Douluo Dalu Chapter 576: Crossing, Seagod’s Light

Chapter 576 Crossing, Seagod’s Light

After half a year, under the sea Sacred Mountain.

Shrek Seven Devils stood neatly in a row, quietly watching the white figure on the stairs leading up to the Sea God hall.

Today is the last day of the first level of the Sea God test. They didn’t leave any way out for themselves, pass through had only one chance. No matter it is Tang San or his partners, no one dares to say that he can complete the examination. Therefore, they must break through the final impact. Only in the absence of a back road can they realize their own potential to the greatest extent.

A year has passed, and the appearance of Shrek Seven Devils‘s Mental has been greatly improved. Everyone’s eyes are more firm than before.

Under tremendous pressure, they have been practicing till now, so that they have made great progress in physical, spirit power and perseverance.

A month ago, Dai Mubai finally completed the qualitative change process. With the help of god-bestowed spirit ring, it broke through the bottleneck of level 70 and reached the same level of Spirit Saint as Tang San. Others have improved to varying degrees.

Shrek Seven Devils‘s current spirit power level is:

Evil Eyes White Tiger Dai Mubai, level 71 attack system and Spirit Saint.

Big Sausage uncle Oscar, sixty-eight class food system device Spirit Emperor.

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San, seventy-six level control system and Spirit Saint.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, level 68 attack system and Spirit Emperor.

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, spirit power is unknown, physical resistance has been greatly improved.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong, sixty-nine support system device Spirit Emperor.

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing, sixty-nine agility-attack system and Spirit Emperor.

A year of hard work in Seagod’s Light has enabled each of them to grow substantially, and the spirit power improvement has been at least seven or more. This is in their level of practice. Almost impossible task.

At the same time, they also made great efforts this year and practiced almost endlessly. Nevertheless, they failed to achieve their stated goals. Except for Tang San and Dai Mubai, others still failed to break through the 70 level, achieving a qualitative leap. But even so, they believe in themselves. Definitely have the ability to complete this first test.

At this moment, it is Bai Chenxiang that is climbing on the ladder. Before Shrek Seven Devils officially began to hit the first test, Bai Chenxiang was testing her progress.

Although she has reached the level of spirit power, she has not been able to improve spirit power because she does not have spirit ring. However, the penance in these days has also made great progress in Bai Chenxiang‘s physical stress resistance. Tang San believes that once she gets her own fifth spirit ring, then. Her spirit power will also have a jump growth. As for what level he could rise to, he could not guess. But Tang San can be sure that in the past year, Bai Chenxiang has quietly worked hard, no less than seven of them. Or. Under the influence of Shrek Seven Devils, Bai Chenxiang has a completely new understanding of cultivation. She is no longer the queen lady of Speed Clan.

Fatty, what position can you say Xiangxiang can climb to?” Oscar touched and looked at Bai Chenxiang to Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun shook his head and said, “It’s hard to say. I’ve never seen her go all out to climb. However, I believe her gains this year are definitely not small. It’s not just physical and spirit power Improve. More importantly, exercise for the heart. With the experience of Seagod’s Light this year, both her and us, when facing difficulties, have a different attitude than before. No fear, no retreat, only Will conquer. “

Listening to Fatty, Oscar seemed to know him for the first time, and looked at him in surprise, “I didn’t expect it! Fatty. When did you speak so philosophically?”

Ma Hongjun‘s eyes still haven’t left the climbing ground Bai Chenxiang, and he snorted, “Don’t worship brother, brother is just a legend.”

“Legend your face. Xiangxiang is almost at the bottleneck.”

Sure enough, Bai Chenxiang has already climbed to the 57th level at this time, which is a height she has never hit before. She climbed without anyone’s help, relying solely on her own abilities. The body advanced in trembling. With each step, it has become extremely difficult.

But the Bai Chenxiang has no intention of giving up at this time. Grit your roots. The body is slightly sloping, and the body spirit power runs to the limit. The wings that appeared after the release of Spirit were folded behind, minimizing the resistance when climbing. Keep going up.

Fifty eight, fifty nine, sixty. The climbing of the third level of steps took a long time. Surrounding Bai Chenxiang is not only the golden light, but also the thick water mist. It was due to the sweat she was transpiring.

This is the last chance for impact. Bai Chenxiang is reluctant to give up easily, but her body has reached the limit. At the 60-level steps, she raises her legs again and again and lowers them.

No, I can definitely move on, even if it’s a step. Bai Chenxiang shouted desperately in his heart.

She doesn’t have a perverted talent like Shrek Seven Devils, but she has been with them these days, and her heart of Bai Chenxiang has fully received the infection of Seven Devils, especially the Mental that Tang San will never give up when under the test of god-bestowed spirit ring. Touched her deeply. It made her deeply understand how important it is for the day after tomorrow to become a truly powerful Spirit Master.

Sixty to sixty-one is just a short step, but for Bai Chenxiang, it is a breakthrough in heart. She is not strong enough, but she will never give up.

Looking at her Ma Hongjun fists below, she has unconsciously clenched, Xiangxiang, come on, you can do it, you must do it.

For the ninth time, Bai Chenxiang lifted her right leg. This time, instead of dropping down, she moved forward hard. It seems that there are countless forces pulling her behind, even if it is just a point forward, it is so difficult.

The faint blood color began to appear on the white clothes of Bai Chenxiang, which was blood exuding from the pores under the action of huge pressure. It can be seen how powerful her overdraft is, but that’s it, the raised leg of Bai Chenxiang is still moving forward. Forward …

Xiangxiang, give up.” Ma Hongjun couldn’t bear this torment anymore, and stepped forward fiercely, hissing.

“No–” Bai Chenxiang shouted loudly, a puff of blood burst out from her, and the next moment, her body finally stepped on the sixty-first level.

Bang—, the **** white figure rose like a shell. Bai Chenxiang on the sixty-one step can no longer compete with the huge pressure of Seagod’s Light. The body popped out high.

The sound of the phoenix sounded at the same time full of sadness, and the golden-red figure soared to the sky, intercepting the Swift like a broken wing in midair. Holding her tender body tightly from the sky. Uncontrollable, two lines of tears flowed down the face of Fatty. For the first time he yelled at his beloved woman.

“Stupid, why should you be so reluctant.”

Falling into the warm and generous embrace of Ma Hongjun, Bai Chenxiang‘s entire body was softened, and she could not lift a little energy, but pretty face showed a smile of release. “I, I don’t want to lag behind you too much … You also have to, come on.”

Just say this sentence, the next moment. She has passed out in the arms of Ma Hongjun.

At this moment, the direction of the Sea God hall suddenly lit up, and a line of purple light fell from the sky, shining straight on the Bai Chenxiang forehead.

The yellow dots that had originally been tested have reappeared. Under the light of that purple light, the yellow gradually became purple.

“Your persistence and your efforts are no longer limited by Yellow Rank. Lord Sea God gives you Violet Rank authority. The test has been upgraded to Violet Rank.”

Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi‘s voice came quietly. Although there was a drop of several hundred meters from the Sea God hall at the foot of the mountain, her voice seemed to be ringing in her ear.

Bai Chenxiang has been recognized by Sea God with its own persistence, and has been directly upgraded from the completion of the Yellow Rank exam to the Violet Rank exam. There have been some minor changes in spirit power. but. The specific benefits will not be shown until she gets spirit ring. At the same time, she passed the test of Violet Rank. She will not be attacked again when she crosses the circular sea, and she is also qualified to board Shanghai Sacred Mountain.

Looking at Fatty‘s distressed hold of Bai Chenxiang, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, the eyes of the five gathered together in the air. Tang San slowly raised his clenched right fist and stared at his friends. Shen Sheng shouted: “It’s our time. Little Ao. Your first, Mubai second. Zhuqing third, Fatty fourth, Rongrong fifth, my last. Let’s get started.”

Tang San‘s formation is thoughtful. Oscar is placed first because he will provide everyone with recovery Sausage. As for the required Clone Mirror Sausage, they have already been prepared in advance. And Dai Mubai is undoubtedly the one who does not need the most help. When he is pass through, Oscar can also get a certain rest, and then continue to make Sausage for everyone. And everyone’s pass through must get the help of Ning Rongrong, so Ning Rongrong is the second last. After the first few people completed the test, she resumed spirit power before conducting the test. And Tang San is the last one, because his test is the most difficult. At the same time, the continuous assistance of partners is also required. The light distance of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower of Ning Rongrong is limited. If it does not pass the test first, it is not enough to continue to assist the Tang San who needs to climb the 333 steps. Of course, there is another most important reason, that everyone also needs his two Domain support.

Oscar stretched his body hard, handed everyone a confident look, and walked to the stairs.

Little Ao, remember, you must take Clone Mirror Sausage halfway ahead of time. There must be no pause in progress. My Domain and Rongrong Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower light will always accompany you forward, come on.”

Oscar nodded hard and found a Clone Mirror Sausage and ate it. With a crackling sound of bones, Oscar‘s whole body muscles instantly expanded, and the eyes of the whole person became sharp.

Of course, what he ate was Clone Mirror Sausage from Dai Mubai blood, which was effective. He immediately released the three auxiliary skills of Dai Mubai to him without hesitation. White Tiger Barrier, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, White Tiger Devilgod Transformation .

Shrouded in strong golden light, Oscar started his climb. At the same time as he took the first step, the Ning Rongrong, which was already prepared, radiated from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower with power, agility, spirit power and defense. Four amplification skills fell on Oscar at the same time. Suddenly, his whole body golden light became more prosperous. At the same time, one blue and one white, two lights suddenly spread from the feet of Tang San and instantly enveloped himself and Oscar. Completed the most powerful amplification effect.

Oscar only felt that he had entered a blue and white light World. Without any pause, he started his own climbing.

Evil Eyes White Tiger‘s three major amplification Spirit Ability, Ning Rongrong‘s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower and four auxiliary, plus Tang San two completed the Domain of the seventh spirit ring, with so many assistance. Oscar is almost stepping up the stairs.

In the first 50 steps, he hardly spent any effort. Tang San always followed him. The closer the distance, the stronger his Domain effect. In order to give Oscar the best amplification, he did not hesitate to spend more spirit power to climb with him. However, now for Tang San, even 108 steps are nothing.

After fifty levels. The speed of Oscar dropped significantly. His pace became firm, and he continued to climb without stopping for a while. He knew that for himself, the real test would start now.

Sixty, seventy, eighty, and the next thirty steps did not have any blocking effect on him. On the 80th level. Clone Mirror Sausage has passed more than half of the three minutes. Oscar took out the second Clone Mirror Sausage and ate it.

At this point, his climbing has clearly become difficult, before every step. The body will shake slightly. But his pace was still stable, until the ninetieth step, Oscar had his first pause.

The overwhelming pressure and the blurred light around his body have made him sweat like rain. Fortunately, Blue Silver Domain continues to stimulate the vitality in his body. Slaughter God Domain brings him unparalleled strong confidence before he can continue climbing.

The crowd watching down the mountain has clenched their fists, they know. The last critical moment came. Although the steps have only the last eighteen levels, for the Oscar, these eighteen steps are more difficult than the previous ninety levels combined. Everyone silently counted the steps of the ladder for Oscar.

Ninety one, ninety two, ninety three, ninety four, ninety five, ninety six. ninety-seven. Ninety-eight, ninety-nine.

Ninety-nine steps. Oscar also stopped for the second time, and this time, he was longer than before. At the same time, he also ate the third Clone Mirror Sausage that he made. Because another three minutes passed.

The pause at the 99th step is Tang San‘s tactics for the partners. After reaching the 100th step, there will be a jump in pressure. Adjust at the 99th level first and then continue to move up to be more confident.

Tang San is standing next to Oscar. For him, coming down to this position at the two major Domain amplification will not have much pressure. Looking at the sweaty Oscar, Tang San showed him a questioning look.

Oscar didn’t dare to respond too much. Even a little more spirit power consumption may cause the final failure. He just blinked at Tang San and gave a confident look.

“Up.” Tang San sighed. Oscar finally took its 100th step.

On the 100th step, Oscar suddenly felt the pressure of a landslide and tsunami, which made him almost slip down for a firm footing. However, he managed to stabilize his shaky body. But at this moment, Oscar found out, let alone move on, even if you want to lift your leg, this simple movement can no longer be done. The situation that previously appeared on Bai Chenxiang also appeared on him. The surface of the skin has gradually become dense with blood droplets.

At this time, Tang San‘s eyes suddenly lighted up, Oscar only felt that his body suddenly turned blue, and then a huge vitality was injected into the body. At the same time, he saw Tang San The Eight Spider Lances blooming from the back, golden silk threads floated from Eight Spider Lances, covering his and Tang San‘s body. At the moment when the gold wire was on him, Oscar felt that the whole body was light. The huge pressure that made him completely unable to move forward seemed to have weakened a bit, and spirit power, which he was consuming sharply, began to get silky supplement.

This is …

Oscar looked at Tang San in surprise. This feeling he once had. It appeared when Tang San had just been promoted to Spirit Saint and showed them Domain ability. It was only then that his spirit power was drawn and devoured. At this time, it was injected by spirit power.

Tang San uses the combined skills Devouring Golden Threads of Blue Silver Domain and Eight Spider Lances to input his own spirit power into Oscar. Although the magnitude of the input cannot be large. But in this case, for Oscar, it is definitely sending charcoal in the snow.

Moreover, spirit power of Tang San is much more powerful than Oscar. The spirit power he passed to Oscar is also quite considerable.

Finally, Oscar continued to move forward, stepping into it with trembling. Each step forward, the Devouring Golden Threads attached to his body will flash. A stream of spirit power is continuously introduced into the body. It is the purest life attribute spirit power after filtering through Blue Silver Domain and Eight Spider Lances, which can be easily absorbed by any Spirit Master.

One hundred and six, one hundred and seven, finally reached the last step. Oscar took a deep breath, and at this moment, an unspeakable impression was imbued with unparalleled conviction in every corner of his body. Nothing seemed to stop him from taking this last step. Oscar‘s eyes shone like stars, exhausting all his strength and taking his last step.

One hundred and eight. Oscar finally reached the 108th level. Suddenly, the pressure receded like a tide, and he suddenly felt relaxed, as if he felt his body was about to fly, blue light, white light, those golden mists. In an instant, it receded as if snow and ice had melted. Unprecedented pleasure spreads throughout the body. A cheering sound was heard from the ears of the Oscar in the cheers of the friends down the mountain.

In the black six-pointed star pattern on his forehead, a black gas floats out and condenses into a black square light curtain in front of him. The next moment, there was a ding sound. The black light curtain instantly turned to shatter into a bit of black light and re-injected into the eyebrows of Oscar.

A kind of gigantic feeling suddenly came, Oscar just felt that the spirit power that it was consuming quickly suddenly throbbed, and a sense of power was generated from the inside out. A special voice sounded deep in his mind:

Black Rank The first test of the six exams, crossing, Seagod’s Light, passed. spirit power raises one level.

Sixty-eight to sixty-nine. The spirit power of Oscar directly leapfrogged to the height of sixty-nine.

When he wanted to say thanks to Tang San, he found that Tang San, which had converged on Domain, had returned to the foot of the mountain. He did not see that a fine layer of sweat beads also appeared on the forehead of Tang San before. Above one hundred steps, Devouring Golden Threads is Oscar amplification, which is definitely not a small consumption of Tang San.

According to the original plan, Oscar immediately sat down and began to rest, he knew. The partners also need his help. He must reply to his spirit power as soon as possible.

Back at the bottom of the mountain, the Tang San is slightly adjusted. Immediately nodded to Dai Mubai.

Tiger roar, sounded at the foot of the sea Sacred Mountain, Dai Mubai with real Evil Eyes White Tiger amplification began to climb. The same is Tang San‘s double Domain plus Ning Rongrong‘s four amplification. However, Dai Mubai looks completely different from Oscar when climbing. Because, as soon as he came up, he used his seventh Spirit Ability, White Tiger Avatar.

The white fur has black lines on it. At this time, Dai Mubai has become a huge white tiger with a length of more than five meters. Like his own body, the White Tiger Avatar he incarnate has a pair of evil eyes. Seven spirit rings circled and shone around him. Although Dai Mubai failed to obtain the tenth spirit ring from god-bestowed spirit ring like Tang San, Dai Mubai also tried its best at that time, and the seventh spirit ring obtained also had excellent quality.

At the same time as Spirit avatar is released, three successive rays of light emerge from Dai Mubai, White Tiger Barrier, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, White Tiger Devilgod Transformation , and three major amplification skills appear simultaneously. Coupled with Spirit avatar, this fourth level amplification has raised his physical strength at this time to an extremely terrifying situation. In the attack system Spirit Master of the 70th grade, the Dai Mubai at this time is definitely one of the best. The tiger is the king of beasts. Although his attack Spirit Ability is not much, but his own amplification skills account for the majority, but because of this, the attack strength of the Dai Mubai body is extremely terrible. Even if it is Tang San, he will never be willing to fight with him.

White hair has become bright golden color under the action of the three major amplification skills. On the huge White Tiger Avatar, it is full of destructive explosive spirit power. Under Tang San and Ning Rongrong‘s amplification, the Dai Mubai drilled into the Seagod’s Light as soon as possible. . Began a rapid climb.

His climbing speed is much faster than Oscar. The huge White Tiger Avatar not only did not stop in the process of climbing, but also seemed to continue to accelerate. Almost just a few breaths, Dai Mubai has already surpassed fifty steps.

Up to the position of the ninety-step, he did not pause for a moment and continued to climb upwards. The advantages of Spirit avatar are now manifested. Oscar How can the cottage version of amplification be compared with the original version of Dai Mubai?

One hundred steps, Dai Mubai was the first pause, and it was the only one in the entire pass through process. The deafening tiger howl sounded. tiger palm raises and falls firmly and steadily. The last eight steps were made in one go. There is no such stagnation as the previous Oscar.

The black light curtain spurts out from the Dai Mubai forehead. Strong black light shines. Like the Oscar, a black light curtain bursts out from the black six-pointed star on the forehead. Instantly to shatter, and then it turns into a little black light and re-integrates into the Dai Mubai forehead .

The strong golden light erupted from the whole body of Dai Mubai, White Tiger Avatar stood upright, and re-formed into a human form under the siege of golden light. Similarly, the first-level spirit power reward pushed his spirit power to level 72.

The next test is very smooth. Whether it is Zhu Zhuqing or Ma Hongjun, his physical fitness must be better than Oscar. With the help of his Clone Mirror Sausage and Big Recovery Sausage, he was accompanied by Tang San and Ning Rongrong during the entire amplification process. Both also successfully passed the test. Zhu Zhuqing broke through the bottleneck directly, and spirit power was promoted to the 70 level.

However, I do n’t know why, this time Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi did not appear with the breakthrough of Zhu Zhuqing.

Seven have passed four of them. Only the last Ning Rongrong, Tang San and Xiao Wu are left. And the first test for the Shrek Seven Devils is the most difficult to pass, it is the three of them.

Ning Rongrong‘s body is not as good as Oscar, and she has not copied the skull. Oscar‘s Clone Mirror Sausage can only play 70% of the Spirit Ability effect on her, instead of 80% like Oscar. More importantly, Ning Rongrong has to climb 136 steps to be considered pass through, not 108.

Tang San has tried the strength of the 136th step to the 133th step. The pressure will again increase by leaps and bounds. With the current strength of Ning Rongrong, it is impossible to pass.

The disadvantage of Ning Rongrong is not only the weakening effect of Clone Mirror Sausage and her relatively poor physical condition, but more importantly, her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower Spirit cannot be amplification for herself. In other words, she cannot give herself amplification. Although everyone has come up with a workaround, Oscar eats Ning Rongrong blood and uses Clone Mirror Sausage to make her amplification. But the effect is only 70% after all. This goes down. Not to mention the 136 steps, even the 108 steps cannot be completed at all.

I adjusted my breath for an entire hour. Tang San and Ning Rongrong opened their eyes at the same time, and Ning Rongrong looked at Tang San with some concern.

Tang San waved her hand without letting her continue. “We have already negotiated, haven’t we? Only if you all passed the test will I be able to fully impact. Besides, when I was in pass through, I also needed Your help. “

The Oscar saying that some strength has been restored: “Rongrong, Little San is right, just listen to him. Otherwise, you have no chance. You see, I am not jealous.”

Tang San glared at him angrily, and said, “I’m jealous of your face. I’m Rongrong like my sister.”

Ning Rongrong also glared at Oscar, “That is, if you dare to bully me in the future, let the third brother hit you.”

Oscar looked at them for a while, but of course he would not really be jealous. They all knew Tang San and Tang San. The only lover they could hold was Xiao Wu.

“Get started.” Tang San nodded to Oscar. Oscar suddenly put away the playful color on his face and took out a Clone Mirror Sausage. Ning Rongrong also took one at the same time and ate it together.

Ning Rongrong eats naturally Dai Mubai blood, and Oscar eats Ning Rongrong blood.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower appears in the palm of Oscar. His Clone Mirror Sausage cannot reproduce the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower. Ning Rongrong directly released Dai Mubai‘s three major protective bodies Spirit Ability. Go behind the Tang San.

Squat down, Tang San picks up Ning Rongrong, his eyes are full of light, double Domain is turned on, and he broke into the range of Seagod’s Light.

They have already agreed that if they want Ning Rongrong to complete this first test, they must have outside help. Tang San is undoubtedly the most suitable one. With his help, the 136 steps are no longer insurmountable for Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong lost the ability to use its own Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower as Tang San amplification because it used Clone Mirror Sausage of Oscar. It could only rest on the back of Tang San, and protected its body with the Spirit Ability effect of Dai Mubai. Her physical strength is the worst of all. In order to save some spirit power for Tang San as much as possible, she is doing her best to release the power of skills.

Tang San climbs very fast, there is no pause under your feet, and it takes almost a while to reach the place with a hundred steps. But here he stopped. Not because of himself, but because of Ning Rongrong.

Although Ning Rongrong does not lose its soul like Xiao Wu, it is more difficult to take Ning Rongrong through Seagod’s Light than Xiao Wu. Because Ning Rongrong‘s physical quality is far from the current Xiao Wu body. Tang San has clearly felt that the Ning Rongrong behind her is breathing heavily at this moment, and her sweat has soaked in the placket behind her. But that’s it, Ning Rongrong doesn’t say anything.

Although Ning Rongrong doesn’t say it, Tang San can’t help but pay attention. Although he knows that under his dual Domain and Oscar simulated Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower amplification, Ning Rongrong‘s body still cannot bear the pressure. This is the result of her training in the Seagod’s Light in the past year, which has greatly improved her own pressure resistance. Otherwise, when Tang San steps up the 100th step, it is the moment when Ning Rongrong‘s body completely collapses.

Taking a deep breath, the blue light on Tang San‘s body is very bright, and Devouring Golden Threads assisting Oscar pass through appears again, bringing Ning Rongrong with his own tight Binding.

However, compared to the auxiliary Oscar, the price of Tang San at this time is much greater. Because Ning Rongrong is lying behind him, he cannot release Eight Spider Lances. Therefore, his Devouring Golden Threads was forcibly released directly through Blue Silver Emperor and Blue Silver Domain. For its own spirit power consumption geometrical climb.

If Ning Rongrong is held in front of him, of course this will not happen, but it is impossible. Not afraid of Oscar jealousy, but because the most stressful in Seagod’s Light is positive. Therefore, Tang San can only choose to sacrifice some more spirit power to protect her.

As soon as Devouring Golden Threads appeared, Ning Rongrong‘s gasping voice suddenly became much lighter, and Tang San not only needed to use spirit power to help her withstand the positive pressure, but also to bear the load of being drawn by spirit power. You know, now he does not have the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower amplification, nor the strong body Spirit Ability of Dai Mubai. All this load must fall on myself.

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