Emperor’s Domination Chapter 3841: Reaction of Biandu Aristocratic Family

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Li Qiye They actually settled down on Zu Feng, building a house and building, and suddenly caused an uproar in Black Wood Cliff.

Many of the cultivator powerhouses are startled and even startled.

“Is this kid crazy?” The older generation of even if was also surprised, and said, “It’s tired of living to forcibly occupy the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family.”

Everyone at Black Wood Cliff knows that Black Wood Cliff is the world of Biandu Aristocratic Family. Zu Feng is of great significance to Biandu Aristocratic Family, and even to some extent is a glory of representative to their ancestors.

While Biandu Aristocratic Family does not send any disciples to guard on weekdays, everyone in Black Wood Cliff knows that this ancestral peak is the Biandu Aristocratic Family industry. Anyone who wants to touch this ancestral peak is tired of living .

Since billion years, there have been many bold people who also want to occupy the mountain as the king and want to occupy this mountain peak, but the final outcome is conceivable, and the end is all without exception.

“I don’t know thing of the sky is high the earth is deep, even dared to occupy the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family, suspected of not die fast enough.” After the younger generation knew this, they couldn’t help sneer and said, “Look how he died, until then , I’m afraid he can’t survive, he can’t. “

Biandu Aristocratic Family means that many cultivator strong players in Black Wood Cliff are very clear and dare to fight against Biandu Aristocratic Family. There is absolutely no good end and they can get a good end. Then already is the best end and how much is Biandu Aristocratic Family. Is n’t it a dead place? How many Aristocratic Family Sect was finally destroyed by Biandu Aristocratic Family.

Now Li Qiye dare to occupy the ancestor peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family, that is just a fierce pumping of Biandu Aristocratic Family and an slap on the face. That is a naked challenge to Biandu Aristocratic Family. If such a thing happens, Biandu Aristocratic Family will stop, maybe Li Qiye will be broken. Duan, want to put Li Qiye down.

“This kid doesn’t look like a fool. What kind of confidence does he have to dare to challenge Biandu Aristocratic Family in Black Wood Cliff.” There are also Large Sect Old Ancestor can not help but groan, although they do not know what happened to Buddhist Emperor Plain, but what happened on Observe the Heaven Ceremony Everything makes some Large Sect Old Ancestor think Li Qiye is extraordinary.

Especially when the crystal ball collapsed, it made some Large Sect Old Ancestor feel that Li Qiye was extraordinary. They all realized that it wasn’t the Raptors but the river.

But in Black Wood Cliff, why is Biandu Aristocratic Family a mess? How many foreign powerhouses, and how many important people, can not compete with Biandu Aristocratic Family after coming to Black Wood Cliff.

Li Qiye is now forcibly occupying the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family. This is a direct rip off from Biandu Aristocratic Family. Such behavior is simply a declaration of war against Biandu Aristocratic Family.

Any strong person, especially a foreign one, must declare own to declare war on Biandu Aristocratic Family, otherwise, it must be a place where there is no burial body.

So, a lot of Large Sect Old Ancestor can’t understand, even if Li Qiye has an extraordinary history, what kind of confidence does he have to go against Biandu Aristocratic Family? You know, in this Black Wood Cliff, even if Golden Pestle Dynasty can’t help Biandu Aristocratic Family.

“So dominate cultivation, maybe, he may be the arrogant man of Great Divine Shaman.” After a younger generation heard this news, they couldn’t help but guess.

However, this kind of speculation has not been recognized by many people. A younger genius sneered and said, “Li Qiye is the pride of heaven? What a joke, if he is the pride of heaven, then Young Master Biandu is What, Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, what is Correct One Young Master in a distant place? Compared with them, Li Qiye is not worth mentioning at all, what qualifications does he have for the day. “

“It’s true, if Li Qiye is really the pride of the sky, I’m afraid that Great Divine Shaman already said it at that time.” Another young cultivator said concisely: “But Great Divine Shaman said nothing at that day, Great Divine Shaman said Observe the Heaven Ceremony It is for the pride of the sky. If Li Qiye is the true pride of the sky, why is Great Divine Shaman silent? I think there must be something wrong in it, Li Qiye must not be the pride of the sky. “

Li Qiye occupies the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family. For a moment, the entire Black Wood Cliff is boiling.

Under such circumstances, Biandu Aristocratic Family couldn’t sit still, and immediately sent a team to Zoufeng.

Biandu Aristocratic Family can’t sit still, that’s what everyone expected, you know, in Black Wood Cliff, it is the world of Biandu Aristocratic Family.

If Li Qiye now occupies the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family and Biandu Aristocratic Family is silent, the status of Biandu Aristocratic Family in Black Wood Cliff will be greatly challenged, which will also undermine the authority of Biandu Aristocratic Family in Black Wood Cliff.

The man with the mighty team is the steward of Biandu Aristocratic Family.

It stands to reason that a powerful and ancient Aristocratic Family such as Biandu Aristocratic Family should not have such a vulgar butler position as an ordinary upstart.

However, Biandu Aristocratic Family has such a position, and the housekeeper of Biandu Aristocratic Family has not been a disciple of Biandu Aristocratic Family, but a foreigner.

Simply put, the steward of Biandu Aristocratic Family is just a person who misleads him. If he has any hard work or dirty work, he will lead someone to do it. If something happens, then he will also bring misfortune. .

Certainly, Biandu Aristocratic Family is such a powerful Ancient Aristocratic Family that no one can be a steward. Now the Biandu Aristocratic Family steward, when he has not joined Biandu Aristocratic Family, he is a well-known powerhouse in Black Wood Cliff and already.

“I watched it lively.” Seeing Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s butler ascending to the ancestral peak with such a mighty team, many of Black Wood Cliff‘s cultivator strong are also excited.

A lot of people are busy boarding Zufeng and everyone wants to take a look at the fun.

A younger generation even came up and said sneerly: “Dare to occupy the ancestor peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family, what do you think of looks at surnamed Li? Maybe it will be skinned and cramped by the Biandu Aristocratic Family housekeeper, and it will be terrible to die.”

For a while, the crowd swarmed, all rushing to Biandu Aristocratic Family.

On Zu Feng, Li Qiye Squat next to the dead wood and peel off the layers of bark of the dead wood. already Decaying, it seems to be torn apart.

But this is not the case. Even the bark that looks very rotten is still so hard that most people really can’t peel it.

The bark is rotten, and Li Qiye is not too dirty. One layer by one, one piece of one piece of stripped the rotten old skin. He looked very serious. His appearance seemed to be carving a perfect artwork.

Of course, Yang Ling thinks that Young Master should not be used to do this kind of dirty work. I wanted to help Li Qiye, but Li Qiye shook his head, smiled, and said, “This is not something you can do. Carelessly, It won’t have a chance. “

Yang Ling doesn’t know what the “opportunity” is in the mouth of Li Qiye, but seeing that Li Qiye is so rare, she doesn’t dare to do it easily, so as not to break the Li Qiye’s event, she squatted beside and carefully looks at Li Qiye’s every move Want to learn thing.

Just as Li Qiye carefully stripped the old skin of the rotten wood, Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s housekeeper already came up with a team of mighty.

After this team, there are still many cultivator strong players who watch the liveliness. Among these cultivator strong players who are Black Wood Cliff, most of them want to see how ugly Li Qiye is, and even want to see Li Qiye is How terribly dead in the hands of Biandu Aristocratic Family.

For Li Qiye, most of them look like they are gloating.

“You are Li Qiye, right?” Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s housekeeper climbed to Zufeng, and both eyes swept away. Seeing that there was such a house palace on this mountain, he suddenly looked unsightly.

Here is the ancestral peak of Biandu Aristocratic Family. It ’s groundbreaking to build a house palace. It ’s a shame for Biandu Aristocratic Family. If you do n’t flatten these house palaces and plead Li Qiye, then, He could not return to Main House explain/justify, nor could he be a housekeeper.

However, Li Qiye squatted before the rotten wood, didn’t even look at them, and shouldn’t say a word. He was still peeling the rotten old skin seriously, his hands were covered with dirty mud.

Li Qiye ignored the steward of Biandu Aristocratic Family, so that the cultivator strong man who followed to watch the scene could not help but blankly look at each other, someone whispered and said, “This is too big, this is not the Biandu Aristocratic Family steward In the eyes. “

“If he will take Biandu Aristocratic Family in his eyes, he will not build palace houses on Zufeng.” There is also a strong older generation said in a deep voice.

The steward of Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s face changed greatly. Before he became a steward of Biandu Aristocratic Family, he was well-known on Black Wood Cliff for already. He also got the important people on the table. How many people respect him in Black Wood Cliff?

After he became the housekeeper of Biandu Aristocratic Family, then there is no need to say more. The power is in his hands. He decides how many things in Black Wood Cliff.

It can be said, who disrespects him at Black Wood Cliff?

Today, an outsider like Li Qiye is so indifferent to him, so proud and proud, that is to scan his face countenance and make his face dull.

Li Qiye, you quickly demolished the palace house here, and with your own hands, walked with me to Biandu Aristocratic Family.” Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s housekeeper said to Li Qiye in a deep voice.

The attitude of Biandu Aristocratic Family‘s housekeeper is already polite enough. If he is not polite, let’s say nothing, first take someone to take down Li Qiye and then say, as to whether Li Qiye was injured or disabled, it depends on his mood.

Now that he speaks so politely, it’s also because he representative writes Biandu Aristocratic Family and shows the metrics of own.

However, Li Qiye still didn’t respond to his words. He didn’t even look at him. He kept his eyes on the rotten wood and kept his hands still. He peeled old skin intently.

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