Long Live Summons! Chapter 129: : Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle

Chapter 129: Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle

The ground collapsed, the rocks collapsed, and the deep fissures quickly rolled on the ground. The earth bulged up a giant hill.

The dull, squealing throbbing sound, and the tumbling of the rocks rolling to the ground, endlessly.

The black winged insects in the sky are intertwined with the Blood Sucking mosquito and buzz.

Because of the double [Power Pressure] of Hui Tai Lang and giant monsters, they fled and fled, forming a group of Dark Cloud-like constant Transformation swarms, wandering back and forth, and seemed unwilling to leave easily.

Hui Tai Lang‘s original calf-like body has become more and more solid, with muscle masses bulging. The body and bone shape are all in Evolution, and in Reconstruction, they are slowly expanding and becoming larger. Every time the black flame of his body burned, his body increased by one point. Finally, Hui Tai Lang burst into the sky, his claws burst into the ground, and a huge black flame pillar burst into his body, soaring into the sky.

The black-winged worms and Blood Sucking mosquitoes fell to the ground in this long trembling shock, forming a strange rain of insects.

“The king’s domineering [Power Pressure]?” Yue Yang can only sense such a fierce [Power Pressure] on Golden King Beast, if the ordinary wild Beast King, and Hui Tai Lang now Demon King-like momentum, it is not worth mentioning.

Hui Tai Lang is not yet Golden King Beast. It has such a momentum, is it related to the absorption of Evil Demonic Qi of Demon King Ha Xin?

Ye Kong and the others dumbstruck to looks at, Hui Tai Lang body surge in flames, and finally became a behemoth comparable to a yak, Demonic Qi Sensen, terrifying.

It stands up three feet high.

Of the two bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowls, the spiky teeth are like daggers, Thick Smoke spouts between the nose and nose, and the flames hunt.

In the body, Black Flames strangely burns on the shiny black superficial knowledge, sliding across the body surface, making Hui Tai Lang look more domineering as if Demon King is coming.

Yue Yang began to think that Hui Tai Lang would grow another head and become ‘Three-Headed Cerberus‘ of legendary, but then found that it only increased. He took a closer look with Divine Vision and found that it is still Two-headed Demon Wolf at present, but already was successfully changed from Level 5 [Bronze] The transition stage evolve became Level 4 [Silver].

Although this transition does not go up and down in level, it is a leap in terms of combat power and potential.

The transition of Silver-ranked is the beginning of hope.

If Hui Tai Lang is promoted to Level 6 [Bronze], then destined to can only serve as a Toiling Beast.

However, the successful transition to Silver-ranked Beast now undoubtedly opens a new door of hope. There is a whole new realm waiting for it. Yue Yang also has more confidence and patience to cultivate it. Silver-ranked has successfully transitioned. Can Gold-ranked be far behind? According to the domineering of Hui Tai Lang‘s new transition and its original wisdom spirituality, its at least will also be a Golden King Beast, or even higher …

Yue Yang suddenly has a more crazy idea in mind. If one day, you get the body of Demon King, let Hui Tai Lang eat it, what will it become? Of course, this can only be an idea for the time being, but it is not excluded from hope!

“Oh!” After the Hui Tai Lang transition, he was domineering, and fighting desire reached the extreme.

It jumped in front of Yue Yang and roared to the super-giant monster that was drilling out of the dirt, without giving in any way because of the super-giant body of opposite side.

A loud bang, the [Earth Drilling] monster for a long time finally broke out of the ground.

Unexpectedly by Yue Yang, this monster is not an elite monster, but an ordinary Demon Insect. Its volume is like a small hill, and the whole looks a bit like Beetle of Insect-type, but it is strange that this hill-like Beetle has three corners, half-moon shaped giant clamp-type hard corners on both sides, and a bayonet-like point in the middle. The head and the head of the head are terrible, and the back shell of the black armor is like a steel Shan Qiu (hill). Compared with the ordinary Beast, it is really terrible. Even the Mammoth giant elephant and war Kodo Beast, compared to it, are little witches!

Fatty Hai looked scared and fell to the ground softly: “Oh my god, such a big shit?”

Ye Kong is also a little jaw trembling: “This is a Level 7 monster? Fortunately, it is not elite, but just ordinary Level 7, otherwise we are all done!”

Long hair mm did not agree, and immediately countered: “What do you all look for? Obviously it is a Level 8 double fork rhinoceros beetle, also known as the War God large tortoise. Usually people call it Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle! It is Beetle. Differently, Shijiaolang belongs to the species of scarab, the scientific name is the dung beetle, and most people call it dung beetle or dung scarab! “

Level 8?” Fatty Hai when heard, immediately scared.

Even if it is a normal level, to what extent the power of Level 8 living being is horrible, it is not Fatty Hai he can imagine.

What’s more, this hill-like Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle can rely on its body shape to run into to be invincible on the battlefield. What is War Kodo Beast? Compared with it, there is not even one fifth of the volume. If the three big horns of Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle are hit, it is estimated that they will fly directly into the sky.

However, Fatty Hai cried in vain.

This Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle didn’t bother anyone at all, it was rumbling to the valley.

Even if it jumps to Hui Tai Lang on its back, it ignores it.

Everyone is surprised. What’s going on? Didn’t it crawl out to fight?

Princess Qi Ming suddenly realized in his heart, screamed, and pointed at one direction of Gu Zhong: “It needs to eat the black earballs that are about to bloom … stop it quickly, otherwise all the black earballs will eat it up! “

Yue Yang when heard, hurry up and catch up.

Raise Hui Jin Magic Blade, spur purple flames, hold Thunderbolt‘s strength, and chop on one hind leg of this Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle.


The chopping sound is like thunder from a clear sky, and the whole mountain valley is echoing. However, everyone saw that the Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle had no response at all, and still crawled forward without any problems, and did not care about the heavy cut of Yue Yang. Everyone’s chin fell on the feet, and their tongues extended. What level of defense is this?

Even if a piece of hard Rock is hit by such a fierce heavy chop, I believe it will smash.

at least will also leave deep knife marks on the stone.

But on the hind legs of Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle, nothing …

Hui Tai Lang raised its claws that can easily divide the gold cracking stone. On the tail of the Beetle monster that looks the most fragile, use Student Yue Yang to teach it a blasting chrysanthemum trick, and one claw … As a result, there is still no effect!

Ye Kong‘s iron rod ‘Clang!‘ fell to the ground, and the whole person fell to his knees.

The Beast of Level 8 is also such a horrible defense force to Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle of Abnormal. If you want to get into the shell and cause killing, it is simply delusional. Its weaknesses, of course, are the valves protected by armored hard shells. There are as many as eighteen valves, but they are all on the abdomen, and they have extremely hard exoskeleton chest plates and hard shells that are even better than Metal Attribute armor. Double protection.

Yue Yang also frowned. He felt that this Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle did not have too strong a attack power and did not have a strong desire to attack.

However, its defense is too Abnormal.

How to stop it from eating those precious black ear balls?

Attacking the mouthpiece or compound eye of the head may be an not bad idea, but it is also dangerous.

If you let its three big horns hit, it’s not a joke! Yue Yang urged True Qi to send the purple flames to the sky, and it was ready to give it a final blow. It was impossible. Just grab it in front of it and take out the black ear ball a portion to see if it can seduce it away …

Princess Qi Ming Seeing Yue Yang to continue attacking, he quickly waved his hand: “Do not attack Elder Brother, Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle‘s defense is strong, the attack is useless. And it has horrible power, and can easily lift item that is eight hundred times heavier than the body. If you are hit by it, it will be broken. Bei Bei, you are most familiar with insects. Do you know any weaknesses besides the valve of Beetle?

“I know, touching Beetle‘s **** will make it crawl faster!” Little Princess Bei Bei made Yue Yang fall to the ground.

Maybe ordinary Beetle is like that, but this guy in front of him is as big as a hill. Does this work?

Besides, touch your **** … this is too embarrassing!

The habit of Student Yue Yang has always been flirting with girls‘s own, and let the matter come to others, he waved his hand: “Young Master Hai, come here, touch its butt!”

Fatty Hai when heard is shocked. Touching the bottom, why is this good thing‘s turn?

He exclaimed: “why me?”

Student Yue Yang reasonably answers: “It’s easy, because you are Boss!”

Fatty Hai first screamed, then looked at brimming with tears and said inexorably: “Why did you not think of me Boss when flirting with girls?”

“Take it down first, flirting with girls said, you are Boss, everyone will let you go up first! Hurry up, touch its chrysanthemum, take it down, you have to take out the style of Boss, you must touch it Chrysanthemum smiled silently … “Student Yue Yang trained Fatty Hai and ordered him to act immediately.

“Hee hee!” Long hair mm and a few children were snickering.

“No, I want to definitely not, ah, I mean I’m too fat, I can’t touch the **** nearly ten meters high, so I can’t help!” Fatty Hai thinks such an ‘altitude operation’ in case of accidental fall Coming down, it is estimated that at least also suffered a concussion. Besides, he caressed the **** of Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle in public so carelessly. If it was passed out, would he still use flirting with girls? Fatty Hai refused to live or die. He would rather let Yue Yang tie him up and slice it into braised pork, and he would definitely not lose this face. How can it be a Boss!

Just when Yue Yang is going to make a bun and burn this Fatty Hai directly into roast suckling pigs.

In the huge pit behind, slowly crawling out another Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle

This is only ten times smaller than the previous one. Although it is as large as the long tooth Mammoth, the blind can also see that it is Larva State Beast.

Level 4 [Ordinary], this one should be able to move!” Yue Yang severely chopped away the Larva State Beast with Hui Jin Magic Blade. Although the appearance was not damaged, the Beetle Larva State was injured, and the True Qi of Yue Yang penetrated into the thick hard shell. , Grey Ashes‘s purple flames penetrated into the body, screaming again and again.

As soon as Larva State was attacked, the Beetle monster was immediately angry and turned back fiercely. hong long long rushed to Yue Yang. The sharp corners were like dozens of steel guns tied together. Extreme horror , Straight to Yue Yang compared to extremely small body piercing. Yue Yang saw this trick work, immediately jumped over to avoid it, recorded Spherical Beheader, and hacked on the back of Beetle Larva State.

If he wants to kill this Larva State, he only needs to exert his maximum power to launch a fatal blow.

However, to delay time, Yue Yang did not do that.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry and see if the black ear ball blooms!” Yue Yang yelled at the crowd of dumbstruck, and seduced the Beetle monster to leave. Hui Tai Lang also helped, jumping from time to time, spraying a black flame on the head of Beetle Larva State, and threatening it retreats, leaving the valley.

“There is still half an hour, Elder Brother stick to it again!” Little Princess Bei Bei‘s words almost did not let Yue Yang sweat, and tempted the enemy for so long, wouldn’t it be exhausted?

On a distant cliff.

In the dark, Eagle Eyed Guy is turning around and leaving: “This idiot has nothing to do with brute force, no Beast knowledge!”

After half an hour, after Bei Bei, they finished collecting Withered Black-Eared Orchid Heart, Yue Yang and Hui Tai Lang that had just grown out of the black ear ball from rush back in the distance and shouted at Ye Kong and Fatty Hai and the others: “Who do you want to contract Beetle Larva State? Although not an attack type Beast, but the defense is super strong, is used to make the meat shield or not bad, who do you want? If not, I hacked it and take out Demon Crystal. Forget it! Hurry up, then the Beetle monster will come back soon! “

Fatty Hai insists on its own opinion: “As your Boss, I will not contract Beast other than Gold King Class Beauty Beast. Besides, I also have Iron-skinned Rhinoceros for Meat Shield.”

“Neither of us, too ugly and too big!” Long Hair mm and five children waved their hands and refused.

“Then I want it!” Ye Kong stood out. Although it was Level 4 [Ordinary], the defensive power of Herculean Rhinoceros Beetle made Ye Kong see the hope of rising. And he also understands that if there is no future, Yue Yang will not kill start off leniently, and came back to let everyone think of a way to contract Beetle Larva State.

“You don’t have a soft spot for its chrysanthemum, do you? I’m looking forward to you touching the chrysanthemum of Beetle Larva State with a smile and a **** expression! Ah, well, I haven’t said anything!” Fatty Hai wanted to laugh at it Ye Kong had a meal, but found that everyone was glaring at him, scared back quickly, pretending to have the pitiful appearance of “play casually but preferably not a slap in the face“, everyone reluctantly let him go.

Ye Kong faced Beetle Larva State, who was almost dying after serious injuries, and used five contracts scroll in a row without success.

Sweat came from his head.

Little Princess Bei Bei handed him the last one. If the contract fails, there is no hope.

It was normal for the contract Beast to fail, but Ye Kong didn’t want Yue Yang to be disappointed, let alone Yue Yang to create such a good opportunity, but let it go to waste.

“Be calm and be sure to succeed! Beetle beast will be back soon, Hui Tai Lang and I will seduce it away, five minutes, you spend the last five minutes to meditate well, adjust your mind, body and mind Unify, don’t be nervous when controlling Spiritual Qi … “Yue Yang encourages it, and then Hui Tai Lang to lure Beetle monster.

Of course, he actually has another purpose.

When just now seduced the Beetle giant from a distance, he found a very strange plant bulb, not only the ordinary Demon Insect, but even the Beetle giant did not dare to approach it. Yue Yang decided to take advantage of the Ye Kong contract Beetle Larva State to take a moment to figure it out and see what this mysterious plant bulb is.

It can’t be seen with Level 3 Divine Vision, what will it be?

Yue Yang decided to summon Thorny Flower, let it connect the plant bulb with fibrous root, and then transmit True Qi to it, and detect it …

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