Long Live Summons! Chapter 207: : Crossover, execute without any mercy!

Chapter 207: Crossover, execute without any mercy!

Yue Yang and Yue Bing and the others head to Young Lady of the Fēng Family‘s boudoir to see Fourth Uncle.

Fourth Uncle Still sleeping, lying quietly on a wicker chair, there are two letterheads on the side, which indicate to Fourth Mother and Yue Yang. The appearance of this Fourth Uncle is younger than Yue Yang‘s imagination. He has a handsome appearance, with Lu Xiao Feng-like figure-shaped beauties on his lips, wearing a white square scarf, wearing a blue robe, and half covered with a quilt. if it were not for Aura is weak Desperate, thought he was at lunch break.

His skin is slightly pale with overdraft.

Faintly, Death Qi, which is not found in a healthy person’s body, was also revealed. Yue Yang reached out and sensed it, and found that it was more serious than he thought.

Parasite Pill and ‘Bone Eroding Dried Fern‘ may not prevent the condition from worsening. If you want to save Fourth Uncle, it seems that there is only one way to kill the lord who raises her as soon as possible, and then dig out Ten Thousand Poison Parasite Queen on the guy Dantian

Young Lady of the Fēng Family is a young woman wearing plain clothes and looks like not bad, but her expression is a little sloppy and her eyes are red and swollen due to crying.

Seeing Yue Bing, holding it gently, choking with tears.

She didn’t tell the truth about the poisoning, but she comforted softly, saying that she would definitely cure Fourth Uncle and reassure Yue Bing. Princess Qian Qian and Yue Yu they can hear the sorrow of Young Lady of the Fēng Family, Young Miss Yue Bing is still small, and hope his father is healed, without doubting what Young Lady of the Fēng Family said, just nodded. Young Lady of the Fēng Family held her back and wiped her tears a few times, and signaled Yue Yang to come. What made Yue Yang strange was that she didn’t mention Fourth Uncle any more, but asked about all kinds of Yue Yang Ping. She would take a home after hint Yue Yang and fight for Fourth House. .

Yue Yang does not need to reach out to explore the pulse, it can also be sensed, this Young Lady of the Fēng Family, also already Hundred Rigid Worms Poison into the body.

It’s just that she knows already and has some precautions, so the poisoning is slight.

“It’s okay, I’ll come to see you Fourth Uncle later, just now he still misses you, now he’s tired, I won’t wake him up.” Young Lady of the Fēng Family handed the letter to Yue Yang, there was a vague entrustment of a will. Yue Yang took the letter and looked at her swollen belly. Young Lady of the Fēng Family waved her hand slightly: “All the baby is safe, you can rest assured!”

After listening to her words, Yue Yang felt that after production, the Young Lady of the Fēng Family might die with affection.

This may be why she allowed Hundred Rigid Worms Poison to enter the body …

Now, Young Lady of the Fēng Family can elute suspicions. She should not be the one who framed Fourth Uncle, but she was also counted.

After Yue Yang first left the boudoir, while the three women were still talking to Young Lady of the Fēng Family, they looked at the letter left by Fourth Uncle. There are two fonts in the letter. The above is written by Fourth Uncle Yue Líng. It says Yue Yang. Fighting, he was very pleased, and refused to let Yue Yang investigate the matter. He said, “You have to be the master, watch over family, take good care of your Fourth Mother and the two Little Sisters. Take watch over as their priority. Do not revenge recklessly, otherwise the enemy will be treacherous. Add trouble. The enemy is extremely powerful, even if the power of a country is difficult to compete with Da Xia. The last way is to jump out of the enemy ’s layout and save the family ’s life. Among them, two secrets were told to Yue Yang. One was Yue Qiu somewhere in Tong Tian Tower Fifth Floor and left for his son. A ‘gift’ saying that the son should be useful when entering Tong Tian Tower Sixth Floor; the second is the mysterious mother of pitiful guy said that in Gods Ruins, there was a ‘special Passage‘ which she had cracked but could not enter, hoping that the son would enter the truth of exploration

The letterhead is written by Young Lady of the Fēng Family.

Young Lady of the Fēng Family stated that there was not much time, and that only Hundred Rigid Worms Poison would be distributed. She would take Fourth Uncle to a cemetery and hide it.

As for the fetus in the abdomen, if it is a man, it will return Yue Family and continue the Fourth House bloodline.

If you are a female, stay Fēng Family.

She hopes that Yue Yang will read Fourth Uncle in the future and take care of her brother or Little Sister. Her words are sincere and made Yue Yang feel that Young Lady of the Fēng Family is also a good mother. at least she decided to love and think about her children … /

“I never doubt that you will be a good Elder Brother. You can bring you Fourth Mother and Little Sister back to Yue Family’s Castle, and you will know your nature … In the future, I hope you will take care of yourself, support your brothers and sisters!” Young Lady of the Fēng Family with The end of this sentence also has the meaning of entrusting the future baby to Yue Yang.

It seems that her death is over.

Yue Yang has not spoken for a long time, is there really no way to recover it?

Did looks at Fourth Uncle and Young Lady of the Fēng Family die silently? Is there any other way to think?

I still have time. If I ca n’t reach my full strength now, then I can recover Innate Strength after three months. Ca n’t I think of a way? Yue Yang was a little unconvinced. The enemy stumped himself with such a trick There will definitely be a solution. This is a chronic poison. It is not the [Intense Poison] that died immediately. There is still a few months … As long as you can find the guy who raises the poison, then there is still a glimmer of hope!

Even if it is Innate Ranker, haven’t you killed two Innate Ranker, Tu Cheng and Wild Slash before?

at least should also do its utmost, and cannot give up easily.

Out to the lobby, Fēng Family Clan Master patted the shoulder of Yue Yang and did not speak, but sent Yue Yang, Princess Qian Qian, Yue Yu and Yue Bing to leave.

Return to Yue Family’s Castle and find that the Yue Family Village under the mountain is as messy as the Hurricane crossing.

When I asked, I found out that Xuè Family‘s already had come, aggressively attacked family general who was blocking the road, and smashed a lot of shops, claiming to require Yue Family to hand over Yue Yu and their adulterer. However, Xuè Family is still a little bit sceptic about not killing Yue Family’s Castle.

Yue Family‘s family general is very depressing, because it is not Yue Tian, Yue Yan, Yue Bao or Abnormal Third Young Master Yue Yang that is in trouble, but the most obedient, obedient and gentle Yue Yu.

They absolutely do not believe what adulterer will be in Yue Yu, because Second Young Lady is always with Princess Qian Qian.

Moreover, everyone saw that Yue Yu and Princess Qian Qian came back together. The peers only had Seventh Young Lady Yue Bing and Abnormal Third Young Master Yue Yang, how can there be any adulterer! Their resolutely oppose Xuè Family slanders the bad behavior of Second Young Lady‘s reputation, Xuè Family and Yue Family are wicked. Idiots also know that these people are uneasy, and they must have deliberately made excuses to come and play.

Xuè Family led expert Level 7 [Overlord]‘s ‘cut weeds and eliminate the rootsXuè Tú didn’t make a shot, but the family general battle between the two sides took place.

Yue Family suffered a small loss and Yue Family Village was smashed.

When Jun Wu You and Old Man Yue Hai hear the news, Xuè Family already sees the land and slips away.

“What the **** happened?” Old Man Yue Hai found Yue Yang and asked about the Yue Family Village smash.

“I don’t know. I took Second Sister and Bing’er to see Fourth Uncle, and Princess was with me!” Student Yue Yang stated that he was a good boy who did not fight and did not know what happened.

“Grandpa, it’s my fault!” Unlike Student Yue Yang, Yue Yu does not lie and blink, she kneels down and tells the whole process honestly.

Princess Qian Qian is afraid she will be punished by Old Man Yue Hai, and repeats the words of Xuè Qiān Qiū.

Jun Wu You listened, his face changed.

He realized that it was not easy for Xuè Family to provoke to Yue Family. There must be enough forces behind it. Even without Yue Yu, they would find other excuses. The unexpected provocation, Yue Yu, is just a trigger!

Old Man Yue Hai looked at Yue Yang and suddenly asked in a tone of inquiry: “Little San, what’s your opinion?”

Student Yue Yang is a typical violent.

Everyone else bullies come to the door. Is it necessary to say that, of course, it won’t even recognize his mother.

Yue Yang slightly coughed: “Everyone knows that I am a pacifist and a kind-hearted person. One month, at least makes an good thing, such as helping my mother to cross the road. There is also a lot of capacity in the belly. Generally, others hit me Left face, I just stretched my right face and let him fight … “

Everyone violently sweats, if your kid is a peace activist, there will be no militants in Soaring Dragon Continent.

Princess Qian Qian glanced at Yue Yang.

She gently nodded at Old Man Yue Hai: “Xuè Family will fight, we will fight!”

Jun Wu You when heard is sweating again. Even if you help me in secret, you ca n’t say ‘we’, you little girl is not Yue Family.

“Your Majesty, otherwise, you can make a notarization for the two of us!” Old Man Yue Hai is unwilling to pull Jun Wu You into the water, Xuè Family dares to challenge Yue Family, and it is clear that Jun Wu You is behind it. In this matter, the royal family of Da Xia cannot be involved, otherwise the situation of Soaring Dragon Continent will be chaotic. He realized that Yue Family had now reached the edge of a cliff, and accidentally, whole family would fall into the abyss.

Brother Hai, you don’t need to say more about it, all glory is glory, all is harm!” Jun Wu You smiled slightly.

Chief Steward is looking outside with panic.

It seems that Xuè Family has new actions.

Old Man Yue Hai waved Chief Steward not to say, turn your face to Yue Yang: “Little San, you take Elder Sister Little Sister to leave first, nothing of your junior.”

Yue Yang nodded: “Of course, you are Clan Master, of course I listen to you.”

He stood up and walked out. Yue Yu and Yue Bing saw that, right? This guy turned around? So obedient?

Only Princess Qian Qian pulled up and shouted, “Hey, don’t mess around!” Her words were not over, she walked out of Yue Yang at the entrance of the study, already disappeared, Old Man Yue Hai and Jun Wu You smiled at each other, although they all knew that the boy was Obedient, but he did not expect such a reaction …

Under the mountain, more Xuè Family expert came with family general.

They crossed Yue Family Village with already and were rushing towards Yue Family’s Castle on the mountain.

Yue Family‘s family general, forced by opposite side, has to retreats. The two Xuè Tús of elder looks at opposite side up to Level 7 Intermediate Overlord, although reluctant, only indicated family general retreats, waiting for support.

Level 7 [Overlord], not the two of them can fight.

Xuè Tú has never shot.

As Level 7 [Overlord], just the momentum can completely overwhelm the family general of opposite side.

On the occasion of proud in his heart, suddenly a shadow flew down the mountain, and the purple flames soared into the sky, like a meteor fire, making him stare.

Yue Family‘s expert finally appeared … Ziyan twisted into Dragon Shape in mid-air, rotated, and jumped up in Xuè Tú. When he was ready to intercept it, the person suddenly disappeared. When it flashed again, already came to the top of family general of Xuè Family. The Purple Flame Storm was chopped off …

Blood splash!

at least had 20 Xuè Family family generals, who were killed on the spot by the purple flame.

On the ground, in addition to the corpse separated from the body, there is a long line.

Yue Yang, standing on the boundary of this bloodstained, holding Hui Jin Magic Blade in his hand, ruthlessly hummed: “Across the border, no matter who, execute without any mercy!”

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