Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation Chapter 468: Big bestow Divinity

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Ye Bing sat down on the wicker chair, the sunlight was dazzling, and she stretched out her slender jade hand against her forehead. “This thing, I am also very strange, why did you suddenly appear in my home.”

Jiang Xiu seems to point out: “Don’t you know?”

Ye Bing said, “What do you know?”

Jiang Xiu said: “I secretly climbed upstairs from your house, and then touched into your house, who originally wanted to steal jade and incense, I didn’t expect to accidentally wake you up.”

“You have this thief’s heart and don’t have this guts’ courage. You live next door to my house and don’t dare to touch it in the middle of the night.”

Jiang Xiu‘s eyes widened and said, “Is this an invitation?”

Ye Bing said angrily: “Invite you, I mean you are a coward, now you are so timid, not to mention the previous, let alone, at that time, I checked the window, the window was locked from the inside, doors and windows You have n’t been pried, and you ca n’t climb in from the outside. “

They also appeared in the Ye Bing room at the same time. Of course, Jiang Xiu knows that God Sovereign‘s great fate is relieved, but whether it is accidental or inevitable, and Jiang Xiu believes that Ye Bing knows more than him.

“How did you slip into my house?”

Ye Bing‘s play is very good, Jiang Xiu can’t see any flaws, as if she is really unaware, frowning secretly, does Ye Bing really know nothing?

After returning home, when Jiang Xiu is idle, he will think of cultivation , not to mention, he got the big bestow Divinity technique in the Jade Butterfly, which is the eleventh of the three thousand ways. Just sit off cultivation .

Of course, the environment of cultivation on the earth is still worse, and his resources have not been taken, but this has not hindered the enthusiasm of Jiang Xiu’s.

Absorb the six gods, nourish Godhead, stand up bestow Divinity monument, and train yourself into a forged artifact …

The path taken by Jiang Xiu itself is the path of bestow Divinity surgery. Although it is very shallow, with the complete and highest cultivation method, the path behind is more clear and clear.

The so-called absorption of the six gods is time, space, earth, water, fire, wind … Incorporating these six major independent become god into divine spark, Jiang Xiu‘s world law in the longevity stone symbol contains time and time Space, in addition, he also mastered the gate of Skyfire Grand Dao, of course, only the preliminary stage, it is very shallow, and the water and wind are not shadowed yet. This is his way to cultivation in the future, so that the six gods will continuously nourish Godhead and let Godhead evolve .

Godhead keeps evolving, and finally distributes divine spark mutation, standing bestow Divinity monument in the void, cultivating the creation of heaven and earth, and training itself as an artificial artifact. As for the embryo of the artifact, Jiang Xiu’s already has sword pills in its body, which can melt the world. The magical runestones of the law trigger the arrival of a different world, and its material must be extraordinary. The embryo as an artifact should be ok.

The big bestow Divinity technique has a big way out from the original expectations of Jiang Xiu. He even has to revise his own way of cultivation . The first of which is that Jiang Xiu comprehends the laws of the sky and thunder, which is very strong and not easy to understand. In the last life, Jiang Xiu spent a lot of hard work on it. When Daotian Dacheng Tianlei Sword came out, the entire Immortal Martial Continent star land and sea land exclaimed.

It can be said that it is the root of Jiang Xiu ’s greatest killing sword. He originally wanted to pass it on to the knife. Now he wants to throw it away. Compared with the big bestow Divinity technique, what is the thunder sword is the slag.

The big bestow Divinity technique cannot be ruled by Sky Thunder. Jiang Xiu is just the beginning, and there is a solution to abandoning Sky Thunder. This has inevitable consequences. After all, the Law of Sky Thunder comes to Jiang Xiu. After the abandonment, the second answer will not be dropped that day, because it has already come.

In other words, after giving up this time, Jiang Xiu can no longer go to cultivation for any spell that requires the Law of Sky Thunder. The loss is not small, but compared with the big bestow Divinity technique, everything is worthwhile.

Abandoning the Law of Sky Thunder is to remove the Law of Sky Thunder from divine spark. divine spark is also soul-condensed and removed from the soul. The pain is imaginable.

Jiang Xiu cultivation has n’t done this kind of thing for three thousand years, and I have n’t heard of anyone who has done it, but I have heard that punish opponents to destroy their opponent ’s divine spark directly, or to explode divine spark in order to save their lives, you can remove part of yourself I haven’t heard anyone do it.

But this method is superficial.

That is the soul separation!

Cut off the soul about the law of sky and thunder from the soul, which is the same as amputation, but it is rough work, cut off then it will be alright, and most of them will not be life-threatening. Soul separation needs to be very delicate, a little If there is not much, it will cut more. The strength of the soul is very important to the Immortal Cultivator, and that ’s all. It is possible to lose life at any time.

Jiang Xiu is very careful, he dare not carelessly, he crossed his knees in the closet, as if meditating, but his face was pale, like white paper, and his forehead cheeks were all sweaty.

Cutting off the soul is a pain, but Jiang Xiu still has to endure not being able to tremble in any way, just like a doctor doing a craniotomy.

But he is a veteran after all, after more than three thousand years of life, once he makes a decision, even if he dies, he can stick to the end, his body is already completely cold sweat, the whole person is exaggerated like just It’s the same from the water.

“Ah …”

His voice trembled with a painful wailing, but the skin cramps did not.

“The Law of Heaven and Thunder, I have no chance from now on …”

Say this, with the relief of pain, but also with infinite sadness, Tianlei Law gave him infinite glory in the previous life, holding the vertical and horizontal Immortal Martial, as if the old friend left and never returned.

The body fell to the ground and twitched gently.

This Jiang Xiu is like a soul being hit hard by people. At this stage, the importance of attaching importance to the soul is not too great, but once it enters the **** of heaven, the cultivation of the soul is the top priority. The soul contains infinite mysteries and can Developed a lot of techniques about the soul, incredible, Jiang Xiu last life is also a great skill|effort, otherwise he can not cut the soul.

The soul is the foundation of all living things, so the soul mutant will become the darling of the world. After Jiang Xiu reaches the **** of heaven, it is found that the importance of the soul is under the skill|effort.

To the extent of the gods, you can use cultivation to produce the spell of soul attack. The consequences of the soul being destroyed are self-evident, and you will be killed on the spot.

“The soul has weakened by a quarter …”

Jiang Xiu ’s weak half-life is still alive, and he is still thinking about this matter. It is very difficult to strengthen the soul. It requires a little bit of pride. The centuries-old cultivation may not be able to feel obvious, even if it is a promotion In the realm, the growth of the soul also doubles and varies from person to person.

This quarter is going down, it really hurts! !

However, the final summary of the big bestow Divinity technique gave him unlimited hope, and he trained himself as an artifact. This artifact came from existence of God, that is, it originated from the soul, and finally he can accomplish the artifact of creation. Once the great bestow Divinity has become a powerful soul, it is conceivable that Jiang Xiu thinks that this quarter of the work is still worthwhile.

“It would be nice if I got the chapter about soul cultivation in Jade Butterfly …” Jiang Xiu felt sorry when he remembered playing with the nameless that day. If he gets the cultivation article of the soul again, once Jiang Xiu returns to Immortal Martial Continent, it will surely be like Just like returning to the earth, the king came to the world.

Unfortunately, the Jiang Xiu at the moment does not even have the medicinal pill that nourishes the soul. Even the smell of the lowest level of soul-raising grass is a luxury. This is like a person who has just completed surgery and does not even have painkillers. , You can imagine.

One night and one day, Jiang Xiu shrank on the ground and wailed for a night. Like a wounded wild wolf, he could only lick his wounds alone.

When the pain continued until the next day, Jiang Xiu sat up again and started cultivation . Only when he entered cultivation could he stare at the increasingly weak divine soul.

He is going to comprehend another terrestrial water, wind, and water system.

In these three lines, water was passed by Jiang Xiu last generation cultivation . At the beginning, when he realized Tianshui Grand Dao at Heaven Treading Sect, he caused a lot of sensation, because Jiang Xiu and Golden Core were not yet available at the time, which is very rare. , His Master even asserted that he will become a great waterway in the future, but his own Jiang Xiu believes that the Tianshui Road ’s lethality is not enough, so he has not spent much effort on it.

This is also the Jiang Xiu ignorance of that year, plus the Heaven Treading Sect‘s Tianshui Taoist spells are mostly auxiliary, and there are few strong kills.

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