City of Sin: The end of one three five forever

“Do you think the owner’s interest seems particularly high today.” Zonghu asked back,

Phaser shrugged his hands and said, “It’s really exciting, did you just steal which of the three ** Gods’ Priest.”

Zonghu blinked badly and said, “Who knows, eating is also normal, I think those female Priests one by one have been waiting for a long time, and then drag on, it is estimated that the three goddesses will not be able to bear it first, lower Divine Punishment. “

Phaser glanced at Zonghu and said, “Why do n’t you eat them all, lest they seduce their masters.”

“No interest, do n’t forget that I am the same as you.” Zonghu said lightly,

“I am different from you.”

“Maybe” Zonghu does not want to debate this topic with Phaser,

At this time, the Ogre lord sitting next to him suddenly said: “How do I feel that the head seems to have just been flattened.”

Zonghu was stunned: “Being flattened, who is flattened, now who else can beat the master, don’t joke.”

Tiramisu did n’t speak anymore, he was puzzled, although he thought that Zonghu made sense, but Lord Ogre was sometimes an instinctive creature, and still felt very awkward,

After a while, Medium Rare muttered again: “I also think that the boss seems to have just been flattened.”

Medium Rare is not as cautious as Tiramisu, and the sound is very loud. At this time, Richard happened to be covered with blood from Plane Transfer Gate, and his face suddenly became quite embarrassed. Obviously I heard Medium Rare,

Medium Rare immediately covered his mouth and said nothing,

Richard smiled helplessly, ignored these guys, and left in a hurry. It did n’t take long for Richard to send a message to followers to keep Plane Transfer Gate and return to Norland once,

A moment later, a Divided Mind took off in the distance, carrying Richard away quickly,

The followers watched Richard go away. The atmosphere suddenly changed and became repressed and weird. Everyone began to communicate with each other through their eyes. However, the mutual understanding seems not to be particularly good. In the end, there was no result.

After a long time, Zonghu said: “The master will not be really flattened by others.”

“The key is, who is that person.” Phaser said,

The crowd is silent again,

From Giant Dragon valley to Bluewater Oasis City is very far away, and the straight-line distance is more than 7,000 kilometers. Broodmother has already arranged the Divided Mind for pick-up along the way, but it also takes two days to return to Oasis City,

At the moment in Iron Triangle Empire, a total of four transport troops are marching. If you count the flying pheasants in the air, then there are seven transport teams. Behind the Principality Army, a huge and complex logistics network operates silently and supports The battle on the front line, and the brain of this network is Raymond,

Raymond puts its place in a small town in the empire, this location is just right at the central node of the entire transportation network, and the instructions can be easily transferred from Divided Mind to various places,

Every day, Raymond issues numerous instructions here to schedule the operation of the entire logistics system. This task is that thinkers ca n’t do better than Raymond because Raymond can predict Richard from vague instructions. Strategic trends, and be prepared accordingly to allow sufficient margin,

Early in the morning, Raymond sat in front of the office as usual and began to connect Divided Mind with consciousness. He suddenly found that a group of Divided Mind had abnormal movements, and that route was not in any of his plans,

The eyes of Raymond fell on the map, connecting all the abnormal Divided Mind positions, and immediately outlined a clear line in my mind. This line went straight from the Giant Dragon valley to Bluewater Oasis City, but there was a turning point in the center. Just in the town where Raymond settled,

Raymond was slightly surprised, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face, got up and walked to the window, and pushed the window open,

A small black spot appeared in the distant sky, and in a blink of an eye, a familiar figure jumped from the black spot, flying directly to Raymond, it was Richard,

“Long time no see, Richard, come in.” Raymond smiled wryly and let the window open,

Richard flew in directly, and landed slowly, he did n’t speak immediately, first walked around the room, put everything under his eyes, then sat in the position where Raymond was used to sitting, and quietly looked at Raymond ,

Counting it, Raymond is now in his thirties, Faro ’s time flow is fast, and unconsciously he has grown old. At this moment, Raymond has a short whisker, which is completely like a mature man. Although the facial features are still handsome, when he was young, he was tempered by years to become elegant, with a slight thinness,

Raymond stroking the short beard under his jaw and also quietly looking at Richard,

Richard sighed and said first: “Aren’t you going to say something.”

“My habit is to wait for others to speak first, so as to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.” Raymond smiled,

Richard nodded and said, “Well, that ’s why I said it first. You wo n’t say you do n’t know if you have completed your soul repair plan.”

Raymond said frankly: “Yes, I provided it to Broodmother.”

Richard took a deep breath and said, “You almost destroyed my entire career.”

“I regret not being successful, no, it should be said that it is not completely successful. Now that Broodmother is completely free, although you still have cooperation, you can no longer command it as easily as before, your war potential, It can be said that half of it has been damaged, and outsiders have a very fair evaluation of our Scholar Mage: Never use Mana to measure a Scholar Mage. “

Richard calmed down at this time, looked at Raymond carefully, and said, “Since I just stepped on Faust, you planned to assassinate me, and then led your troops into Faro to attack me, as if I were Undead (not dead) , You can never be at ease, do I have such a big threat. “

“That ’s the hatred of the previous generation, and you are the best among the younger generation of Archeron. It ’s not wrong to put hatred on you, and, from the results now, I ’m not paying too much attention to you, and It is not enough attention. “Raymond said,

“Not only for this reason, forget it, these are all past, it just doesn’t make sense to know it.” Richard sighed again and said, “Do you know, I have been thinking about how to deal with you, But there always seems to be no best choice, kill you, you do n’t care anyway, and torture the flesh is the most common way, presumably you have 10,000 ways to deal with it, I did think slavery torture people around you, I also thought about extinguishing the entire Joseph Family, but what does it mean, in your mind, they are not important at all, you do n’t care if they are dead or alive, as a Scholar Mage, you are really very qualified: you are not alone , But a cold alchemy machine. “

Raymond was silent for a moment, said with a nod: “It is indeed so.”

“I do n’t quite understand what the meaning and purpose of Scholar Mages are.”

“Our purpose is very clear, to explore the ultimate secret of the world, and to lead humans and other intelligent races to the evolutionary ladder.”

Richard said with a sneer: “A group of alchemy machines without feelings and responsibilities will lead mankind to a better future, do you believe it.”

“Human beings sometimes become stupid, precisely because of feelings and too much burden.” Raymond has completely calmed down and stated in a natural tone,

“A group of lunatics.” Richard didn’t want to argue, he made the judgment directly,

“It is a group of sober wise men.” Raymond corrected Richard, and then said with a smile: “What are you going to do with me now, kill me, this is obviously not a wise choice, and the benefits I can bring to you are far It ’s far greater than that hatred, and the Soul Completion Plan has been completed, and the fact has become a fact. Even Broodmother has reached an agreement with me, let me continue to work for you, help you lubricate this huge war machine, if you want , You can even give Faro to me, you do n’t care about anything, it only takes 20 years, at most 20 years, Norland time is less than two years, the entire Plane is yours, every corner, including heaven God Kingdom. “

Raymond paused for a moment, with a bewitching smile, and said gently: “Richard, the biggest weakness of your career must be clear to yourself, your followers are all strong, no lords, only me And Salenville can be competent lords, but you think that the prince who has mastered an empire, this Plane native will willingly surrender to you, even if he is truly surrendered. “

At this time, Leya walked in with the breakfast tray, and suddenly saw Richard, and exclaimed, the tray dropped off the ground, Richard did n’t look at her, but just reached out with a finger, and the fallen tray was again. Levitated and returned to Leya‘s hands,

Richard, sir, why are you here I mean, so suddenly” Leya stuttered,

Richard pressed his hand down, Leya immediately stopped talking, and only looked at Richard with a pleading look,

Raymond does n’t seem to see Leya, looks relaxed, spreads his hands, and asks: “So, Richard, you can see the best choice, do n’t you, you are a person who wants to do something important, so many people have to rely on Your survival, life, development, in front of these things, the feelings are really not worth mentioning, is it not as good as it is now, you do your big things, give me trivial things, what a perfect fit, now, you Should continue to hurry, I can also start to have breakfast. “

Richard suddenly smiled and said: “I admit, you really make sense, what has happened has happened, and I should consider maximizing the existing benefits.”

“It is true.” Raymond also smiled, but his smile was suddenly stiff, and his hand that wanted to stroke the short beard also stopped in the air, and he could no longer reach his destination,

A dagger has penetrated deeply into the heart of Raymond,

Raymond stunned, slowly lowered his head, when he saw that the other end of the dagger was held in the hands of Richard,

“You and you are actually” Raymond full face stunned, can’t say the complete sentence,

Richard said lightly: “If I killed you, my interest was indeed damaged, but if I did n’t kill you, I would n’t be able to pass myself.”

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