Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation Chapter 408: Catching adultery

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Jiang Xiu looked around, hiding, where to hide, this man has gone outside the cabin, is it possible to hide under the bed? But there is no bed.

Nangong Kou’er was stunned to see Jiang Xiu, remembering such a big man, he was guilty in the face of this situation, Kou’er could n’t help laughing, mermaids generally drilled out of the water, and water droplets from her bright swimsuit There is also a drop of Luoxia on the skin: “It ’s not clever, are you a fake Jiang Luoxia, change clothes quickly, we go to the golf course, you will be my caddie.”

The back door of the chalet is a golf course, close to nature, and also environmentally friendly. Jiang Xiu said: “I look like me, do you think it is suitable to dress up a caddie?”

Nangong Kou’er smiled and said, “There is no problem with the real performance.”

After the dress is complete, Nangong Kou’er has not played a few strokes, a group of people in a straight suit came, headed by a young man, probably more than twenty, less than thirty, the bloodline(s) of the Japan person reflected in him Obviously, at first glance it is a Japan person, with a high forehead, a straight nose, a pair of sharp eyes, lips squeezed hard, and the corners of his mouth pressed down slightly.

“Juju Jun, why are you here?”

The Nangong Kou’er at this meeting was wearing a golf cap, a white top, casual sports pants, waving a cue, playing in the sun, and the unspeakable youth was beautiful.

The Japan brother did not pay attention to Nangong Kou’er, but focused his attention on Jiang Xiu’s. eyes almost burst into flames, but he forcibly restrained: “I heard that you are here to play. , Is this? “

“Oh, this is my business partner, Jiang from Jiangnan … Mr. Jiang Xiu!”

Mister Jiang, this is Jujiro Ichiro, the eldest son of Mr. Jujiu, and the main person in charge of Jujiu in China.”

Nangong Kou’er made a brief introduction.

Jiang Xiu glanced at him lightly. The so-called Mr. Juji is the man of Zhujiuan in the ninth body of the **** list, Divine Mark, and the man in front of him is only the eldest son of Zhujiuan.

This Jujuichiro was very depressed at the moment, and was not able to be caught in bed. Although it was a union of interests, he was not even engaged, but it was a matter of the face of his Jujiu family.

Cooperating with the Nangong Family with the strength of the Juji family, that would reduce their status. If it is not for the relationship of Nangong Family in the Chinese political field, it will definitely not let him marry the girl in front of him, but the appearance of Nangong Kou’er is indeed outstanding, He would not object.

I heard that Nangong Kou’er had a meeting with a man, and he was caught on the spot.

I intend to make a big fuss about this matter and force Nangong Family to give up the interest.

Unexpectedly, I did n’t catch it! !

Goodbye Jiang Xiu is so arrogant that he does not take him in his eyes at all, and Jujiichiro’s heart is even more angry, when will it be your Chinese’s turn to coax.

Mister Jiang, where does Jiangnan stand and what position do they hold?”

This must not be the case.

Nangong Kou’er seeing Juji Ichiro ’s forehead bursting out of a green muscle, he could n’t help but cover his face, but he was standing opposite Jiang Luoxia, even if the Jujuanan male saw him, he had to be respectful, not to mention It was his son, but Juto Ichiro did not know that what stood in front of him was the first strong man of China.

“You are not qualified to know?”

Nangong Kou’er hurriedly inserted and said: “Jiang Xiu is also engaged in the biological group, Jiangnan local biological group, called … Jiangnan biological, is the vice president of the group.”

Okay, Caddy has become vice president.


Yu Juichiro ’s brilliant eyes are fixed on Jiang Xiu, and those who open the biological group are all Extraordinary. The most cutting-edge existence now, in other words, the Jiang Xiu in front of him is martial artist.

“I do n’t know the Mister Jiang group, what is the highest level of existence, how long does it take to train a senior warrior?”

This question is straightforward.

Jiang Xiu answered him, saying: “The highest level should be a god. Cultivate a senior warrior. If you cultivate with all your strength, it will be almost a month.”


Nangong Kou’er cried aloud and stared at Jiang Xiu in disbelief. Jiang Luoxia had a secret biological group. Nangong Kou’er knew about the existence of his biological group existence of God. Jiang Xiu itself was, in fact, Heaven Treading. There are already two gods inside, these two are the original disciples of Li Puti, these Nangong Kou’er do not know, she is really shocked that Jiang Xiu said a month to train a senior warrior.

Nangong Family fully cultivated her, and her outstanding innate skill also took more than two years and nearly three years.

“Hahaha …” Juji Ichiro laughed and laughed: “You Chinese people just like to brag, and it takes only one month to train a senior warrior, let alone your Chinese biological group, I do n’t have the crow creature of Japan, the Citi creature of the United States, or the Nicola creature of Europe. “

Jiang Xiu said: “You can’t do it, you are incompetent.” Feng Divine Mark is advanced Divine Mark, which is not bad in Immortal Martial Continent. The potential of its **** blood is endless, but they simply cannot develop it.

“Eight Ga!”

A few men in Jujiichiro took an angry step forward.

“You dare to insult my family Young Master , do you know this is a death sentence.”

Juji Ichiro raised his hand and begged them to be restless. Those Japans who almost pulled out their samurai swords only suppressed their anger: “Let ’s not say if your biological group can cultivate one in a month. Senior warrior, you said that your biological group existence of God exists, hum, but your Chinese **** is only a few people, dare to ask which one? “

Jiang Xiu said, “You are so ignorant, how many of my gods in China do you know, how many have you seen?”

“You …”

Juji Ichiro glared at Jiang Xiu angrily, then glanced back at Nangong Kou’er: “Miss Nangong, this is your friend, who is he in the end, it would be Miss you, your good relationship.”

Nangong Kou’er will of course not admit: “Jiuyujun, do n’t talk nonsense, this is my important business partner, and his biological group is very powerful in Jiangnan.”


Liu Juichiro looked ashen: “Jiangnan creatures, I have n’t heard of it in China for so long …” The person behind him took a step forward and said with ears in Jujiro: “I have investigated, Jiangnan There is no Jiangnan creature at all. “

“This man is a liar, a liar who deceived Miss Nangong‘s heart.”

Nangong Kou’er said angrily: “You bullshit!”

“Jujujun, I advise you to say that rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but words cannot be arbitrarily said, you are a slander.”

Juto Ichiro said, “Is it slandering? Is it slandering that you said nothing, and I said nothing, let’s go back to the Jiangnan home and let your grandfather Old Master Nangong judge it. What has been done in the undeveloped holiday cabin? “

After all, Nangong Kou’er was guilty and blushed. “Do n’t you want to buckle my hat on. Also, can you control it? We are not married yet, even if we get married, you ca n’t control it.”

Jujuichiro said aggressively: “Marry me the great Japan person, you have to listen to me for everything.”

Jiang Xiu turned his face to steal music.

It’s all like this. How about putting gold on your face?

Yuchi Ichiro did n’t see it, but the angle of Nangong Kou’er saw the smile on the corner of Jiang Xiu ’s mouth. I could understand what the kid was proud of, and he was so angry and helpless. Kicked Jiang Xiu, Jiang Xiu was coldly attacked and screamed, “Why do you kick me?”

Nangong Kou’er said fiercely: “Kick you to death.”

Juji Ichiro was stunned, did he have any shame, and did he have any scruples, such a scrupulously flirtatious play in front of him, Ba Ga, Ba Ga …

“You guys, you guys …”

“Okay, let ’s go back to Nangong Family and let Old Master Nangong judge.”

Nangong Kou’er said: “Judge and judge, what are we afraid of innocently?”

Jiang Xiu nodded and agreed.

Juji Ichiro arrived at Nangong Family, and he rushed into it with anger, the fiery person, everyone around him looked at it, and they all evaded, the next door already knew him, knowing that this will be the future of Nangong Family Grandson-in-law, but there is a man beside Nangong Kou’er, handsome as a god.

When many people saw him, they felt a little dazzling and mysterious. It was so perfect that people could n’t open their eyes and marveled the magic of the creator in their hearts, especially the mysterious and distant temperament. .

“Who is he?”

“What’s going on?”

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