Douluo Dalu Chapter 616: resurrect, my lover

Chapter 616 resurrect, my lover

When Tang San opened his eyes, Tang Hao and Ah Yin clearly saw a faint light on his son’s eyes, and a light golden radiance was added to the skin surface. Reached a height of terrifying.

Tang San stood up, bowed to his parents before saluting, stepped back a few steps, walked about fifty meters, and stood in a relatively empty place in the basin. Carefully, took Xiao Wu‘s body out of Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse and laid her flat on the ground in front of her.

This should be a very simple process. Tang San is extremely cautious. For him, this moment is too important. For resurrect of Xiao Wu, he looks more important than his own life!

Looking up to the sky, Tang San said silently in his heart: Da Ming, Er Ming, do you know, resurrect Xiao Wu is your last expectation, but it is my only hope. The resurrect of Xiao Wu is equivalent to the meaning of my survival. . I don’t need to assure you anything. If Xiao Wu cannot be resurrect, I have no meaning to live. No one loves her more than I do. From the moment I saw Xiao Wu, she was the lover of my fate.

“Hello, my name is Xiao Wu, dancing dance.”

“My Spirit is a rabbit. Very cute little white rabbit. How about you?”

“Brother, can you help me comb my hair? My hair is a bit messy.”

“This comb is very woody!”

“This is what my mother gave me. It was made by my mother herself. The above good sandalwood rosewood is carved from raw materials. Although there is no decoration, this is what my mother left me.”

Xiao Wu, you are really beautiful.”

“Brother, help me comb my hair.”

“Brother, you are so stupid, are you stupid, can I live alone? I do n’t want you to die, I want you to live. I really hope to live with you, just like before . But, no more. I’m gone, take care of yourself, or I will be sad. “

The past scenes kept flashing in Tang San‘s mind. Looking at the Xiao Wu lying flat on the ground, his heart hurt like a knife.

Xiao Wu, we are finally together again. I will definitely help you with the perfect resurrect. I don’t allow you to go on like this. You must stay with me forever, until one day we are old.” /

Take a deep breath and shake off the tears in your eyes. Tang San grasps Sea God Trident by his right hand, and removes the Xiao Wu Spirit Bone he replaced from Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse with his left hand.

Crystal red spreads on Spirit Bone. The breath of Spirit Bone for 100,000 years exudes a heartbreaking breath. With the release of Blue Silver Emperor, one by one spirit ring appeared on Tang San out of thin air.

The powerful Mysterious Heaven Skill, under the urging of Tang San, runs crazy at an unprecedented speed. The clearly visible blue gold color air flow swirls around the body of Tang San. The nine spirit rings on his body are almost shining for the first time. Makes his body look like bright stars.

The Tang Hao on the side has clenched his fists at this time, and each Blue Silver Emperor transformed by Ah Yin is shaking slightly.

Tang San raised Sea God Trident high, golden light sprayed out from the trident branding on the forehead, forming a bridge with Sea God’s Heart. The splendid golden light illuminated the entire valley in an instant. The breath of Sea God Trident was fully bloomed, covering Tang San and Xiao Wu, covering Tang Hao and Ah Yin, and covering Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well and everything here.

Ah Yin was suddenly surprised to find that her body actually grew crazy under the light of this golden light. The communication from the soul made her deeply feel the strength of her son at this time. The Blue Silver Emperor breath of the same origin has become the most favorable channel for her to communicate with Seagod’s Light. The immense breath of God has entered her body without reservation, making her cultivation of crazy multiples climbed up.

Tang San‘s body fought hard. Suddenly, the nine spirit rings on his body flew up at the same time, floating above his head. The pain of losing spirit ring instantly made Tang San spit out blood, but his eyes have become more persistent.

Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, of course, Tang San has not forgotten, but resurrect Xiao Wu needs several spirit ring powers. No one can say clearly, Tang San will never allow any defects or variables to exist, so he has no reservations about the nine of his Blue Silver Emperor. All the spirit rings shook away from the body, and the pain caused by that instant caused his extremely tough body to burst into a thick mist of blood.

The huge spirit power sent the Xiao Wu Spirit Bone into the air and merged with the sixth spirit ring that was originally on Tang San. The red light and shadow bloomed in the air. Then the sixth spirit ring broke away from the spirit ring team under the control of the Tang San vast mental force. , The splendid red light spread in the air, slowly condensing under the light of the **** that bloomed on the Sea God Trident.

The red phantom is gradually taking shape. The transparent red body of Xiao Wu appears in the air. She cannot speak and cannot speak, but this is her soul. The breath of that soul is full of sadness and worry, those crystal-like eyes. Looking at Tang San, it seems to be telling something.

Tang San did not retreat, staring at the eyes in phantom persistently and steadily, shouting word by word, shouting in a nearly roaring voice: “Resurrection-live-let’s-I-of- Love-people-. “

Seagod’s Light suddenly condensed from the overwhelming envelope and turned into a huge golden beam of light, completely covering the soul of Xiao Wu and her body. Then, under the mobilization of Tang San, his first four spirit rings flew simultaneously Get up, hover around the soul of Xiao Wu, protect her, and fall towards the body under the light of golden light.

The vast mental force is injected into the Sea God Trident like a flash flood. It is transformed into the purest power of Sea God. In the golden light, the Xiao Wu soul phantom finally looks at Tang San with a loving look. For a moment, the red light and shadow were completely integrated into her body.

Yellow, yellow, purple, and black. The four spirit rings are slowly integrated into the body of Xiao Wu in order. Each spirit ring is incorporated, and the body of Xiao Wu lights up a red light.

Seagod’s Light has become more intense. Soul possession and soul integration are two concepts.

Xiao Wu Whether the body rebuilt with Yearning Heartbroken Red and Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng can completely integrate with her original soul, and whether it can be completely restored with the support of foreign spirit ring energy is the most important part of this resurrect ceremony. Tang San simply released his mental force regardless of consequences. His seventh spirit ring was also mobilized from Kulai and floated directly above the Xiao Wu body. Once it was found that the body of Xiao Wu could still absorb the energy of spirit ring, Tang San would never have Hesitate.

His fifth spirit ring belongs to Blue Silver Emperor and is not suitable for Xiao Wu, but this seventh spirit ring is from god-bestowed spirit ring, and the attributes will never conflict with Xiao Wu.

The layers of strong red light wrap the body of Xiao Wu like a cocoon, and mental force of Tang San is completely densely packed in every corner of this space, meticulously feeling the change between Xiao Wu soul and body.

The process of integration is slow, but it is constantly going on. Without real experience, it is absolutely impossible to imagine how difficult it is. At this moment, Tang San is deeply aware that if it is the Ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent Neidan that was originally used to help Xiao Wu‘s soul and body fully integrate and consolidate, the chance of failure is at least 50%.

Seagod’s Light is undoubtedly the most bright and pure divine force. Under its illumination, all possible rejections are completely resolved. Although the process of fusion is slow, it is unhindered.

Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi is right. After Xiao Wu absorbed her own energy of spirit ring and Spirit Bone, she received four spirit ring of Tang San, and her body was completely full. Originally, she had accumulated huge amounts of energy because of taking two major Immortal Herbs and her experience on Sea God Island. At this time, she input such huge energy and soul power from the outside world, and if she transmitted more, she would definitely be in danger.

After discovering this, Tang San finally recovered the five, seven, eight, and nine spirit ring that belonged to him in the air. Although there are only four, these four are all 100,000-year-old spirit ring! If you only look at the surface, he now looks like a Spirit Ancestor with a full 100,000-year spirit ring. However, this is definitely the most powerful Spirit Ancestor ever made by Douluo Continent.

After upgrading to Titled Douluo level and changing from the original five blocks Spirit Bone to six blocks, Tang San found that it was easier to borrow Sea God Trident divine force than it was during the first battle with Bibi Dong. At that time, I will release mental force with all the consequences like myself now, I’m afraid I can’t bear it. But now it is still very easy.

Not to mention how much his mental force has been enhanced. Although it has been enhanced, the progress of mental force is definitely much less than his spirit power. After all, his mental force improved to the peak of Douluo after Purple Demon Eye reached Boundless Realm, and he wanted to make a big progress unless he inherited the oracle. At this time, the change of borrowing Sea God Trident divine force is reflected in the ratio of mental force and divine force he converted.

If you say that you previously entered mental force with ten units, you can only convert one unit of Sea God divine force. Well, now inputting mental force of ten units is enough to convert three units of Sea God divine force. It is in this case that Tang San fully supports the process of Xiao Wu soul and ontology fusion without feeling overwhelmed. At least, when he was extremely excited at this time, Mental felt nothing. Even if there were, it was directly ignored by him.

I don’t know how long it has passed. With a buzz, the red light blooming on Xiao Wu was sucked into her body like All Rivers Run Into The Sea. Only the red light spot on the forehead representing the Sea God Island Top Rank test is still shining. The soul and the body have finally completed all the fitting process.

If this is not enough to reassure Tang San, then the prompts that rang out in his mind raised his inner excitement to the zenith.

Sea God Eighth Trial, resurrect partners, the task is completed. Eighth Trial completion is 50%. Need to continue to increase strength, absorb spirit ring, Spirit Bone. Complete all assessments.”

Tang San is convinced that God will not lie, yes, Xiao Wu resurrect, Xiao Wu finally resurrect with their unremitting efforts.

With a bang, Tang San helped Sea God Trident kneel to the ground. At this moment, he felt the severe pain from everywhere in the body, and felt the brain as weak as hollowed out. But are these important? No, it doesn’t matter. resurrect and Xiao Wu, what are these pains?

The golden divine light disappeared quietly, and Tang San also fell down with the divine light disappearing and fell beside Xiao Wu. Even so, the moment before his to lose consciousness, did not forget to hold a warm little hand of Xiao Wu tightly.

In order for Xiao Wu to perfect resurrect, Tang San can be said to release his mental force without overdraft, coupled with physical and mental tension, and more importantly, the injury caused by stripping spirit ring, which led to his physical fitness. Have to fall into to lose consciousness.

He didn’t have to suffer so much. He wants to strip spirit ring from himself. He must be a person with great power. If it is not backed by Seagod’s Light, spirit ring such as Tang San can be stripped out, and it can’t even be obtained through hunting. Already. Spirit, Blue Silver Emperor, is considered a waste. Even if he had the assistance of Seagod’s Light, in order to make the resurrect of Xiao Wu perfect, he would peel off all his nine spirit rings. This pain is terrifying more than peeling cramps.

But Tang San didn’t react halfway at that time, it was because Mental was too concentrated. His nine spirit rings are naturally powerful, including five hundred thousand years of spirit ring, but the stronger the spirit ring, the greater the impact of the divestiture itself. It can be said that his forced stripping has hurt his vitality, even if he later recovered four hundred thousand years spirit ring, it is unavoidable.

This is that his body has been infiltrated once again by Seagod’s Light, plus he has six major Spirit Bones as the basis to protect the body. Otherwise, his glass spirit ring method will directly hurt the root and always Unable to recover.

I do n’t know how long it took. When Tang San was awake from to lose consciousness, the surroundings were already dark, and severe pain came from the limbs and bones. The kind of spasmodic pain was unbearable, Tang San could not help but moan lowly.

“Ah, Little San is awake.” Mother’s voice sounded in her ear.

Tang San wants to open his eyes, but finds his eyelids are heavy, but he still shouts, “Xiao Wu, how about Xiao Wu?”

The voice has not fallen, and the feeling of Tang San has recovered a bit. He finds that his body is warm around him, and seems to rest in a soft embrace.

“Brother, I’m here, don’t move.” A sound like a sound of nature sounded in Tang San‘s ears. Although his physical condition is still very bad now, but the sound is like the most powerful stimulant, and the stimulated Tang San opened his eyes directly.

The moon stars are thin, and the surrounding light is very dim, but Tang San still saw the beautiful face that was near and blown away at a glance.

She seems more beautiful than before. Under the light of moonlight, a layer of white like sheep fat jade shines on the skin. Long scorpion braid is hanging down, and her **** eyes are anxious. Look at yourself. Among those beautiful eyes, there is no longer a half-empty and blank, some are just endless affection.

Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu …” Tears burst out from the eyes of Tang San, even he had forgotten how long it had passed. Ever since Xiao Wu sacrificed for him, he has never been truly happy. Seeing that the live Xiao Wu appeared in front of her eyes, Tang San‘s throat suddenly seemed to hold something. There were thousands of words to say, but at this time, it was impossible to say a word.

“Brother, you are so stupid. Da Ming and Er Ming they …” Tears rolled down from Xiao Wu‘s beautiful eyes. Previously, Tang San had been to lose consciousness. After she woke up from resurrect, she took care of Tang San and ignored other things. At this time Tang San woke up, she could not help tears of sadness anymore. For resurrect, she sacrificed two of her most important partners in her life, and her lover was also badly hit.

Xiao Wu, don’t cry. Da Ming, Er Ming they will never want to see you so sad for them. After I become Sea God, they must summon their souls and see you again.” Supporting said for a long time In a word, the excitement brought by Tang San because Xiao Wu is finally resurrect is not enough to support his body, and his body is soft and fainted again. However, this time he is a satisfied to lose consciousness, Xiao Wu is finally resurrect, and his biggest wish has been realized.

The unique deep voice of Tang Hao sounded, “Little San is right. The deceased is dead, and the living person is still alive. He is better than me and will help you resurrect in just a few years. Child, cherish the people in front .Don’t be sad and sad, the past is over, you should welcome a new life. “

Xiao Wu looked up at Tang Hao with tears in his eyes, and nodded gently, “Thank you, uncle.”

Tang Hao smiled slightly and said, “The last time you came here with him, you didn’t call me that.”

Xiao Wu pretty face is red, she did not expect that a majestic person like Tang Hao would also tease herself, her inner pain was relieved a little, and she whispered: “Dad.”

Tang Hao rubs the head of Xiao Wu, looks at her son in her arms, and says: “Little San has a great vitality injury, but he is strong and he will get better after a break.”

Xiao Wu bowed his head silently, stroking Tang San‘s face gently, “Dad, I will take good care of him.”

When Tang San woke up again, another day had passed, and one day of buffering. Blue Silver Emperor Right Leg Bone‘s Wildfire Burns Without End, Spring Wind Blows New Life ability had restored most of his body. Although he still suffered severe pain, his brain was still groggy. But Mental of Tang San has been much better.

Feeling recovered, Tang San suddenly felt refreshed. He found that he was still leaning on the Xiao Wu, but the clothes on his body had been changed, and there was no trace of blood stains left by resurrect Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu dropped his head and fell asleep.

Tang San didn’t move. He was afraid to wake up Xiao Wu. Obviously, Xiao Wu had been taking care of him and was very tired.

Breathing slowly and slowly, Tang San plays Mental and feels the changes of his body. Only when he recovers his body can rain make Xiao Wu feel at ease.

Mental gradually became clearer. Tang San found that his meridians and bones had not changed, but spirit power was subject to certain fluctuations and some disorders in the body. The deepest hit was mental force, and mental force in his head was messy. The use of spirit ring skills must be controlled by mental force. It can be said that it is connected to the brain. Forcibly stripped five spirit rings out, and the natural trauma to mental force of Tang San is not small.

Fortunately, he still has the trident imprint of Sea God. Although mental force is scattered, but still hovering around his evolved Mind Condensing Wisdom Skull, it seems to be attracted by Seagod’s Light. Although it looks like a piece of Mental fragment, it does not. Out of control.

Close your eyes and pick up the Purple Demon Eye practice method. Tang San starts to repair your mental world. resurrect has Xiao Wu, but his body has only been damaged to this extent, which has made Tang San quite surprised. At the same time, he couldn’t help but be grateful for the power of Sea God. If it is not Seagod’s Light, his resurrect Xiao Wu will definitely not be so smooth, and it will not be possible to return to spirit ring temporarily.

Maybe he is not the only candidate to be a god, but I am afraid that he dare to strip himself of spirit ring like him. Until the spirit ring was reabsorbed, Tang San was not sure whether it would be able to restore the various skills of Blue Silver Emperor. But there is no doubt that his spirit power has not decreased. It is still at the level of 91, but it is relatively weak and it takes time to gradually recover. Moreover, even if Blue Silver Emperor cannot be recovered, there are two skills in each of the remaining four hundred thousand spirit ring, only these four spirit ring are better than the ordinary Titled Douluo. What’s more, the damage of Blue Silver Emperor does not affect itself. It only absorbs spirit ring of Clear Sky Hammer. The advantage of twin spirits is undoubted.

Exploring your current situation, Xiao Wu has already been resurrect, Tang San calm down and began to restore their mental force. Through a small part of mental force that you can control, carefully stimulate Seagod’s Light, and then use Purple Demon Eye‘s practice method to gather and absorb those to shatter mental force fragments together slowly by Seagod’s Light.

When I first owned Seagod’s Light, I felt that this skill was like a chicken rib. It seemed to only deter those sea Spirit Beast and sea Spirit Master. However, as time went by, Tang San found more and more its usefulness. In a sense, it is even more important than Sea God Trident. After all, with his current ability, Sea God Trident also needs Seagod’s Light to really turn on the effect.

Tang San took a full three days to complete the repair of his mental force, and his body has been repaired by himself in these days, and returned to its original state, except for a few spirit ring and Spirit Ability. And not much has changed. On the whole, his skills have not diminished. The lost Spirit Bone of the Xiao Wu was supplemented by two stronger Spirit Bone, lost five spirit ring, and received two hundred thousand years of spirit ring. On the whole, his skills are even one more than before.

A touch of golden light pervades the whole body. At this time, Tang San is sitting cross-legged next to Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. The whole person looks like a golden forging.

Tang Hao stood watching her son, Xiao Wu stood beside Tang Hao, her eyes were full of concern. The Blue Silver Emperor body of Tang San mother Ah Yin was irradiated by Seagod’s Light that day. The huge body grew another third.

Tang San‘s Blue Silver Emperor is passed down from the mother and has the same blood. Then Seagod’s Light will only give them light and warmth to the general Spirit Master. If it is the evil Spirit, it will still be a powerful blow. But for Ah Yin, which is constantly growing, it is like the photosynthesis of sunlight on plants, plus Tang San and her breath are in the same vein. Under the illumination of Seagod’s Light, great benefits have been obtained. Originally Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well The land of treasure made her cultivation increase very fast. After the light of the gods, the cultivation of Ah Yin has officially entered the realm of thousands of years. In just a few years, it will be able to recover to such a degree and reach the level of Blue Silver King, which is almost incredible.

However, this also has something to do with Ah Yin. She has been trained to become Spirit Beast for over 100,000 years, instead of starting from the lowest Blue Silver Grass. She has Blue Silver Emperor bloodline and is naturally familiar with the training methods of Blue Silver Emperor. She can use the most A simple and effective way to practice, and to get the son’s nourishing blood, and the help of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Seagod’s Light, this can be extremely fast. At this time, the illusion she had gathered was much clearer than when Tang San returned.

golden light blooms three times, and converges again three times. Finally, it completely recovers from the Sea God Trident imprint on the forehead of Tang San. The pale golden light on the whole body quietly disappears. When Tang San opened his eyes, the light in the eyes reappeared. It has returned to the way he was when he first came to Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well that day.

“Dad, mother, Xiao Wu.” Tang San opened his eyes and saw his parents and lover. The feeling of satisfaction even excites him even more than his mental force recovery.

“Brother——” The Xiao Wu eye circles are red again. Regardless of the presence of Tang Hao and Ah Yin next to it, they slammed up and fell into the arms of Tang San.

Tang Hao turned away with a smile, Ah Yin‘s transfigured phantom also melted back into the body with a smile, they knew that this pair of lovers could finally be back together, there must be a lot of things to say between them .

Hugging each other tightly, listening to each other’s heartbeat, whether it is Tang San or Xiao Wu, there is no excitement in my heart. For fear of losing each other, no one spoke, just hugging so tightly, as if to integrate each other into themselves.

Although the previous Xiao Wu attachment did not feel much different from the present, she was not really alive at that time! At this moment, holding the living Xiao Wu in my arms, the feeling made every cell in Tang San seem to be cheering.

Xiao Wu, I love you.” Tang San whispered to Xiao Wu‘s ear in a nearly trembling voice.

Xiao Wu‘s body is slightly stiff, raising his head violently, looking at Tang San, his eyes are opposite, and the endless affection is frozen at this time, no matter Tang San or Xiao Wu, it has been waiting for this day for too long.

“Brother … I love you too.”

Hugging again, the emotions sublime again, on the left and right middle fingers of the two, respectively, the ring made of Blue Silver Emperor gold silk is shining brightly. That was the token of their engagement, and at this moment they really felt like they had each other.

After so many ordeals, they were finally able to get back together, and it was because of so much that their deep feelings for each other became so profound.

Gently kissed Xiao Wu‘s forehead, Tang San softly said, “Xiao Wu, would you marry me? I am finally qualified to say this to you.”

“I do, I do …” Xiao Wu agreed without hesitation, her voice was choked, and her eyes were filled with tears, but this time it was no longer sad but tears of happiness.

Tang San softly: “When we return to Heaven Dou City, Teacher Ming, I will officially marry you. I must give you a grand wedding, so that the whole world knows that you are my wife, your happiness, It will be the greatest happiness of my life, I will love you for life, for life. Even if the sea is dry and the stone is old, the world is old, it will never be separated.

Xiao Wu nodded choked hard, she could not say a word, she never felt as happy as she is now.

Tang San looked up and looked at his smiling father who was not far away and Xiao Wu, pulled up Xiao Wu‘s hand, and said, “Before we return to Heaven Dou City, there are a few important things to do.”

Xiao Wu buried in the arms of Tang San, and said softly: “No matter what you do, I will follow you.”

Tang San brought Xiao Wu to the mother ’s huge Blue Silver Emperor, “The first thing I have to do is to make my parents and mother as happy as we are.”

Two huge Blue Silver Emperor blades of grass rolled up, surrounding Tang San and Xiao Wu, and the thick motherly feelings rippled in the blades of grass, “Children, you have suffered. No matter what happened before, now you can finally Be together. Cherish each other. As long as you are happy, that is the greatest happiness for me and your father. “

Tang San suddenly shook his head and said, “No, Mom, I want you and your father to be together like me and Xiao Wu. You have suffered more than we have. I was unable to help you before. Honor you. But now that I am back, I also believe that I have this ability. “

Next, Tang San said something that totally shocked Tang Hao and Ah Yin, “Dad, I want to help you recover your right arm and left leg. Mom, I want you to be an adult like Xiao Wu and resurrect. Although I do n’t have absolute Sure, but my method will definitely be good for you. “

Even after the vicissitudes of life, Tang Hao, whose peace of mind has long been peaceful, could not help but change his face after hearing his words, jumped to Tang San, grabbed Tang San‘s shoulder with one hand, and said excitedly: Little San, what do you say? Can you make your mother alive? “

Tang Hao didn’t care if his body could recover, but when he heard his son said that he wanted to help Ah Yin restore human form, the news was too exciting for him. The feelings of Tang Hao and Ah Yin are different from those of Tang San and Xiao Wu. In addition to the love that has never been reduced, there are various complex emotions. Ah Yin sacrificed to save him that year, so that his son lost his mother. Tang Hao can feel the guilt of their mother and son. Tang Hao will never hesitate if someone now tells him that he can use his life to exchange Ah Yin to reinvigorate humanoid figures.

He thought he would never see Ah Yin again in his life. Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well gave him the opportunity to communicate with Ah Yin again, which has led Tang Hao to ecstasy.

Another person tells him that he can help Ah Yin resurrect and maybe Tang Hao will remain skeptical. This is too important for him. He will not try easily without 100% confidence. He will never want Ah Yin to be harmed in any way. But this was spoken from his son, how could he not believe it? Regardless of the relationship, Tang San‘s use of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to quickly recover Ah Yin made Tang Hao deeply confident in his son’s miracle.

Similarly, after listening to Tang San, Ah Yin was also very excited. Seeing her husband’s stubble limbs, she has buried her heartache deeply in her heart. She is very clear that Tang Hao is to be able to abandon everything else However, this is the self-defeating Spirit Bone. But Ah Yin also understands that there are too many things in Tang Hao. If you can resurrect, if the arms and legs of Tang Hao can recover. All this will undoubtedly become perfect.

But is this really possible? One is the broken arm and leg, and the other is Blue Silver Emperor, which has been repaired just after 10,000 years. Can Tang San really bring them back to their peak?

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