Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2787: Back

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At this moment, Shenqiao has passed Knowledge Sea, and there is a tendency to cross the other side, which can shock Old Man‘s heart. At this moment, he has a feeling of picking clouds. Here, Suddenly, he saw the hope of breaking the road.

This already is a shackle that has troubled him for many years, but at this moment, Li Qiye is amazing, making him feel like waking up from a dream.

This feeling makes Old Man really shocking. Looking at the entire Immortal Demon Dao Lineage, on the Grand Dao of Longevity Old Man, who can be more mysterious than [comprehend/comprehension], and who can be more proficient in it than him.

However, Li Qiye now breaks the delusion in his mind in one way. There is no doubt that this is not only the creation of Li Qiye on Grand Dao far above him, but also the opinions of Longevity Old Man Supreme Grand Dao, Far above him.

This is an incredible thing for the in the world people. In the eyes of the world, it is difficult for anyone to surpass him in the entire Immortal Demon Dao Lineage and even the entire Immortal Lineage World. Now this ordinary youngster is nothing. The doubt is beyond him.

“Thank you for pointing me to “, Old Man is busy kneels to Li Qiye.

However, at this time, Li Qiye already closed her eyes, motionless, and seemed to fall asleep again, Guo Jiahui did not dare to speak, and silently carrying Li Qiye began to go down the mountain.

Old Man worshiped again and again to the Li Qiye’s back, and watched the Li Qiye’s back far away until it disappeared.

When Guo Jiahui went away with Li Qiye behind, Old Man took a deep breath and returned to the corner of Immortal Demon Grotto. Sitting down there, in a blink of an eye, he settled down, as if it turned into a statue. same.

At this time, Immortal Demon Grotto has restored the calmness of the past. It seems that it has not changed the slightest since ancient times, and it seems that nothing has happened.

Spring is coming and winter is coming Sacred Mountain Under the trees already The buds sprout, and the hibernating birds and beasts are also one after another Stepped out of the hole for food.

At the foot of Sacred Mountain, a wooden house was built there. Zhao Zhihui lived here to listen to cultivate. In these days, she progressed very fast, especially in the quiet state of mind. [comprehend/comprehension] practice has an immediate effect. .

After these days, Zhao Zhiting appears to be more mature. There is a kind of mature charm permeating between the gods, and the whole person has an settles down Aura.

As in the past, Zhao Zhiting gets up early in the morning to look at Sacred Mountain, looking up along the stone road, looks at stone road, waiting for the appearance of Guo Jiahui.

Although the Guo Jiahui hasn’t appeared all the time, like a mud cow entering the sea, there is no sound.

However, Zhao Zhiting will be waiting here every day, every day will look around, looks at this one sheep intestine trail, waiting for Guo Jiahui to return.

Although Guo Jiahui has never returned, she is convinced that Guo Jiahui will definitely return. With Li Qiye, Guo Jiahui will never happen, so she is very firm in her heart.

This is not because she has confidence in Guo Jiahui, but also because she has confidence in Li Qiye. Even if Li Qiye is sleeping, it will not cause any accidents to Guo Jiahui.

Today, Zhao Zhiting looks at the sheep intestine as before, she had no hope, but at this moment, at the end of the trail, a familiar and unfamiliar shadow appeared along the sheep intestine. Come slowly.

At first, Zhao Zhiting thought that own was dazzled, rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and when looking again, the person on the stone road already got closer and closer.

“It’s their Zhao Zhiting can’t help but feel shocked and suddenly stunned.

Although Zhao Zhiting has always believed that Guo Jiahui and Li Qiye will definitely return and they will return safely, but when Guo Jiahui and Li Qiye true gentle and mild returned safely, this really did shock her heart. For her, it was too much surprise.

“You are finally back ” When Zhao Zhiting came back from the surprise, carrying Li Qiye’s Guo Jiahui already was getting closer and closer to her.

Under the ecstasy, Zhao Zhiting could not help but rushed forward, Zhang big hand arm, hugged them tightly, wept with joy, and said with surprise: “You finally came back, and finally came back.”

Senior Sister Guo Jiahui couldn’t help but be moved, holding Zhao Zhiting tightly.

All the hardships and hardships, but when she returned to the mountain, Zhao Zhiting still remembered them and was waiting for them, in exchange for others, I was afraid that they would have long forgotten them.

Unconsciously, no matter whether it is Zhao Zhiting or Guo Jiahui, the corners of the eyes are not wet.

“Okay, just wash and comb, it smells bad.” Just when Guo Jiahui and Zhao Zhiting Senior and Junior Sisters were embracing each other, a cold voice sounded, and both of them woke up.

The awakened Guo Jiahui and Zhao Zhiting are now separated, Zhao Zhiting is not looks at Li Qiye, and at this time, Li Qiye is still asleep, so I didn’t bother them anymore.

Guo Jiahui shook his head at Zhao Zhiting because their Young Master acted, which they couldn’t guess and they couldn’t figure it out.

“You really grow up.” Finally, Zhao Zhiting retracted his gaze and looked at Guo Jiahui. At first glance, Guo Jiahui seemed to be a different person. At this time, Guo Jiahui gave a feeling of calmness, and gave People have a sense of long-term storm, a little unforgettable charm.

Undoubtedly, this long period of tempering really made Guo Jiahui reborn.

In Hushan Sect, like the calm of the past, hanger-on disciple is practised as in the past.

Since Guo Jiahui left, already has passed a long time. Today, up and down Hushan Sect, I am afraid that no one remembers Guo Jiahui in already, everyone is afraid that Guo Jiahui climbed Sacred Mountain.

As for the Sect elders of Hushan Sect, I am afraid that Guo Jiahui already died on Sacred Mountain. After all, even these elders can’t board Sacred Mountain. If they climb Sacred Mountain forcibly, they will be crushed into blood fog, not to mention Guo Jiahui. Ordinary disciples?

Today, when many disciples are practicing on the school ground in front of the mountain gate, they see two people coming slowly down the mountain.

In the beginning, some disciples could not help but stumbled. Some disciples took a closer look and couldn’t help but say with surprise: “So, isn’t that Senior Sister Zhao? She’s back from retreat?”

Many disciples at Hushan Sect know that Zhao Zhiting is secluded practice under Sacred Mountain.

“Well, is that Junior Sister Guo? Is it really Junior Sister Guo?” A closer look at the older Senior Brother revealed that Guo Jiahui, who was traveling with Zhao Zhiting, was both familiar and strange.

“Yes, it’s really Junior Sister Guo .” Finally, as Zhao Zhiting and Guo Jiahui entered the gate, as a disciple of Senior Brother, big shout could not help it.

As soon as this word came out, all the disciples couldn’t believe it. A pair of eyes opened wide, looks at Guo Jiahui, and then looks at with Li Qiye behind them. It was indeed Guo Jiahui.

“This, this, this, this is incredible. .” For a moment, all the disciples were shocked. They couldn’t help taking a breath and said muttering, “Actually, someone could come back alive from Sacred Mountain . “

“This, this is a miracle, this, can this come back alive from the Sacred Mountain, is it really on the Sacred Mountain?” Some disciples could not help but be shocked.

This is incredible and impossible for all the disciples of Hushan Sect. Even their elders and Sect Master cannot board Sacred Mountain and cannot return from Sacred Mountain alive. However, Guo Jiahui as an ordinary disciple , Actually returned from Sacred Mountain cases.

“Come back, Guo Senior Sister is back, is returned from Sacred Mountain“. The news that Guo Jiahui returned from Sacred Mountain swept the entire Hushan Sect like a storm.

“What, come back, come back from Sacred Mountain?” Hearing such a message, not only Master of Guo Jiahui, elders of even if Hushan Sect, Sect Master were frightened.

They all thought that Guo Jiahui already died on Sacred Mountain. After so long, Guo Jiahui came back. This is simply incredible.

“This, this, is this a miracle?” even if Hushan Sect‘s Sect Master Chen Weizheng heard this news, and couldn’t help but be shocked in their hearts. What these older generations couldn’t do, was actually done by an ordinary disciple.

After Zhao Zhiting and Guo Jiahui returned to their residence, they were busy again. Guo Jiahui was busy cleaning up own so as not to be rejected by Li Qiye again.

The Zhao Zhiting is very considerate in serving the Li Qiye.

Just after they were all busy, they hadn’t had time to talk, and Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun came.

“Congratulations to Junior Sister, return from Sacred Mountain, congratulations.” Li Jiankun congratulates Guo Jiahui bowing the body for Guo Jiahui, this is indeed something worthy of admiration.

“Thank you Senior Brother.” Guo Jiahui in return. At this time, Guo Jiahui has undergone great changes and has an unforgettable temperament. This makes Li Jiankun, Big Senior Brother, unable to let it go.

Sect Master, the elders, they summoned Junior Sister.” At this time Li Jiankun sent to Guo Jiahui to pass on the news.

Guo Jiahui and Zhao Zhiting Senior and Junior Sisters could not help but glance at each other, Zhao Zhiting ordered nod, Guo Jiahui said softly: “I’m going to see Elder Sect Master.”

“Push me.” Just then, the faint voice of Li Qiye sounded.

Li Qiye’s‘s words suddenly sounded. This surprised the Li Jiankun next to him and couldn’t help looking at Li Qiye.

On the same day, when they found Li Qiye’s, Li Qiye just blinked. He didn’t know that Li Qiye could speak.

Junior Sister, this, this …” Li Jiankun all opened their mouths, wondering what to say.

“It’s our Young Master.” Guo Jiahui and Zhao Zhiting prepared wheelchairs for Li Qiye.

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