Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2775: A hesitant choice

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“Poor.” Some disciples muttered when they heard Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun.

“It’s a pitiful guy. I’m afraid he fell here. already has been around for a long time. No one is looking for it. Maybe there is no family but just alone.” Seeing Li Qiye’s, some disciples shook their heads. .

“If you can survive, already has become a miracle.” Some disciples also said, “They have all become vegetative, but they have not died yet. It seems that the spirit medicine pill herb growing here saved him. Drinking medicine lotion , Breathe, let him survive. “

Hearing this disciple ’s speculation, many disciples have ordered nod, and it makes sense. After all, a mortal fell here and became an immovable vegetative. It ’s really alive. The reason is that there are too many precious medicinal ingredient growing here. He drinks the dew of spirit medicine pill herb every day and **** Spirit Qi of spirit medicine pill herb, which made him live.

Otherwise, such a mortal would fall down and lie here for so long, even if the beast does not eat him, he will starve to death.

“How about him?” At this moment, a disciple muttered, and such one sentence came out.

As soon as this remark came out, the young disciples present were all looking at me, and I see you, most of them have no experience and have no better idea for a while.

“Otherwise, take him back to Sect, and please respect them.” Some disciples suggested.

Another disciple immediately said, “Who told him to go back? In the event of a delay, who delays the matter, who will take care of him?”

All the young disciples can’t help but be silent at once. Although their Hushan Sect is not a big Sect, but for each young disciple, they are a cultivator, regardless of whether cultivation is high or low. In the presence of mortals, they will consider themselves superior.

If you let them like cultivator to take care of a mortal person, who wants to do such a thing?

Bring him back. If he has a family member or their master has a good solution, that’s fine. In case their master decides who will take him back, he will take care of him. Big trouble?

Let a cultivator disciple like them take care of such a mortal, and it is even possible to take care of him for decades. This is something they are not willing to do.

“Otherwise, leave him here, regardless of his life or death.” Some disciples muttered, “Anyway, he is not our Hushan Sect disciple, and he and us have left him here for no reason. That ’s it, let him live on his own. It ’s not us who killed him because own fell against Correct.

At this point, this disciple finally made up such a sentence for peace of mind.

For a while, all the Hushan Sect disciples present were not blankly look at each other. This is not a denial. After all, this mortal and they are not to have what to relate.

“This is not good. Throw him here, I’m afraid he will be eaten by the beast soon.” Li Qiye, a disciple looks at lying quietly there, said a little unbearably, whispering.

“Don’t leave him here, could it be that really took him back? What if I have to take care of him all the time? Who will bear such a responsibility.” Some older disciples said in a deep voice.

Speaking out, everyone is silent. No disciple is willing to take care of such a mortal.

After all, for them, they still have to work hard for practice, and they also have to ask questions, they can’t waste precious time on such a non-professional mortal.

“Kill him.” Finally, Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun said quietly.

All the Hushan Sect disciples present at the “kill him ” were taken aback, and some disciples said softly, “This is not appropriate.”

In fact, as disciples of Hushan Sect, some of them have killed others, but all of them killed their opponents.

However, if they are told to kill such a vegetative that can’t move, it seems to be wrong. After all, they still can’t do such a thing.

“If you do n’t kill him, leave him here, and that ’s also suffering. Leave him here, sooner or later, he will die. Rather than being bitten by thousands of mosquitoes and beasts, give him a sword and let him Sudden death, this gave him at least a happy moment. “Li Jiankun is Big Senior Brother after all, more scenes have been seen, it is even more cold to say such words.

For a while, all the Hushan Sect disciples present were not blankly look at each other, and everyone couldn’t help being silent. Although they dare not agree with the words Li Jiankun, such words as Li Jiankun are not unreasonable.

Instead of letting Li Qiye suffer here, one sword can give him a lot of joy, anyway, he is dead all the way, and one sword gives him a lot of joy, for a vegetative like him, it is a relief.

“Since everyone has no opinions, kill him.” Seeing all the Hushan Sect disciples present were silent, Li Jiankun looked away and said quietly.

All the Hushan Sect disciples couldn’t help looking at each other, and finally they were silent. After all, no one wants to take the trouble.

When all the disciples of Hushan Sect were silent, Li Jiankun slowly pulled out the own sword and cold light throughput.

Senior Brother, I, I, I take care of him.” Just when Li Jiankun pulled his sword to kill Li Qiye’s, a weak voice sounded among the disciples of Hushan Sect, and he was not very confident, but still said: ” I, I, I will carry him back to Sect and see if he can be rescued. I, I will take care of him.

After hearing this, Hushan Sect‘s disciples all looked at her. She was speaking of a female disciple. She was very handsome and somewhat unconfident in her expressions, but her pair of clear and godly elegant eyes But it showed a firm light.

Junior Sister Guo ” heard this female disciple say that Senior Sister next to her could not help but pull her gently.

Because of all Senior Brother Senior Sister looks at, this female disciple also had some lack of confidence, and could not help lowering small head in a hurry.

Junior Sister Guo, this is not good.” Immediately, there was another Senior Brother beside him, whispering: “After all, he and you are not relatives and you can’t do this.”

This female disciple is called Guo Jiahui, but is a disciple of Hushan Sect. to join Hushan Sect has been around for many years. Innate Talent can only be said to be okay. The performance of Hushan Sect‘s disciples is also average. It is often overlooked.

Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun immediately looked at her and said quietly, “Are you sure? If you take him back, I’m afraid you will always take care of him. After all, if that day, you throw him out and let him If it is self-sustaining, this is not only for you, it is not good for our Sect‘s reputation. “

“If you don’t have this determination, it’s better not to.” Finally, Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun still advised such a sentence.

At this time, all Senior Brother Senior Sister are looking at Guo Jiahui. Everyone thinks that this is really not a good thing. After all, no one wants to wait for such a mortal, and it is still a vegetative.

Junior Sister, let’s say goodbye. He and you are not relatives. If you really take him back, don’t talk about other gossips and other gossips. You just have to take care of him, I’m afraid It is also a waste of your time. In the future, you need more time to practice. You cannot waste the precious time of own on such a mortal person. “There is Senior Sister besides Guo Jiahui.

“Yeah, Junior Sister Guo, there is no need for this, it will cause you a lot of trouble.” There are also Senior Brother kindly advised, “If you don’t have the heart to watch, just leave first, after you leave, Senior Brother Do it again. “

Junior Sister Guo, this really needs think carefully. This may waste you for decades. In case he can live, then you should not take care of him all the time?” Every Senior Brother Senior Sister one after another talked to persuade.

Under the persuasion of the public Senior Brother Senior Sister, Guo Jiahui could not help hesitating, and her heart was shaken. What she said about Senior Brother Senior Sister was not unreasonable, not to mention that she and the man in front of her were indeed unrelated and unreasonable.

When Guo Jiahui was hesitating in her heart, she couldn’t help looking at Li Qiye. Li Qiye’s‘s face was still dirty and covered with a lot of mud, but when she saw the lines of that face, she could not help but a person appeared in her heart. There was a kind of Intimacy.

“I, I, I decided.” Finally, Guo Jiahui gritted his teeth and said, “I, I would take care of him.”

When Guo Jiahui said such a word, he couldn’t help but take a long breath.

Junior Sister is still too kind.” Seeing Guo Jiahui made such a decision at the end, the other Senior Brother Senior Sister only shook their heads and stopped blocking, after all, their already persuaded enough.

Everyone knows that once such a vegetative is brought back, it will become a burden on Guo Jiahui. At that time, I am afraid that Guo Jiahui will not be in its infancy.

“Since Junior Sister Guo has such a kind heart, I will not say anything more.” Li Jiankun retracted the sword, nod said, “But after that, he will be your responsibility.”

“I, I know.” After Guo Jiahui decided, it no longer regretted it, and was busy helping Li Qiye.

Several other disciples who have a good relationship with Guo Jiahui came forward to help and helped Li Qiye lying on the ground.

“Our mission is completed this time, let’s go back.” Finally Big Senior Brother Li Jiankun took a look at all the disciples and took the lead to return to Sect.

Other disciples are keeping up with one after another, Guo Jiahui is walking behind with Li Qiye, and occasionally other colleagues take action can help.

Although other fellow apprenticess made such a decision on Guo Jiahui without shaking their heads by one after another, some people were surprised, but Guo Jiahui didn’t say a word and didn’t explain. They just followed everyone along Li Qiye and kept silent.

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