Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 297: Dad is the emperor?

Zhao Yanyan and Chen Wei’er knew about Ye Xiaoxiao before, but Xia, Yu Ting and Xu didn’t know. Xia and Yu Ting are nothing, because after all, they did n’t know Ye Xiaoxiao before, but Xu Yun was shocked. Ye Xiaoxiao is a teacher of No. 4 Middle School. She knew it. She did n’t expect that I would give her the teacher … Know how many beautiful ignorant girls have fallen under my clutches.

“Auntie, what is your relationship with your father? Ah?Little Ye Zi people are Little Ghost (Xiaogui). I just saw that my father and some of the beautiful aunts here are not in a good relationship.

The question Zhao Yanyan is a bit depressed! There seems to be a feeling of being raped by someone else’s child! Obviously he is the original match! your mother Mom is the third party involved! However, Zhao Yanyan can’t take care of these with children. She was not a careful person, so she had to explain: “What is the relationship between your mother mom and your father, and what is the relationship between us and your father!”

Chen Wei’er They heard Zhao Yanyan‘s explanation and couldn’t help but smile, this description is really funny!

Ah?” ​​Little Ye Zi apparently didn’t turn around: “Mom and Dad and I belong to the same family, then the aunts are also from our family?”

“You can understand that …” Zhao Yanyan nodded. This kind of thing, she is really not good at telling the children more, is it because they are all my wife?

“That’s not right. I call mommy mommy, but what do you guys call me?” Little Ye Zi scratched his head, and couldn’t figure it out.

Um, then we are your mother, you have to call me aunt!” Zhao Yanyan thought for a while, pouting and laughing.

“Aunt?” Little Ye Zi hasn’t responded yet. Chen Wei’er also rushed to speak.

Little Ye Zi, I’m your third mother!” Chen Wei’er said.

Wei’er elder sister, looks like I’m the third child, right?” Xia quit.

“The bed time will prevail!” Chen Wei’er said.

“We were like that before!” Xia said vaguely.

“Okay, I said two people, with a child present, can you not be so complicated?” Zhao Yanyan saw the two talk more and more outrageous.

Chen Wei’er and Xia just made a joke. The private relationship between the two is still very good.

“Then I’m you … Um, three, four, five, six, seven …” Xia counted his fingers for a long time. Only dejected: “I am your eighth mother!” This still does not count the results of those Celebrity, it seems that he is the last one!

Ah?Little Ye Zi is so inexplicable, why are so many moms suddenly coming out! After thinking about it for a long time, I finally understood the holiday, and asked weakly, “Aunt … ah no, that aunt, third mother … Are you all dad’s wives?”

Zhao Yanyan nodded, this kind of thing is useless to hide the child, he will know sooner or later. I’m just afraid he will become hostile to these people in the future!

“Is Dad the emperor?” Little Ye Zi is really amazing.

Zhao Yanyan are a few, I don’t understand why Little Ye Zi said so.

“What does this have to do with the emperor?” Yu Ting was strange.

“On TV, only the emperor has a lot of wives!” Little Ye Zi said naively.

Zhao Yanyan looked at each other. But I don’t know how to explain it. Fortunately, Xia ’s response is faster: “Your dad is a business emperor, and he can be regarded as an emperor!”

Little Ye Zi apparently couldn’t tell what a business emperor was, and nodded as if he didn’t understand.

At this time, Ye Xiaoxiao and I also resolved the previous misunderstanding! When Ye Xiaoxiao and I talked about Wang Xindie, I realized why she was so vigilant to me. It was because of this!

At the same time I was relieved, I couldn’t help feeling ashamed of Wang Xindie’s boyfriend! Take the child away, leave the child’s mother, do not know what he thinks! Can a child be happy without motherhood in the future?

“Maybe the tigress in his house is too powerful?” I shook my head with a smile.

“What do you mean. Are you not afraid of Zhao Yanyan?” Ye Xiaoxiao looked at me with a slight flushing on her face, after all, this question related to her future status at home.

“Afraid. Of course I’m afraid!” I said naturally: “It’s because I love her that I’m afraid of her. Also, I care about you, but Zhao Yanyan and my other women, although they occasionally Be jealous. But in the general direction, they can take care of the overall situation. They also know my situation. As long as I love each other equally.

Bo Bi, they get along very well. “On the one hand, I’m thinking. On the other hand, I also want to give Ye Xiaoxiao a shot in advance from the side so that she won’t be jealous.

“You thought I would fight Ah? with the students, I don’t feel ashamed! Do you think I don’t know what you mean?” Ye Xiaoxiao glared at me and said, “I have Little Ye Zi, and I’m fine as you! “

“Hey, what would I do without me! Haven’t you thought about it?” I smirked.

“What do you think?” Ye Xiaoxiao intuitively told her that it was definitely not a good thing.

“The long night is long, naturally I miss men!” Between me and Ye Xiaoxiao, it seems to have regained the former feeling.

“Hum! So many wives, you are not afraid of exhaustion!” Although Ye Xiaoxiao and my children were born, I ca n’t help but feel a little shy about this issue! After all, she and I only went to bed once!

“Hey, it’s not your husband bragging. At that time you can ask Yanyan them, neither of them is my opponent …”

“Okay, don’t say it! In public, you actually say such things!” Ye Xiaoxiao interrupted me: “Well, I’m your teacher too! It’s so shameless, it seems you have never considered me Your teacher! “

“Who said it wasn’t taken!” I said in my heart, this life is hard to say, but at least I have treated you as a teacher in my life! “I have written a review for you!”

It ’s okay to mention it. As soon as you mention the review book, Ye Xiaoxiao gets angry. What kind of review book is that! It’s almost like vaguely love letter! I like you, you like me too, let’s be friends … How does this look like a review book!

“You’re also called a review book? love letter, right?” Ye Xiaoxiao poked.

“How do you know!” I said loudly: “I haven’t written love letter to others, you are the first!”

“Then you mean I should be happiness right?” Ye Xiaoxiao looked at me, expressionless.

“Yes, that’s right!” I nodded.

“Go and die!” Ye Xiaoxiao patted my hands.

“What should I do if Little Ye Zi is dead?” I scratched palm of Ye Xiaoxiao.

“…” Ye Xiaoxiao had to glared.

Seeing Little Ye Zi and Zhao Yanyan, Ye Xiaoxiao is helpless. It seems that the love of Little Ye Zi will be indispensable in the future, but again, Little Ye Zi will spend less time with yourself! Listening to Little Ye Zi‘s “aunt” and “mother” for a while, Ye Xiaoxiao knew that Little Ye Zi had a few more moms that hurt him!

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help shaking my head.

I looked at Ye Xiaoxiao‘s expression and guessed what she was thinking, so I said, “Xiaoxiao, isn’t it good to have so many people love Little Ye Zi? You have to go to class, it is better than leaving him alone at home. Is it strong? “

Ye Xiaoxiao thought about what I said and thought it made sense, so I was relieved.

Every one of us has finished eating, and we really ca n’t eat any more. I had bought a few ice creams in order to make love with Ye Xiaoxiao, and I wondered, why is this thing called sundae?

After eating ice cream, I’m really full. Seeing the customers standing next to Hu Yan waiting for the seats, I can’t be too shameless, there is no way, I discussed with Ye Xiaoxiao and went out with Zhao Yanyan them KFC.

Xiaoxiao, come back with us?” I looked at the super **** of Ye Xiaoxiao, and my thoughts began to come into my mind. I didn’t expect that the breast of Ye Xiaoxiao was bigger than before!

To be honest, I thought about Ye Xiaoxiao when I was in school, and I had a lot of alcohol after going to bed unknowingly. I couldn’t recall it afterwards. So in a sense, I haven’t really touched her yet!

“Where do you look!” Ye Xiaoxiao stiffened me: “Stare at me on the first day of school, don’t think I don’t know!”

I’m sweating, looking at the mocking eyes of Zhao Yanyan, I’m a bit embarrassed. But the embarrassment is instantaneous. My cheek is not thick now: “I know you know! I never do voyeurism!”

Ye Xiaoxiao was stunned by my phrase “I know you know”, and later wanted to understand what I was talking about.

“Although I don’t live at school, I rent a house near the school. If I move away, it will be inconvenient to go to school.” Ye Xiaoxiao said.

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