Emperor’s Domination Chapter 3229: Source of dark(ness)

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For Emperor Xi, Li Qiye just smiled, shook his head gently, and said, “I do n’t dare to take credit completely. He really hides deeply. Without this thing, it is not easy to find him. . “

Speaking, smiling, took out the ancient small box of Fire Ancestor and handed it to Emperor Sui.

This is left by ancient small box Correct Fire Ancestor. He secretly hid the unicorn’s nails and hair. Correct has these things, which makes it easier for Li Qiye to show the unicorn’s hiding place.

“This child has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. He has the idea of ​​own in his heart.” looks at, ancient small box, even if Emperor Nong, both said sighing gently.

No matter what Fire Ancestor did, however, the fact that he was fallen cannot be changed. How many First Ancestors have died in his hands.

“Let it pass, let it fade away.” Emperor Sui sighed slightly, the flame in his hand bounced, and finally “pond” a resonate sound, when the flames passed, this ancient small box was burned to ashes instantly. Feng Piao/breeze scattered.

“War is so cruel.” Emperor Xi looks at flying ash with Feng Piao/breeze, feeling, said: “Fortunately 3 Immortals World is unique, otherwise, I am afraid that the consequences are unthinkable.”

“We also have inescapable responsibilities for all kinds of karma.” Emperor Nong also said seriously.

“Yes, if it weren’t for our low-handedness, there wouldn’t be so many things.” Emperor Xi couldn’t help laughing, cheerful and calm, and everything went with it.

“Human live in the world, there must be some frustration, or what are you still doing alive? It would be better to be a rock.” Emperor Sui also smiled nod, said.

Li Qiye smiled and said, “These words make sense, live, just to toss, not toss, isn’t it walking dead, what’s the point.”

Three Immortals also couldn’t help laughing, and raised his palm with a big laugh, saying, “daoist brother and us are really the same people, the same people.”

“However, compared to daoist brother, we are still far behind.” Emperor Xi shook his head gently and said, “I was tossed back that year, we were all afraid of own. Didn’t we see that we were back to 3 Immortals World? It’s over. “

“At that end, it’s not easy to come back alive.” Li Qiye‘s eyes were deep, and he looked at the distant place slowly. “Since Eternal, there are very few people who can come back alive.”

“Ashamed.” Emperor Sui smiled bitterly and said: “The end of the battle, daoist brother and various predecessors can not be compared with daoist brother, we are really fighting against each other. We are just making tricks and playing tricks. Little clever, in the end, we own also retreat from difficulties. Some things, just do not know the inside story of descendants exaggerated words, ashamed, ashamed. “

Three Immortals, those who came back alive from the final battle that year, and their expedition, they were much earlier than Li Qiye.

Old Thief Heaven, let others play with cleverness.” Li Qiye smiled. He is a person who has been to that place. Of course, he knows that there is no such thing as a clever battle.

“Ashamed.” Emperor Xi said with a smile: “In comparison, we still have a sense of self-knowledge, so we fled back dimly, and to put it plainly, we also suffered a lot of bitterness and shame.”

What kind of exist(ence) is Three Immortals? In others, already is exist(ence) of Supreme. In the eyes of the world, how can Three Immortals be defeated? Of course, for Three Immortals and their own, it is also very frank, even if they own personally said the defeat of the year, they are also laughing and talking, very frankly speaking out.

Although Three Immortals was a coincidence, and as their own said, they returned to 3 Immortals World in disgrace, but imagine that since ancient times, they can come back alive in that place, then already is a thing of ancient Wushuang/matchless Already.

already is a feat, Eternal Wushuang/matchless.” Li Qiye is still very much appreciated.

“That’s all in the past, so strong and not brave.” Emperor Nong said: “After that, we also know that own is completely out of play, not as good as daoist brother, still fighting intent high, and still have the confidence to fight again, The strength of Dao Heart, we are not as good. “

“Yes.” Emperor Xi praised: “Since we came back, we have died of this heart, and we have no thoughts. We are in this nest, we will not go out anymore, and we will be there until now.”

When it comes to the past, it will be Emperor Xi and they will face it frankly, but also some sighing, Emperor Xi said: “We are Old Man, and my heart has fallen.”

“Fortunately, I’m only eighteen years old.” Li Qiye said with a smile: “Young, a blood, I have to toss, or else there is no room for energy.”

Three Immortals can’t help laughing, of course, compared to Three Immortals, they are own, Li Qiye’s is indeed young.

However, today’s Li Qiye Grand Dao is stronger than already, which is far superior to them, and Wen Yida is the first, so they call Li Qiye a daoist brother, which is a matter of course.

Tzzzzzzzzz …” At this moment, in the stars, a very thin dark(ness) appeared. This dark(ness) was so thin that it could not be seen with the naked eye. I didn’t know where it came from.

Don’t underestimate such a thin and thin dark(ness). When it comes out, you immediately hear the sound of “Tzzzzzzzzz“. The terrible dark(ness) strength pollutes the stars instantly.

The stars are shining beautiful light, each light is so pure, so wonderful, perfect.

But at this moment, most of the stars were instantly polluted, and every tiny stardust in the stars emitted a wisp of dark(ness).

The terrible dark(ness) expands instantly, and the terrible shadow envelopes the world at once!

“Here it is again.” Seeing that dark(ness) immediately polluted the star, Emperor Sui both eyes was cold, and a terrible light bloomed instantly. Under the eyes of Emperor Sui, First Ancestor trembled.

In this moment, Emperor Sui instantly take action, I saw him pull out a hand, Qing Yan poured down instantly, flooding the entire star instantly.

Between electrical spark light, the sound of “Tzzzzzzzzz” ​​was heard, and all dark(ness)s were burned to ashes all at once. When it had not yet reached the climate, they were burned by the green flames of Emperor Sui. Clean up.

Emperor Sui‘s Qingyan does not seem to have the power of heaven frightening to move the ground. However, it is one of the most terrifying fire seed in the world. Even if First Ancestor is coated with a little spark, it will be burned to ashes instantly.

In the voice of “Tzzzzzzzzz“, all the dark(ness)s in the star are suddenly burned to vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, leaving nothing at all. At this time, Emperor Sui only got big hand, and once again collected Qingyan.

After Qing Yan retracted, the star is still so beautiful, the light is still beating, it is still so pure, so starry, perfect.

At this time, Li Qiye stared at the star and instantly stared at the star. Under the eyes of Li Qiye’s, you can see a very small crack in the deepest part of the star. This small crack is as small as hair.

It can be said that in such a huge star, such a small crack can be said to be ignored, but it is such a small crack that is ancient and eternal. It is like an eternal sky mark. It can never be obliterated, no matter what means you use, no matter what magic method, you can’t obliterate it, it is still exist(ence).

“This is Acquired tear open.” Li Qiye looks at then one crack, can not help but say

As soon as this is said, the Emperor Xi‘s three of them looked a little embarrassed, and they all laughed and said, “Yes, we ripped it apart.”

“Curious, kills the cat.” Li Qiye smiled and said.

Emperor Xi The three of them couldn’t help but smile a bitterly, Emperor Nong shook his head and said, “It’s not just killing a cat, it’s almost killing the entire world. We are struggling to cope with this long time, and that’s deserved. “

“You need this very much.” Li Qiye smiled, holding something in her arms.

Holding in your arms, the light is shining, like holding Three Thousand Worlds in your arms, this is Three Immortals Tree!

Three Immortals Tree.” thing and Emperor Sui held by looks at Li Qiye were all attracted at once, and their eyes fell on this Three Immortals Tree.

“Finally back.” exist(ence) such as Emperor Xi, seeing the Three Immortals Tree held by Li Qiye, couldn’t help but be impressed, and couldn’t help but be moved, and said, “How many long years.”

“Yes, I’m back.” looks at Three Immortals Tree, Emperor Nong couldn’t help but touch it.

“Yes, I’m back.” Li Qiye also smiled and said slowly: “This good thing, I think, its value should be difficult to estimate.”

Li Qiye In this case, the three of Emperor Xi can’t help looking at each other, they all look at me, you look at me.

Finally, it is Emperor Nong. After all, Emperor Nong dealt with Li Qiye in the beginning. Emperor Nong smiled bitterly and said, “Can I say, do we have any choice?”

“No.” Li Qiye shook his head with a smile and said, “If there is, it is not needed.”

“So, there is no choice.” Emperor Xi also laughed and said, “Daoist Brother Li opens, we only need this Three Immortals Tree.”

“This, I really have to think about it, think about it.” Li Qiye smiled, could not help but touch his chin, a large lion looks like a mouth.

As for the Emperor Xi three of them, they can only smile bitterly. They can only wait for the Li Qiye Lion to open their mouths. Now even if Li Qiye extorts them severely. They can only accept all the requirements of Li Qiye’s with obediently.

At this moment, for Emperor Xi, they are the fish on the cutting board. As they say, they have no choice unless they don’t need Three Immortals Tree.

If they do n’t need Three Immortals Tree, they do n’t need to wait until today.

In other words, they may not need Three Immortals Tree, but 3 Immortals World requires Three Immortals Tree, so they have no choice!

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