I’ve Possessed the Demon Sovereign’s Body: 395. Step on stage

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Chen Luoyang formed an invisible gas wall around his body, but Xie Buxiu couldn’t get close to him, so he had to look up at him with disapproval.

“Go.” Chen Luoyang said lightly.

Xie Buxiu immediately stood up and stood upright.

He can be sure that if he asked Chen Luoyang to repeat the sentence a third time, he would have really died on the spot.

Aware of this, Xie Buxiu only had a frowning face and went out of the hall with Chen Luoyang.

Tu Shanyi followed: “Chen Cult Master, the other two of God Demon Palace, are currently closed, but not closed.”

“No need to disturb them, there is enough manpower right now.” Chen Luoyang said: “What you need now is that you keep your mouth shut.”

Tu Shanyi said in courtesy: “I understand that you and junior brother Xie will be closed in the quiet room of the **** Demon Palace.”

“Very good, let me take care of you here.” Chen Luoyang nodded, and then took Xie Buxiu under the secret channel arranged by Tu Shanyi, leaving Mortal World ancient Divine Cult main altar.

On the way, Xie Buxiu‘s face was full of smiles: “Chen Cult Master, let’s, where are we going?”

Chen Luoyang glanced at him quietly: “Can’t you guess?”

Xie Buxiu laughed and said: “Where you go, subordinate will follow you. If you don’t speak, subordinate will naturally not know our destination.”

Chen Luoyang looks at he suddenly smiled.

But the smile made Xie Buxiu creepy.

“In the **** Demon Palace, no waste is kept.” Chen Luoyang said: “For waste, I never waste food, I clean it up as soon as possible.”

Xie Buxiu hearing this, shrinking his neck.

He cried with sad faces: “Chen Cult Master, Earlier Heaven Palace seems to be entirely cared for by Mister Tianji, but if each big shot does not end, Earlier Heaven Palace is actually strong and strong. Although divine art is in the world, it is too risky to go alone. Missed … No, no! “

Xie Buxiu hastily slapped himself twice: “No, subordinate means that even if only bumps, it will be a great loss for Divine Cult.”

Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter, although miraculous unfathomable, but the frontal combat strength is not strong.

Therefore, most of the Ancient God within the cult cultivators of this divine art have other foundations and practice as supplements.

Majoring in Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter, and there are people with good attainments, in fact, only one Xie Buxiu.

Thanks to someone who thinks before and after, what he can be seen by Vice-Cult Master Chen is just that.

If the assassination of Southern Chu‘s eldest son Cheng Longyuan, against the guise of Southern Chu Dynasty only, then what is the real goal of Chen Luoyang?

Ancient Divine Cult and Earlier Heaven Palace also have a bad relationship.

Mister Tianji is also currently in the Western Qin realm.

Xie Buxiu compares its own strengths and naturally thinks of Earlier Heaven Palace.

Chen Luoyang looks at he: “I am not alone.”

However, waiting for Xie Buxiu to be really relieved, Chen Luoyang continued to say: “Isn’t there you?”

Cult Master, my strength is not good, it will only delay your big plan.” Xie Buxiu crying with a sad face: “this cult Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter is naturally a very good absolute technique, definitely not weaker than Earlier Heaven Palace‘s Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture, only subordinate‘s Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter just learn the fur, it is not useful. . “

Chen Luoyang heard it funny.

Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture is the foundation of Earlier Heaven Palace location, Fuxi authentic lineage legacy, and the essence of Innate.

Practically speaking, although the ancient Divine Cult argued with Earlier Heaven Palace on Fuxi way heritage, in the case of the loss of “Fuxi” in Shenwu Demon Fist, Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter alone is weaker than Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture.

The ancient Divine Cult and Earlier Heaven Palace are tied for Mortal World sacred ground, and the peerless divine art that competes with the other party’s Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture is Divine Demon blood and stealing the sky for the day, not Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter.

It ’s not that Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter is weak, but there are indeed mountains outside the mountains.

In Mortal World, Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven legacy, Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture exists, Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter is only like second.

This point, the ancient Divine Cult high-level expert, is not unintelligible, but it will not be admitted on the bright side.

Like the current Xie Buxiu.

Chen Luoyang is funny in his heart, but calm on the face: “It ’s okay, there is a place where you can come in handy.”

What he said did not give Xie Buxiu peace of mind at all, but he felt even more hairy in his heart.

Will this Vice-Cult Master Chen want to use him as bait?

The fifteen buckets in Xie Buxiu‘s heart fetched water. Seven times and eight times, they secretly transported Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter‘s cultivation base to try to infer.

The trigram shape that came out was a murderous one in Tibet.

This makes Xie Buxiu a little more at ease, but if you want more detailed information about divination, trigram shape will show a state of chaos and inexplicability.

He tried a few different directions. Occasionally, he was able to see the clouds and see the sun, but he showed many possible results. He wanted to further divination, but he could n’t figure out which one might be bigger.

This brings Xie Buxiu back to the heart again.

Such ambiguous results made him unpredictable, whence luck comes.

The world is ever-changing, and if you ca n’t grasp it by then, you may lose your chance to be ill-gotten.

He could n’t help regretting that he did n’t give himself a gossip this morning.

Although it may not be able to escape this disaster, what if you notice it in advance? Anyway, you can hide Entranced Demon Palace, escape main altar, there is no such thing now.

Now he can only be extremely disturbed, follow Chen Luoyang to hide whereabouts, leave the ancient Divine Cult ground, enter the Southern Chu territory, and then go to Earlier Heaven Palace.

After reaching the periphery of Earlier Heaven Palace, Chen Luoyang stopped with Xie Buxiu and did not continue to advance, but slept temporarily.

After setting up Xie Buxiu, Chen Luoyang seeks out the secluded and nowhere alone and takes out Sky Letter Stone.

The one he had was originally Xie Chong.

The half of the Sky Letter Stone he held earlier was left when he left the dark celestial grotto and was left to Bie Donglai.

You can come in handy right now.

Previously, Bie Donglai had tried to contact Chen Luoyang many times through this Sky Letter Stone, and only Chen Luoyang did not respond.

He knows the situation in the dark celestial grotto.

“Demon Venerable” arranges Bie Donglai to guard furnace. The time is loose for a while, so that he ca n’t stay away for a while, and can only wait for nothing in celestial grotto for a while.

Bie Donglai has long been impatient.

I wish I could go out to find Ye Tianmo and Han Yan myself, and I hoped to get the message here in “Demon Venerable”.

He is anxious to contact Chen Luoyang, hoping that Chen Luoyang can help him plead with “Demon Venerable”.

After airing him several times, Chen Luoyang now contacts Bie Donglai through Sky Letter Stone.

Time control is naturally when Bie Donglai is idle at the moment.

The communication method of Sky Letter Stone is a bit similar to Chen Luoyang‘s previous voice message in Earth.

He aired a few pieces of Bie Donglai, but at the moment Bie Donglai responded immediately.

“It ’s hard to chase after a word! Of course, I ’m a credit talker. Last time I was an accident. I blocked the damned old man and entangled with him, so I only spent time. Now as long as you plead with Supreme, let me out What do you want me to do, I must be on time! “

Listening to the impatient voice of Bie Donglai, Chen Luoyang replied in a muffled tone: “One has two, you have lost your faith once.”

“I am a reasonable person, and I will supply you with one yard and one yard, and I will not rely on you. Last time I thanked you for giving me Li Ce with damned old man Clues, this time thank you for helping me Supreme Please, I will do two things for you. “

Chen Luoyang uproar: “To be reasonable, you should compensate me and make up for your loss of trust.”

“Okay, three things.” Bie Donglai is very simple.

Chen Luoyang continued to be quiet: “When you are doing things for me, what if you encounter Ye Tianmo again?”

“Then I must still find the damned old man first.” The opposite answer was even more straightforward: “Of course it is more important to find my lady than to count.”

Chen Luoyang almost rolled his eyes.

However, another sentence was added immediately after Bie Donglai: “After I found my lady, I promised you something, and I will continue to help you.”

Chen Luoyang thought that something was delayed, and I might just disappear from directly.

However, it is difficult for a guy who has problems with such a brain circuit to communicate with a normal person.

I am able to squeeze each other, but not all rely on the majesty of “Demon Venerable”. I am more afraid to thank Ms. that person Han Yan.

Because of its existence, there is now a transaction with Bie Donglai, otherwise it is likely that “Demon Venerable” will not be able to call him.

Now the fire is almost in place, Chen Luoyang responded: “I will ask the Master for permission first, and you may go out for a short time. You can take some sincerity and let me see.”

“Okay, let me do one thing for you first, what do you want to do, you say.” Bie Donglai hearing this does not think at all, but is very happy: “Supreme really valued you, you plead with him, it will definitely work.”

Chen Luoyang hearing this, a corner of the mouth corner Qingqing/gently.

Of course it works …

However, he turned into “Demon Venerable” on the side of the dark celestial grotto and did not mean to let Bie Donglai go out immediately.

Instead, let the other guard watch furnace for a while before releasing it.

As for the first thing Chen Luoyang asked Bie Donglai to do, it was natural to go to Southern Chu Imperial Capital and get some movement.

However, this movement can’t be big, so as not to force Sovereign of Chu to come back.

only just walks around once, without hostility and without causing damage.

However, with the weight of Bie Donglai, suddenly appearing in Southern Chu Imperial Capital is enough for Southern Chu Dynasty to stay behind and tighten the upper and lower nerves.

It’s a mess, but it’s inevitable to concentrate on Bie Donglai.

So, Ning Jiuwei will have a chance.

Of course, the chance of only take action, I really want to kill Cheng Longyuan, the eldest son of Southern Chu, it is estimated that there is no drama.

This is just fine.

The old Divine Cult and the Southern Chu will start to wreak havoc again, so that the people of Earlier Heaven Palace can put down their external warning slightly and focus on the next big show.

Bie Donglai did not show any moths this time, completed the task perfectly, and for the news of Han Yan, honestly returned to the dark celestial grotto.

Chen Luoyang is quietly waiting for the rabbit.

Soon, he waited for his goal.

An Elder guarded by Earlier Heaven Palace.

Under the reminder of the life experience of the dead Cheng He, this is always an available choice.

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