Martial God Asura Chapter 18: Screaming in the forest (plus 14)

“I said Chu Feng, you can’t do it, you haven’t achieved anything for a full day.” Looking at the dried package of Chu Feng, Chu Xue sneered and sneered.

“Really, you ten people together, it seems that the harvest is no better than me?” Chu Feng glanced at it, Chu Xue and others the same dry package, teased:

“I can’t figure it out. What did Chu Wei think of it? You actually grouped your ten pustules into a group, and ten pustules also came to Zhongwei. Are you here for an outing, is there enough dry food?”

fart.” Hearing Chu Feng‘s words, Chu Xue was furious, and the nine slaves beside him were all unhappy.

Especially that Chu Gao pointed at Chu Feng and shouted, “Don’t dare to disrespect my Miss, believe it or not, I abandon you.”

“If you think you can, come and try.” Chu Feng gave Chu Gao a contemptuous glance, and then continued to lower his head to eat dry food.

“Do you think I dare not?” When Chu Gao spoke, he walked aggressively towards Chu Feng, a whirlwind rose from his feet, rolled up large leaves, and the strength of Spirit Realm Fourth Level was fully revealed.

But just as Chu Gao was approaching Chu Feng, Chu Feng suddenly raised the head, a pair of eyes and shot two Hanmang, piercing Chu Gao’s eyes like a sharp blade.


At this moment, Chu Gao hurriedly stopped the pace, and then took two steps back, because when he saw the glance of Chu Feng‘s eyes, he felt a kind of thing, deterrent.

This deterrent force made Chu Gao feel chills and panic in his back. Because he had felt such a deterrent force, he knew very well how terrible those who could pose such a threat to him.

Although he also felt incredible, after all, Chu Feng is only martial cultivation Fourth Level, and he has just stepped into the inner door, but this deterrent tells him that he cannot fight Chu Feng.


Swallowing deeply, Chu Gao resolutely turns around, and slumps back.

And this scene is to make Chu Xue and others overwhelmed, why did you return before you hit? This is too shameful!

But if you let them know that Chu Gao was frightened by Chu Feng‘s eyes, they will feel even more ashamed.

“Chu Gao, what’s the matter with you?” Chu Xue rebuked angrily.

Miss, I …” Chu Gao did not know how to answer.

“Useless waste.”

Looking at Chu Gao’s timid look, Chu Xue gas gritted his teeth, but I do n’t know what to do. In the end, he could only say Chu Feng fiercely:

Chu Feng, you are really prosperous, forgot the time when you were spit by the Brother Hongfei?”

“I tell you, you’d better never return to Chu family, otherwise I will let Brother Hongfei make you worse.”

Hearing Chu Xue, Chu Feng suddenly gripped his hands. The dry food in his hands was crushed and crushed. A blast of wind swept away from it, blowing Chu Xue and others to back down, and even Chu Gao was difficult.

Chu Hongfei, who once gave Chu Feng a heavy humiliation, Chu Feng will never forget. He was only eight years old that year. He could not stand by the ten-year-old Chu Hongfei, and lay half on the bed. month.

The main thing is that afterwards, Chu Guyu went to Chu Hongfei to discuss, but his face was swollen with bruises. This incident became a thorn in Chu Feng‘s heart. If it is not pulled out, it will hurt when you think of it.

Chu Feng slowly raised the head, a pair of eyes gives out with a strong cold, said to Chu Xue with an extremely cold voice:

Chu Xue, you tell Chu Hongfei that this year’s clan meeting, Chu Feng, will go back, and let him prepare me for kneeling for mercy.”

“Now, you better disappear into my sight right away, or I will make you regret it all your life.”

As usual, Chu Xue will definitely refute Chu Feng, but now she does n’t have the courage. At this moment, Aura from Chu Feng gives out makes her legs soft and her body is shaking. She knows this feeling is called fear.

In the end, Chu Xue did not return, but turned and walked deep into the mountains and forests. As for Chugao and others, it also hurried to keep up, because like Chu Xue, it could not resist the gas field like Chu Feng.

After Chu Xue and others left, Chu Feng simply cleaned up and continued to hurry.

Because he knows, that Hongfei is not a fuel-saving lamp. Not only was he able to play in Chu family at that time, but now his achievements are second only to Chu Guyu.

Chu Hongfei is Chu family. Except for Chu Guyu, the only person who worshipped first-class sect and was admitted by first-class sect. already explained his martial cultivation natural talent.

Also, since Chu Hongfei joined sect, he has never returned to Chu family. No one knows what his strength is.

But Chu Feng thinks that Chu Hongfei will probably return to Chu family this year. After all, his father is also one of the candidates for Patriarch.

And the natural talent of Hongfei, even if it has not reached Spirit Realm Sixth Level, it is at least Spirit Realm Fifth Level, so Chu Feng must improve its strength as soon as possible, at least to Spirit Realm Fifth Level.

“Ah, don’t touch me ~~~~”

But Chu Feng just didn’t go far, and a sharp shout came from the forest. The voice was actually Chu Xue.

Chu Feng frowned slightly at this moment. After a little hesitation, he flew away in the direction of the voice.

At the same time, an unbearable scene is happening in the open space of the mountain forest.

Nine people in Chu Gao stood shivering with fear on their faces, and in the center of the open space, Chu Xue was being teased by three men.

All three of them are young people in their twenties. Their faces are extremely awkward, but behind them, they all carry a black iron sword, which is a member of the Kendo Alliance.

“Don’t be afraid of this teacher, we are not malicious, we just want to chat with you.”

A man with a pockmarked face is pulling Purple-Cloak of Chu Xue. One sleeve has been torn off by him, exposing white skin.

“Well, it’s so white, I like this tender girl.”

The other two were also messing around on Chu Xue, their eyes were seduced, and a lot of saliva was flowing from their mouths.

“As fellow students, if you treat me like this, aren’t you afraid that Elder will be guilty of you?” Chu Xue was in tears, struggling weakly.

“Sister, we are protecting you. Elder praises us that we are too late, how can we be punished?”

“That is, following these packs of pustules, you will only be more dangerous. Please stay with us. When the hunt is over, we will give you some rewards, hehe …”

It’s night, and the three of them are extremely lonely. At this time, they can meet little sheep like Chu Xue, how can they let it go.

“Three Senior Brother, please let go of our Miss.” Chu Gao begged for mercy.


However, as soon as the words fell, one of the Kendo Alliance members pulled out the black iron sword behind him, waved at Chu Gao, and a strong wind flew past Chu Gao.


After the breeze, a **** wound appeared on Chu Gao’s leg, and plop knelt down on the ground.

Spirit Realm Fifth Level

Seeing this, everyone in Chu family was so scared that back down was able to defeat Chu Gao with a single blow in weathered blade. This person must be cultivation realm of Spirit Realm Fifth Level.

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