Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2979: Heavenly Moat

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After Three Eyes God Child left, Li Qiye walked slowly on Heavenly Moat, step by step on the wide stone road.

Heavenly Moat, to be simpler, is the Great Wall of Immortal Lineage World, one straddles the walls in trillion.

The size of Heavenly Moat is unimaginable. If you say that when you stand on the wall of Heavenly Moat and look down, white clouds flutters, white clouds is half-waist of the wall, and white clouds is at your feet.

So, if you stand up and look down from Heavenly Moat, the entire Great Wall is not only stretched in trillion, but it is also unattainable, go straight to Vault of Heaven, cut off the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that starting from Heavenly Moat, Immortal Lineage World was separated from the outer space. The entire Heavenly Moat in trillion is like protecting the entire Immortal Lineage World.

This tall and long city wall is called Heavenly Moat, which is no exaggeration.

This long and tall Heavenly Moat is built on the Distant Wasteland ground of Immortal Lineage World. Distant Wasteland earth, this already is the most edge place of Immortal Lineage World, this is the place that is the closest to Waixu.

Distant Wasteland earth vast is boundless. Its field is larger than any Dao Lineage of Immortal Lineage World. It can even be said that the tens of Dao Lineage land of Immortal Lineage World are not as good as vast of Distant Wasteland earth.

The land of Distant Wasteland is relatively poor compared to the major Dao Lineage of Immortal Lineage World, but on this land of vast, there are heroes from all over the world and Eight Desolate.

Of course, for those who gather or settle in the land of Distant Wasteland, there are various reasons for them to come here. Some people are hiding from their enemies, some are Ominous Person who fled here, and some seniors will live in seclusion here.

Compared with the major Dao Lineages of Immortal Lineage World, the Distant Wasteland earth has an advantage, that is, it does not belong to any Dao Lineage jurisdiction, and there are no restrictions like the major Dao Lineage.

Of course, in such a wasteland, Correct lacks all kinds of jurisdiction, which makes weak meat strong and strong food. The highest rule here is who’s fist is big, who is strong, who is the rule.

Although the wasteland is still in a relatively chaotic state, in Heavenly Moat, it is well-organized, no matter how fierce and wicked, or how powerful a hegemon, whether in Heavenly Moat or Heaven Grand Mountain Pass, neither Dare to make trouble.

Because the entire Heavenly Moat and Heaven Grand Mountain Pass are under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Moat legion, and the Heavenly Moat legion is one of the most powerful legions of Immortal Lineage World today, not to mention, the Heaven Grand Mountain Pass guard is also the person in charge of the Heavenly Moat legion, Tai Yinxi, and its strength deep and unmeasurable People.

So, no matter who you are, if you want to make trouble in Heavenly Moat or Heaven Grand Mountain Pass, you must first weigh the strength of own.

Li Qiye is walking on top of Heavenly Moat. Above the city wall, it is extremely wide. Even if you have dozens of carriages running side by side, it will have no effect at all and will not be crowded at all.

The side of such a huge wall looks like a square, and it can still grow the square in hundred quintillion.

Li Qiye walks slowly, step by step. If you say that at the speed of Li Qiye’s, even if Heavenly Moat is as long as hundred quintillion, he can finish it in an instant.

However, Li Qiye is now walking step by step, walking like a mortal, and when he is walking, he gently taps the rocks under his feet.

Heavenly Moat, so tall and so long, everyone really can’t tell what kind of material Heavenly Moat is built from.

The materials used to build Heavenly Moat look like rocks, light gray, and white in gray. Each one piece of rock is rough. It seems to be cut directly from the stone mountain and then moved over. tamps is built here and is not carved.

This is the material. Each one piece of rock is very huge. In some places, the one piece of rock is hundreds of kilometers, even thousands of kilometers.

This is the big handiwork. It seems that someone directly split the one rock mountain range, cut the tree to remove the mud, and then built the stone embryo thousands of miles directly here.

The sound of “咚, 咚, 起” sounded. As Li Qiye walked step by step, his pace was pounding the rocks under his feet, and Heavenly Moat under his feet.

Li Qiye This is not just Heavenly Moat under measurement, but also pondering the entire Heavenly Moat architecture.

“It’s not as simple as a rock.” As Li Qiye goes further and further, slowly, he has an outline of the entire Heavenly Moat architecture.

The building materials used by Heavenly Moat look like rocks, but they are not real rocks.

This huge one piece of block built the entire Heavenly Moat. It does n’t know when it was built, how much wind and rain it experienced, how much time it experienced, but it still stands perfectly in this between Heaven and Earth Become Immortal Lineage World‘s hardest protective shield.

It’s such a miracle that this is not what ordinary rock can cast.

With Li Qiye‘s step-by-step exploration, it is found that the materials used to build Heavenly Moat are very complex. Some rocks can be explored by Li Qiye. It was directly sacrificed from the entire stars. A huge stars was refined into one piece of Miles long, direct tampered here.

Some of the rocks turned out to be the rare bones of Peerless, such as the bones of giant dragon, ancient beast divine bone, etc., and were smelted into rocks. tamps was built here.

Moreover, this is not just the sacrifice of the bones of giant dragon and ancient beast divine bone into rocks, and then tamps is built here. It also sealed giant dragon, strength of ancient beast and exist(ence) into this rock, making such one piece of Rock has such a powerful strength of giant dragon, ancient beast.

Some rocks are made from the entire treasure sacrifice. They are extremely powerful divine metal. This divine metal is used to cast weapons, which is extremely precious.

However, in the ancient times, take action sacrificed the entire mine, sacrifice it into rocks, and finally tamps was built here.


In short, every one piece of rock is not a simple rock. It is no exaggeration to say that if the one piece of rock of Heavenly Moat is dug back, it can be used as treasure.

But if you want to dig back the rock of Heavenly Moat, that is impossible.

Because the whole Heavenly Moat is integrated, it is not as simple as building one piece of block rock tamps here. It is the overall trend as a framework. Finally, it is built with one piece of block rock tamps and finally built. The entire Heavenly Moat.

It can be said that the entire Heavenly Moat is integrated with the land of Distant Wasteland and cannot be shaken.

On top of this Heavenly Moat, don’t say that it is the strength of the general strong. Even in the strength of True Emperor, it is difficult to shake it. If you want to break Heavenly Moat, it is impossible.

“A big handiwork.” Li Qiye walked on top of Heavenly Moat. In the end, I couldn’t help but sigh. I couldn’t help distantly feeling the Heavenly Moat in the long trillion, saying, “Even if it is really a Heavenly Moat built by a fairy. That is also a long time. Those who can build this Heavenly Moat are really amazing, not comparable to those of the First Ancestor generation. “

There is no doubt that miracles like Heavenly Moat cannot be built by ordinary people, nor can they be built by ordinary Dao Lineage or ordinary cultivator.

The entire Heavenly Moat and trillion are the best. If you want to build it, you must move the mountains and seas, and reach out and smelt sun and moon stars into rocks to build such a Heavenly Moat.

However, for the entire Immortal Lineage World, no one knows from what era Dao Celestial 堑 was built. In short, when creature was present in memory of everyone, Heavenly Moat was exist(ence) here, it seems that it It was here at the beginning of heaven and earth.

Although there is no detailed record of Heavenly Moat, some stories have been circulated. Since billion years, no one has broken Heavenly Moat.

“Being prepared, 3 Immortals World, is fortunate to have such Virtuous Predecessor, such ancestors, how many disasters and annihilations 3 Immortals World has escaped.” Li Qiye couldn’t help but say, “3 Immortals World can do it once Once again to escape the calamity, this is not occasional, but under the protection of ancient matchless ancestor. “

It can be said that the entire 3 Immortals World is a huge fortress, and all the creatures living in 3 Immortals World do not know that own lives in such a safest fortress.

3 Immortals World is a huge fortress. In addition to its unique Innate advantage, it is also inseparable from the matchless ancestor shelter of 3 Immortals World.

Unfortunately, things like Nine Worlds, like 13 Continents, and epoch in the past are not so lucky, because Nine Worlds is good, 13 Continents is fine, that’s a is released world, unlike 3 Immortals World.

Heavenly Moat is huge. However, what ordinary people ca n’t know is that under Heavenly Moat, there is a more powerful strength. This kind of strength condenses the whole trend and supports this giant Heavenly Moat.

This kind of strength is more powerful and effective than Heavenly Moat itself. If there is an invasion of foreign enemies, it is not enough to break Heavenly Moat. It must also crush the powerful and unmatched strength underground.

Li Qiye smiled a little, he wanted to test this powerful and unmatched strength, which became a general miracle.

At this time, Li Qiye’s‘s body gradually became transparent, as if it was about to melt. As Li Qiye’s‘s body became more and more transparent, he began to integrate into Heavenly Moat.

As Li Qiye integrates more and more, his body sinks slowly, sinking to the deepest part of Heavenly Moat underground.

A loud sound of “啵 “, when the body of Li Qiye’s was immersed deep enough, the general trend of underground strength also felt the invasion of Li Qiye’s.

Among the 啵 9 loud sound, Whole World‘s invincible strength rebounded instantly, bounced Li Qiye from Heavenly Moat.

very powerful strength.” was popped up by strength under the general trend, Li Qiye could not help but sigh.

If Li Qiye is really playing, Whole World can pop him strength, it is very difficult to find.

This strength, not to mention True Emperor, even if and First Ancestor in general, cannot be compared with it.

It is conceivable that those who build Heavenly Moat are heaven frightening.

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