill, this medicinal pill has more than 3,000 Danfang in Heaven Treading Sect. medicinal pill is different, and people’s bodies are also different. The same medicinal pill works well on him, not necessarily on others, unless it is the top elixir.

The resources that can be refined by the top elixir are also top-level, and he does not have them at all.

He used his super high alchemy technology to refine more than ten kinds of medicinal pill, and tried them one by one. The same fairy has such a big surprise, not to mention that he is Godhead.

After trying ten kinds, the final performance of Mu Wangdan ’s medicinal pill effect satisfied him. The conversion rate reached 90%, which can be almost completely absorbed, and the absorption rate is more than double that of other medicinal pill. The overall cultivation The speed has increased more than seven times.

After serving two, the effect is reduced by 20%, three is the limit, but the speed of serving four is not as good as three.

And when Jiang Xiu closed painstaking cultivation, the Inner Sect battle outside was almost over …

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