Martial God Asura Chapter 550: Big and profound (1 more)

Pulse Searching Method?” After hearing this, Chu Feng suddenly came to a spirit.

Because Eggy said to him Pulse Searching Method long ago, this is a special means to find World’s Rare Objects, various magical treasure, cultivation resources.

However, cultivation is very troublesome, and because Chu Feng has to deal with things before, so Eggy has never mentioned this to Chu Feng.

Eggy didn’t mention it, Chu Feng didn’t ask, but in fact, Chu Feng has been thinking about this Pulse Searching Method. Now Eggy is finally willing to teach itself Pulse Searching Method, and Chu Feng is naturally very excited.

So when Chu Feng moved his mind, he projected his consciousness to his Spiritual World and came to the formation space.

Seeing that Eggy is cute and sweet, Chu Feng has a big mouth and a smile, he said, “Eggy, you finally taught me Pulse Searching Method?”

Chu Feng, you listen, this Pulse Searching Method is a means that cannot be mastered by ordinary World Spiritist. Even World Spiritist above Gold-cloak, almost no one masters this means.”

“It can be said that this is a secret that is not transmitted. There are very few people who master this method. It is more precious than your Secret Skill. If it is spread, it will definitely set off a **** storm. “Said Eggy.

“What? This Pulse Searching Method is not mastered by ordinary World Spiritist. It is so precious ?!” Hearing this, Chu Feng could not help but swallow a spit, and then asked curiously: “Eggy, such a thing, Where did you come from? Is it a unique method of your Asura Spirit World?!

“Of course not. This Pulse Searching Method was created by a very great World Spiritist. I learned from a World Spirit senior who is several times stronger than me, because this senior is the World Spirit of the great World Spiritist. . “Chu Feng said.

“What? senior that is several times more powerful than you ?!” Hearing that, Chu Feng was even more surprised. Before Eggy was sealed, it should have been extremely powerful, so it was more powerful than her World Spirit What would it be existence?

“That’s the whole Asura Spirit World, few people are afraid of World Spirit.” When mentioning the World Spirit, even the proud Eggy, there was a touch of respect on his face, showing that the World Spirit is really extraordinary.

But Chu Feng is even more amazing. The master of World Spirit, the World Spirit already is so powerful, then what is the master of World Spirit, what is and others?

“But Chu Feng, I want to remind you in advance. Although I know the cultivation method of Pulse Searching Method, I don’t know if it will succeed.”

“But the only thing I can tell you is that this Pulse Searching Method is not good cultivation.”

“Hey, what is easy in the world? Eggy, just say, what should I do?” Chu Feng asked with a smile.

Pulse Searching Method requires three things: cultivation. One is to repair the eyes, the other is to repair the brain, and the third is to repair the mind.”

“Creating eyes, this is the key to Pulse Searching Method, because looking for pulse needs to see everything with your eyes, and such eyes are called Heaven’s Eyes.”

Heaven’s Eyes?”

“Yes, as long as your eyes, cultivation can see what others cannot see, can see what others cannot see, then you can say that you have mastered Heaven’s Eyes initially”

“And cultivation Heaven’s Eyes requires a powerful Spirit power, the lowest standard, and Spirit power that can communicate with the blue formation power. This is also the reason why I have to wait for you to become Blue-cloak World Spiritist before teaching you Pulse Searching Method.”

“So what is brain training?”

“Creating the brain is to supplement your knowledge. The world all living things, rivers and mountains, its existence all have its reason, and its form has its meaning.”

“For example, a humble mountain range may well contain World’s Rare Objects, an inconspicuous ditch, and it is possible to hide the unborn treasure.”

“But even if he is special, it is invisible to ordinary people, but if you have Heaven’s Eyes, you can see its special from the appearance.”

“But if you want to tell if it actually contains treasure, you need to have relevant knowledge. And I have a chant here, this chant, which almost records the topographical forms of the various Tibetan secrets treasure, but How much you can learn from it depends on your own ability. “

“As for the final cultivation, it’s actually very simple.”

“Because everything has advantages and disadvantages, coexistence with interests is often dangerous. The greater the interest, the greater the danger.”

“And after you have mastered Heaven’s Eyes and Pulse Searching Method, you will be able to dig out many places where World’s Rare Objects, or treasure in the world is hidden.”

“But you have to know that thing in it may make you metamorphose into a dragon, cultivation realm will rise sharply, or it may make you fall short of life and die.”

“When you find a place that contains Treasure Storehouse, whether to enter or not, what to do after entering, it all depends on your heart. A calm and strong heart can often keep you alive. To get more. “

Chu Feng, Pulse Searching Method is like this, simple to say, extremely difficult to make, are you sure you want cultivation?” Eggy has long lashes and big shiny eyes, staring at Chu Feng, she is waiting for Chu Feng’s answer.

In the face of Eggy‘s questioning, Chu Feng smiled slightly and replied: “Of course cultivation.”

After getting the answer of Chu Feng’s, Eggy turned up the corner of her mouth, revealing a smile like that of the whole country, because she just likes the spirit of Chu Feng and is not afraid of difficulties.

After that, Eggy told Chu Feng the three cultivation methods of Pulse Searching Method, and the so-called master led the practice in the individual, and in this Pulse Searching Method, it was clearly reflected.

For this Pulse Searching Method, Eggy has never really seen cultivation. She only knows the method of cultivation, but how can she quickly master cultivation, she does not know at all.

In fact, this Pulse Searching Method is really difficult to cultivation. Even the Chu Feng, which has a strong sense of comprehension, is completely confused and needs to be studied word by word.

However, the more Chu Feng, the more cultivation, the harder, the more cultivation, the more serious, the more research, the more you can’t stop.

Because he found out that this Pulse Searching Method is really vast and profound. I don’t know where the creator is sacred, and he was able to create such a wonderful thing.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the eye-catching of Pulse Searching Method. This Heaven’s Eyes is an upgraded version of Spirit power.

If it is repaired, there is no need for Spirit power to sense it. You can see everything you can feel through Spirit power with one glance.

So let’s say, if Heaven’s Eyes cultivation is successful, Chu Feng will be able to see objects across the wall, which is the so-called perspective.

cultivation In the later period, the eyes of Chu Feng’s can have the power of to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands. In one glance, mountains and rivers can be razed to the ground and the lake can be dried up and boiled.

If it ’s a great achievement, it ’s more a reflection of a person ’s inner soul and a clear identification of loyalty. Just one glance can see through a person ’s nature, or even just one glance.

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