Martial God Asura Chapter 381: Gold-cloak World Spiritist

The place referred to by Chu Feng is this temple today, but on the map, there is a thing in the center of this temple, but at the moment it is not there.

The main thing is that if you find it carefully, you will find that there are actually two floors in this temple, but at the moment, there is only one floor, which means that there is either a layer below this temple, or this temple There is a layer above, here, not the real end.

When Zi Ling noticed this change, she hurried to the place where the object was marked on the map, and a Spirit Formation was arranged here.

Then she only sang a soft drink: “Open” the Spirit Formation, and it dazzled, and at the same time, in the direction of Spirit Formation, there appeared a stone platform lingering in seven colors.

After the stone platform emerged, Guanghua became more and more prosperous, and finally mapped onto it, covering the top of the palace, and the most strange thing is that under the cover of the seven colors of light, the top of the palace began to change, that special rock It became more and more faint, and eventually began to dissipate. What appeared to Chu Feng and Zi Ling was another temple.

The shape of that temple is the same as this one, but the only difference is that in the center of the upper temple, there is a spell floating in the air, and the spell floats in midair. gives out has a strange energy, as if in the small one. There are thousands of changes in the spell.

The main thing is that outside of the spell, there are nine large gold characters hanging in the air, Ninth Rank Martial Technique.

“It was actually Ninth Rank Martial Technique.” After seeing the four big characters of Ninth Rank Martial Technique, Zi Ling suddenly lighted up, the body was fluttering, and they rushed up. When the jade hand was found, they rushed away, toward the curse containing Ninth Rank Martial Technique Go away.

“This girl, so fast.”

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng frowned, because he knew that the reason why Zi Ling started so fast must be because he was afraid that she would take her step first to **** the Ninth Rank Martial Technique. This girl obviously did not fully trust him.

“Om”. However, before Zi Ling‘s Saitama hands touched the spell, a layer of strange energy fluctuations spread out, and the entire hall above it was instantly filled.

Swish Swish 唰”

Followed by, there were several golden formation chains around Zi Ling. The formation chains was like a snake, wrapped around Zi Ling, binding her tightly.


“Woohoo ~~”

At this moment, Zi Ling runs the whole body of energy and wants to break free, but just now, the golden chains quickly shrinks, and is about to get into her bones. The body seems to be crushed and hurts, making the small face of Zi Ling Suddenly, she became pale, and a large swath of sweat slid down from her forehead, and she could not help screaming.

“How can this be, it turned out to be an institution? But I explored it with Spirit power, and there was no problem at all.”

Looking at the tortured Zi Ling and Chu Feng in the upper hall, his face changed slightly, because he couldn’t see where the organs in that hall were, and he didn’t know how to rescue Zi Ling, because the golden formation chains was too The overbearing, cohesive formation power, which Chu Feng has never seen before, is simply no solution.

“Om.” Just then, in the space next to Zi Ling, there was a sudden squirm, and then a figure appeared.

This is a Consciousness, the body is translucent, but this **** is still an World Spiritist, because he wears a World Spirit robe, covering his appearance strictly.

The most surprising thing for Chu Feng is that the World Spirit robe worn by this Consciousness is very unusual, with Gold Light overflowing and majestic atmosphere.

The charms it depicts are also very special. As if each charm has thousands of changes and infinite power, the man is wearing World Spirit Gold-cloak.

Gold-cloak World Spiritist?”

Chu Feng was surprised, so I could n’t help but took a breath. In Nine Provinces Continent, Purple-cloak World Spiritist has been reached by no one, just like a myth, but at the moment, in front of myself, there was an Gold-cloak World Spiritist, which surprised Chu Feng .

At the same time, the Gold-cloak World Spiritist is also looking at Chu Feng. His eyes are like eagles, like two sharp blades, piercing the body of Chu Feng’s, seeing through Chu Feng’s, making Chu Feng impossible to resist.

“This, this is the power of Gold-cloak World Spiritist, it is terrible. Except for Divine Lightning in my dantian, everything seems to be seen through him.”

Chu Feng was startled again, and even left a cold sweat on his forehead, because he found that the Gold-cloak World Spiritist in front of him was really terrible. He had never seen such a terrible person, but only glanced through everything.

“Eh?” And after looking at Chu Feng, the Gold-cloak World Spiritist also behaved a little unexpectedly, and then made a sound, the voice of the middle-aged man, saying: “Little young, even concluded a contract with Asura World Spirit, isn’t it simple? , Boy, what is your relationship with this girl? “

“Back to senior, he is my friend.” Chu Feng revered respectfully. In the face of this, he did not dare to be disrespectful, because the other party was too powerful, and the power he possessed was definitely beyond Chu Feng‘s imagination I’m afraid the Chu Feng can be wiped out as long as the other party’s thoughts move.

“Are they just friends?” Gold-cloak World Spiritist asked lightly, questioning in his voice.

“No, not just friends, she is me …”

“She’s still my sweetheart, begging senior to let her go.” Chu Feng begged.

“Let her go? It seems you want to save her?” Gold-cloak World Spiritist asked curiously.

“Think, of course, as long as senior can let her go, and I want to do whatever I want, you can torture me, but please let her go.”

I don’t know why, when Chu Feng saw Zi Ling, the painful look, he really couldn’t bear at heart, even if he went to bear the pain for her, he was willing.

“It was still an infatuation, but you have to be clear. When she saw me Martial Technique just now, she didn’t consider your feelings at all.”

“It is very selfish, and you want to acquire it yourself. Such a woman is also worth your love?” Gold-cloak World Spiritist seems to remind Chu Feng that Zi Ling is a very selfish woman.

“Perhaps in senior, she is not worth it. But in the eyes of Chu Feng, she is worth it, and it is worthy of me to dedicate myself to love.” Chu Feng smiled calmly, with a sincere face.

Chu Feng, he doesn’t really love Zi Ling. He has always been alert to Zi Ling. How can he fall in love with her?

Only, he doesn’t want Zi Ling to be hurt, and he knows that if this Gold-cloak World Spiritist doesn’t want Chu Feng and Zi Ling to leave alive, Chu Feng says nothing.

Facing such a expert, when you trespass into the other party ’s territory and cause the other party to be dissatisfied, it is definitely not a few simple begging for mercy, you can move the other party, let people let go of themselves.

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