Douluo Dalu Chapter 446: Slaughter City (on)

Chapter 446 Slaughter City (on)

Tang San stared at his father, “Dad, promise me. I don’t have a mother, and I can’t have a father.”

“You …” Tang Hao watched his son for a while and couldn’t help but stay a bit.

“If you do n’t agree with me, my body is yours, then I will accompany you to die.” Tang San The sharp edge that controls Eight Spider Lances has been attached to your own skin, even if Tang Hao is stronger, want It is also impossible to stop him from committing suicide.

Looking at the determination in his son’s eyes, Tang Hao knew that Tang San was not a joke with himself. He didn’t mean to disobey himself since childhood. But at this point, his son seemed to be completely out of control.

Tang San The face changed handsomely, more like his mother, Tang Hao became a little hazy in front of him, it seems that it is not the son but the wife that is standing in front of him.

“Dad, if your mother is still alive, you never want to see you disregard yourself. For me, and for my mother, promise me.”

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao sighed, “It seems that I’m really old and I can’t do anything. Okay. When you grow up, I’ll go to your mother’s grave to accompany her. Go Come on. “

After speaking, he walked forward without looking back.

The father’s compromise made Tang San relieved, a real smile appeared on his face, and he quickly chased after his father.

Tang Hao came to a small river before taking Tang San to the official road.

“Look at what you are now.”

Tang San a moment, what is it like now? He looked down at his body, and he didn’t have any obvious feelings, except that the muscles did not seem to stand out as before, but the coordination of the whole body became better.

Walking to the river, when Tang San saw the reflection in the river, the whole person couldn’t help it.

The skin is fairer than before, with dark blue eyes. With beautiful long dark blue hair, his handsome face with a bit of fortitude, like a knife, released the inner spirit.

“Here, is this me?” If the former Tang San was ordinary, then he is definitely a series with Dai Mubai and Oscar. Although the style is not the same. But now he will never go unnoticed as before.

“Your eyes have become bigger, more like your mother. Inheriting her bloodline, naturally also inherit the gene that she has been hiding in your body.” Tang Hao said a little bit.

Touching his smooth face, “Mom.” Tang San‘s expression softened a little. He smiled secretly in his heart. I don’t know Xiao Wu. They will not recognize him again when they see him again.

If you look carefully at Hanoi’s reflection, it’s not just his appearance that changes, but even his temperament has changed. It looks a bit more elegant and calm than before, it is a beautiful young man.

“Dad, who is your mother?” Tang San couldn’t bear the doubts in his heart and asked his father. Who is the mother? Why does the mother own Blue Silver Emperor Spirit?

Tang Hao shook his head, “I said. When you have completed all my special training, I will tell you these. Let’s go. Go where you should go.”

On the road again, Tang Hao becomes less again, Tang San can be judged from the air and the sun. He and his father have been going north. He didn’t know where to go. It just got colder.

Tang Hao still follows the wild road in the mountains, and the cold outside is not much to them.

Half-month after wind meals.

There is a small town ahead. This is the first time that Tang San has seen the town after receiving Tang Hao special training. There was a tinge of emotion in my heart.

This small town looks small, but as soon as you step in, Tang San feels that the surrounding atmosphere is a bit strange. He couldn’t say why, but always felt that there was a special chill on the people around him.

Tang Hao took Tang San to a tavern in the town and walked in.

The air in the tavern is very turbid. Tang San noticed that all the decorations here were black. Although it’s daytime outside, you can walk in here. But there was a cold and dark feeling.

At this time, about 30% of the pub was seated. Although the air was turbid, few people spoke, so it seemed very quiet.

The arrival of Tang Hao and Tang San father and son attracted a lot of attention, but most of them just glanced at them and passed away from them.

Tang Hao found a spot in the corner and sat with his son. A waiter in black and indifferent face came over.

“What’s the point?”

Tang Hao said coldly, “Give me two cups of **** Mary.”

The waiter’s face changed slightly. “Are you sure?” Glancing at the cold eyes of Tang Hao. Not afraid to say anything, turned around.

Working for a while. Two cups of turbid liquid were brought up. The liquid appears as dark red, exuding a strong fishy smell, just like blood.

Tang San frowned, but Tang Hao took a drink and drank it. Looking up at his son, “Drink it.”

Tang San hesitated a moment, slowly raised the glass, “Dad, what is this?”

Tang Hao glared at him and repeated: “Drink it.”

Tang San takes a deep breath, closes his eyes violently, and instills the liquid in the cup into his abdomen.

The liquid is a bit salty and a bit sour. The intense **** smell instantly permeated the taste and smell of Tang San.

Tang Hao looked at him, calmly: “This is a glass of human blood.”

“What?” Tang San‘s face turned pale for a moment, and the next moment, he could not help but spit it out.

The severe vomiting broke the calm in the tavern and attracted the attention of all guests. The laughter sounded.

“Where is this chick? Get home. This is not where you should be.”

“I can’t stand a cup of **** Mary, and still want to be admitted?”

“Haha, go home and ask your mother to feed.”

Various voices permeated the tavern, and those alcoholics seemed to have found a point of relief in the depression, hitting Tang San without reservation.

Spit out everything in the belly and failed to completely wipe out the **** smell. Tang San almost even vomited bile.

When he barely looked up at his father, Tang Hao raised his hand, pointed at those who were laughing at him, “kill them.”

The laughter came to an abrupt end, everyone’s eyes turned to Tang Hao strange.

Tang San did not expect that his father would give him such a request, and he felt a little hesitant.

Tang Hao Shen said: “Don’t you say you want to do the unfinished business for me? Then, just do as I say.”

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the feeling of nausea, Tang San stood up slowly.

Tang Hao‘s voice came from behind, “Be kind to your enemies is cruel to yourself. None of the people who can come here can die. Including you and me. Kill them, one is not Stay. “

Without waiting for the Tang San to start, a man closest to him has shoved fiercely, “I will kill you first.”

A sharp-pointed knife with a bull’s ear pierced from a tricky angle and took the heart position of Tang San directly. This person is obviously very experienced. The position of the knife can be drilled through the rib gap of Tang San.

The gas of killing. Is this my father’s spirit of killing? Tang San moved, he was not a kind person, being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself.

The left hand reached out like a lightning, and he slammed the sharp knife. The big man who saw the knife felt that his knife seemed to pierce the hard rock. He couldn’t move in or back.

Tang San took a step forward with his right foot, his eyes had become cold, his mouth was still filled with the **** taste, and a cold chill was released from his pupils.

Bang—, Tang San‘s shoulder hit the chest of Dahan. A layer of white light suddenly emerged from Tang San. That wasn’t for attack, but to block the blood spurting from that big Han’s mouth.

The tall and strong man was knocked out of his body, and the whole man’s chest completely collapsed. The soothing bones to shatter spread clearly in every corner of the tavern.

Tang San moved, his movements were simple and powerful.

Crystal Blue Silver Grass flew apart, spreading wildly around.

At this point, he has clearly seen that in the tavern, in addition to his father and son and waiter, there were 23 guests, one of whom was killed by himself, and 22 others.

Five of the 22 people were quickly releasing spirit power, and the remaining 17 people did not hesitate to pull out their weapons. No one escaped.

“This is the test, the test that Slaughter City gave us. Kill him, we can enter Slaughter City.” I don’t know who shouted, everyone’s eyes became red. Looked like crazy towards the Tang San.

Of the 22 people, only five are Spirit Master, and the most powerful one is just four spirit ring.

The blue atmosphere fluctuated, and along with the Blue Silver Grass that spread instantly, five spirit ring quietly appeared on Tang San.

Yellow, purple, purple, black, and black. The five spirit ring of terrifying appear silently.

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