Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 212: [People caught it]

How to say that Li Xiangdong is Young Master of Feifan. Soon I found a vacant room in the basement at Feifan Hotel and put the fierce Thug(s) in.

A pot of cold water splashed down, and the fierce Thug(s) suddenly sobered up and shouted, “Fuck, I want to die! Pour water on Lao Tzu!” But soon he figured out the situation, and found that own was completely affected People tied up.

I saw that the Thug(s) was awake, so I asked, “Which gang are you from?”

“Why tell you?” The fierce Thug(s) is not afraid of boiling water.

“Fuck, do you want to say?” Li Xiangdong was anxious, and went up and gave the Thug(s) a punch.

“I don’t know.” Then Thug(s) said an angry look at Li Xiangdong.

I know that if people like him don’t give him a little color, he won’t tell the truth. So I looked around and found that there was a steel bar on the window sill not far away, and I just copied it and went to Thug(s).

“You … what are you doing?” Sure enough, Thug(s) was a little scared.

“Last chance, you still say or not!” I have nothing to say to him. At this time, if this guy lingers for a few more hours, every Su Yingzi family would give Rape!

“I …” The Thug(s) is obviously also hesitant. He usually traverses and has not been caught for interrogation. Therefore, he has no idea for a while. If he behaves weakly at this time, the other party It is very likely that you think you are weak and incompetent!

The sound of “” ​​is very crisp. As the steel bar in my hand fell, the Thug(s)‘s legs were instantly knocked by me! Before making this move, I had a series of struggles in my heart! Before, it was because of my intolerance and softness that I made every cat and dog bully me! Although I have put a heavy hand on several of my enemies, this is the first time to put a heavy hand on an insignificant person!

The scream of Thug(s) was a little palpitated even after listening to Li Xiangdong. What Li Xiangdong thinks about is to teach this Thug(s) meal, but I didn’t expect that I would break the Thug(s) leg as soon as I came up. Still legs!

I ignored the screams of Thug(s), raised the steel bar again and said, “Don’t think that I dare not kill you. Even if a group of Thug(s)s like you are dead, the police will not question you! “

This is true! Rush between Gangster occurs almost every day, and casualties are almost every day! But an industry has its rules! The underworld is the same, and also has his hidden rules! The dead are also resolved internally. Few people have heard that the vengeance between Gangster will go to the police to solve it!

The police are also happy. One of these Gangster members has died. As long as the dead are not ordinary people, few people usually go to ask! People in triad societies should know that when they come out, they will have to pay back sooner or later, so when they see a triad member dying on the street, such cases are generally only affected by if not. They are filed in triads.

I do n’t know if Thug(s) ca n’t stand the pain in the legs or agree with what I said. I was afraid he would kill him on the spot. He hesitated immediately like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

“Brother, please … don’t kill me, I’ll say it all … isn’t it OK to say it all! It’s not a big deal, it’s just a woman who teases a woman. Even if she is caught by the police, she will be detained a few times at most. God, you guys are so cruel, you want to kill me … “The Thug(s) complained.

“Did you and I delay the time? I tell you, if my friend has a three-pronged or two-pronged one, it won’t be so easy if you want to die!” I said fiercely.

Then Thug(s) shivered and continued: “Brother, I said … I’m just a little leader of Black Tiger Gang, the others are my men, some of my brothers look at that Little Girl … It’s yours My friend is on time, I just want to do it. I did n’t expect to run into you … ”

Black Tiger Gang?” I was sunburned, wasn’t this the gang that Huang Youwei had found to deal with Su Family? It seems that this guy is really just a little boss in the gang. He doesn’t know that the person they are going to catch is Miss Qianjin of Su Family … But it’s not good! If those people had brought Su Yingzi back to the headquarters just now, Bao Qiqi would definitely know Su Yingzi in the headquarters! So it’s troublesome!

“Where is your headquarters?” I asked quickly, thinking of this.

“Our headquarters is …” Then Thug(s) hesitated, looked at the steel bars in my hand, or said, “Our headquarters is in the old repair factory in the new district!”

“Look for someone to look at him first!” I said to Li Xiangdong, “Do you know what he said?”

Li Xiangdong nodded and told me the address. Of course, I did n’t plan to go with him. The new area is very far from here. It will take a long time if I take a car. If I use Teleport, I can save a lot of time. Even if the Thug(s)s that hold Su Yingzi go first, it is better than I can’t arrive long.

Li Xiangdong, this **** has to go with me, and this guy actually hanged up to find the bodyguards in his home. This hero has a chance to save the beauty

Dong Meng’s dream, how can he let it go!

But I don’t talk to him too much, just go if you like. Anyway, go their own way. After Li Xiangdong got together, I came to the door of the abandoned car repair factory.


Besides the two Thug(s)s, I saw that the own boss was beaten. Obviously, neither of them is an opponent of the youngster. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the thirty-six counts!

Also, she didn’t forget to take care of Su Yingzi, so she covered her mouth with a handkerchief. Su Yingzi had been anesthetized before waiting for help.

To say that these Thug(s) methods are despicable, in fact, it is no wonder that they are only peripheral members of Black Tiger Gang. Compared with those formal triads, they are not influential, so all mean means are used.

The two Thug(s)s thought about it at the time. If this girl is so watery, if you can dedicate her to the boss of Black Tiger Gang, then their future will be bright. Black Tiger Gang boss Zhang Dahu is lascivious. This is The secrets everyone knows! If a junior in the gang wants to be in the top position, just send a woman to Zhang Dahu, of course, the premise must be beautiful! Then this little sister-in-law will soon become the boss!

So these two Thug(s)s don’t bother much anymore, they stopped a Taxi and ran to the headquarters. The Taxi driver originally saw two men pulling a girl who seemed to be asleep and wanted to speak, but when they heard that the two men said they were going to the repair plant in the new district, they closed their mouths immediately!

Where is the repair plant in the new district? Anyone who knows about renting out is the headquarters of Black Tiger Gang, one of the big gangs of City S! And look at the looks of these two people, both are fierce and evil, one of them has a tattoo on his neck! The taxi driver knows that these two guys must be triads. Where can they dare to be bothersome and just look forward to sending these two guys away early!

When the Black Tiger Gang military division heard that the two younger brothers came to a beautiful girl, they hurriedly made two notifications and immediately hurried to inform the boss. Everyone jealously patted the shoulders of the two people, enviously: “Your brother is going to develop this time! But our boss Zhang hasn’t touched the new product for two days. If Zhang is happy, maybe you will be rewarded. See it all by yourself! Don’t forget our brother then! “

The two Thug(s)s are smiling at the moment, nodding their heads. If Boss Zhang sent them to see the scene, it would be the official Fengjiang!

It didn’t take long before Zhang Dahu came out. Zhang Dahu was sleeping at the moment. I was a little upset when I saw the military officer getting himself up, but when I heard that a beautiful woman had arrived, I immediately came to my spirit.

Brother Hu, look at this Little Girl, are you still in your eyes?” One of them said Thug(s) respectfully.

Zhang Dahu takes a closer look and is startled! This Little Girl lying on the ground is actually Su Yingzi! It ’s not that Zhang Dahu has seen Su Yingzi movies or bought her albums. In fact, Zhang Dahu, like other members of Black Tiger Gang, does not pay attention to those entertainment Celebrity things, but she still knows this Su Yingzi! This person is the Su Family of his partner Huang Youwei who has to be named!

It’s so easy to break through the sandals and find nowhere! Zhang Dahu also sent someone to catch the money of this Su Family, but helpless, Su Yingzi is full of bodyguards, there is no way to start! Now he was stunned by own! This is really great news! Although Zhang Dahu is lascivious, but he loves money more, Huang Youwei promises him, if he helps to get Little Girl of Su Family this time, he will give him a million!

Su Yingzi in his eyes at the moment, it has become a banknote of Chengshan, the sexual arousal that was originally aroused has long been thrown to the country of catching wow!

Zhang Dahu said with bright eyes: “How did you get this Little Girl?”

The two Thug(s)s have a strange expression when they see Brother Hu. At this moment, I heard Brother Hu ask such a question, thinking that they were in trouble and caught a woman who has something to do with the boss. They were shocked and said quickly: “Brother Hu … we don’t know who this woman … women! “

“Okay! Good!” Zhang Dahu suddenly said excitedly: “Great! Anyway, you two have done a great job for us Black Tiger Gang! Come here, give these two people 10,000 yuan each, and , In the future, we will be responsible for that Sheng Yue Di! “

The two Thug(s)s are suddenly inexplicable. This happiness is coming too fast, right? I thought that Brother Hu would let them take charge of these food market field protection fees. In their opinion, it is much stronger than the mess in the street all the time. I did not expect that Brother Hu directly gave Shengyuedi to him. Both, they also gave them a 10,000 yuan bonus!

They don’t know. Compared with the one million yuan of Huang Youwei, the two thousand yuan is really a small number! Whether Zhang Dahu can get this million is still unknown!

But Zhang Dahu apparently took that one million as a own bag, asking someone to lock up Su Yingzi, and then said to the own military division: “Call Huang Youwei! Tell others to catch it!”

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