Martial God Asura Chapter 88: Dead

In the period when Chu Feng and others left, a major event occurred in Chu family. In the backing mining area, rare black iron ore was dug out, and after exploration, it was found that there were many sources.

This black iron ore is the best raw material for making the blade. It is more valuable than gold ore. It is simply a Treasure Storehouse, which can make the profit of Chu family more than hundreds of times.

So when the black iron ore was discovered, Chu family was happy at the same time, it also began secret mining, and implemented strict security measures.

But there is no airtight wall in the world. I don’t know who passed the news of Xuan iron ore. When the news was leaked out, it quickly attracted the envy of all parties in Linzhen.

Under the leadership of Chu family‘s old rival Xu Family, Xu Family combined the two strongest families in the backing area, Ma Family and the Wang family, to attack Chu family together, and want to divide the black iron ore equally.

Chu Renyi dealt with business outside the town. After learning the news, I hurried back as soon as possible, but I never wanted to be ambushed by Ma Family. If it was not Chu Feng arrived in time, it would be killed.

“Wow Xu Family, he is really tired.”

After hearing the incident, Chu Feng gnashed his teeth, his eyes filled with murderous power, and he didn’t even get on the horse. He flew away in the direction of Chu family.

Feng’er, don’t go, it’s too dangerous.” Chu Renyi rushed to stop when he saw this.

However, the speed of Chu Feng’s is too fast. He only saw a rush of wind and Chu Feng disappeared. At this moment, the Chu Renyi, which was meant to say something, had to swallow the following words.

It took a long time before he calmed down, and he was very surprised: “The speed of Feng’er, is it his strength, that already exceeds Spirit Realm?”

And when I heard Chu Renyi‘s words, those Chu family people who were seriously injured were also wide open, so that their age exceeded Spirit Realm. What is this concept? It’s almost out of their reach.

Backyard town is the root of Chu family. The order here is maintained by Chu family, and the people here are also protected by Chu family. It is no exaggeration to say that this small town is a small country.

Because of the recent incident of black iron ore, Chu family has been in the backing town for a long time, and has laid out various layers of defense to avoid any disadvantage to Chu family.

But at present, with the cooperation of King Xu Ma’s three families, the layers of defense in the town of Shanshan have been breached, and the people in the town have almost been slaughtered. Only within Chu family, the final struggle is still being done.

But in the face of the joint forces of the three parties, even if Chu family is no matter how strong it is, anyone who is Chu family, in addition to the old, weak, and sick, is already dead or injured, and the loss is extremely heavy.

Right now, there are only Chu family Patriarch Chu Yuanba and Chu family expert such as Chu Yuan. They are guarding the last line of defense of Chu family, protecting the Chu family‘s old, weak and sick, and protecting the foundation of Chu family.

But no matter how powerful Chu Yuanba is, he is naturally defeated in the face of the three Patriarch of King Xu Ma. At this moment, he has a face of Cang white as a sheet, is stained with blood, and is coughing fiercely on the knees.

“Father.” Seeing that Chu Yuanba was unable to fight again, Chu Yuan hurried to Chu Yuanba, and turned his guardian eyes around, fearing that someone would kill his father.

After the defeat of Chu Yuanba, the Quartet also stopped fighting, and the **** battle finally ushered in a short period of peace.

Chu Yuanba, I see you as a person. Give you a decent way to die. You kill yourself.” One of them was a slightly fat, short black beard old person, but it was Xu Family‘s Patriarch.

Looking at the three old persons in front of me, and then glanced at the surrounding Chu family, who was severely wounded and wounded, Chu Yuanba was full of sadness, and spoke:

“I can kill myself at Chu Yuanba, but please let me go of Chu family.”

“I ’m guarantee, I Chu family have left this patron since then and never return.”

“Haha, are you a fool, or do you treat us as a fool and let go of you Chu family people, do you want us to let the tiger return to the mountain and stay behind?”

Chu Yuanba, you can only blame if you do n’t know the current affairs. If you promise to share the black iron ore with me, how can you do today? I can only say that you Chu family will be where you are today. Harmful. “

“You Chu family will not leave anyone alive today, all of you will kill yourself, we will leave you all dead.”

Xu Family Patriarch‘s voice is cold and extremely unforgiving. After playing against Chu family for so many years, he has already faced Chu family deep enmity, how could he give Chu family a chance to breathe.

“Uh ~~~”

“Woohoo ~~~”

But at this moment, there were sudden screams from outside Chu family, and the sounds were connected, even several sounded in unison, and it was terrifying.

At this moment, all of the people in the Chu family courtyard changed their faces, especially those in Xu Family, Wang family and Ma Family, and they became uneasy instantly.

Because of the people of Chu family, all of already have been forced into Chu family. At the moment, they are all outside of Chu family.

It’s just that sorrowful cry only lasted for a moment and soon fell into silence, but this silence is even more disturbing.


Patriarch, help!”

Suddenly, a Xu Family expert ran in from the Chu family gate in panic, and ran for help.

Swish Swish 唰”

But he didn’t wait for him to take three steps. I saw a cold wind passing behind him, and a black iron sword was rushing in.

With the sound of “Puchi“, the head of the Xu Family person flew into the sky with countless gazes, and finally fell to the ground like a watermelon, while his body was still standing in place, holding that Running action.

“This …”

At this moment, neither the Xu Family people, nor the Wang family, were all surprised, their faces turned pale, because the Xu Family person who was beheaded was a Spirit Realm Eighth Level expert.

Spirit Realm Eighth Level, so easily beheaded and killed, and still in front of the three Patriarch, you can imagine how powerful the shot was.

While everyone’s nerves were tightly stretched, a crisp footstep sounded outside Chu family, breaking the silence at this moment.

But the impatient and impatient footsteps sounded at this time, but it was so disturbing and even frightening. Almost every landing, it would make people’s hearts twitch fiercely.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a figure appeared in people’s sight. It was actually a teenager.

A teenager in a blue robe holding a banner in hand.

The flag is very special. It has a cyan panlong engraved on it and three big characters written on it. It is the Azure Dragon School logo “Azure Dragon flag”.

But compared to this arrogant Azure Dragon flag, the teenager is obviously more frightening. His immature face is covered with blood, gives out is covered with **** odors, and Murderous Qi.


Suddenly, the flag in the boy’s hand suddenly fell, and after hearing a “bang”, he inserted the flag into the slab, causing a crack in the road.

“Those who committed my Chu family today, die!”

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