Martial God Asura Chapter 24: Dare you marry me? (Plus 18)

“Do you seem to know this Spirit power well?”

Chu Feng has a tight heart, this so-called Spirit power, he has just mastered it, and doesn’t know it.

But he knows that the girl said that she has Spirit power, which is probably true, because it is clear that even this gifted girl does not have this Spirit power.

Coupled with the girl’s attitude towards this 180-degree turn, it can be seen that this Spirit power is really an amazing thing, and most people absolutely don’t.

“Of course, Spirit power is a gift from heaven, but it is born with nature, and cannot be obtained by cultivation.”

“Everyone with Spirit power can be described as a dragon among people. Not only is he very talented in martial cultivation, but also unparalleled in insight. No wonder my Elder Sister will look after you and let me invite you to join us. . “

“You Elder Sister?”

“I forgot to introduce myself. My girl’s name is Su Mei and Fang is fourteen years old. Well, you must know my Elder Sister. She’s called Su Rou.”

“Are you the sister of Su Rou Elder?” Chu Feng was surprised. The girl in front of her was pure and sweet, but the Su Rou was **** and charming. Although both are stunners, they are obviously not next to each other.

But if you take a closer look, Chu Feng is also found that the girl in front of him really looks a bit like Su Rou, but the girl is still immature. If it is a few years later, it must be a disaster.

But Chu Feng is even more surprised that he has no contact with Su Rou. So how could Su Rou let the Wing League draw him for no reason? Maybe when he was assessed that day, his strength was revealed to already?

If you think about it, it ’s really possible. After all, the strength of Su Rou is unfathomable, and the underground palace government agency heavy. Although he can hide from disciple, but he wants to hide from Elder, it is really difficult. .

“Are you surprised? Actually, it’s nothing to be surprised about. I just want to train you as a person because I’m Elder Sister.”

“And after my observation, you do have the qualification to join our wing alliance. As a member of the wing alliance, I now officially invite you to join our wing alliance.” Having said that, Su Mei narrowed his eyes to Chu Feng. A very sweet, innocent smile bloomed.

In the beginning, Su Mei was extremely disgusted with Chu Feng. The reason was naturally that Chu Feng rejected the invitation of Wing Alliance, because Chu Feng was the first person in history to refuse the invitation of Wing Alliance.

However, after learning that Chu Feng has Spirit power which has nothing in common, she also knows that Su Rou fancy Chu Feng’s place, that is naturally Spirit power.

As far as she knows, none of the outside doors has Spirit power. This Spirit power is just like a legend.

In short, all people with Spirit power will have unlimited achievements in the future and are destined to become a strong player. Therefore, for talents such as Chu Feng, she naturally cannot let go, and must spare no effort to recruit.

Looking at the sweet smile of Su Mei, Chu Feng knew that the girl wanted to attract him with beauty. To say that in the face of such a stunner, it is impossible for Chu Feng to be indifferent. : “I refuse.”

“You bastard.” Hearing Chu Feng‘s words, Su Mei jumped up angrily, the previous tenderness was absent for a moment, and he pointed at the Chu Feng angrily:

Chu Feng, what do you think you are thing, how many people want to join my wing alliance, I wing alliance does not charge, now this girl personally invited you, you actually refused, your head was caught in the door?”

“Even if you have Spirit power, in the final analysis, you are only a Spirit Realm Fifth Level. This strength is in my wing alliance, it is not at all.”

For the swearing of Su Mei, Chu Feng completely ignored the anger and kept picking up the fairy grass on the ground, but suddenly picked up while picking up Chu Feng.

He was shocked to find that not far away, a purple bead appeared. The bead was the size of a pearl, but it contained a strong Spirit Qi.

“What is this?” Chu Feng picked up the bead and looked it up carefully.

“Wow, isn’t it? It’s a spiritual pearl.” Seeing the glittering beads, Su Mei hurried over, golden light appeared in his eyes.

“Do you know this thing?” Chu Feng asked curiously.

“Of course I know, this is top grade spiritual medicine, spiritual beads.”

“Hundreds of fairy grasses, only one can be transformed into a spiritual bead. The spiritual bead can be swallowed directly into the abdomen without refining, and it can be transformed into Spirit Qi and absorbed by dantian. The price of spiritual beads is equivalent to one hundred and two gold. “

“I wandered around the spiritual medicine mountain for so many days, because of this spiritual pearl, I was lucky to get it when I was about to leave.” Su Mei said with great excitement.

“It turns out that thing is top grade spiritual medicine, and it can be absorbed without refining. It is really good thing.” Chu Feng smiled, and didn’t pack the spirit beads into the package, but drew it into his waist.

“You guy, do you want to swallow it alone?” Seeing this, Su Mei exasperated.

“Of course not to swallow it alone, wait for the fairy grass, you will be more divided.”

“You bastard, these fairy spirits are mine. I am willing to share half of you, not to mention that fairy grass is only top grade spiritual medicine. How can it be compared with top grade spiritual medicine Lingzhu?”

“Don’t say that. If it weren’t for me, you would have been divided up by the fairy grass. How could you stand here and divide the fairy grass with me.”

“You ….”

Su Mei was bitten by the teeth of Qi, but it was helpless. Although Chu Feng’s was very rogue, after all, she still wanted to win Chu Feng to join the Wing League, so now she can only bear it.

After the event, Chu Feng counted. In addition to the spiritual beads on his waist, a total of 78 fairy grasses were harvested. This is definitely an difficult imagined number, and the Spirit Qi contained in these fairy grasses is very Rich, but fine, much stronger than the refining before Chu Feng.

Chu Feng only left 30 strains and gave Su Mei 48 strains, because he could feel that the Spirit Qi contained in the spirit beads in his arms should be at least equivalent to 50 immortal grasses, even if so allocated He is definitely making a lot of money.

But what surprised Chu Feng was that Su Mei only had forty strains. In this way, Chu Feng got thirty-eight strains. In fact, meaning of Su Mei knew very well that it was cursing that Chu Feng was thirty-eight.

For her behavior, Chu Feng can only be called naive, and curse people with eight fairy grasses. This is definitely a prodigal behavior. You must know the value of a fairy grass, which is also equivalent to one or two gold. .

And one or two gold is equivalent to one hundred and two grains of silver, which is enough for an ordinary person to live a life without worry.

“Girl, what are you doing with me? You won’t follow me, right?”

After allocating the fairy grass, Chu Feng decided to leave the spiritual medicine mountain, because the ten-day time limit had expired, and it was necessary to leave the inner perimeter before dark. It was just a surprise to Chu Feng that the girl Su Mei kept following her.

To be honest, it’s a very pleasant thing to have such a good thing to accompany yourself for a walk, just walking along the way and meeting many people.

When those people set their sights on hatred to Chu Feng, Chu Feng felt uncomfortable. He felt that the girl Su Mei was deliberately drawing hatred to himself.

“Fancy you, dare you marry me?” But when Su Mei said this with a smile, Chu Feng was immediately messy.

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