Douluo Dalu Chapter 7: Xiao Wu, do you want more? (1)

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“In other words, when obtaining spirit ring in the future, it is not necessary to obtain spirit ring with similar capabilities as much as possible, but the general direction is to be similar, so as to avoid conflicts between spirit ring and itself, which restricts its own strength. The situation has arisen. “

Speaking of which, there is a sneer on Grandmaster‘s face, “Many people think that Blue Silver Grass is a waste Spirit, but after many years of research, Blue Silver Grass also has its own role. If it is not the spirit power generated by Blue Silver Grass during awakening is too Weak, even if it becomes a Spirit Master, it is not impossible.

Tang San nodded and said: “Teacher, you are studying Grandmaster of Spirit. Since you have such a research on Blue Silver Grass, please point me.”

Grandmaster is also welcome, after all, in his eyes Tang San is just a child, and consulting him is only symbolic.

Speaking of Spirit, Grandmaster‘s emotions became obviously excited, and slowly nodded, saying: “According to my conception and comprehensive analysis of Blue Silver Grass research, I suggest that you develop in the direction of control system in the future. control system It can be said to be Spirit Master, or Tool Spirit Master, which belongs to the existence of the swing between the two. “

control system?” Tang San asked, “Teacher, what is the ability of control system?”

Grandmaster said: “The so-called control system Spirit Master refers to the use of its own Spirit to limit opponents to assist or attack. For example, take your Blue Silver Grass. Although Blue Silver Grass is inherently weak, it is not without its advantages.”

“Is Blue Silver Grass good?” After Blue Silver Grass spirit awakening, Tang San also specifically observed the natural form of this grass, but found nothing. That is, the vitality is relatively strong, and it can be seen everywhere.

Grandmaster raised his right hand and stretched out a finger, saying: “First of all, the use of Blue Silver Grass consumes very little spirit power, which is less than the consumption of food system Spirit. This determines that you can use a lot of spirit power with your own It. “

Tang San nodded, Grandmaster was right, Blue Silver Grass‘s consumption of spirit power is almost negligible when released in small amounts. If Spirit is injected, the length of Blue Silver Grass to more than ten meters will make him feel a little burden on spirit power.

Grandmaster put out a second finger again, “Secondly, Blue Silver Grass is too ordinary, so his confusion is much greater than other Spirit, especially for those ordinary Spirit Beasts with low intelligence. .Even if you summon your own Spirit beside them, they may not be found.

The third finger in the deep, “Third, Blue Silver Grass has a lot of developmental directions, because of its low end, it can develop in multiple directions, and the weakness of Blue Silver Grass itself makes him not affect any attributes. spirit ring produces exclusion. “

Spirit will also repel spirit ring?” Tang San asked in surprise.

Grandmaster said: “Of course. If the Spirit and spirit ring properties are equal and you want to attach spirit ring to Spirit, there will be a rejection phenomenon. For example, it is difficult to attach the toxic spirit ring to Beast Spirit. Although Spirit is an energy body However, in a sense, it is also a living body, which is another manifestation of the host ’s life. If a poison spirit ring is imposed, I am afraid that I will be poisoned first. Few in Beast Spirit can absorb the toxin itself and not pass it on to Host. But Blue Silver Grass is different. It is a plant and weak. It is not difficult to absorb toxins. “

Speaking, he extended his fourth finger again, “On you, there is a fourth advantage, that is, spirit power is innate. The main reason why we did not have a strong Blue Silver Grass Spirit Master in Douluo Continent That is, the spirit power that can be attached to the host after Blue Silver Grass spirit awakening is too small. The innate Spirit Power is proportional to the speed of the day after tomorrow. The born spirit power is too weak, it is difficult to practice to a higher level. In the later stage of the training, it is even more difficult to hunt Spirit Beast. Do it. But you are different. You are born with spirit power. No matter whether this spirit power is brought to you by Blue Silver Grass or another hammer Spirit, it will not affect your use of it on Blue Silver Grass. Therefore, practicing Blue Silver Grass is never for you Suffer. “

Tang San secretly admired it. It is worthy of being called Grandmaster. It is right to choose to worship him as a teacher. A Blue Silver Grass so ordinary can add so many advantages to his analysis. It can be seen how deeply his research on Spirit. Those teachers said that such an advanced Spirit researcher is just a weird man of theoretical flow, which is simply funny.

Grandmaster‘s mood is obviously a little excited, and he continued: “After my careful research, it is most beneficial for Blue Silver Grass Spirit to develop towards control system. The grass is soft and can be controlled into various forms at will. The simplest is to be Use it as a rope to bind the enemy. “

Tang San said: “But Blue Silver Grass is so fragile, it will break once you earn it. How can you stay trapped?”

Grandmaster said: “This is the direction of development. Moving towards control system, your choice of spirit ring will focus on two aspects, first being tough. The other is poison. With the increase of spirit power, Spirit will also become It is getting stronger and stronger. When you inject more spirit power into Blue Silver Grass, it will be much tougher than Blue Silver Grass in nature. With the additional effect of spirit ring in the future, it is not difficult to trap the enemy. If Blue Silver Grass comes with With the toxin effect, it can naturally have an offensive effect. “

Tang San is now fully understood, limiting the enemy, with poison. If Blue Silver Grass can really do it, then Hidden Weapons will not be a moving target, but a fixed target.

Of course, all of this must be based on his understanding of the relationship between spirit power, spirit ring and his Mysterious Heaven Skill. After all, his so-called innate full spirit power was brought through Mysterious Heaven Skill practice. Not from spirit awakening.

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