Martial God Asura Chapter 331: Supreme Venerable Mountain Villa

After rescued Li ’s big head, Chu Feng returned Li ’s big head to the town with a white-headed carving. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Chu Feng did not send Li’s big head directly to the town, but in small Landed outside the town.

And in order to prevent revenge on Sect Master, Chu Feng snatched cosmos sack from Sect Master and others, and gave him a big one, and ordered: “Leave your family here, don’t go back The Thunder Sect is here. “

Holding cosmos sack, Li ’s big head was moved but I do n’t know how to do it, because he did n’t think of it. Chu Feng wanted to help him, so after hesitating, he asked curiously, “This young hero, why are you Want to help me? “

“Oh,” Chu Feng smiled slightly and didn’t answer Li Dato ’s question. Instead, he jumped up into the white-headed eagle. When the white-headed owl stirred up huge wings and was about to rise, Chu Feng only responded to Li. The big head said, “Go back and say something to your grandpa on behalf of me, thank him for hosting this meal.”

At the same time as the voice fell, the white-headed eagle was soaring into the sky, with a harsh tweet, sweeping to the depths of Qinzhou. As for the big head of Li, he was not an stupid generation, knowing that he must be his grandpa. What a good thing made this mysterious teenager save his life.

After understanding the ins and outs of things, Li Datou didn’t hesitate, but hurried to the town where he lived. First, he had to figure out what his grandfather had done, and secondly, arrange the whole family as soon as possible. , Evacuate the town, away from the sphere of influence of the Lei Zong.

In the small town, Master Li already woke up, but because of his grandson, he offended Phantom Lei Zongshao Sect Master and was locked in a dungeon. Now it is unpredictable that Master Li is really distraught. Absolutely sad.

As a civilian-born old man, he has long belittled his fame and fortune. Without his current family property, he can still live a poor life, but if his grandson really has anything to do with him, then he will have nothing to live. meaning.

“Grandpa, grandpa!”

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded outside the door, followed by Li Dato also hurried into the room. After learning that his grandfather had fallen into a coma, Li Dato’s head was also anxious.

“Big head, is it you? Me, am I not dreaming?” Seeing Li Datou, Master Li thought he was dreaming, and it felt so unreal.

“Grandpa is me, I’m a big head.”

“Master is Young Master, it is really Young Master, it is Young Master back.” Li Dato nodded quickly, while the servant in the room was also ecstatic.

“Really big head? Haven’t you been locked up?” After seeing that his grandson had returned, Master Li was ecstatic and puzzled, and felt that there must be something strange about it.

“Grandpa, didn’t you ask me to rescue me?” Li Dato asked without answering.

“I ask someone to save you? No, big head, you know the situation of our family, you can rely on you today. How can you get it and be able to rescue you from the Phantom Thunder dungeon? Man? “Master Li vehemently denied.

“I wasn’t asked for help by grandpa? Grandpa, have you been entertaining a teenager recently?” Li Dato continued to ask.

“This … this morning, there is a young man from Jiezhou who came to the house and had a light meal. Big head, why do you ask that? It will not be the young man who saved you?” Master Li was asked Some buns.

“That wouldn’t be wrong. It was grandpa who kindly helped you that led a person of ability to save me, because after the boy rescued me, I asked him to take him to thank you for the meal.” Li Datou already thoroughly understood the truth of the matter.

“Big head, what you said is true? It was the young man who saved you? But how old is it at that age …”

At this moment, Master Li was astonished. He still remembers the immature face of Chu Feng and his young age.

Although Chu Feng claims to be cultivator, even if Chu Feng is cultivator, it is not possible to have the strength to rescue his grandchild from Phan Lei Zong, right? If Chu Feng is really so powerful, it would be too terrible. This is simply not something that ordinary people can accept.

Facing the question of Master Li ’s and others, Li ’s big head nodded with certain expression on his face: “It’s a teenager, it must be the teenager you said. Grandpa, this time you accidentally saved your grandson. It ’s a life. “

And when Li Datou was so sure, everyone couldn’t help but take a breath and had to believe that what saved Li Datou was the young man who ate in the house this morning.

But compared to the simple shock of others, the man with a beard and several strong men is full of fear. As long as I think of to have eyes but can’t recognize Mount Tai, I almost start to fear a special martial cultivation expert.

After the incident, Li also obeyed Chu Feng’s‘s orders, and hurried away with his grandfather and his family members.

However, Chu Feng didn’t know the reaction of Li Fu’s family at all, because Chu Feng‘s current goal is very clear, that is to enter Wan Yao Mountain, and after learning that Wan Yao Mountain is a dangerous place for monster beast domination, Chu Feng has only one chance to enter Wanxiu Mountain, and that is to enter Supreme Venerable Villa.

Although Qinzhou is very large, at a speed of top grade Bald Eagle, after a few days, Chu Feng finally came to Supreme Venerable Villa.

Supreme Venerable villa, although it is called a villa, is a true giant power. On top of a mountain range, several huge cities have been built. The cities are not only large in scale, magnificent, but also connected to each other. Whether it is momentum or surface area, it is the most of the many forces Chu Feng has seen.

Only, because of the marriage conference, the current Supreme Venerable villa is outside multitude, bringing together the young generation of Nine provinces talents. Now it is a huge problem to enter the Supreme Venerable villa, let alone to obtain the marriage of participate Qualification of the meeting.

“Fuck, why can’t you find your daughter-in-law? Why do so many people come here for fun?”

Chu Feng at this moment, standing in the sea of ​​people, looking at the road leading to Supreme Venerable, the long human-shaped dragon without seeing the end, frowning and blushing.

Because Chu Feng really doesn’t know. If you queue, you have to wait until the year of the monkey Ma Yue to enter this Supreme Venerable villa.

Not to mention, you do n’t have to wait in line to enter this Supreme Venerable villa. In fact, many people come here because of their insufficient status, and after a long line of hard work, they are on the first line. The checkpoint was rushed back.

After seeing such a rigorous review, Chu Feng from Azure Province, I really don’t know if I can, and get the qualification to enter this Supreme Venerable villa.

“Hey, kid, do you want to line up, don’t block the way if you don’t go in, and the people behind you still have to line up?” Just as Chu Feng hesitated, the people behind began to growl impatiently.

“You **** …” Chu Feng, who was already in a bad mood, saw someone daring to yell at him, and the depressed anger in his heart rushed up, and he turned back to cursed, so be him As he turned his eyes behind him, his eyes turned brighter and his face turned to joy.

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