Long Live Summons! Chapter 352: : [Second Madness]

Chapter 352: [Second Madness]

A very special chant, with a very light tone on the surface, if any.

However, the power of genuine resounds.

When Phoenix Fairy Beauty began to chant this kind of call that can make life burn a hundredfold and increase combat power, the soul of everyone in the audience was like a thunderbolt and bang bang sounded.

Holding the Heaven Realm giant of the magical halberd, his face was dignified.

first time, he makes a defensive gesture.

Place your right hand on your chest.

Grimoire floated out, slowly levitating and rising from the front of Phoenix Fairy Beauty, followed Master, straight into the sky for dozens of meters.

Countless Heaven Realm Rune emerged in Grimoire. With the mysterious waving of Phoenix Fairy Beauty‘s hands, one after another formed the mysterious Rune marking, which complemented each other and blended together. Looking at the Heaven Realm giant holding the magic halberd, his face changed slightly. He can now see that opposite side is not a fraud, it definitely has the ability to burn life and increase its combat power by a hundred times …

This is Heaven Realm’s Rankers, a summoning skill that you never had.

Some Heaven Realm Rune, blasted.

Array Diagram is cracked.

The golden light pillar and Tong Tian grounds on Summoning Grimoire wrap Phoenix Fairy Beauty in it.


The Aura is like sky and the earth turning upside down‘s Tsunami.

It was like a volcano erupting, bursting out, spreading out all around.

The body of Phoenix Fairy Beauty, at this moment already is integrated with Guardian Spirit Beast.

Behind her, a pair of purple Demon Wings quickly stretched out, long and full of more than 10 meters. On the two Demon Wings, one flash and one flash, Heaven Realm Rune forms Array Diagram and rotates on it. Behind the snow hips of Phoenix Fairy Beauty, the skirt broken has a small hole, extending a long barbed tail. On top of her head, small and cute magic horns gradually grow, and the beautiful does not look evil, on the contrary, it makes people feel tempted and charming. Ten onion white jade fingers, beautiful nails coated with Phoenix Fairy flower liquid, also gradually extended to form purple Demon Claw.

At the same time, there are also Phoenix Fairy Beauty‘s eyes, which are deep purple.

When half open, already is fascinating.

When the eyelashes flutter, the purple eyes are fully opened, which is the noble and cold Demon King pupil.

Gold light pillar also can’t hide the energy. It is composed of Heaven Realm Rune, with Ancient Rune as the center, and a beautiful Halo composed of deep purple, ochre purple and lilac. It is perfectly and cleverly combined around the body of Phoenix Fairy Beauty.

These special images have appeared when she was promoted to Level 10 [Innate] in Phoenix Fairy Beauty.

However, the momentum at the time was far less powerful and powerful than it is now.

ah ah ah …”

Yu hand pressed Phoenix Fairy Beauty above Grimoire, suddenly immersely screamed.

The entire Prison Emperor Temple is trembling.

Her body is trembling slightly, seeming to endure infinite pain.

Energy, quickly increased … it just doubled in the beginning, but soon, it increased to five times, ten times …

The Heaven Realm giant holding the halberd saw the Phoenix Fairy Beauty‘s forgotten promotion at the cost of life burning, and he couldn’t help but feel cold. Although Human Warrior is not afraid of strength, he has not seen anyone who can cause fatal damage to himself except Prison Emperor. . However, it is undeniable that many people in Human Warrior are dead-headed. They would rather die and fight hard to the end, often at the cost of self-detonation or burning life, to the enemy heavily injured, completely ignoring life.

This kind of sacrifice is relatively rare in Heaven Realm warrior.

Unless they belong to this clan or sect, Heaven Realm Ranker will not make sacrifices for any outsider.

And Human, many people do n’t know why they fight. Sometimes they will sacrifice willingly for a stranger, an unfamiliar friend, or even an enemy that they hate …

Human is puzzling. The Heaven Realm giant has spent thousands of years and hasn’t figured it out yet.

When thinking about the Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd, the power of Phoenix Fairy Beauty is rapidly increasing.


Phoenix Fairy Beauty spit out blood and sprinkled it on his Summoning Grimoire.

Body, a special purple flame.

There is a Ancient Rune, which has emerged from the forehead of Phoenix Fairy Beauty. With the brilliant flash of Ancient Rune, the combat power of Phoenix Fairy Beauty has risen again.

already has now reached twenty times.

Furthermore, it’s crazy to go up to thirty times …

Like the energy of cyclone, it spins wildly around the body of Phoenix Fairy Beauty. Even the golden light pillar emitted by Grimoire is distorted by the energy storm of cyclone. After breaking through the bottleneck of a century, Phoenix Fairy Beauty was promoted to Level 10 [Innate], and entered a new realm. Her combat power already crossed the watershed. After new life of Yue Yang nirvana, Phoenix Fairy Beauty benefited a lot. She dropped from Level 10 [Innate] to Level 9 [Innate], and her strength rose instead, because her energy produced a kind of nibbana new life, which transformed from quantitative change to qualitative change … Under the call of life burning, another big explosion!

Although it has not yet reached a hundredfold improvement immediately, but the Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd, already no longer doubts.

“You’re crazy, I didn’t kill your hearts at all.” Phoenix Fairy Beauty in the sky of his looks at, suppressed the emotions in his heart as much as possible, and shouted loudly.

“Want to stop me? Try it!”

Phoenix Fairy Beauty raised his hand.

Faster than Lightning, she appeared behind the Heaven Realm giant. A hand that just stretched out was pressed against his vest.

Palm power bursts.

first time, the giant Heaven Realm holding the magical halberd, was beaten away.

The Heaven Realm giant took nine steps forward.

I stayed in shape.

His corner of the mouth exuded a red thread, but his eyes were still calm, his left hand holding the magic halberd did not move, his right hand curved fingers gently wiped the blood stains of corner of the mouth: “Thirty times higher, can already hurt me? If it is increased a hundred times, it is really a bit dangerous. I should not underestimate Human Warrior. If it is not defeated by Prison Emperor, it is sealed in this 6,000 years. If it is not only one hundred times the strength, I, as a Heaven Realm giant, why not worry about these What’s the point, what’s the point … Can you stop? I really don’t want to go to war with you. You don’t care about your life, you have to look at him on the ground. This young Human man, isn’t it your hope? I will fight you to death, so he will be swept in and die by death. Do you want something like looks at to happen? “

“Smart Heaven Realm giant, do you know what I want to tell you the most?” Phoenix Fairy Beauty hasn’t finished, and her hand is pressed on his back of the head again.

“It hurts!” The Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd was not hit this time, but his body shook slightly.

With a slight shaking, the power of the Phoenix Fairy Beauty strike is eliminated.

To this day, he still hasn’t used the magical halberd in his hands.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty didn’t pursue, and at the cost of burning her life, she increased her combat power by 30 times, and suddenly pressed her hand on Summoning Grimoire again, mumbling to herself.

fainting onto the ground Yue Yang, who was sleeping loudly, stood up magically in his dreams. Although his eyes were not open, his expression was very angry.

As if in a dream, someone angered him.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty The fist attached to Summoning Grimoire is slowly tightened, and it is held firmly.

Yue Yang‘s expression is even more angry, Nirvana Fire explodes like crazy, like a volcanic eruption.

The angry Yue Yang screams like a beast.

His voice was thunderous, ringing a whole Prison Emperor Temple, ear-splitting,

On foot, the ground explodes.

Dust splashes.

Yue Yang, like a lunatic who has lost his mind, rushed to the Heaven Realm giant holding a magical halberd.

Suddenly, already attacked a hundred punches … The Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd was slightly surprised, surprised by the [Charm] Inherent Skill of Phoenix Fairy Beauty, even the conscious person, but this kid already can sleep hypnotically when he falls asleep? Moreover, the power of this hypnosis is more than the use of Artifact hypnosis.

The hypnotic beads are extremely powerful, and many Heaven Realm Ranker die under its hypnosis.

However, that hypnosis is limited to one time.

What surprises the Heaven Realm giant is that Phoenix Fairy Beauty, which burns life, can also make companion ‘burn life’. Although it is not yet known what caused this ability, but the Heaven Realm giant already holding the halberd realized that opposite side‘s ability was better than he thought, even if he was one of Heaven Realm Three Big Shots, he could not have replaced companion Ten times or even dozens of times the summon ability.

The most important thing is that this supplementary life burning on companion is lossless!


The Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd has already felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Yue Yang, which just receded, the body energy increased again.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty, throw a purple light ball onto him.

The Yue Yang form immediately has Demon King.

Of course, that’s the image display behind you, not the real body. The Yue Yang, which has Nirvana Fire and seduced violent state through charm, twisted his hands to condense a Fire Phoenix, ready to control the Fire Phoenix of this destruction of heaven and earth, and bombarded the Heaven Realm giant.

The Heaven Realm giant holding the magic halberd finally moved.

He no longer stands in place, but rises into the sky.

In his hand, first time is waving.

A white light wave, like the electric light that cuts Split Heaven ground, straight down to bombardment above Yue Yang‘s head, ready to use it to break the Fire Phoenix.

At the same moment, Phoenix Fairy Beauty already caught up.

already pressed her hand to the back of the Heaven Realm giant, and vomited.

Heaven Realm giant extremely fast flashed.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty is chasing after her. Her shadow has been drawing a long illusion in the sky. It seems that she has been pressing the back of the Heaven Realm giant and pressing him **** the ground. On the ground, ‘Boom’, the right hand of Phoenix Fairy Beauty was deeply sinking in, and the Heaven Realm giant who escaped was scared.

Good, if it’s a little later …

“Come out, my slave.” Finally, the Heaven Realm giant holding the magical halberd, he also called.

A white light descends from the zenith.

The shock wave of the Heaven Realm giant Summoning Grimoire is simply unbearable for ordinary people. Compared with the improvement of Phoenix Fairy Beauty just now burning life, surpasses is several times.

It seems that the Heaven Realm giant just now did not use genuine at all.

On the other side, Phoenix Fairy Beauty has a second charm on Yue Yang of Fire Phoenix and Evolution, allowing him to complete the second crazy!

In the calendar Historical Records of Soaring Dragon Continent, there are many Great Sage or large Sage. When research is violently strengthened, almost everyone is in favor of secondary madness, and lifetime research. However, they have achieved very little, very little. In a word, Human‘s “Second Madness” only exists in theory, and no one can achieve it. For thousands of years, only Phoenix Fairy Beauty can successfully complete this incredible second Madness …

The Yue Yang, which was excited for the second time, was completely berserk.

Seeing his second frenzy, the Heaven Realm giant’s wide eyes revealed an unbelievable radiance.

Here, this is the secret technique of Heaven Realm. Only a few people can master it. How did Human Warrior of Soaring Dragon Continent learn?

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