Martial God Asura Chapter 468: See also the mysterious monster beast

Asura Ghost Tower has a history of tens of thousands of years. legend contains a huge Treasure Storehouse, but no one has seen why the Treasure Storehouse looks like so far.

But aside from Treasure Storehouse, for World Spiritist, this Asura Ghost Tower is definitely a rare treasure, because the spiritual pressure contained in it can play a role in improving Spirit power.

At the time World Spiritist Guild was built here, I wanted to own Asura Ghost Tower, so this Asura Ghost Tower can be said to be the most important thing of World Spiritist Guild.

Even during the current war, World Spiritist Guild still sent many strong men to station here, but when Chu Feng came here and asked to enter, these guardians did not refuse.

After all, Chu Feng saved his World Spiritist Guild junior. They knew already. For them, Chu Feng is now the benefactor of World Spiritist Guild. How can they refuse this request from benefactors?

So, Chu Feng and Zi Ling entered Asura Ghost Tower together. With the talent of Zi Ling, it is not difficult to climb the sixth floor of legend, it can be said that it is very, very easy.

However, when Chu Feng opened the seventh layer of entrance, Zi Ling encountered an invisible barrier, which could not be reached anyway, and this barrier was not felt by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng, this seventh layer of invisible barrier is very powerful. Unless there is a special cracking method, I can’t go in. You can go in yourself, but be careful.”

Zi Ling stood on the sixth floor, looked at the Chu Feng on the seventh floor, and smiled sweetly, but in the beautiful eyes, some worries appeared.

She has long heard from Chu Feng that a monster beast is being held here. This monster beast is very strong. It easily defeated the two geniuses of Jieshi and Gù Tiānchén a hundred years ago. It is likely to be a Purple-cloak World Spiritist. A hundred years later, I believe it is already. More powerful.

Coupled with the mysterious monster beast, tell Chu Feng to go to Wanxiu Mountain to improve Spirit power, but in fact there are four Monster King guards, and there are countless institutions, almost let Chu Feng lose his life, Zi Ling felt that it was being held monster beast here is not so credible.

“Relax, I have something in my mind.” Chu Feng smiled slightly and turned to the place where monster beast was being held.

Of course, Chu Feng does not believe in the mysterious monster beast, and now that he dares to come here to rescue the monster beast without hesitation, he is naturally fully prepared.

Crossing the corridor created by the strong horizontal formation, Chu Feng finally came to the end. Here is a formation cage. Inside the cage is a fang with sharp teeth, blood red eyes, and a pair of pointed ears monster beast.

This monster beast looks a little thin and not very powerful. Aura gives out comes out, giving a very weak feeling, but Chu Feng knows that this monster beast is a very dangerous existence, and it is also existence he wants to rescue.

“Haha, boy, your boy is finally here to find me.”

“Haha, terrific, just two years ago, it really became Blue-cloak World Spiritist.”

“How did you get close to that Asura Ghost Axe? Are my four little apprentices okay now? Are all the guys in Wan Yaoshan okay?” This monster beast, as always, is lively and active. After seeing Chu Feng Even more ecstatic, keep asking East and West.

“I can be Blue-cloak World Spiritist. Although it has something to do with you, I still rely on myself.”

“In the beginning, you told me clearly that according to the map you gave, you could find a tool to improve Spirit power, but did not say that Wan Yao Shan is such a dangerous place. Do you know that I almost lost my care? Killed by you? “Chu Feng asked coldly, angrily.

“Hey, aren’t you alive and well, if I tell you everything, then there will be no meaning, and now there is only meaning, at least it means that I have read the right person.”

“Come on, come here, my uncle handed you a layout of an Spirit Formation law, as long as it fits inside and outside me, I can leave here after ten days.” This monster beast grinned without any guilt, but felt You did it right.

“Let me help you out? Yes, but I can’t believe you now, so if you want me to save you and leave here, you must listen to me.” Chu Feng said.

“Oh? Boy, you want Uncle Ben to listen to you? Hey, yes, as long as you can let Uncle Ben go out, you can do it, you say, how to listen to you?” monster beast did not refuse, but asked with a smile Just like letting it go out, you can really do anything.

“Om.” Chu Feng didn’t answer, but stacked his hands and turned his mind. After a formation door emerged, Eggy came out of the door.

“This is, World Spirit of Asura Spirit World!” After seeing Eggy, monster beast‘s pupils shrank, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Then he said, “Wow, boy, you are amazing enough to be able to interact with Asura Spirit World. World Spirit concludes the contract, no wonder you can enter here so easily, amazing, amazing! “

“Hey, little demon, if you want to leave here, right, if you want to leave here, do as this Queen said, and arrange a Teleportation Array for me.” Between the words, Eggy tapped his finger, and layers of gas appeared, just in In front of it, draw out a layout method of Teleportation Array.

At the same time, Chu Feng has begun to arrange this Teleportation Array.

“Hey, you little girl is so powerful that you can master such a powerful Teleportation Array. This Teleportation Array should be outside and inside. It can really avoid this closed formation and transmit some thing.”

“It’s just that the objects that can be teleported are too small. You can eat from the outside to the uncle. It’s almost impossible to transmit the uncle.” monster beast did not arrange Teleportation Array as Eggy said, but instead He smiled disdainfully.

“Who said to use this Teleportation Array to teleport you out? I want to teleport this in and ask you to eat it.”

Eggy smiled sweetly, and a round black object appeared in the hand. The object was not the size of a nail, but gives out was filled with black gas. Take a closer look. The round object turned out to be a small black hole. .

“You little girl is really innocent, so you should take this poison to be swallowed by this man.” monster beast frowned slightly, but still had an indifferent smile on her face.

“Do n’t worry, this thing wo n’t take your life, but it will bound your mind. If you miss Chu Feng, it will torture you, but if you do n’t have a wicked heart for Chu Feng, it will never It will not affect you. “Eggy said.

“Hey, little girl, boy, you two don’t think I can be trusted, I understand, you can give me thing like this, I can understand it.”

“But why do I believe you, Uncle Ben? You say that this is not poison, in case it is poison, not to mention good, why should I eat this thing, in case this is a kind of bound me Thought thing, you control me, let me do something that I don’t want to do, what should I do? “monster beast said with a lip.

“You have no choice, either arrange Teleportation Array now, teleport it and swallow it down, or the two of us will leave immediately, and you will wait to die in this Asura Ghost Tower.” Eggy turned and walked. , Want to leave, and Chu Feng also stopped setting up Teleportation Array and turned to leave.

“Wait, wait, this uncle admits that I can’t eat anything.” But at this moment, behind the Chu Feng and Eggy, the voice of monster beast compromise suddenly came.

Looking back, Chu Feng’s‘s face could not be changed slightly, because he found that in front of the monster beast, an Teleportation Array appeared, and the precisely Eggy required it to be arranged by Teleportation Array.

This Teleportation Array is difficult to arrange, which is why he has arranged it for so long and has not completed it, but this is the Teleportation Array arranged by difficult, this monster beast, was completed only in an instant.

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