NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 597: … I confessed to Meijia

The affection lasted for a while.

In the end, Chiaki just hugged Mika and didn’t do more.

She has a sense of scale. It’s not a good thing to go over the line as soon as you come up. You have to take it slowly.

Just as Seiji opened his harem, he still took his time. With time to appreciate, there are still choices.

“Qianqiu … we should be wrong, right?” Mei Jia said weakly.

Even if Haruji really doesn’t mind, there is still something wrong.

“It’s true to say yes or no, but it’s just like drinking to a minor.” Chiaki smiled.

Underage drinking … Mei Jia silent. I think this analogy is quite subtle. I want to vomit but I don’t know how to vomit.

“Just relax. If you feel embarrassed, let me tell him.”

“I didn’t mean that …”

“You are too serious, Meijia.” Qian Qiu said, “Conscientiousness is an advantage, but if you are too serious, sometimes it will be sad.”

“… I think casualness like you is also a big problem.”

“Who makes me a casual girl, hey ~”

“Don’t‘ Ahem ’anymore!” Mei Jia uttered.

“Change to” Ah “from now on.”

“You’re Enough!” Xiaomei Meow waved her claws, causing zero damage to the target.

Chiaki grinned.

“Next time we have a bar, we can do more fun when we are drunk.”


“You can also drink with Haruji and complain to him.”

After hearing the words, Meijia is silent again.

“He will bear it. You can be more willful, don’t care so much … even if it’s” wrong “? Will he hate you because of such a degree?”

Of course not.

Meika knows he won’t, but …

“Instead of‘ wrong ’, he wants to know our true mood, so I do n’t really need to think too much.” Chiaki said.

Mejia’s eyes blink.

Chen Qiu has understood the meaning of doing all this.

The unhappiness caused by Haruji’s appointment with the chairman is gone.


Haruji and Xiao Lingyang play games, operate cute luoli to jump up and down, shoot viscous liquid everywhere with a water gun, and face off fiercely.

Watching Kagura poems and drinking tea quietly.

This scene is the same as usual, calm and cozy.

After the fierce battle, the orange skirt luoli operated by Xiao Lingyang defeated the blue skirt luoli operated by Qing Division by a slight difference and won.

The little girl shouted with joy and raised her face proudly.

Haruji smiled at the cute performance of the other party.

“It was a good fight, but then I’m going to be serious, hum …” He said deliberately in a villain tone.

“They won’t lose!” Xiao Lingyang was full of fighting spirit.

Start a new round immediately.

Haruji has done everything, operate the blue luoli to quickly cut the path, take the lead from a tricky angle, and spray the liquid toward the orange luoli!

Surprisingly, Xiao Lingyang hastily manipulated her character to evade and counterattack.

“Too naive!”

Qingji operated the blue luoli to pick up the nearby props to transform the water gun, ejecting a liquid ball that would bounce, and further suppress the target with superb shooting skills!

Orange luoli is continually contaminated by the thick liquid, screaming again and again.

“Brother is too much! Stop for a while !!!” Xiao Lingyang had to operate the character to escape.

“Hahaha, begging for nothing!” Haruhi put on an evil look.

The orange luoli desperately escapes on the screen. The blue luoli chases after him, over a series of obstacles, and staged a thrilling pursuit.

The door was knocked.

Kagura put down the tea cup and opened the door.

Meika and Chiaki entered the house and saw Hariji and Lingyang playing hard.

“You can’t escape, obediently spray me!”

“Don’t! People won’t surrender!” Ling Yang resisted to the end.

“Well drowned completely by my jet, ah ha ha ha” Haruhi issued a classic three-segment smile on the villain’s face.

The blue luoli gets precious props, raises the water gun to the highest level, and turns into a huge water cannon to spray a lot of mucus!

Meiga and Chiaki: “………”

The two looked at each other, then approached the boy one by one, and grabbed his hands together!

“Ah? Why …” Haruhi was surprised.

“Sister Lihua, take advantage now!”

Xiao Lingyang immediately realized that he operated the orange luoli and ran out of the shelter. He accelerated and slammed the blue luoli into the air.

“Ahhh my cannon !!!”

Haruji wants to operate, but his hand is firmly grasped and he cannot move.

The orange luoli points the captured muzzle at the blue luoli, pulls the trigger, and the mucus immediately gushes out, flooding the latter!

Seeing that his character was defeated, Haruji screamed in pain.

That’s it. Evil is defeated again, and justice wins!

“This is cheating! This game is not counted.” Seiji protested solemnly.

“It’s not cheating. We are partners of justice.” Chiaki and Meijia gave a high five with Xiao Lingyang happily.

“This is not justice! This is despicable bullying less!”

“No, this is noble teamwork, justice is not mean!”

“Abominable … evil is immortal, I will make a comeback!”

The fierce battle continues, and soon the luolis begin to spray mucus again on the screen.

Everyone is playing the game with joy, and time is passing.

Xiao Shi went back to the room after taking a bath. Ling Yang went to take a bath.

There are three Seiji in the living room.

“How about a date with the president?” Qian Qiu asked casually.

“Very pleasant,” Haruji replied.

“Where did I go to play?”

“Emperor Amusement Park.”

“Amusement park? A little unexpected.”

Qian Qiu said while playing, the operation is not slow at all, just like ordinary chat.

Meika drinks tea quietly, as if she were drinking tea in the ordinary way.

But Seiji felt a change in the atmosphere.

“Just say what you want, Chiaki.” After a chat, he said calmly.

“… OK.”

Qian Qiu’s expression became serious.

“Actually … I confessed to Mega,” she said in a deep voice.

“Uh?” Haruji nodded.

“While Meijia accepted me, we confirmed each other’s love.”

“Ha?” Haruji made a silly voice.

“I’m sorry for you, but we found out that the other person is really in love, so we decided to break up with you.”

“………” Qing Si was dumbfounded.

click. I heard the sound of taking pictures on my phone.

He looked subconsciously and saw Mei Jia.

The girl with two ponytails raised her phone and took a few dumb expressions of the teenager in succession, and nodded in satisfaction.

“Above, if I told you seriously, what would you do?” Chiaki finally asked, and then finally couldn’t hold it, and laughed suddenly.

Hearing the laughter of the men’s beauty, Haruji still stayed for two seconds before reacting.

“Really …” He sighed.

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