Douluo Dalu Chapter 347: Hidden mystery, Seven gems Spirit (on)

Hidden mystery of Chapter 347, Seven Gem Spirit (Part 1)

Everyone used to rest in a corner. The results of the 11-game winning streak have made them a standing presence among the members of these participating colleges, and there will no longer be a ridicule like when the qualifier started.

Although many people looked at them all around, few people approached them.

In Spirit Master’s world, strength is the symbol of everything, and the same is true in Spirit Master Academy. Shrek Academy feels like a participating team without any characteristics.

But such a team is a headache for every opponent.

Tang San with 10000 years of spirit ring has already been the most valuable Spirit Master‘s most advantageous contender in this qualifier. So far, he has accounted for as much as half of the votes.

As long as no one beats him, he won the award without a doubt. However, it is not easy for these participants to defeat a Spirit Ancestor with a spirit ring of 10,000 years.

Shrek Academy gathered together easily, Ma Hongjun was a little bit anxious and said to Tang San: “San brother, let me play today. I don’t need the fourth Spirit Ability, okay?”

Tang San glared at him, “No. Zhuqing, today you take over from Zhu Zhu. No problem.” As everyone spends more and more time together, they are participating in more and more battles together.

The authority of Tang San in Shrek Seven Devils has subtly existed in everyone’s heart, especially four people younger than him, in addition to friendship, they have a little more respect for him.

Now, he is no less in the team than Dai Mubai, and even has it.

Zhu Zhuqing froze, “No problem.”

Oscar wondered: “Little San, this is not necessary. We did not send out Zhuqing when facing Blazing Academy. Do you need to deal with the garbage of Canghui College?”

Tang San Shen Chan said: “Canghui Academy may not be really garbage. Have you noticed their record. From Canghui Academy to the present, they have only lost three games. These three games are face-to-face. College A, Thunder College, and Shenfeng College. When facing other opponents, they have won, and they are now even above the College A in the overall ranking. Moreover, don’t forget that the Flender Dean once reminded After us, their team leader was very unusual. Now Canghui Academy has lost to Elephanta Academy, and the several powerful opponents they will face in the following matches are us, Blazing Academy and Tianshui Academy. In these three games In the game, they need to win at least two wins. In order to take the initiative to advance to the next round in their own hands. Coupled with the resentment between our two teams, I’m sure they will definitely go all out in today’s game. Go. I made Zhuqing play just to ensure our victory. “

Dai Mubai first said: “Okay, just follow the meaning of Little San. Aren’t the boys of Canghui College very arrogant? Today we let them know that they are great. It’s crazy to want to enter the promotion.”

“Hey, you are members of Shrek Academy.” As the Tang San started to arrange the game, a sudden voice interrupted him.

Everyone turned to look. Between them, a handsome young man wearing a cyan team uniform with a little appearance came together and looked at them with a smile.

Dai Mubai frowned, “Yes, we are Shrek Academy. Who are you?”

The young man smiled and said, “I’m Feng Xiaotian. Maybe you haven’t heard my name. But it doesn’t matter, we will meet in the game in the future. I’m here to encourage you. Be sure to cheer. Off To that Canghui College. “

Huh? Dai Mubai and Tang San looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

Although they haven’t seen much of the opponent’s game, they can still recognize from this guy’s outfit that this person should belong to Shenfeng Academy.

A total of 28 teams participated in the qualifier. Everyone wants to win and wants to enter the next round. They rarely interact with each other. This is the first time since the start of the game to show them their favor.

Tang San nodded and said, “We will.”

Feng Xiaotian laughed: “You are Tang San. I believe in your strength. But you have to be careful. Our college has played against Canghui College. Although their strength is average, they fight with us. At that time, I always felt that they didn’t seem to use their full strength. It seemed that they were deliberately hiding something. I was optimistic about you. At least before you met our college, you must not lose. Well, you rest, I leave first. “

This guy came fast, walked fast, and left a bunch of words that made everyone inexplicable. Quickly left. Even though everyone in Shrek Academy is smart. For a while, I didn’t figure out what Feng Xiaotian meant. He didn’t understand why he came to encourage himself.

This question is only known to Feng Xiaotian itself, after saying those words. He quickly returned to his teammates.

“Captain, what have you done?”

“I’m cheering on Shrek Academy!” Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

“Come on them? Captain, you represent our Shenfeng Academy. So many people are watching …”

Feng Xiaotian said in a grand manner: “What are you afraid of? As long as you can hold the beauty, everything else is a cloud.”

A member of Shenfeng Academy asked strangely, “What’s the relationship between cheering Shrek Academy and your beauty?”

Feng Xiaotian said: “Of course it does matter, do you forget it? Huo Wu said that as long as I beat Tang San, she will be my girlfriend. In case someone defeats Tang San before me, will she also agree to the pursuit of others What about it? So, before we meet, Shrek Academy can’t lose, this is called prevention before it happens.

“Uh …” Looking at Feng Xiaotian‘s pride, some students of Shenfeng Academy couldn’t help but contemplate …

Although the game has not yet started, the members of each academy waiting in the rest area can clearly hear the audience cheering.

What attracted the audience ’s attention most were the hot candidates who were out of line.

To make the game exciting, these teams cross each other in different rounds every day. Unless Shrek Academy faced Blazing Academy like the previous day, there will be two strong teams playing in the same round.

Tang San stood there quietly, watching Canghui College gathering in the far corner of the rest area to discuss what was going on, adjusting its breathing rhythm, and letting its Mysterious Heaven Skill inner strength run warm in its peak state.

A variety of tactics keep coming to mind, and they are all ready to fight.

I didn’t wait too long. With the end of the first two rounds, the players in the third round should play.

Shrek Academy walked out of the rest area with Canghui Academy players, both players were watching each other. Compared with the arrogance of Shrek Academy, the seven members of Canghui Academy showed a sense of sensation, and the vicious eyes flashing in their eyes seemed to eat the Shrek Academy crowd.

The seven members of Canghui Academy are all male, uniform moon white uniforms, with a restrained atmosphere. As predicted by Tang San, these opponents are not so easy to deal with.

At the same time as they entered, the Blazing Academy players who had just finished a round also came back from the playing field. Tang San didn’t notice them, but everyone in Blazing Academy set their eyes on them. Especially Huo Wu, Tang San figure was captured from Shrek student movement team at the first time.

Hey? Huo Wu moved in his heart, his face was suddenly full of anger, looked at Tang San fiercely, and his heart was bitter.

No wonder she would be angry. Their research on Shrek Academy is very thorough. Seeing that the lineup of Shrek Academy today has changed compared to yesterday. Huo Wu immediately recalls the composition of the Shrek Academy team members. This is an impressive replacement of support system Spirit Master. It ’s a Spirit Ancestor above forty, Tang San, you asshole. When you face us Blazing Academy, you are just two Spirit Ancestor, but now they are three. Are we not as good as this Canghui Academy?

The more you think about Huo Wu, the more angry you are, with a ruthless meaning in your eyes, a kick on your feet deliberately, and your shoulder goes straight to Tang San.

The players from both sides staggered. Tang San suddenly felt a strong wind hit his shoulder, almost subconsciously, and his body immediately responded.

Shoulder staggered, shoulders retracted first, letting Huo Wu bump. After Huo Wu‘s shoulder had been cast out, the old force was almost pressed against the shoulders of Huo Wu. . The power suddenly broke out at the last moment of delivery, Huo Wu suddenly exclaimed, and the whole person flew out.

Fortunately, this is just a subconscious reaction of Tang San. It is similar to Zhanyi’s eighteen moves. If she touches Tang San‘s poison Hidden Weapons, I’m afraid it won’t be so good.

Looking at her sister’s body being hit and flying, Huo Wushuang hurried to take over Huo Wu, and the Blazing Academy team stopped immediately, stopping the seven Shrek Academy players who were about to participate, glaring.

The team members of Canghui College naturally saw this scene and stopped. Not only did they look like they were gloating, but they seemed to be at odds at any time.

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