Martial God Asura Chapter 379: Can’t save him

“Fool, who said that World Spirit cannot be separated from the host’s body. If World Spirit cannot be separated from the host’s body, how can World Spirit help the host fight? What’s its value?” Eggy despised Chu Feng once.

“Then according to you, can World Spirit just leave the master’s body and enter our world with his own consciousness?” Chu Feng is even more joyful, he really hopes that the Eggy can accompany him with the body.

“It is possible within a reasonable range. As for the size of this range, it depends on the strength of the owner.”

“Of course, if you want to get World Spirit out of spiritual space, into your world, and help you do things with your own consciousness, you need to build a gate that connects your spiritual space. This gate is called World Spirit Gate.”

“Of course, if you want to turn on World Spirit Gate, you must at least master the blue formation power, that is, you must reach the strength of Blue-cloak World Spiritist to achieve it.” Eggy explained.

“Isn’t that saying that as long as I become Blue-cloak World Spiritist in the future, I can let you out of my spiritual space and live with me?”

Chu Feng is ecstatic at this moment, because he knows that Eggy does not like to stay in his own spiritual space. After all, how can a cheerful and lively little girl like Eggy like to be alone? She should really like hilarious.

When you hear this, Eggy is warming up, because she understands Chu Feng’s meaning, so she smiles sweetly, “Yeah, so for the freedom of Milady Queen, you can cheer.”

“Om.” And at this moment, Zi Ling‘s Immortal Method Spirit Formation has been laid out, blooming a dazzling golden light, and strangely, under the shroud of this golden light, the rock wall intact unscathed, The appearance of a gate gradually emerged, and slowly opened, Zi Ling turned out to be a success.

“Girl, that’s good.” Seeing this, Chu Feng said with a smile.

“Follow me, keep up.” Zi Ling opened a World Spirit Gate once again, and her World Spirit returned to the spiritual space of Zi Ling.

After that, Zi Ling quickly walked inside the rock wall gate, and Chu Feng also hurried to keep up.


Chu Feng just entered, the door behind them was closed, and at this moment Chu Feng found that this passage is much more delicate than the caves outside.

The walls on all four sides are made of special rocks. The gorgeous lines are engraved on them, showing an indescribable atmosphere. The main thing is that Chu Feng felt the special formation power on that wall, and that formation power, gives out and Aura of Asura.

“The master who built this is also an World Spiritist with Asura Spirit World and psychic spirits,” said Eggy.

“Is that the monster beast trapped in Asura Ghost Tower?” Chu Feng asked.

“This is hard to say.” Eggy shook his head.

Going along this passage, the field of vision becomes wider and wider, and Chu Feng and Zi Ling also found some institutions, but these institutions have been untied, and they have just been untied. I know, it must be Jiang Wushang.

In this case, both Chu Feng and Zi Ling can’t help speeding up, because they are afraid that Jiang Wushang will find Treasure Storehouse first, so they will suffer a lot.

“Catch up.” Suddenly, Zi Ling‘s eyes flickered, as if something was sensed, and he began to exhibit Movement Martial Technique, and ran fast in this channel.

While Chu Feng was not neglectful, the Royal Wind skill came out and hurried to follow.

Under this speed, Chu Feng and Zi Ling soon came to an end, and in front of them, a golden palace appeared.

Here, it is really brilliant, because everything here is made of gold, a piece of Gold Light.

And in the center of the palace is a large Treasure Storehouse. Various rare treasures, various yuan beads Profound medicine, piled up into a hill.

Even among the hills piled up by Treasure Storehouse, there are also a few of these extremely quaint books, which are obviously either mysterious arts or Martial Technique.

“Haha, I finally found it.” Seeing this, Zi Ling was overjoyed, with a flirtatious body, and the skirt fluttering, already flying towards that temple.

“Wait.” At this moment, Chu Feng was in a hurry to stop, because he was shocked to find that he didn’t see the trace of Jiang Wushang here, but here, it was clearly the end.

“Om.” Sure enough, just when Zi Ling just stepped into the palace, the entire palace was distorted, the picture in front of it began to change rapidly, shrunk into a ball, and wrapped around Zi Ling.

Chu Feng saves me.” At this moment, Zi Ling wanted to dodge, but Nai’s distorted picture had already wrapped her in it, making her lose the ability to escape.

“Awesome Illusion great formation.” When the temple completely disappeared, the real scene appeared in front of Chu Feng’s.

Right now, in front of the Chu Feng’s, where is the magnificent palace, but a quagmire that embodies formation, and in that quagmire, Zi Ling is sinking, no matter how hard it can struggle, it can’t get rid of everything around it .

“Is you guys?”

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded. It was Jiang Wushang. At the moment, Jiang Wushang was also caught in the quagmire, and most of his body already got trapped. After seeing Chu Feng and Zi Ling, he was surprised.

Swish Swish 唰” and Chu Feng at the moment, did not hesitate, hurriedly laid out a Spirit Formation method, then sat down, stacked with both palms, and suddenly burst into a cry: “Broken”


As soon as this word came out, from the floating Spirit Formation, two lights burst out.

After the light shrouded Zi Ling and Jiang Wushang, I saw countless spells, like insects, and began to penetrate the quagmire. In this case, the sinking speed of Zi Ling and Jiang Wushang was alleviated.


Following that, the fingerprints on the chest of Chu Feng changed, and there were actually two formation chainss formed from the agglomeration of the spells, which burst out from the formation great formation, and finally wrapped around Zi Ling and Jiang Wushang.

“Drink !!!!!!!!!!!!”

After that, the Chu Feng slammed again. At the same time, the overlapping palms clenched suddenly, the body and the body were tight in one place, and the complexion began to turn pale, and the sweat beads continued to grow. Falling down from his cheek, the mammoth formation power imbued formation great formation without reservation.

But fortunately, in the case of Chu Feng being so hard, the formation rope also started to shrink back, which caused already to sink into Zi Ling and Jiang Wushang in the quagmire, and began to float slowly.

This situation makes both Zi Ling and Jiang Wushang overjoyed, because this shows that the Chu Feng’s method has played a role, and Chu Feng can save them.


Finally, Zi Ling was the first to be pulled out. In the absence of Illusion interference, she was as light as a bird, restored her original strength, and landed in front of Chu Feng’s with a beautiful arc.


As soon as she landed, I saw Qiyu’s hand fisting, and a formation Charm Sword was gathered in her hand, and then facing Chu Feng, the formation chains that pulled Jiang Wushang suddenly waved, only to hear a click Cut the Chu Feng’s formation rope.

“What are you doing?” Seeing this scene, the Chu Feng was shocked and shouted loudly.

But Zi Ling seemed very calm. After dissipating the formation Charm Sword in his hand, he gently rubbed his own jade hand and said calmly, “Can’t save him.”

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