Long Live Summons! Chapter 191: : Go home

Chapter 191: Going Home

Open the lower jaw and check that there is no foreign body in the mouth. Yue Yang is ready to breathe down.

As soon as I thought about it, Yue Yang stopped, looked up at looks at Princess Qian Qian, City Mistress Luo Hua, and pulled Princess Qian Qian‘s hand: “You come!”

“I, I, I won’t!” Princess Qian Qian shook with scared hands.

“It’s very simple, hold your nose, cover your lips with your mouth, and exhale inward. You take a big breath, take as much breath as possible, and then breathe in. After exhaling twice, Luo Hua you start chest pressure With both palms stacked, do n’t push too hard, do n’t crush the ribs … The ratio of exhalation to chest pressure is 2 to 30. What are you still doing? ”Yue Yang finds that he has only one theory, and when it comes to saving people, If the previous rescue of City Mistress Luo Hua is not counted, he has not tried genuine rescue.

“Neither will I!” City Mistress Luo Hua leaned down in amazement, but her hand trembled to Lihai (fierce), showing the panic at the moment.

idiot, come by yourself … you will not save, how do you let them save? This is life-saving, what do you think it is, idiot, I’m here!” mysterious beauty saw everyone at a loss, and proactively fell down to Fourth Mother Pressing on the heart, Princess Qian Qian also quickly leaned down, but she couldn’t grasp the essentials and couldn’t blow in the air. Yue Yang couldn’t help but rescued herself.

This is saving!

Be sure to save Fourth Mother, don’t think about it, now it’s not time to think about the mess.

He took off the mask of mysterious beauty, spread it on Fourth Mother‘s lips, then leaned down and exhaled to save people. This method, Yue Yang has been watched on television before, to prevent oral foreign bodies or saliva from blowing into the lungs of endangered people, the surface is separated by First Floor paper towels or tulle.

Of course, there are not necessarily such conditions at the rescue site, so there is no hard and fast rule for this one.

Yue Yang didn’t care about the face of mysterious beauty, and fell down and sighed twice.

mysterious beauty, after exhaling, quickly cooperate with compression.

Her power is very light, for fear of crushing the ribs of Fourth Mother, Yue Yang can’t help reminding her to press it a little slower, but to strengthen her strength a bit, Princess Qian Qian keeps mysterious beauty from pushing too hard, as for City Mistress Luo Hua, she Massage the hands to Fourth Mother, and let Yue Yang exhale again: “Hurry up, Fourth Mother her hands are so cold, you hurry …”

“Do n’t go too fast, do n’t worry, do n’t be messy, do n’t cry! The rescue of Recovery of heart and lungs must continue!” Yue Yang was anxious himself, but he knew that if now panic, everything is over, you must insist on giving save.

“What else can I do?” mysterious beauty found that after two rounds of cardiopulmonary Recovery rescue, effect was still small, and hurriedly asked Yue Yang to find a way.

“Electric shock, stimulate the heart beat, and open the chest and massage the heart with your hands!” Yue Yang knows many ways to save people, but he has not tried one.

Remembering the last time I took a knife to cut open the chest of City Mistress Luo Hua and massage the heart, Yue Yang now thinks of cold sweat.

That approach is very dangerous.

I haven’t learned how to save people with genuine, and I haven’t tested the cardiac massage in the chest. Once the chest is cut, what will happen? He really didn’t think about it. Yue Yang was afraid that too big lightning hurt Fourth Mother, quickly added: “lightning should not be too big, discharge by hand, the contact surface should be large, the contact time should be short, light electric shock … I think, open the chest and massage by hand The heart should pay attention. If the wound bleeds, then it is proved that there is still the heart, it must not be bleeding, there is no blood pressure, the heart needs to be massaged by hand … I have not tried it! “

mysterious beauty immediately rejected the e-card: “My e-card is killing the enemy and cannot be used to save people, neither is Thunder Naga, we are not healing type!”

Princess Qian Qian kept stomping her feet. Her heart was in first aid, and she couldn’t help her.

The third round of rescue is over, and Fourth Mother is still unresponsive.

Yue Yang‘s heart is horizontal. Now hesitate again, Fourth Mother is dead, the brain will cause irreversible damage due to inadequate oxygen supply for ten minutes, and he can no longer afford it … he took out the Dragon-Slaying Dagger and was ready to open the chest of Fourth Mother , Massaging her heart with her hands …

A small hand stretched out behind, and then the small body of Xiao Wen Li squeezed in.

Her small hand gathers a soft white light and gently puts it on the body of Fourth Mother. Fourth Mother is supplemented by this white light energy, her face is about moisturized, but her breath and heartbeat are still not there. Xiao Wen Li stretched out a small hand and reached into Fourth Mother‘s clothes. The whole person flashed in color, and then gradually faded. The small hand seemed to be integrated into the body of Fourth Mother. Ten seconds later, both Yue Yang and Princess Qian Qian heard a very slight heartbeat. mysterious beauty sniffed and found that they were still not breathing. Hurry up and let Yue Yang continue to exhale …

Yue Yang was shocked and happy, and sighed quickly.

Xiao Wen Li‘s hand is integrated into Fourth Mother‘s body. She is constantly massaging Fourth Mother‘s heart. Until the heart recovers, she slowly withdraws from her small hand.

Fourth Mother‘s body shakes slightly. Although heartbeat is weak, already can clearly sense its beating.

Her breathing is also completely absent, gradually turning into a qiruo hairspring, and then getting bigger and bigger, gradually returning to normal, her lips are red again, and her hands and feet slowly rise in temperature. Yue Yang hugged Xiao Wen Li tightly. I was very grateful to this little baby. Fortunately, she was there and Fourth Mother was saved. Otherwise, I would not know how to use the clumsy method of jack of all trades … I really cut Fourth Mother‘s chest. Massage the heart, when the heartbeat recovers, blood pressure recovers, what about the big bleeding … Yue Yang really dare not imagine the consequences!

The three women embrace each other excitedly, hold tightly, and cheer continuously.

Until then, tears fell like pearls.

Of course, this is a tear of joy.

When Yue Yang puts down the tired Xiao Wen Li, mysterious beauty already puts on the masked scarf again.

Yue Yang Even if she does n’t care about her face anymore, just now sees a little bit. Although I did n’t look carefully, but now I look back, I have a little impression … This mysterious beauty looks very similar to the beautiful girl Principal. It’s almost the same person, but her face is much better than the sick and beautiful Principal. Except for the different hairstyles, Yue Yang can’t tell the difference between mysterious beauty and beautiful Principal … Are they sisters? But I haven’t heard of beauty Principal and sisters!

Of course, Yue Yang will not directly ask mysterious beauty, he pretended not to see her.

“Good baby, good job!” Princess Qian Qian picked up Xiao Wen Li, kissed two babies, Yue Yang was a little ashamed, and this violent woman unexpectedly liked children.

Xiao Wen Li‘s tired little face was flushed, and she was earnest, freeing Princess Qian Qian‘s arms.

Become a rainbow, return to Yue Yang‘s body, and continue to sleep.

Yue Yang was afraid of being cold on the ground, and quickly picked up Fourth Mother. After thinking about it, he told the three women: “This matter, never mention it later, as if it never happened!” Princess Qian Qian looked at Yue Yang and said to himself, Immediately protested loudly: “What do you think I do? I’m not talkative, do you think I will say it? I hate your skeptical look, don’t look at me, otherwise I will beat you!”

She raised her fist to protest Yue Yang‘s suspicions.

City Mistress Luo Hua hastened the round: “Nothing, this is just to save people, I don’t think there is anything, save people is good thing!”

mysterious beauty simply said to Yue Yang: “What are you thinking about? Remove the evil thoughts!”

Yue Yang secretly wiped the cold sweat, without misunderstanding, of course, it is good, for fear that the three women will think about it afterwards. He backed Fourth Mother‘s soft body with a strap, and Princess Qian Qian on the other side also carried Yi Nan on very carefully.

The four looked at each other and felt extremely tired.

Successful battles, first in the Heaven’s Line of Cloud Peak Lake of Abyss of Despair, and Ranker Bloody Battle of Demon Hall, the body has not recovered, and rescue Fourth Mother. Now that Fourth Mother has been rescued, the four of them feel extremely tired. Yue Yang has played one more match with Tu Cheng. released was born with innate pain. He carried Fourth Mother on his back and walked in front. Princess Qian Qian carried Yi Nan on his back and followed tirelessly.

WCity Mistress Luo Hua and mysterious beauty are supported by each other and go last.

More than ten kilometers from the underground cave, Yue Yang walked for more than an hour before walking to the place where the sexy girl child and wolf claws man were killed.

Yue Yang put both bodies into Lich Ring. Although the three women wondered why he did this, they didn’t ask much.

“This secret passage may be related to Heaven Stairway, otherwise there is no imprisonment force here.” mysterious beauty speculates: “If you are free in the future, we’d better come again and check carefully. The behavior of Ten-thousand Demon School is weird. We think Be careful … “

“Let ’s say it is exhausted now, I just want to rest.” Princess Qian Qian speeds up two steps, side by side with Yue Yang: “Fortunately, your Brother Yi Nan is not heavy, otherwise I have no strength to carry her out. I said little liar , You, wouldn’t you like this tone? “mysterious beauty and City Mistress Luo Hua didn’t speak, but eavesdropped.

“I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you!” Yue Yang felt that his whole bones were falling apart. The Fourth Mother behind it was originally light, but now it feels as heavy as a mountain.

“Well, I’ll memorize it for you for a while!” City Mistress Luo Hua she is the most good at understanding others, and actively share for Yue Yang.

“No!” Yue Yang failed, and he refused.

What is it to let two women carry their own big Old Masters walking empty-handed?

To Passage at the bottom of the lake, Yue Yang can’t hold it anymore, first untie Fourth Mother, without a break, he has no strength to carry Fourth Mother out of the long bottom of the lake Passage Passage …… Princess Qian Qian and City Mistress Luo Hua are tired too No, it is faster than Yue Yang. As soon as I sit down, I fall asleep relying on them. Only mysterious beauty sat a little vigilantly to prevent any change … When Yue Yang went to see her, mysterious beauty hummed in his nose: “Sleep yours!”

In sleep, the voices of Princess Qian Qian, City Mistress Luo Hua, mysterious beauty and Yi Nan flashed with smiles.

Yue Yang thinks they are very naughty and obviously around, but they have to hide, occasionally.

If you want to catch it, you can’t catch it.

Sleeping again, Yue Yang finds himself in a dream world.

Lolita, who nudged him n + 1 times before, was waiting for him in Dream Realm.

Yue Yang found that Lolita‘s current cultivation turned out to be Innate Realm, but her own innate but completely different, her control skills are 100 times better than Yue Yang, the power of Level 1 [Innate], under her control, subtle I have to let Yue Yang be astounded … I used Invisible Sword Qi, and I still have such control effect … I knew this early, and I didn’t need a big outbreak to get the Tu Cheng full of teeth.

Lolita doesn’t speak, but her cultivation brings Yue Yang into a whole new realm, giving him a new understanding and understanding.

If the Innate Realm world is likened to a house, the strength of Tu Cheng Level 2 [Innate] is two floors.

The Tu Cheng after Threefold Strengthening, which is close to Level 3 [Innate], is equal to two and a half stories. Yue Yang was originally Level 1 [Innate]. He didn’t know how tall he was after berserk. He only remembered that he was almost instant kill and Tu Cheng.

Lolita now tells Yue Yang in another realm. Although it is an First Floor building, the number of layers does not represent the strength of genuine … If the two and a half floors of Tu Cheng are ordinary standard heights, then the Innate Realm world of Lolita shows First Floor is the same as Tiananmen city gate tower. First Floor is much higher than the two and a half layers of Tu Cheng … To be precise, the Innate Realm world displayed by Lolita exceeds the concept of Yue Yang. Her Level 1 [Innate] is broad and mysterious, not only Higher than Level 2 [Innate] of Tu Cheng, and more than ten times higher!

Her Innate Realm industry is extremely rich, spectacular and gorgeous.

Yue Yang is also Level 1 [Innate]. He feels that his Level 1 [Innate] is like a wooden bungalow, while Lolita‘s Level 1 [Innate] is as big and majestic as Tiananmen city gate tower.

Although both are Level 1 [Innate]s, their momentum, height, potential, etc. are completely different. After watching Yue Yang, in addition to being shocked, it was ecstatic. Now he finally has a little clear comprehension, genuine and Level 1 [Innate]. What a wonderful realm … I was thinking about rushing to improve before. It was the biggest mistake. Instead, I would hit Level 1 [Innate] Good foundation … Yue Yang feels that if you can lay the foundation like Level 1 [Innate] shown in Lolita, and have such a realm as a growth background, then if you want to erect tall buildings in the future, you don’t need to worry …

Basic, until now, Yue Yang has genuine clear comprehension.

What I need is a better foundation.

Without foundation, you will reach Level 2 [Innate], or higher, like Tu Cheng, and stagnate because the foundation determines growth! The foundation of a bungalow can never afford to build a huge tower!

Lolita saw Yue Yang understand, she didn’t hurt Yue Yang as usual.

In contrast, she showed Yue Yang how much many could make him hardly remember so many skills, was very patient, and repeatedly corrected his mistakes.

Although she doesn’t speak, she demonstrates in person and uses the most direct body language to tell Yue Yang the secrets of Level 1 [Innate].

Yue Yang fully understands his shortcomings, medical capabilities, telepathy, Beast fusion, technical transformation, etc., and he finds that he can’t keep up in all aspects except Battle Technique. Even Beast manipulation is far less than Soaring Dragon Continent‘s warriorif it were not for Xiao Wen Li. They are extremely clever, know how to fight on their own, and rely on their own command, it is not worth mentioning … For example, the manipulation of Barbaric Cow Shadow can manifest a deficiency, as for little Golden Beast, Yue Yang doesn’t even know how to use it, every time let it attack itself.

“I must lay the foundation, it is too important!” Yue Yang sighed countless times.

Now that I have seen the realm of Lolita, that is, countryside Tubaozi entered the city and saw the high-rise building, saw the car and plane, and looked back at his thatched cottage ox cart, feeling the same sense of infinite shame.

Waking up again, Yue Yang found that he had actually returned to White Stone City‘s home.

Fourth Mother is sitting at the table, feeding the little girl, one bite to the little girl, one bite to Xiao Wen Li, and from time to time, she wipes her mouth with a handkerchief.

Yue Bing lay on the bedside, maybe tired and sleeping soundly.

“Why did you come back?” Yue Yang remembers that he fell asleep in underground Passage, how did he get home? Who came back on his own?

The Hui Tai Lang lying at the door with its tongue out was originally boring. It inadvertently saw Yue Yang rises. It suddenly trembled. It jumped up and was very happy. ‘woof woof’ called directly, as if it was the most faithful watchdog. Yue Yang sweats, this Hui Tai Lang seems to have mastered not bad in foreign languages. If you look at the sound, everyone thinks it is a dog …

San’er, are you awake?” Fourth Mother turned his head and trembled his hands, almost falling off the bowl.

Little San Elder Brother …” The little girl, Yue Shuang, stood up directly on the chair, leapt to Yue Yang, and cheered. When Young Miss Yue Bing woke up, he didn’t say anything, just held Yue Yang tightly, tears rolled down.

“Hah, I said this kid can’t die. Look at Yue Yu. Wake up now!” Princess Qian Qian and Cousin Yue Yu rushed in at the door at heard the sound, with faces full of nice surprise.

Behind them are Fatty Hai, Ye Kong, and Li Clan Brothers, which are stuck in the doorway and cannot go out.

They were anxious, and rushed in together, who didn’t know it was stuck.

Some people kicked their buttocks, Fatty Hai and the others crashed to the ground, and then someone stepped in and stepped in, Correct Old Fox. Old Fox laughed very much proud, as if Student Yue Yang owed him 30 thousand gold currency and promised to do the same today. After waiting for Yue Yang to comfort the girl who cried and laughed in the room, he invited the shoulder of Yue Yang, and talked to Yue Yang very quietly Said: “Boy, you’re finished … hehe, please, or the old man will never help you, so be sure to ask me with sincerity!”

Yue Yang is overwhelmed, is it over?

Okay, what’s up? Is it CPR cardiopulmonary Recovery to rescue Fourth Mother, Princess Qian Qian she accidentally said to go out?

But it’s also saving people. I couldn’t help it at the time …

Looking at Fourth Mother again, I ca n’t help tearing her eyes, Yue Yang is in peace, if she let Fourth Mother know about it, she will be embarrassed. Since she is okay, it proves that Princess Qian Qian did n’t say anything, and that she is not a big mouth , Is a bit violent, and like to use tigress eyes to glaring people!

Student Titan, you know, it ’s not right to lie, or even lie to a girl. Now you lied to two girls, and their parents came to the door to discuss it. Did you say you are doing it? I ca n’t wake up, that ’s all. Now you are awake, and you ca n’t hide if you want to hide, I see you, suffocating! ”Old Fox slaps Yue Yang‘s shoulder in the tone of the savior, tempting,“ Now you If you begged me sincerely, then the old man thinks about it and see if he can help you. If your kid is as scammed as before, don’t blame me for not helping you, hey, think for yourself! ”

“What a mess, how can a good kid like me be honest and deceived!” In a word of Yue Yang, Old Fox fell directly to the ground.

“Dare you say you’re not cheating?” Old Fox grabbed the collar of Yue Yang.

“No, even if it is deceiving, it is taught by you. You are teacher. I am a student. The so-called” learning is not rigorous, the teacher is overdoing it. “” Student Yue Yang is righteous.

“You’re ruthless!” Old Fox gave Yue Yang a thumbs up: “I’ll see how you deal with other parents!”

“I don’t steal, I don’t steal, what are I afraid of!” Yue Yang desperately encouraged himself.

“But you have abducted someone else’s daughter … The parents of Young Miss are waiting in the outside hall!” The expression on Old Fox‘s face is a gloat to see what you do.

“What are you two mumbling about? Since your already is okay, then I’m leaving, yes, if you break the palace then forget about it, anyway, I didn’t live, but you broke my auspicious cloud Fengwen white jade bottle, worth more than 1,600 gold coins, you have time to settle this account for me! “Princess Qian Qian, who owns [Six Senses] Inherent Skill, actually heard the conversation between Yue Yang and Old Fox, but she pretended not to hear, but gave Yue Yang a note , It says the bill, it says ‘Student Yue Yang owes Princess Qian Qian one thousand and six hundred gold coins’, she means to let Yue Yang sign a name on it.

“Nonsense!” Yue Yang took it and took it off, and said to the Princess Qian Qian, “Who are we with whom? A rotten bottle and the copper smell of Ten Thousand Evils can’t block and stain our pure friendship! “

“Who has any pure friendship with you?” Princess Qian Qian was furious.

“No? Well, farewell!” Student Yue Yang waved his hand and pushed Princess Qian Qian out of the door, Cousin Yue Yu snickered, rumbling to pull Princess Qian Qian out, Princess Qian Qian couldn’t wait to bite him, but because there were many people in the room, Had to act like a lady and say goodbye to Fourth Mother.

Fourth Mother also brought the Yue Shuang girl to the front hall to announce the good news. It seems that someone is really waiting in front.

Xiao Wen Li turned into a rainbow and disappeared, while Hui Tai Lang lingered at the foot of Yue Yang for a while, and found that Yue Yang had no time to ignore it, ran out and continued to doze in the sun.

Yue Yang saw that Fatty Hai and Ye Kong and the others are both covered all over with cuts and bruises, and Qi asked: “What devil training did you experience, how did you do that?” Who doesn’t know that Ye Kong will start sweating Yue Yang because Ye Kong said, “Where is the devil training trivia We are attacking Thin Dog Mountain Ridge and fighting against Ten-thousand Demon School‘s disciples. Only then did this happen … Almost did not hang up, but fortunately rescued me! Well, until now, I just found myself really weak … “

Fatty Hai boasted immensely pleased with oneself: “Although I didn’t save anyone, I defeated two Level 4 [Champion] and one Level 5 [Grandmaster]. The record was brilliant! Alas, you didn’t hear that. I was praised by the school two days ago and let those Anyone who underestimates this Young Master has cast a glance at pearl. They don’t know that this Young Master was born to defeat this Ten-thousand Demon School disciple and came to this world … it is really expert loneliness!

Ye Kong and Li Clan Brothers both stay away from him, leaving him to brag on his own.

Young Miss Yue Bing is silent, stealing music.

“The last two days? How did I get back? Two days back?” Yue Yang frowned, did she lie in bed for two days?

“You seem to be coming back from Princess Qian Qian. We are not too clear Chu, but you have been back for more than two days. You have been dizzy for ten days. It should be said that it is the eleventh day!” Ye Kong said, Yue Yang Another violently sweats, it took eleven days to have a dream?

“What’s going on outside?” Yue Yang sensed that main hall outside seemed to have a lot of warrior talking.

“The Aunty of Elder Sister Yi Nan is here. It turns out that Elder Sister Yi Nan is Elder Sister, not Elder Brother …” Yue Bing thought it was time to tell the truth to Yue Yang. She did n’t know Yue Yang and she read it at first glance. She thought This stupid Elder Brother ca n’t distinguish between men and women because he stays too long.

“Ah, wouldn’t it? Yi Nan is a woman?” Yue Yang wanted to pretend to be particularly surprised, but didn’t think it would be too strong, otherwise Yue Bing would smile.

“You idiot, flirting with girls‘s good opportunities have been wasted, now it’s too late … I want to commit suicide!” Fatty Hai burst into tears, crashing against the wall with his head, and don’t stop anyone who wants to commit suicide The misery looks.

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