Paradise of Demonic Gods Chapter 551: Collecting

Anthony didn’t say anything, first handed in a file, Governor Devitt froze, after Heaven’s Perception swept, raised an eyebrow and said: “How do you condense the 1440 Specialty Seed ? Where did you come from? Although 2nd prince has The royal family heritage, but limited to the rules, can not be passed to us. If this thing is leaked out, it is estimated that the entire state Regional Academy can be bought. “

Looking at the documents in his hand, Governor Devitt was also slightly excited. Now that he has 5th layer Dharma Prints, the world is changing, and with the coagulation method of 1,440 Specialty Seed , he has the confidence to try to impact Divine Level within a few years.

Hearing the question from student DeWitt, Anthony laughed: “This is a collection of Xingjian among many Great West State genres.”

department head James laughed: “He’s a good abacus. But if you give it directly to us like this, I’m afraid there are things you want to ask us, right?”

Anthony said: “Yes, there is one more thing that will bother the two adults.”

James said: “Oh? What can we help, we will definitely help.” This time, the help of Dharma Prints really made him and DeWitt happy, especially James himself. With the help of Dharma Prints, maybe it will impact the success of Divine Level, how much kindness it is to live for many more years.

Anthony said: “Of the materials we collected for Xingjian, the most critical ones have not been received. They are all in the hands of some powerful people. Although we have paid a high price, they are not willing to give up. .

They are all very rare materials, among them there are a few masters, Lilia, Anderson, Zhou Xingwen, they have already set off, but there are two places, but we have no choice. “

It turned out that Anthony helped Fang Xingjian collect the materials of the last 10th layer Dharma Prints, but the materials needed for 1st layer Dharma Prints are too rare and rare, especially some of them are simply heirlooms of other people, the treasures of the town school, how can they be casually taken out.

This requires visiting the door in person, using force and money one by one.

James smiled and ordered nodded: “I see, then DeWitt, let’s take a personal trip.”

As Fang Xingjian will begin to collect the last 1st layer Dharma Prints materials, and as the last few material traces emerge, the strong players on the Fang Xingjian side are coming out, and more waves are splashing in the gradually chaotic world.

North Lake State, Xuanming Hall.

A loud bang, a figure directly broke through the entire outer wall and was buried in masonry.

In the courtyard in the outer wall, Anderson looked at the hundreds of Xuanming Pavilion disciples who were blocking him, and said lightly: “As agreed, I defeated your curator, and your town’s treasure Xuanming sword is It’s my turn.

Of course, I need a material from your Xuanming Sword to be useful, but I won’t take it for nothing. “

Speaking, Anderson took out a stack of money tickets and said: “Here is three million gold, enough to buy thirty Xuanming Pavilions, even if I buy your Xuanming swords.”

As he finished his remarks, countless disciples turned their attention to those three million, and their hostility was disintegrated.

South Flame State, in the moist woods.

Lilia travels through the woods like a breeze. A stream of air envelops her body. She is like a free-flying swallow, quickly traveling through the jungle, but her body is not contaminated by a trace of dust.

Especially, she also carried a huge box on her back, which seemed to weigh hundreds of pounds, but did not affect his movement in the slightest.

So she came alone to a campsite. As soon as she appeared, dozens of Warrior surrounded him. One of the big guys with tattoo on his face laughed and said, “What a pretty girl, you Why did you come to us? “

Lilia said lightly: “People of the Bloodclaw tribe? I want the head of the blood howler beast for your sacrifice, please bargain.”

After half an hour of explosion, flames, tremors, and exclaiming, the whole Bloodclaw tribe is in chaos, with broken trees everywhere, houses opened, and crowds of screams.

Lilia walked out with a huge beast bone directly behind her, where was a full box of gold placed.

The Warrior of countless tribes began to **** gold, and where did they get any animal bones for sacrifice.

North Lake State On the grassland at the border, there are beasts rushing, and countless violent animals have turned into a tide, screaming and escaping on the grassland.

And in the sky behind them, Governor Devitt stood silently in the sky, with hundreds of ice dragons chasing countless ferocious animals.

His consciousness is constantly receiving light and sound waves, and he seems to be searching for something.

Finally, his gaze was fixed, and he looked at a leopard more than ten kilometers away: “I’ve found you, Wan Biansi.”

Instantly, hundreds of ice dragons chased after the leopard, and a thunderous sound burst.

“Leis, you can’t escape, give the stolen red bloodstone.”

North Ice State, white snowfield, dry and dark woods.

On the cliff, two people, one old and one young, faced the Abyss in front of them.

The old man is wearing a white robe with a turtle-shaped craneback. The both eyes exudes a touch of brilliance, giving a sense of uncertainty and illusoryness.

Juveniles are fierce and fierce, attacking the old man like a little leopard.

I saw the young boy rushing left and right, walking at a high speed on the edge of the cliff. A pair of fists seemed like meteors, cutting out the edges of cutting the air, forming a meteor shower, covering the old man continuously.

But no matter how aggressive the boy is, he is arbitrarily resisted by the old man. After half an hour of attack and defense, the old man kicked the boy away and said, “Well, take a break.”

“Hoo.” The boy exhaled, and immediately a white air flow emerged near his mouth, showing how low the temperature is now above the cliffs of the snowy mountains.

Just listen to him saying, “Master, when can I be second job transition, I have been at level 19 for 3 years.”

The old man shook his head and said, “What news did you get stimulated?”

“Hey.” The teenager grabbed his head and said, “Now everyone in the empire says, one sword and one punch, one sword is Fang Xingjian, one sword is Dongfang Ling, and one punch is today’s 5th Prince Quett Crick, said They are the three talented people who have the best talents today, and the young talents who are most likely to impact Divine Level in the future.

They are about the same age as me. I really want to catch up and try with them. “

“The youth is bloody, understandable.” The old man said, “But that’s the way to know how to save. Many Knights now don’t know the truth of thick accumulation, and hurriedly want to break through to second job transition, but not After knowing second job transition, the potential has been dissipated, especially when there are more temptations in the world and less threats, but I cannot concentrate on sharpening my will. “

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