Martial God Asura Chapter 466: The junior is dead

Four World Spirits stand in the air, each of which has a height of more than ten meters. Although they are human, they are not human. They look as scary as evil spirits, they hold weird weapons, and gives out is powerful. Aura, which are four World Spirit from Ghost Spirit World.

After these four World Spirits appeared, not to mention were the people of the Jie clan and the four major influence. Even the people of World Spiritist Guild changed their faces, and were shocked by the four World Spirits in the air.

Because these four World Spirit and gives out are Aura of Heaven Realm Sixth Level, such a strength, there are few enemies present, already comparable to the ancestors of four major influence and president of World Spiritist Guild, and the current Clan Head community of the Jie clan Xingpeng.

And this World Spirit is from Spirit World, obviously possessing the human cultivator, which has no special power. From the perspective of Aura, it is more important than the four ancestors of Yuanzong, Xiaoyao, Baizang and Vulcan Gate. Domineering.

The Gù Tiānchén turns its mind and can summon four Heaven Realm Sixth Level horror thugs. This is naturally shocking and shocks the genius of the genius World Spiritist.

“For ordinary Blue-cloak World Spiritist, the contract with three World Spirit is already the limit. This Gù Tiānchén can control four World Spirit, and his strength is also powerful. I am afraid that it is not far from Purple-cloak World Spiritist like the world “” Seeing the scene in front, Zi Ling whispered.

“The four World Spirits, each of which is Heaven Realm Sixth Level, is this too strong? No wonder that World Spiritist is an amazing job, and it really looks like it today.”

Zhang Tianyi is also full of envy. This is the first time he has seen such a powerful World Spirit, and for the first time he has so envied the unique ability of World Spiritist.

“It’s nothing, if legend is World Spiritist strong enough to be a certain realm, you can summon a team of World Spirit troops for your own use.”

“Although the powerful World Spiritist is usually only one person walking, if it is a battle, even if it is a sect force that has been passed down for 10,000 years, it will not be his opponent.” Chu Feng said.

These are what he heard from Eggy. Although the number of World Spirit summoned by World Spiritist is a measure of the strength of an World Spiritist, as long as World Spiritist is strong to a certain realm, it is indeed possible to be alone and summon a team of World Spirit troops. , The world is invincible.

“Grunting.” Hearing Chu Feng said, Zhang Tianyi could not help but swallow a spit, and the envy on his face suddenly became extremely intense.

A World Spiritist carrying a team of World Spirit troops with him? What an amazing thing this is? It really made him yearn, but he did n’t have Spirit power. In this life, he was destined to miss World Spiritist. The endless yearning can only be transformed into endless envy.

In fact, not only Zhang Tianyi, but even Zi Ling, who is also World Spiritist, heard that Chu Feng’s, that beautiful little face became complicated.

Because she couldn’t help but imagine a picture, a World Spiritist stood in the air, commanding a team of World Spirit troops, to attack the world for herself.

It can be said that this kind of picture will feel hot as long as people think about it, but Zi Ling knows that even if it is also an World Spirit army, its deterrent power is also different.

In terms of the deterrent power of World Spirit, which World Spirit of Spirit World can compare with World Spirit of Asura Spirit World?

So just thinking that behind Chu Feng’s in the future, there will be a group of Asura Spirit World World Spirit army, even her, there is a little bit of envy.


The three World Spirit summoned by the Gù Tiānchén have already launched an offensive. But the four who are fighting against them are not human. They are also four World Spirit.

The four World Spirits are similar to monster beast, but they are World Spirit from the beast Spirit World. The World Spirit of these four beasts Spirit World has the same strength as the four Ghost Spirit World World Spirit of Gù Tiānchén. Out.

At this moment, Jie Shi has risen into the sky, standing in the sky, smiling at Gù Tiānchén and saying, “Gù Tiānchén, you and I were together with to undergo closed-door training, but you have been out of the customs for a few days. Your talent is not as good as mine. Do you still want to defeat me today? “

“Jie Shi, you still have no one in sight as in those days. In fact, World Spiritist Guild and Jie Clan could have coexisted, but you have to separate a victory and defeat, and fight for your life.”

“After a hundred years, you and I have changed from the aspiring young people to the wrinkled old people, from the juniors in the clan to the elders, and the life limit is approaching. They are all just a few years old. “

“But you are still stubborn. When I didn’t go out, I launched an offensive against World Spiritist Guild and wanted to get rid of my World Spiritist Guild.”

“You are indeed a scourge. For the peace of my World Spiritist Guild, I will kill you today.” Gù Tiānchén exclaimed.

Hahaha, Gù Tiānchén, you want to get rid of me, do you have this strength? You couldn’t beat me at the beginning, and you still can’t beat me today. Even if someone will win today, then the person who wins must be Me. “

“And, I can tell you the truth, your already is late.”

“When you were in to undergo closed-door training, your World Spiritist Guild person has secretly transferred your juniors with excellent World Spiritist Guild out of World Spiritist Guild through special Teleportation Array. I want them to escape.”

“I don’t know, I already knew that they would have this hand, so you World Spiritist Guild, today’s best juniors, are now killed.”

“Without those excellent juniors, your World Spiritist Guild is destined to be weaker than our clan in the next few decades, so even if I don’t destroy your World Spiritist Guild today, your World Spiritist Guild will also be already lost.” Laughing wildly.

After hearing what he said, the current president of World Spiritist Guild and a number of management elders changed their expressions, one by one ashen-faced, and even some people’s legs softened, and they felt like they were spinning and passed out.

Even the Gù Tiānchén has a frown, and his steady eyes start to flicker.

Because, as Jie Shi said, an excellent junior determines the future of this power. If his World Spiritist Guild junior has really encountered an accident, it will definitely affect the future development of World Spiritist Guild. For them, absolutely It was a huge blow.

“Jie Shi, you must stop talking nonsense. My World Spiritist Guild Teleportation Array is the effort of the senior of the past. Can you figure it out?” There is a World Spiritist Guild management elder who refuses to believe what Jie Shi said, Retorted loudly.

“I’m talking nonsense? Open your dog’s eyes and take a closer look. The four Sect Masters in Yuanzong, Baizang, Vulcan Gate, and Xiaoyao Valley are not in my army now. Where did they go? Can’t you think of it? “

Gù Tiānchén, you tell and tell you World Spiritist Guild these ignorant descendants, tell them, my world, in the end, do you have the ability to calculate your World Spiritist Guild Teleportation Array ability?” Jie Shi laughed louder and louder, as if they were holding already winning coupons.

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